Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Kamloops raid turn up empty handed

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Police will return items seized earlier this month during a high-profile raid of a North Shore gym - a search described by the lawyer for the business owner as “egregious” and “unlawful.” Heavily armed Kamloops Mounties and RCMP tactical officers descended on Heavy Metal Gym on Jan. 13. According to City of Kamloops licensing documents, the gym is owned by Konaam Shirzad - described in the past as a co-founder of the Red Scorpions gang. Jeremy Jensen, Shirzad’s lawyer, said police found nothing incriminating at the gym and alleged cops were specifically forbidden from seizing what they did. Jensen said investigators made off with computers and other office equipment.

Shirzad said his gym continues to operate at 145 Briar Ave. “The gym has been open the whole time,” he said. “It was never closed. It is not closed. People should feel free to come here. The only thing to fear is the police and their over-reaction.” Shirzad said police did not find anything illegal in his gym, because he is no longer part of the lifestyle that landed him behind bars in the last decade. “My past got brought up, but I’ve been doing a lot of good lately,” Shirzad said.

The traffic stop and drug seizure that led to the high profile public raid with freaking stun grenades wasn't the owner of the gym it was someone else. I guess I called it.

Surrey drug dealer fatally stabbed at Richmond Hospital

The Peace arch News reported that RCMP are looking for witnesses after a 24-year-old Surrey man died of stab wounds Friday night at Richmond General Hospital. Francis Le was found in the hospital parking lot just after 11:30 p.m. He was being treated when Richmond police arrived, but succumbed to his injuries. Other media outlets referred to him as a Surrey drug dealer.

Kim Bolan reported that "Last April, Le was sentenced to 10 months in jail in Surrey Provincial Court for possession for the purpose of trafficking and one day in jail for extortion with a firearm. His arrest was announced by Surrey RCMP in March 2015, after a 21-month investigation that also netted Sophon Sek."

B.C. fentanyl dealer sentenced to 14 years in prison

CBC is reporting that "A man accused of bearing "personal significant responsibility for hundreds of fentanyl-detected deaths in British Columbia has been given 14 years in prison, in the first major fentanyl-related sentencing in British Columbia since the opioid crisis began."

"Walter James McCormick was sentenced Monday, after an extended trial that centred around the government's desire to create a new sentencing range for fentanyl trafficking, a case in which the Crown was asking for an unprecedented 18-year prison term."

Will Surrey arrest the fentanyl dealers on the Surrey strip now or will they simply use this single scapegoat as a pretense for addressing the problem?

Michelle Obama and Abraham Lincoln

What a freaking mess. Abraham Lincoln used to say stand with any man as long as he stands right but part with him when they go wrong. This is where Donald Trump and I part ways. When the women's marches were protesting the election of Donald Trump it was rather silly because Trump hadn't made any specific policy they were protesting, they were simply protesting the results of a democratic election. Now people are protesting a policy and well they should.

I do not support Donald Trumps executive order on immigration. Period. That's all there is to it. It reminds of that discourse on slavery the brother from Boston wrote called F*ck the South. He recounted the American civl war and said who would want a union with anyone who would fight for the right to have slaves? I have to agree. Likewise, I do not want a union with anyone who practices religious discrimination and opposes a free republic. That's all there is to it. I'm not going to dwell on it. I will simply record my dissent and talk about other things.

I did like Barack Obama. Like Justin Trudeau, he was a nice guy. He was educated and well spoken. My concern with Obama was his misuse of executive privilege to hide Hillary Clinton's arms dealing and drug trafficking in Operation Fast and Furious. That was a criminal act and his misuse of executive privilege made him criminally culpable.

Likewise, while Obama was president Hillary Clinton's arms dealing went wild. She personally profited from selling Russian weapons grade Uranium. She also personally profited from selling ams to ISIS. This is a historical fact.

My concern now is that even some truthers have fallen to the hate and intolerance false flag attacks are designed to create. 911 was an inside job. Someone had to have gone in ahead of time and plant bombs on the load bearing beams so that all three towers would collapse into their own blueprint at freefall speed. That is what the experts in the field of controlled demolition declare. Operation Northwoods was real.

Even Alex Jones who fully understands that President Johnson recalled the air support for the USS Liberty when it was under attack, has fallen to the hate. I have not nor will I.

We were discussing the current conundrum at work and someone mentioned the thought of Michelle Obama becoming president. That is a great idea. Get Hillary to retire and run Michelle. That is a woman I could support. In the mean time, F*ck the South. We will take the high road because that is the type of society that I want to live in. Theirs is not. It really is that simple.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Another Brick in the Wall

I am somewhat concerned about the manufactured emergency Donald Trump's recent executive order on immigration has created banning American residents from returning home mid air. When we were kids they used to run commercials on TV about the Constitution and the process behind how a bill becomes a law. This whole executive order thing sounds very Star Wars to me. In our day we need to shun extremism. Recklessness is not prudent.

Time Magazine recently ran and article citing the hypocrisy of Donald Trumps executive order in relation to the poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty which reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

America was built on immigration. Unless we are First Nations, we are all immigrants. The Pilgrims came here on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution. That is why the constitution was framed. To protect the freedom of religion. Religious discrimination is against the law. It violates the constitution and a free republic.

In our day the Constitution is under attack like never before. I do not support Hillary Clinton at all. She is an arms dealing, money laundering drug dealing criminal. Nor do I support Donald Trump's recent executive order simply because it is illegal. When a newly elected president starts whipping out executive orders at the drop of a hat, that becomes concerning for everyone. That does not represent due process. It just sounds like the man who would be king.

Finian's Dream is the same as Martin Luther King's Dream. Martin Luther King dreamed of the day when the US Constitution would be more than a nice piece of paper hanging on the wall. He dreamed of the day when the constitution would actually be implemented creating a free republic for everyone regardless of race, color or creed. He dreamed of the day when black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, we are Free at Last! That includes Muslims.

If you are going to change something you need to give people notice. Crazy sweeping changes while people are mid air is insane and cruel. Building a brick wall around the Statue of Liberty is counter productive. When you fence people out, you also fence people in.

Canada offers temporary home to those stranded by Trump order

Woman set for deportation attempts suicide at JFK

God Bless Federal judge Ann Donnelly.

Update: The Vancouver Province is reporting that Trump asked Rudy Giuliani for a ‘Muslim ban’ and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’. Only religious discrimination is against the law. It violates the US Constitution and a free republic.

Rabbi Dan Moskovitz of Temple Shalom speaks as the Concerned Canadian Clergy for Refugees call upon the Canadian Government and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to immediately extend Transit Visas for individuals who have American visa in hand. "In rare unity, Orthodox and liberal denominations are critical of Trumps refugee ban."

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Syria Refugees in Surrey

Speaking of the dark side of Donald Trump, this is a tasty treat our Syrian refugee neighbours just sent over. They are wonderful. Welcome to Canada. Diversity makes us strong.

It's like a facebook slogan during the last election. "I don't hate my neighbours. They make me samosas." There is a large Indo Canadian population in Surrey but where I live its totally diverse. Syrian, Asian, Polish and us - British, Scotch Irish. They are all wonderful neighbours.

Richmond Homicide

BC local news is reporting that "RCMP are investigating a Friday night homicide in the 7000 block of Westminster Hwy. in Richmond. According to the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team, the homicide appears targeted."

The Dark side of Donald Trump

We've seen the dark side of Hillary Clinton. She has been deeply involved with arms dealing, money laundering and drug trafficking for a generation.

Now Donald Trump has revealed his dark side. I'm not referring to his beef with the CIA. That's a good thing. I'm not even referring to another brick in the wall. I'm referring to his ban on Muslims from certain countries but not Saudi Arabia. People seem to think rich muslims are OK but poor muslims aren't. Yet it goes far beyond that. It is a step towards racial profiling.

With one sweep of the pen, Donald Trump has created a ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries. It includes a ban on green card holders. As a result, US residents traveling abroad have been denied reentry into the United States. This is evil.

Most of the 911 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. Their visas were denied and the CIA overruled that decision and brought them in directly. Trumps ban will not help protect America from terrorists. The only way to protect America from terrorists is to ban the CIA.

In contrast, the Hill is reporting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday responded to President Trump's executive order banning refugees and halting immigration from several countries by welcoming those refugees to Canada. "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada" Trudeau tweeted. Makes you proud to be Canadian.

Canada should immediately open their borders to these working professionals denied reentry into the US. This is what I meant when I said I don't like Donald Trump as a person but think as a person, Justin Trudeau is a great guy. If there was only some way to balance the extremes. If Justine Trudeau could get his brain around avoiding unnecessary debt he would be perfect. Right now he is all heart and no business sense. Trump is the opposite. He is no heart all business. Humanity calls for a balance between the two. Welcome to Canada: Bienvenue.

Turns out the Trump ban includes Canadians who hold dual citizenship with one of those seven countries. Those Canadians are no longer allowed to enter the United States. Part of me says why would I want to go to a place like that? The other part of me says you guys are really missing out. Diversity makes us strong.

Update: And now the courts fight back to sustain the constitution.

Canada offers temporary home to those stranded by Trump order

The Lunar New Year and the Rise of the Terracotta Warriors

I rode down to Chinatown today to watch the New Years Parade since the Lunar New Year actually falls on a Saturday this year. The place was dead so I pulled over and asked someone where's the parade? They said oh that's on Sunday. My bad. My father always used to say there are three types of people in the world. Those that participate in the parade, those that watch the parade and those that don't even know a parade is on.

I like the Chinese New Year celebrations. Lots of firecrackers, drums and Lion dances. All the noise is supposed to chase off the evil spirits and usher in a New Year. This year is the year of the rooster which seems appropo. This is the year activists claim their right to free speech both in China and here at home. It makes me think of the Terracotta warriors.

Take up our quarrel with the foe to you from failing hands we throw the torch. Be yours to hod on high. If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep though poppies grow in Flanders fields. That also applies to the noble Terracotta soldiers. Just for the record, they weren't communist either. China has a magnificent history and culture that predates communism by thousands of years. I've always said that Chinatown is the heartbeat of Vancouver.

In 2014 the Express reported that Filmmakers from Britain, America and China are joining forces to create one of the biggest blockbusters in cinema history, based on the ancient Terracotta Warriors. The warriors are expected to rise from the grave in the Far East to rival Hollywood comic heroes such as Iron Man and Spider-Man." That sounds totally awesome.

The New york Daily News reported that it will be co-produced by "Amazing Spider-Man" producer Avi Arad. I sure hope its still on the table. That has a powerful potential.

Dave Habib steals house from his dead sister's children

In the words of Raiden from Mortal Kombat: Enough! Castanet is reporting that Dave Habib stole his dead sister's home from her children right after she died of cancer. That is as low as anyone can go. Evidently his "ex" wife teamed up with him to do the dirty deed.

So now she's an ex. The money's gone and so is that beautiful bride. I aint saying she's a gold digger but the records of the court did. She's not so pretty now is she? Makeup can never hide the ugly face of greed. What's worse is that a judge of the court denied Sally's children from postponing their eviction notice until after the hearing. There is no justice in that.

This is why judges need to be publicly accountable. The public pay their wages. They're just civil servants. The public elect the governments that create the laws the judges are supposed to uphold. As the Aldergrove judicial Review Board declares, bad decisions make judges accomplices to crime. Infotel has also picked up on the story.

Two of Dave's brothers, Sam and Mike, were charged in a $ 3 million Oxycontin fraud. Sam was sentenced in 2015. Dave's other brother is no longer a gang member. He used to be the president of the Kingpin Crew but they were disbanded after Joey Verma was charged with the murder of Brittney Irving. Dave Habib's connection to the Kelowna Hells Angels came directly from the Liquid Zoo. Every crime has a means and a motive. We must ask ourselves what is the real motive for this crime? Greed? Without question but on whose part? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. A lot of people are fed up with the Kelowna Hells Angels. Finish them.

Operation Deep Freeze is now in effect.