Well this certainly is a bizarre web of betrayal, drug trafficking, murder and even prostitution. The more that is uncovered the more tangled the web of betrayal is revealed. Randy Mersereau was a Hells Angel. He was murdered by another Hells Angel. Some accounts claim he was murdered after he left the Hells Angels. All accounts agree he was a drug trafficker and did traffic drugs for the Hells Angels.
One account says he left the Hells Angels and was continuing to sell drugs and was murdered for doing so. Perhaps he didn’t want to pay the Quebec tax. Is the East Van tax any less? Perhaps but is the East Van leadership any less treacherous? Unlikely. Davie’s Vibrator is not loyal. David Giles is not from East Vancouver. He’s from Halifax and lives in a rich Kelowna suburb.
Here’s the low down: Randy was murdered. So was his brother and sister in law. Hells Angel Jeffrey Albert Lynds confessed to shooting Randy but has yet to be charged with the murder. Jeff’s nephew Curtis has been charged with the first degree murder of Randy’s brother and sister in law and has been charged as an accessory to the murder of Randy. Did Jeff rat out his own nephew as a plea bargain? That would even be lower than a narc.
Here’s a photo of Jeff:
And here’s a photo of his nephew Curtis:

Can you see the family resemblance? Gerald MacCabe is another member of the Paper Mario Clan. You can tell by the way he walks or should I saw cowers.

Leslie was charged with accessory after the fact in Randy’s murder. He has been accused of helping Jeff Lynds evade police after he murdered Randy. His lawyer is asking for protective custody and that Gerry Leslie not be held anywhere other than the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Halifax. One report claims his legs trembled as court was adjourned and deputies assisted him to his feet, remanding him into custody.
What could Leslie be so afraid of in Halifax? The 13th Tribe perhaps? Here’s some interesting history:
“According to law enforcement, the Halifax chapter played a part in the 1985 slaughter of five members of the Hells Angels North Chapter in Lennoxville. Police arrest Carroll, along with Halifax members Randall "Blondie" Mersereau, Patrick "Frenchy" Guernier, and John Christansen, are brought to Sherbrooke to stand trail on charges of first-degree murder. The bikers were later acquitted.
Although Carroll was exonerated of murder he, Randall Mersereau, and Patrick Guernier were convicted of living off the proceeds of prostitution on May 30, 1986. All received one-year prison sentences.”
Did you catch that? Law enforcement think Halifax were involved in the Lennovville massacre! They think Randy and David on the lam Carol were involved. Although they were acquitted of that charge they were later convicted of of living off the proceeds of prostitution.
Sorry as a gasp. Randy and David Carol were accused of the Lennoxville massacre? Then “they” get another Hells Angel to murder Randy? That’s so Vancouver Christmas of /95. Murder the person you had commit murder for you. Where on earth is the L & R there? There isn’t any!
However, local knowledge claims Randy and the Halifax chapter didn't know about the massacre before hand. They were invited to attend but didn't know before hand why. They claim David Caroll had no problem with it but Randy did and left the group. That's when they claim Caroll put the hit on Randy and made up the story about Randy putting a hit on him an mommy dearest.
It certainly is a tangled web of lies, betrayal, murder, drug trafficking and of course prostitution. Why the hell not throw that in there. While we’re at it let’s all get the number 666 tattooed to our forehead right beside the L that has already there since birth.
Who is Gerry Leslie?
ReplyDeleteGerry Leslie is Gerald Leslie MacCabe. Leslie is MacCabe's middle name.
ReplyDeleteGot ya. I hear he's out of jail now.
ReplyDeleteHe/she’s out on bail?
ReplyDeleteI know he's out, so I'm guessing he is out on bail. He's a small fish in all of this.
ReplyDeleteSmall fish indeed. Randy was murdered by the Hells Agnels. The whole organization is corrupt.
ReplyDeleteMacCabe is married/common law with Curtis Lynds sister.