Saturday, June 4, 2011

Burrows Magic

How about Burrows overtime goal against Boston? That was magic. Like the commentator said, I don't know about game one but in game two Burrows sure took a bite out of Boston. They were all complaining and claimed that Burrows bit a guys finger in game one. In the photo it just looked like they were pushing and the Bruin stuck his open hand in burrows face and crammed his finger in Burrows mouth. It sure didn't look like he pulled a Mike Tyson and intentionally bit the guy. Moral of the story: Don't stick your hand in his face.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Second man charged in 2008 Mission double murder

Justin Andrew MacKinnon, 26, was charged Thursday with two counts of first-degree murder in the death of Guthrie McKay and Lisa Dudley. Last month Jack Douglas Woodruff, 52, of Surrey was charged with the same counts of first degree murder in the death of the same couple.

Police say it was a targeted hit but have not released the motive for the hit or the affiliation of the shooters. Karen Batke, Jack Douglas Woodruff's girlfriend went missing back in 2007. Police believe she too has met with foul play.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Palin Trump - Dumb and Dumber

The Republicans have got to do better than that. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin? That's like dumb and dumber revisited. The wing nut and the whack job. A tax evading Nazi who wants to invade countries like Libya to steal their oil and a down right idiot who can't remember if the US supported North or South Korea in the war. God help us.

Sarah Palin also recently mixed up the Paul Revere story as well. Giving her the nuclear codes would be somewhat less than comical.

Quebec's own Peter Leask

I suppose we've all heard about the 31 Hells Angels and associates who were arrested in a large drug sweep in Quebec and had their charges dropped by an insane judge who felt that some time in the future they would be denied the right to a speedy trial. Some time in the future. Like that's not bizarre.

Well it turns out in 2005 this same judge lifted all 14 restrictions on serial killer Karla Homolka, imposed by the court before she was released from prison which thankfully the Quebec Government appealed. Thankfully the Quebec government is appealing this insane decision as well.

Peter Leask is a court judge in BC that most of us here think is a complete idiot. He is either inept or corrupt. It appears that James Brunton is Quebec's own version of Peter Leask. Our condolences to our brothers and sisters in Quebec. Keep the faith. J'imagine.

Et merci pour Luongo. The Montreal Canadians have made some significant contributions to the sport for generations with Ken Dryder, Guy Lafleur and the crew. They made us all proud when we were kids. This year it's finally Vancouver's turn. Can you believe that? Yet Joannie Rochette is still the queen of our hearts.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Vancouver Canucks

How about them Canucks?! Torres scores late in the third period to give Canucks the win in Game 1. They had the game on the big screen at Surrey Central. The game was 0 - 0 at the end of the second period. Lots of silly penalties on both sides yet both teams power plays were ineffective and the game remained scoreless.

I'm thinking to myself, the Canucks are still in this. Kesler is winning most of the face offs. No one is really dominating the game. Even if the Canucks had lost game one, they'd still be in it. They have a very real chance at actually winning the series and winning the Stanley cup for the first time in history.

Boston is a great city and I rather lose to Boston than some of the other places but that just might not happen. We just might win. Back in the day the Boston Bruins had some pretty big names like Bobby Orr when they won the Stanley cup, but we have the big names now: Kesler, Luongo, the Sedins, Bieksa.

There have been quite a few Youtube videos to get people pumped up about the series. Someone put Eminem's Lose Yourself to Cannucks footage. Someone else rewrote Bruno Mars The Lazy Song to a Canucks theme. Then there was a funny video about a Bruins fan in Vancouver that even made the paper. And of course there's Drake and the black, red, yellow. It's just a game right? Yeah right. This is history. Boston Pizza even changed their name for the playoffs.

Remember how Towel Power started? That was in Chicago. It was a protest against bad officiating. It is now a tradition. We're all pretty nervous watching the games. It's not until after the game with a win on paper that the cars start honking across the province. It's a taste of the Olympic spirit that swept Vancouver in 2010.

Interesting to note that Colin Fraser brought the Stanley cup to Surrey in 2010. He was from Surrey but actually played for the Chicago Blackhawks when they won the Stanley cup. Longtime Abbotsford resident Scott Bradley is playing with the Bruins this year.

I tell ya what's going to save Surrey. Immigration. I remember years ago when they changed the name of Whalley Exchange to Surrey Central. We all laughed and said you can change the name but you can't change Whalley. But they have. The demographics has changed considerably. Back in the day a Surrey rat was a white kid with long hair, daytons, a scruffy jean jacket and a lumberjack shirt who listened to heavy metal music. Surrey Central with the new University and all the new construction is changing. Soon it will host the new library and city hall. Sure some of the old jokes and stereotypes continue but things are changing. The future lives here.

Seeing photos of a canucks jersey on the statue of Lord Stanley at Stanley park just clued me in. That's the same Lord Stanley the cup is named after. He was governor general at the time and donated a cup to be used for a championship between the various hockey teams. Indeed the cup is coming home.

The Vernon Greeks and the Hells Angels

Disclaimer: Please note this Peter Manolakos is not a Medical Doctor from Boston and has never been to university. He’s a crack dealer from Western Canada tied to the Hells Angels. Different person, same name, worlds apart.

Freddy asked me why I don't write about the Greeks who were selling drugs in Vernon and I simply was honest and said I don't know much about them. My gut feeling was that since Vernon is to Kelowna what Dawson Creek is to Prince George, I could not see how the Greeks in Vernon could function without the support of the Hells Angels. Three minutes on Google confirmed that premise.

Police say the “Greeks” have links to the Hells Angels. Marniuk's death is also linked to last year's extensive search of a Vernon warehouse that has links to the Hells Angels. The place on Fairweather Road is owned by Zenon Stepkowski whom police confirm is an associate of the Calgary chapter of the Hells Angels.

Police allege The Greeks were involved in smuggling cocaine and heroin, and have ties to biker gangs. "The Hells Angels out of Calgary and Kelowna have sanctioned The Greeks in Vernon to carry out their drug trafficking business," alleged Haslett.

Castanet posted two articles about the Greeks in Vernon with a photo of some support gear seized from the Greeks. One shirt said Be Silent or Be Silenced. The others were clearly Hells Angels support gear including one that said support your local big red machine Calgary. Which would not only confirm a Hells Angels affiliation but also specifically an affiliation with Calgary as was implied with Zenon Stepkowski's involvement.

Let's have a quick peek at the drug related violence that affiliation created in Vernon. Andre Raymond admitted to one count of first-degree murder in the death of Ron Thom and three counts of manslaughter in the deaths of David Marniuk, Thomas Bryce and Robert Hewison. Raymond was sentenced to life in prison with no eligibility for parole for 25 years.

RCMP said the four deaths were part of a case involving seven homicides in just over a year between April 2004 and May 2005. It's the largest case they've handled in the Okanagan city of about 36,000 residents.

RCMP said they believe the killings were part of an on-going gang war over control of street drugs. Sgt. Al Haslett, who led the police investigation, said Raymond was just one of the people involved in the gang killings. "Andre Raymond was a member of the Greek organization. They were involved in homicides, high-echelon level drug trafficking as well as controlling street-level trafficking," the undercover cop told CBC News. "They were involved in every type of criminal activity imaginable."

In April of 2007, Ken Beck pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the Hewison killing and was sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 10 years.

Five other men — Sheldon O'Donnell, Leslie Podolski, Dale Sipes, Peter Manolakos and Douglas Brownell — are also charged with murder after a total of seven men were shot or beaten to death.

Andrew Yeo, manager of a local shelter called Upper Room Mission, said there's still drug-related violence on the streets. "People fear the Greeks. That's a name that absolutely struck fear in people's hearts," he said. "People walk into the Mission with a bruised eye or broken arm and you just know what [it is] about," Yeo said.

The Vernon Greeks are in the media now because their case is coming to trial in Vancouver. As we hear the gory details of the trial let's remember who is ultimately responsible for that drug related violence. The ones who supplied and empowered them to do their work, the Hells Angels. Moles and mules are a dime a dozen. Let's not forget who the Greeks were affiliated with.

The term silence or be silenced is very temporary. It's like trying to stop water from flowing down stream. It defies gravity. No lie can live forever. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again. What's done in the dark shall be brought to the light. That's a law of physics. Testifying against these kinds of criminals is not being a rat. Being a rat is profiting from that kind of depravity and turning the other way.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mountie shared crime data about the Hells Angels

Speaking of security breaches, the Vancouver Sun and the Province both ran a rather bizarre article coming gout of Ottawa today about a Manitoba Mountie. Seemingly an RCMP officer did some unauthorised security checks on his wife and the Hells Angels. He claims he didn't share the information with the Hells Angels but he admitted he shared the information with his wife. Who, get this, is a Hells Angels Associate.

It gets weirder. The reason he got caught was because his wife was crossing the border and admitted to a customs agent she had former business dealings with an outlaw biker and admitted she still visits him in prison. I kid you not. US customs fond out her husband was an RCMP officer and they checked what kind of criminal database enquiries he made. Turns out he was looking at info about his wife and the Hells Angels.

Giving the guy the benefit of the doubt it's remotely possible he was checking his wife's criminal history. That is something I'd likely do myself since they just met in 2009. If she admitted to a customs agent she had previous business dealings with a Hells Angel then she must have admitted that to her husband as well.

The police and US customs would be in a better position to determine what kind of information he was looking at which would more likely answer the why but the flaming question is what is an RCMP officer doing married to a women who is a Hells Angels associate and currently visits a Hells Angel in prison. If that is not a flaming red flag, I don't know what is.

If her friend is in prison then it's most likely part of the Zig Zag Crew bust that was all drug related and involved Sean Wolfe among others. Saying that she had business dealings with drug dealers in the past and still visits a drug dealer in prison is somewhat concerning.

It's reminiscent of Ian Grant who was caught with confidential RCMP documents about the Hells angels and all of their rivals in his home. Ian Grant was from Manitoba. The article in the Sun goes a bit further to explain the officer claims he did the checks to protect himself and the force. Sharing the information with his wife could have been more like confronting her with her past.

There is a big difference between checking out if the women you just met and are going to marry has a criminal past compared to giving the Hells angels confidential information as was found in Ian Grant's home.

One would think that if he found 185 documents about his wife and the Hells Angels then that might be a bit of a red flag. Her continued friendship with a Hells Angel in prison certainly is.

The Source

Randy and Trevor Jones are twin brothers. They have both been implicated in a huge cross border Hells Angels drug ring bust. Yet this Hells Angels drug ring bust is not long after the recent one that was busted involving Robert Shannon and Hal Porteous.

First, let's examine the recent bust implicating the Jones brothers. It was a huge cross border drug ring that involved bringing 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of marijuana from Canada through Surrey and distributing it across the United States every month. It also involved bringing 100 to 200 kilograms of cocaine from Mexico through California and into Canada through Surrey every month.

The Source of the marijuana and the destination for the cocaine was a Hells Angels strip bar in Surrey which Trevor Jones and his brother Randy own and operate. Although the US Indictment has seen numerous arrests on the American side of the drug ring, there has been no arrests whatsoever that has touched the source or destination of the drugs on the Canadian side of the border.

The Hells Angels still control all the grow ops that produced that much pot every month and the Hells Angels still control all the dealers that sold that much crack in Canada every month.

The same drug ring that involved Robert Shannon continued involving another mule and will continue to do so. Mules are easy to find and easy to replace. To stop the problem we need to find the source.

Since this latest bust is out of Seattle, it causes us to reflect on another DEA operation out of Seattle that was prevented from happening by Richard Barszczewski. US officials had a boat loaded with 5,500 pounds of cocaine headed for the Hells Angels in Canada on the BC coast back in 2001.

Initially the Canadian RCMP had an informant that was going to help them get a large Hells Angels drug bust. Richard Barszczewski said no. He didn't want to pay the informant. Yet that is what it takes to bring down organized crime. They paid Michael Plante and Agent 22 which was very effective at shattering the false claims of the Hells Angels' innocence.

Yet it goes deeper than that. It wasn't just the fact that Barszczewski didn't want to cough up the money for the informant. The US DEA had intercepted the boat loaded with cocaine. They were willing to follow the boat to the Hells Angel source in BC that would receive the boat load of cocaine. The RCMP said American police can't come into Canadian waters with guns and the Americans said we are not going on a drug bust without our guns. So it never happened.

Now I'm the first one to express concerns about US law enforcement coming into Canada with guns. Yet the motive of Richard Barszczewski for preventing any Hells Angels from being arrested is clearly suspect. As was his subsequent promotion to the military.

We know the US military is helping cultivate and harvest opium in Afghanistan. We know that the Hells Angels have been caught selling heroin to prostitutes in Vancouver. It really makes you wonder what the source of that heroin really is.

Fox News claims the US military is helping cultivate and harvest opium so that money doesn't go to the Taliban and promise that they will try and intercept the heroin "somewhere" down the line. Are they really? Or are they just intercepting heroin shipments from the competitors that go to fund the Taliban as they let the shipments that fund them through.

Speaking of Seattle, lets ask why Chuck Pillon was fired from the Seattle PD for putting pressure on the crack dealers and for complaining about the police chief's complacency in allowing the crack dealers to continue. Every time a police officer started putting pressure on the crack dealers, they were transferred and put behind a desk. That was back in the /80's.

Catherine Austin Fitts claimed Gary Webb's book, The Dark Alliance was meticulous. She said as a former government official working within the Bush Administration, his book rang true. Yet he was attacked and slandered for it to his grave.

Clearly the CIA and the DEA are two separate organizations that sometimes have conflicting objectives. Judge Bonner was a former DEA agent that complained about the CIA bringing huge amounts of cocaine into Florida. The CIA adamantly denied it over and over again. Then Judge Bonner went on 60 minutes and documented everything. Finally the CIA admitted they had done it but claimed that was the only time and it was a mistake.

Yet we know from the documentation of Mena Arkansas which was tied to Bill Clinton as well as the Bush Administration, it wasn't the only time and it wasn't a mistake. The VPD were concerned about setting up an under cover operation to infiltrate the East Vancouver Hells Angels. They were concerned that the security of the Attorney Genera's office was compromised. Indeed those concerns have merit but it's not just the CIA. Military intelligence has been trafficking arms and drugs for years.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A ton of pot and 200 kilograms of cocaine a month

U.S. law enforcement agents allege Hells Angel associate Trevor Jones was the Canadian “boss” of the drug ring alleged to have distributed up to a tonne of pot and 200 kilograms of cocaine a month for several years.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jeffrey Backhus and Vincent Lombardi asserted Stuart and his associates delivered marijuana to California, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia and New Jersey, and returned cocaine to Washington in an effort to smuggle it into Canada. “Jacob Stuart has been involved in drug trafficking for approximately 20 years.”

1,000 to 2,000 pounds of pot per month coming from Surrey and distributed across the United States and 100 to 200 kilos of cocaine per month coming back into Canada through Surrey. That is a large operation. It kind of concerns me when we hear Eric Sandberg tell a fellow Hells Angels associate from the Zig Zag Crew they were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey.

It kind of reaffirms concerns about the Hells Angels violent bid to take over the production and sale of pot in BC. Once again, I personally don't see pot as the problem despite the huge volume this ring was involved with. The problem I see is paying for all that pot with cocaine to be sold as crack in Canada. That is the problem. It wrecks havoc on our society.

One can speculate on who ultimately profits from the sale of all that cocaine, yet the fact is, that's a lot of money. At 5:00 Catherine Austin Fitts said she was speaking to a group of spiritually minded concerned citizens and she asked them, if she had a big red button that would stop all the money laundering from all the illegal drug sales who would press the button?

Out of a hundred people present, only one person said they would press the button. She asked the other 99 why they wouldn't press the button and they said, we don't want our taxes to go up and our mutual funds to go down. Yet Catherine Austin Fitts explains that the tapeworm economy is extracting all that money from the system and leaching off of it. If we change the way we view the system we can change the way we are being exploited by it. We can actually make money by pushing the red button.

The Californian prison system is a clear example of how the direction that Stephen Harper wants to take us is not fiscally responsible nor is it morally responsible. Decriminalize pot and deal with violent crime and hard drugs. It really is that simple.

This cross border drug bust has not pushed the big red button. The Hells Angels still use violence to control all the grow ops. The Hells Angels are still bringing huge amounts of cocaine into Canada to be sold as crack. Arresting Robert Shannon didn't stop anything. After an arrest is made the Hells Angels just find another mule. Skeletor, Weird Hal or the Walrus, it really makes no difference. White collar criminals profiting from dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

What we need to do is set up some licensed medicinal grow ops that are not controlled by the Hells Angels. When the Hells Angels use violence to take them over, the gang task force need to enforce the law and protect those medicinal grow ops from being taken over by that criminal organization. That is the first step.

If affiliation with the Hells Angels makes one not fit and proper to hold a liquor license, then it makes one not fit and proper to hold a medicinal grow op license as well.

The Ontario supreme court decision did not say it's time to legalize pot. It said that many people have prescriptions for medicinal marijuana. Accessibility for fulfilling those prescriptions isn't happening. Especially when we allow medicinal grow ops to be controlled by a criminal organization.

People say if pot was legal the Hells Angels would lose their monopoly. Not necessarily. Medicinal grow ops are legal and the Hells Angels control them. The first step in cleaning up the mess is breaking the Hells Angels control of medicinal grow ops.

Randy Jones and his brother Trevor implicated in cross border drug ring

Well Kim Bolan does it again. She finds the court documents that names Trevor Jones, Randy's brother as the origin of the pot for the massive pot and cocaine drug ring recently busted in Seattle. Court documents claim he is the owner of Tbarz even though Russel Peters seems to think Randy is. Trevor is listed as the agent while Gladys' name is on the land title. Randy was the registered owner of the T barz domain name until we went public with that info and he changed it over to Gladys. Let's give it up for the Walrus. He is the egg man. Coo coo ca chew. See how they run like pigs from a gun. I'm crying.

Interesting to note that in the comic series the Archies, Gladys Jones was Jughead's mother. I guess if Randy is the Walrus then Trevor must be Jughead. Then again Randy does look like a cowboy. I guess they'll call Tbarz the YMCA now.

“We believe that during this and the previous trip, Lamar was delivering money to Trevor Jones, which the Stuart drug trafficking organization owed for marijuana obtained from the Jones brothers,” Winger testified in a court document. "From the Jones brothers" - plural. That would implicate Randy as well as Trevor.