Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bre-X, George Bush and Brian Mulroney

I was just reading in Al Martin's book "The Conspirators" on page 31 where it claims that George Bush was on the Board of Directors for Bre-X and made $40 million off of that fraud.

They made a shoe cannon for Bush when he came to speak at Calagary. No wonder he loves the hard working people of Calgary. He scammed them out of $40 mill.

Al Martin also claims former Prime Minister Joe Clark made money from that fraud as well. Googling it shows Brian Mulroney was also involved. Bre-X was this huge Calgary based gold mining company fraud.

It was billed as the perfect crime because no one was held accountable. Michael de Guzman, the Bre-X geologist also died of a suspicious suicide. It was a $3 billion hoax.

The mining company collapsed after it was discovered that drilling sample bags had been sprinkled with outside bullion to inflate the results. Thousands of investors lost money, triggering a series of lawsuits against the company, Walsh and Felderhof.

Al Martin claims Joe Clark made money off Bre-X as well as Bush. Investing in Bre-X is different then making money off of it. Many innocent people invested in Bre-X and lost their shirt when it collapsed. People who sold at precisely the right time before it crashed and made a killing are suspect for insider trading.

Bre-X investor Jack Kindermann, who lost $500,000, had little sympathy Monday for Felderhof, who allegedly sold $84 million worth of stock prior to the company's collapse.

Al Martin claims that Bre-X is just another example of the continuation of the original fraud that links back to Iran-Contra. Martin claims that Iran-Contra was the genesis for a lot of the fraud that exists today. In some cases, not even the corporate names have changed. Seemingly, drug trafficking was only one aspect of Iran contra. There was a huge amount of spin off fraud that was used to raise funds as well.

One of these examples he gives in Trinity Oil and Gas (page 106) which he claims was founded in 1984 by the infamous Barry Seal. Barry Seal as we all know was the scape goat for all the CIA drug smuggling that went on out of Mena Arkansas.

Martin claims Trinity Oil and Gas was not only designed simply to be a fraud, but also as a vehicle to launder Barry Seal's money -- money that Barry Seal was earning from his narcotics activity. Martin sates there was much more to this man than simply drugs. His money laundering in corporate operations is an area which has never been touched.

It kind of reminds me how Raymond Sturgeon was tied to the company involved with Mulroney's helicopters as well as Harper's Jets. Not to mention the perpetual fraud of Harper's senior advisor Bruce Carson. Much. Then again those deals weren't directly tied to drugs.

It's reminiscent of Enron, the ultimate in corporate fraud where the US tried to privatize it's energy to it's insider friends. The Bush administration was tied to that fraud too. In fact, just like Bruce Carson, the Bush administration gave the Thomas E. White, the Enron book cooker a promotion to be the official book cooker form the Pentagon's missing three trillion dollars until public pressure from his involvement with Enron forced them to get rid of him.

Let's not forget Mulroney's involvement in the $1.8 billion sale of Airbus SAS aircraft to Air Canada wherein he was accused of getting kickbacks. Tears swelled up in his eyes in court when people thought he was a criminal. How sad.

All I can find so far is that Barrick gold was somehow tied to Bre-x and that George Bush served in an honorary capacity as an advisor to Barrick’s International Advisory Board for two years in the mid 1990’s. Another source claims Brian Mulroney was also an advisor to Barrick Gold. In fact Mulroney is curently still listed as a member of the Board of Directors for Barrick and is Chairman of Barrick’s International Advisory Board. It claims Mulroney has been a Director of Barrick since 1993. 1993 was the year Bre-X bought rights to the mine in Indonesia. Yet another source claims George Bush became a director of Barrick gold in 1995.

Interesting to note that the Green Party claims the Harper government has intervened to further the economic interests of Mr. Munk and Mr. Mulroney. Finance minister Jim Flaherty took what the Globe and Mail (May 7, page B1) called “the unusual step of intervening” by phoning CIBC executives to pressure them to settle up with Barrick Gold Corporation over a dispute over losses related to the current asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) meltdown. Maybe this is why they're not letting the Green Party participate in the televised debate this time.

Joe Clark was a special advisor on Africa for the mining company First Quantum Mineral, which did contraverial work in the Congo.

Hells Angels visit Kamloops

Ironic that the Hells Angels would show up to support a puppet club in Kamloops right after some finger puppets did a little house cleaning by way of murder. Police say Whiterock Hells Angels were represented as well as Kelowna. Even the Pinhead Crew were there. According to an old police document online, in 1997, an emerging gang, the Hub City Men's Club, sponsored by the Hells Angels Nanaimo chapter, surfaced in Kamloops. In spring 1998, this same gang received it's patch, calling themselves the Vipers. A second emerging gang, the Prince George Men's Club, acquired it's patch in January 1999 and became the Renegades. The Renegades were the ones caught selling pot and were in charge of the Crew who sold crack and cut off fingers for drug debts. Now they're in charge of the GTS who were just charged with committing a gang rape at the Renegades clubhouse in Prince George. In fact, one of the three individuals charged in that gang rape is Pion Associate #1 of Kamloops. Was he at the fundraising dinner. Interesting associations. Let's not forget about the two kids murdered on what neighbours claims was a Hells Angels grow op in Kamloops.

Cocaine found in Toronto-bound child's suitcase

Twelve soldiers assigned to combat drug trafficking in the Dominican Republic have been arrested in an alleged scheme to smuggle cocaine to Canada in a child's suitcase, a prosecutor said Monday.

Eight of the soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel and captain, were detailed to the national anti-drug agency at the airport in Puerto Plata while four were assigned to security duties at the airport terminal, said prosecutor Elvis Garcia. Two civilians who work there were also arrested.

A judge ordered all the suspects held pending an investigation into charges of drug smuggling, Garcia said.

The arrests stem from the discovery on March 23 of more than 33 kilograms (73 pounds) of cocaine in a child's suitcase. The girl was travelling with her parents and sister from Puerto Plata, about 240 kilometres (150 miles) north of Santo Domingo, to Toronto.

Edmonton Prison Guard charged with drug smuggling

A correctional officer at an Edmonton jail has been charged as a result of allegations that he smuggled drugs to inmates in the facility.

In November 2010, staff from the Edmonton Remand Centre notified Edmonton police about drugs making their way into the centre, prompting an investigation by the police’s drug and gang unit that led to the arrest of James Brian Johnstone, a 21-year-old correctional officer, and five others.

Johnstone is charged with conspiracy to commit drug trafficking, one count of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking cocaine, one count of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking marijuana and one count of possession of a controlled substance.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Opium in Afghanistan

In an interview about the Harper government trolling the Internet, Alex Jone made a comment about opium in Afghanistan. The commentator asked him to get back on topic but I think we should visit what he said because I think it is significant since it applies to politics and organized crime.

Alex Jones claimed Fox news admitted "Yeah our troops helped grow the opium in Afghanistan and they helped ship it out but if we don't grow it the Taliban will get it and then they'll make the money off it." Sure enough, Alex Jones was right and Fox news did admit it. Hey, isn't Oliver North a Fox news corespondent? Isn't that ironic.

Soldiers ignore and encourage the farmers. "If the US burned their crops, farmers would blame the US for their poverty and turn toward the Taliban."

"If we secure them getting a good harvest, now they're gonna get paid for all their hard work and then we can deal with trafficking afterwards." That is the new US policy. After farmers get paid try to capture drug traffickers. These troops have confiscated ten thousand pounds of opium before the profit reached the Taliban.

So that would clearly imply that they are only busting opium rings that profit the Taliban or the competition not opium rings that profit them. Can you believe that. Garry Webb was right all along.

This would support Julie Couillard's claim that Maxime Bernier told her that “the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with building democracy in that country but has to do with the global control of the opium trade. It’s a drug war.”

Nasty Dan gets 7 year criminal org conviction

A Surrey man has become the second person in B.C. to be sentenced on a charge of commission of an offence for criminal organization.

Daniel "Nasty" Michael MacNeil was sentenced to seven years in prison recently, in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver, after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, commission of an offence for criminal organization, and possession prohibited and restricted firearms with ammunition.

I find it puzzling that for the second time in BC criminal organization charges finally stuck without mentioning the name of the criminal organization. A dial a dope operation in Surrey selling crack and meth netting $2 million a year was not an independent organization. Was he with the UN or the Hells Angels?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A New Blog

Well I sure got punked on that fake April fools news report about the gas going up 30 cents a litre overnight. I knew the price of oil per barrel didn't warrant that kind of an increase in gas at the pump. It just goes to show you you can't believe everything you read in the media.

Since I've discovered so many things about Stephen Harper's abandonment of democracy, I've started a new blog and will put the political stuff on that and leave this blog for gang related issues. Political corruption clearly does fall within the realms of organized crime but there is so much on Harper it really needs it's own blog.

Many people hate politics. Understandably so. Yet Hitler was elected with 51% of the vote. We can't criticize Germany for being fooled by Hitler if we refuse to examine our own leaders.

The new blog is entitled It's not Harper's Government which sets the theme of looking at the many ways Stephen Harper has embarked down a road of dishonesty that leads us very far away from democracy and fiscal accountability.

Chuck Cadman was an activist from Surrey who started a group called CRY - Crime Responsibility and Youth after his teenage son Jesse was senselessly murdered by young offenders. He successfully lobbied to have the laws changed such that in some cases for violent crime like murder, young offenders could be tried as adults.

He became a well respected politician and after getting shafted by the Conservatives ran as an independent. As an independent the Harper Government tried to bribe him with an insurance fraud scam. He was dying of cancer. They promised him a large insurance policy for his family if he was to vote how they wanted. People dying of cancer don't qualify for a new insurance policy. It was a dishonest scam.

It's disappointing his wife Donna didn't run as an independent. It was shocking to see she caved in to them and ran for them in a subsequent election. No doubt it was easier for her to have access to all the Conservative campaign funds for signs and what not. Nevertheless a vote for Donna Cadman right now is a vote for the people who tried to bribe her husband. Not only that, it's a vote for Pandora's box of mean spirited politics that abandons democracy and public accountability.

Clearly our judicial system needs help in BC. However, I'm not prepared to throw out our Charter of Rights to fix that broken system which isn't inherently broken, just a bit mixed up. Minor course corrections are needed, not a Patriot Act which removes individual rights.

Yes we are suffering from Paul Martin's appointment of Peter Leask to the bench. Yet the Harper government appointed a Hells Angels lawyer to the bench in Quebec. One could argue that Paul Martin didn't realize what an idiot Peter Leask would turn out to be once he became a judge. One cannot argue that Stephen Harper did not know the president of the Conservative party was a lawyer who had represented the Hells Angels. That brings us once again to the opium in Afghanistan...

But before we look at the opium in Afghanistan, let's remember the current financial sate of the Country. Harper is pushing for the HST - a "Harmonized Sales Tax" that taxes things which are normally tax exempt. Our prisons are currently overcrowded as is even with our crappy judicial system. If we are going to take steps to improve the state of the prisons and the state of our crappy judicial system, we need to take those steps one at a time and avoid huge sweeping extremism.

If we want to address the over crowding in prisons we need to do that. If we want to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime we need to do that. Then we need to see how much that costs and plan for it accordingly. If we find that we can fiscally manage those two steps then we can rightfully say we are fiscally prepared to take another step.

Harper hiding the costs of his over reaching crime bill is not only illegal and undemocratic, it is fiscally irresponsible. George Bush added trillions to the national debt. We need to rise above name calling and silly stereotypes that are no longer believable if we are going to move forward as a nation. Harper calling everyone who disagrees with him Separatists and Socialists is absurd and counter productive aside from being completely untrue.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Mayor of Kamloops is a Pimp

Well Kamloops Mayor Peter Milobar is no sugar daddy but he sure is a pimp. It's not enough that he makes almost four times as much as any city councillor. The City of Kamloops is demanding everyone who places an add in the local paper for an escort service to pay a $3,000.00 fee for an escort license.

Let's hypothetically say that the escort license was really a license to run a bawdy house. At $150.00 a client, that's a lot of clients to pay for the freaking City Pimp license.

Oh, but it's not a license to run a bawdy house because that would be illegal. The license says it's just for an escort service. Well that's even more escorts to pay for the $3,000.00 licence.

Now I am not a fan of prostitution. I recognize that it's referred to as the oldest profession and what happens between consenting adults is their business. I am concerned with exploitation and human trafficking. I don't support the legalization of prostitution for that reason. It would make it impossible to protect women from exploitation.

Decriminalization would make more sense if done in private behind closed doors but I'm still not comfortable with taxing it as that would be wrong. Street prostitution has lot more social problems for society that are not solved by creating a red light district in Kamloops.

Another Oil Company Scam

Maybe this is just an April Fools prank. If not it's the biggest scam since the bank and the stock market bailout. Gas is set to rise by an unprecedented 30 cents a litre, as world events drive prices up across the country. This is what happens when you trade commodities on the stock market. The crooks get greedy. World events? We were the ones that started the boycott of oil from Libya in the first place.

Hmmmm. let's do the math. Not long ago price of oil dropped so OPEC considered raising output. March 8, after the Libya uprising started, U.S. crude oil futures settled at $105.02 a barrel in trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, down 42 cents. In London, Brent crude dropped $2.79 to $112.25 per barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

So let me get this straight. Today WTI Crude is at $107.00 a barrel and Bent Crude is at $117.36 a barrel. That's a sharp increase of 0.26% and 0.12%. Even from the March 8 low it's only an increase of $1.98 and $2.11 a barrel. Not a significant enough increase to warrant a 30 cents a litre increase in the price of gas overnight. (An over night increase of $1.36 a gallon with the Canadian dollar at par with the US dollar) We are being had.

The stock market is driven by fear, greed and speculation. A Jedi seeks not after these things. When trading commodities on the stock market, weather reports and other related news can affect the speculation governing investment in a product. Let's face it, people who but stocks in oil want a high return on their investment. They will jump at any opportunity to raise the price of gas.

Not long ago, when we had a gas war on, that is when local gas stations were in a price war competing for business, it was really hard for the average gas station to make a profit. Not so any more. Ever since gas prices have skyrocketed the price war has not been in effect and all the gas stations are making a killing. This overnight raise in the price of gas is a complete scam.

Is this more propaganda to get the public to support the unlawful invasion of countries for their oil?

Saudi Arabia, due to higher government spending this year, will need its oil to sell for $88 a barrel in 2011 for its government to break even–up from $68 last year, according to a new estimate from the Institute of International Finance, a global bankers’ trade group.

Scam! The Saudi dictatorship that the people are protesting against has increased spending so they have to raise the price of oil $20 a barrel to keep up with their spending. What a joke. Only it's not funny because it's killing us.

Raising the price of gas raises the price of everything we buy in stores because the goods we buy are transported there by trucks that use gas. Who killed the electric car anyways? It's time to get electric cars back on the table and stop enabling the huge profits from the oil companies scams.

Maybe we should boycotts oil from Saudi Arabia instead of boycotting it from Libya? Ever think of that Neo Cons?

Harper Government fires whistle blowers

Richard Colvin was an "absolutely rock solid" diplomatic staffer who stepped up and volunteered to go to Afghanistan as a civilian representative with Canada's Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar after Glyn Berry, a close friend of Semple, was killed by a suicide car bomber outside Kandahar.

When Colvin expressed concern that Canada was handing over Afghan prisoners to be tortured the Harper Government attacked and fired him. Peter MacKay, the one who point blank lied about referring to Belinda Stronach as a dog after she crossed over when he was caught on take doing so. He simply lied and denied it so that somehow makes his accusations as a foreign minister credible.

Instead of dealing with the allegations, which it turns out they already knew about, the neo cons lie and attack a real patriot who went to Afghanistan to serve his county in the memory of his friend who was killed. Shame on the Harper Neo Con Government.

Likewise the Harper Government attacked and fired Linda Keen for blowing the whistle on an unsafe nuclear reactor built on a fault zone after the government neglected to do the necessary upgrades to keep it running. The neo con spin was the shortage of medical isotopes the closure of the reactor would cause.

Perhaps the government should have done the necessary maintenance to keep the reactor running then. Or better yet, perhaps they could make medical isotopes from one of the other operational nuclear reactors? But no, the neo cons rather create a manufactured emergency to perpetuate an unsafe reactor while they discredit and fire one of their own people. Again.

Can you see the pattern? Hide information from the public. Attack and fire whistle blowers for exposing the truth. Lie and deny any and all allegations and spin the allegations with absurd rationalizations. This is the perpetual Neo Con. BTW firing whistle blowers is illegal.

According to MacLeans, there have been at least a dozen cases:

Linda Keen, Arthur Carty, Bernard Shapiro, Kevin Page, Peter Tinsley, Richard Colvin, Marc Mayrand, Paul Kennedy, Robert Marleau, Munir Sheikh, Pat Stogran and Chief Supt. Marty Cheliak.

The Harper Government even fired Paul Kennedy the head of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP who investigated the RCMP actions in the taser death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at the airport.