Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hells Angel shooting in Ottawa Shopping Mall

Two men were killed in a shooting Wednesday night in an east-end Ottawa shopping mall. One of the victims has been identified as Graham Thomas, co-owner of the Caribbean Exposure tanning salon, in which or near where the shots are believed to have been fired.

Thomas was arrested in 2000 in a police operation to dismantle the region's most prolific supply chains for cocaine and other drugs. He was a lieutenant for Richard Clarke, of Montreal, who was a broker between cocaine suppliers in Montreal and a relatively big drug-distribution network in the Ottawa area.

Police sources told CBC News Graham Thomas was running a "criminal" enterprise in Ottawa for several years and had affiliations with the Hells Angels. Sources told CBC News Thomas may have done enforcement work for the Hells Angels but was not a full patch member of the gang.

In 2000, Thomas was arrested in a major raid on some of Ottawa's major drug dealers, police said at the time. The Hells Angels motorcycle gang was also the focus of that drug bust. However, Outlaws, rivals of the Hells Agnels, were also targeted.

Court records show Thomas was set to appear in court next Sept. 17 for charges of assault with a weapon and aggravated assault. The charges came after an incident May 5 this year when police said Thomas assaulted another man with a baseball bat.

Court records also show Thomas escaped charges and jail time in four other charges for assault, drugs and break and enter. They were all withdrawn during an eight-year period between 1997 and 2005.

Two sources told the Ottawa Citizen the second man was Jason Chapman. Jason was convicted of drug trafficking in 2007. Police sources also said Chapman was a driver for Thomas because he lost his license due to the impaired driving charges in 2008. Thomas rode in a Bentley GT worth about $250,000, one of only two in Ottawa, police sources said.

So the question is, were the shooters from a rival gang or was it just another case of the Hells Angels shooting their own as house cleaning. And the answer is: False allegations of being a police informant. Just like Britney Irving. They didn't even notice the spelling errors in the fake report. Ontario Village Idiots.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

367 kilograms of cocaine seized

Another man has been arrested as part of a major drug investigation that spans from Vancouver to Regina, Saskatchewan. Troy Ernest Swanson, a 25-year-old from Coldstream has been charged with Importation of Cocaine, Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Cocaine, Participating in a Criminal Organization, Conspiracy to Import Cocaine. Coldstream - that's in Vernon.

Swanson along with three other men from B.C. are allegedly part of a criminal organization that imported cocaine into Canada through unmanned boarder crossings in southern Saskatchewan. Gee I wonder which criminal organization was selling cocaine in Vernon with the Greeks? Looks like the Calgary hells angels connection to Vernon has been replaced with the 51 Edmonton Hells Angels connection.

Speaking of the Edmonton Hells Angels, (EA - 51) it's amazing to see how large their cocaine operation is in Northern Alberta and how much control they had over it. Even with that large cocaine bust of their puppet club the White Boys Posse, the media admitted most of those involved were out on bail right away.

It's amazing how many small cities in Northern Alberta the Hells Angels were supplying with cocaine and controlling the drug market there. It sure makes you wonder if some of the recent shooting homicides in Edmonton were tied to the drug trade and the Hells Angels. We know that one of the two individuals shot in the bullet ridden SUV at the Edmonton cemetery had a criminal record for possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

Those low life slobs from the White boys Posse sure make the term white supremacist an oxymoron. Those Nazi slobs look like dirty pigs. They sure don't look any better than anyone else.

New Developments at Pickton Inquiry

A disturbing new development at the Pickton inquiry. Lynn Frey, the step mother of one of the murder victims found on the Pickton farm, took the stand at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry on Monday to insist she told Vancouver police about the farm belonging to killer Robert Pickton years before he was arrested.

Frey said after what she felt was "indifference" from Campbell River RCMP and the VPD, she finally found a "caring, compassionate" police officer, Vancouver Det. Const. Lori Shenher, who was assigned to missing persons.

"I gave all my information to Lori," said Frey, including details of the Pickton farm and the rampant street rumours about the wood chipper. She said Shenher scolded her for going to the Pickton farm and told her to "leave police work to us."

But lawyer David Crossin, acting for the Vancouver Police Union and Shenher, told Frey in cross-examination that Shenher "has no record in her notes" of ever being told by Frey about the pig farm. Frey replied, to loud applause from the audience, that police were covering up.

"There's a big cover up here, I know what I said," Frey insisted.

The lawyer for the Vancouver Police Union said Shenher "has no record in her notes" of ever being told by Frey about the pig farm. Wow. That is disheartening. Like who's side is this guy on? I am starting to wonder if the cover up involves more than indifference over missing sex trade workers.

We know that the Hells Angels attended parties on site at Piggy's Palace. We know they tried to deny this but witnesses confirmed they were there all the time. In fact the court was told the Hells Angels ran a grow op on site. But there's more.

Some claim police officers also attended parties at Piggy's palace. At first I sluffed that off as nonsense, but now I'm beginning to wonder. Corruption can enter any organization. We saw it infiltrate the bench in Prince George. Judge Ramsay was convicted of violent sexual assault of under age native women. There was a huge cover up of that case before it went to trial and he was convicted.

There were even allegations at the time some police officers were involved in the Ramsay case. I recall reading about how one of the police officers who was accused of being involved, sued the RCMP for investigating him. I kid you not. Surely if the allegation is out there, investigating that allegation is in everyone's best interest.

The Globe and Mail is reporting that the inquiry will hear that off-duty officers “frequented” Piggy’s Palace, Mr. Ward said, without elaborating on whether the police were undercover or not. Those are some pretty significant allegations.

The are some pretty extreme and dramatic allegations of police officers involved in raping prostitutes and doing all sorts of twisted things. If I'm not mistaken the Picktom inquiry recently heard testimony from one witness who claimed she was a prostitute and was blackmailed by members of the VPD forcing her to have sex with them or they would arrest her. I am concerned how deep the cover up has gone. Evidently those allegations at the time fell on deaf ears.

It reminds me of the story about RCMP officers getting caught trying to smuggle a prostitute onto a cruise ship in a hockey bag during the Olympics. That one was denied and swept under the carpet. Yet there were two officers "investigated" for sexual assault of other female officers during the Olympics. We even had our own Colonel Wing Nut out in Revelstoke several years ago.

A reporter recently said they distinctly remember hearing on the radio news of a huge Hells angels drugs and guns bust around the time Pickton was arrested. All of a sudden, those charges were dropped and Pickton was given up along with the location of several bodies. Robert's brother Dave, who was a Hells Angels associate at the time, according to Robert's lawyer, knew where the bodies were buried and told the police shortly thereafter.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Surrey Shooting ends in fatality

A masked gunman was seen running up to a black Acura in a strip mall at 100th Avenue and King George Highway about 8:20 p.m. and firing several rounds inside. The driver of the Acura, Stephen Leone, was found by police and emergency responders slumped over the steering wheel. He was taken to hospital and later pronounced dead.

Stephen Leone had a criminal record for drug trafficking. Kim Bolan is reporting he is with the Dhak gang who the Hells Angels have been shooting for selling drugs in their area. Gee I wonder who is responsible for this murder? At least now we can finally see the truth and clearly see who is ultimately responsible.

Khun-Khun shot, Billy Woo murdered and now Stephen Leone. Three Surrey shootings for the Hells Angels in five weeks. That's not even counting the one outside the Mirage. Imagine that. It would appear their direct involvement in the Vancouver gang war is nothing new after all. Eric Sandberg did tell agent 22 "they" were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey back in 2009.

The fact that the Hells angels are currently using violence to maintain their grip on the drug trade in Surrey, renewed concerns arise about then Hells angels involvement with prostitution. They kept lying about the drugs. What else have they lied about? I keep thinking about that graffiti I saw on a burned out house several years ago a few doors up from the Surrey House of Horrors right by where a Hells Agnella lived. Or at least right by where a Hells Agnella parked his truck.

We know that East Van Hells Angel Joseph Bruce Skreptak owned a house in Kelowna with a grow op in it. He claimed the grow op belonged to the tenants not to him even though his truck was parked outside with a Hells angels bumper sticker on it and Hells angels bumper stickers displayed in the grow op.

Here's the double edged sword: if the Hells angels are currently using such brazen violence to control the drug trade in Surrey, how could they not have been in charge of the drugs being sold out of the Surrey House of Horrors? It defies logic to conceive that anyone but the Hells angels were the ones supplying the Surrey House of Horrors with cocaine.

Juel Stanton was taking over grow ops for the Hells Angels at that time. John Punko and Ron Lising were convicted of selling cocaine and crystal meth in Surrey at that time. John Punko and Ron Lising were also in charge of Kerry Ryan Renaud who was a huge meth cook for the Hells Angels just like they were doing in Kelowna. The Hells angels were in control of the drug trade then just like they are now.

So if they controlled the drug trade in Surrey at that time, how could they not control the prostitution in Surrey at that time? We know once they get involved in a illicit money maker, they use violence to take it over.

Years ago the Vancouver Sun quoted Andy Richards who said: There used to be six or seven agencies that handled strippers in Vancouver, but now two are controlled by the Angels or associates and one is an independent, Richards said.

In the early 1990s, Richards said, the now-dead Hells Angels member Donald Roming was one of the key enforcers helping push others out of the stripper business -- at one point seriously assaulting one of the owners of another agency.

"Without speaking ill of the dead, he was responsible for laying a very serious beating on a 67-year-old man who was involved with one of the independent companies at the time, to the point this guy was hospitalized," he explained.

So we know the Hells Angels used violence to take over the stripper agencies in BC. We are told the Hells angels run a prostitution ring in Maple Ridge at La JJ's. We are told they also ran one under the same name in Kelowna and used violence there to control the trade.

Back in Australia a teenager told police he killed two Thai prostitutes as a "favour" for the Hells Angels. That of course brings us back to the Pickton farm.

Speaking of prostitution and the Hells angels, why is it that during the Summer in Kelowna people claim they always see guys on Harley's checking to make sure the hookers are working? You'd think they were their pimps or something.

The Christy Clark

Evidently the term the Christy Clark is becoming synonymous with the term con job. We had high hopes for Chritsy. Those hopes have been shattered. She was a good talk radio host. Maybe she'd be better off like Sarah Palin on some reality TV show instead of in government.

This video clip from a reporter with the George Straight blows my mind. It's a reporter from a newspaper asking for an interview. Instead of answering any questions she completely ignores him and keeps smiling for the photo shoot. Holy brain dead airheads batman that was rude.

So far her term in office has been nothing but smiles and giggles posing in a Canucks jersey and handing out free candy. I guess she figures that getting elected to be the head of the Liberal party makes her the queen. She doesn't have to say anything intelligent she just has to keep smiling and giggling like an airhead. I find this immensely offensive given the venue she was smiling at.

People are outside protesting George Bush's presence because of his support of torture and she is ignoring the concerns and grinning ear in support of those heinous acts mocking those genuine concerns. That is exactly what she's doing. That is so disappointing. What on earth is happening to our provincial politics? Giggle and smile for the cold hearted bastards that raise taxes more than the left's wildest imaginations and spend it on themselves. Tragic indeed.

Evidently, after larger than expected crowds flooded into Vancouver in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final, Mayor Gregor Robertson wrote to Premier Christy Clark pleading for extra police funding to ensure “safe and fun celebrations” — and Clark turned him down.

She said she can appreciate that such events do entail extra police attention to ensure public safety,” but “we currently ... have no plans to make further contributions to policing costs for special events.”

“I have noted your request for additional funding for policing based on the nature of this extraordinary public event,” Clark wrote. “I want to ensure you that your comments and those of Chief Constable Chu have been given every consideration during our discussions and in our review of existing contributions.” Smile and giggles as the city burns. What a freaking airhead. Exactly what the Campbell Crusade wanted. A poster girl for Campbell's insanity. God help us.

Incidentally Mayor Gregor Robertson is promising more police if reelected. Imagine that. Harper promised to get tough on crime then cut funding for the RCMP. Now after he plans on spending all that money on way more jets than we need for a contract with one of his candidates lobbyist groups he's freezing funding for the military. Now he's going to screw up the military after overspending on more equipment than we needed. Having a few fighter jets for self protection is one thing but a whole fleet to a company his candidate lobbied for? That is conflicted. That's what we call a neo con. They say one thing and do another. Kinda like claiming the other guys are the ones who are going to raise taxes. Yeah right. We've heard that one before Lyin Brian.

Provincially all I see is a traditional conservative like John Cummings who opposes the gas tax or a left wing social conscience who cares about crime, small business and opposes the HST. Right now I just don't see any middle ground in BC. The Christy Crunch has proven that. Sickly sweet with a very bad after taste.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hells Angel Pleads Guilty to Murder of Cynthia Garcia

We remember the disturbing murder of Cynthia Garcia and the man hunt for Hells Angel Paul Eischeid who was found in Argentina.

Well, Kevin J. Augustiniak, one of several members of the Hells Angels initially charged in Cynthia Garcia's death has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Eischeid remains in Argentina awaiting extradition back to Arizona where he'll face a first-degree murder charge.

Investigators said Garcia was severally beaten, stabbed 27 times, partially decapitated, stuffed in a trunk and dumped in the desert. Eischeid was arrested in 2003 but released on his own recognizance because he had a good job and a relatively clean criminal record.

Gordon Campbell at Bilderberg 2010

I'm not sure what the Bilderberg meetings are all about but here's a picture someone sent me of Gordon Campbell and Peter Mansbridge at Bilderberg 2010.

No doubt the credibility of Bilderberg was diminished with Mr. Campbell's presence. Aside from being a drunken pig, he certainly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Leaving office with the lowest approval rating for a Premier in Canada was a natural consequence of his bizarre attitude while in office.

I have heard about the Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Sounds pretty weird to me. I don't know much about the Illuminati other than what was portrayed in the movie Tomb Raider but I don't understand the fear of the all seeing eye logo on the American Dollar. The founding fathers were Freemasons. They had a belief in God. On the US Dollar is the slogan In God We Trust. The all seeing eye in the capstone of the pyramid simply means the all seeing eye of God who we are told is the great architect of the Universe.

Personally I think all the paranoia about the Freemasons is a smoke and mirror distraction for the real concern. Not only were George Washington and Ben Franklin Masons, but there were many Masons involved in the Labour movement. The carpenter's Union is but one example.

Free Masons pledge to believe in a higher power and strive to live moral upright lives. They promise to keep their religious traditions secret not the crimes of other Free Masons secret.

No doubt break aways from the free Masons can change those objectives. The Skull and bones sect sounds just plain weird. However, let us remember that it was Free Masons that helped write and frame the U.S. Constitution which preserved on paper the liberty and freedom we all cherish so dearly.

In fact, me thinks Free Masons would be appropriate allies in over coming these dark secret groups that conspire to destroy the liberty and agency of man and enslave them to corrupt corporations driven by greed. The secret societies Kennedy warned about were not the Free Masons, they were the CIA. The ones who submitted Operation Northwoods which he had vetoed.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Desecration of Moammar Gadhafi

I am also saddened by the murder of Moammar Gadhafi. Another scape goat exploited, betrayed, slandered and murdered. We recently heard news that Moammar Gadhafi has been murdered. In fact in today's Vancouver Province we read three completely different versions of how he died.

"Gadhafi was in a jeep when rebels opened fire on it. He got out and tried to flee, taking shelter in a sewage pipe," an NTC field commander, Mohammed Leith, said.

NTC fighters "opened fire again and he came out carrying a Kalashnikov in one hand and a pistol in the other," he said. Gadhafi "looked left and right and asked what was happening. Rebels opened fire again, wounding his leg and shoulder. He died after that," according to Leith.

But according to Jibril, Gadhafi was shot in the head "in crossfire" between his supporters and new regime fighters after his capture. "When he was found, he was in good health, carrying a gun," Jibril told a news conference in Tripoli. Gadhafi was transferred from the pipe to a pickup truck, at which point he was shot in the right hand.

"When the vehicle started moving, it was caught in crossfire between Gadhafi fighters and the revolutionaries, and he was shot in the head," according to Jibril. Those are two completely different versions of events. This is the third in the same article:

French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet revealed that a French Mirage-2000 fired a warning shot at a column of up to 80 vehicles trying to flee Sirte early Thursday. Libyan fighters then intervened, destroying the vehicles, from which "they took out Col. Gadhafi," he added.

Then a fourth version of events emerged: Fresh witness accounts of Gadhafi's capture suggested he tried to reason with the rebels, demanding his legal rights to fair treatment and asked them: "Do you know right from wrong?" Consequently the United Nations human rights office called on Friday for a full investigation into the death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and voiced concerns that he may have been executed.

Moammar Gadhafi was a Socialist. I am not. Yet I do denounce his murder and the murder of his children. Pastor Niemoeller wrote a profound poem about the war in Germany.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

France did business with Libya for years. Gadhafi contributed to Sarkozy's political campaign and Sarkozy completely screwed Gadhafi. Sarkozy is in my opinion, a dirty dog. He is untrustworthy. Incidentally, the article the Province ran today originally came from France.

Gadhafi was captured after taking fire from a French fighter jet. He demanded his right to a lawyer and asked his captors if they knew the difference between right and wrong. Evidently not.

The whole Libyan mission was tainted from day one. Gadhafi wasn't firing on peaceful protesters like they were in Saudi and Syria. The protesters in Libya took up arms against him. As I said before, if I took an angry mob to Ottawa and started firing on Stephen Harper, I guarantee you the police would return fire. The mission in Libya was about oil just like it was in Iraq.

The right to a fair and speedy trial, the need to be charged with an offence to be arrested and the right to legal representation are fundamental rights in a democracy. These are the first inherent rights we violate when we create off shore prison camps like Guantanamo Bay.

What's even more distressing is the murder of Gadhafi's children. Leith, the NTC commander, said one of Gadhafi's sons, Mutassim, was also killed in Sirte. "We found him dead. We put his body and that of [ex-defence minister] Abu Bakr Yunis Jabar in an ambulance to take them to Misrata." It is unlikely we will ever get a truthful record of how his son was murdered.

However, this isn't his only son that was murdered. Gadhafi had another son and three grandchildren that were murdered by allied bombing. He also had an adopted daughter who was killed in a 1986 U.S. airstrike.

Despite denials from Western leaders that the air raid on the Gadhafi compound was an assassination attempt, it has provoked renewed debate on whether the British and French-led strikes are exceeding the United Nations' mandate to protect civilians. Indeed. Remember when I said the mission in Libya was tainted from the beginning? We sent planes in to enforce a cease fire. Instead, we start bombing one side so the rebels could take over an oil town and end up murdering him and his children. That was not enforcing a cease fire.

Let us not forget that we don't know who the rebels are. Other than the fact that they are aligned with the Taliban and that they executed their leader and his first officer. This tainted mission was shameful and the desecration of Moammar Gadhafi has diminished all of us.

There is no need to do an autopsy. Return the body to the family immediately. We all rightfully complain about how outrageous it is when Neo Nazi's desecrate Jewish graves. That is offensively disrespectful. You've already murdered him. Don't you dare desecrate his grave by denying his family their right to a proper Muslim burial. Don't you dare bury him at sea. Doing so because you are afraid his supporters will turn his grave into a shrine is shockingly deranged. Let the family bury their dead according to their own religious traditions. Anything less than that is wrong.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Citigroup pays court settlement

The S.E.C. announced that Citigroup has agreed to pay $285 million to settle a civil complaint that it had defrauded investors in a mortgage securities deal. They would not have paid the settlement if the allegations were false. Citigroup bailed out with tax dollars for committing investment fraud. Go figure.

George Bush in Surrey

Well George Bush came to Surrey today. Many protesters expressed their outrage. The 9/11 truth movement was well represented. I'm glad so many came to protest but seeing civic candidates smiling beside a war criminal makes me ashamed. That is very sad.

I think Dianne Watts has done some good things for Surrey but her absurd claims about venue defending Bush by saying he hasn't been convicted in court yet is really offensive. Really. They were caught torturing prisoners without a fair trial. Congress passed a bill stopping the torture and George Bush vetoed that bill. You can't get any more legally liable than that.

Getting a photo shoot with him and rationalizing it with that smoke and mirrors nonsense really hurts. I hate to say this but she just lost my vote. Really. I guess I should have seen the writing on the wall with her close affinity for Gordon Campbell. Integrity isn't something we sell off depending on the venue.

Come to think of it, Dianne Watts and Donna Cadman both blindly endorsed Stephen Harper after he tried to bribe Chuck Cadman. That was somewhat disappointing to say the least. Then there was all those strange bus shelter adds of Dianne Watts with an Indiana Jones background encouraging people to Read right before a civic election. They even made bookmarks of it and gave them out at the Library. Perhaps she should read that book instead of just posing with it. The Dalai Lama doesn't support war criminals. His path of peace and happiness involves nonviolent opposition to injustice.

Someone is promoting her corporate image like a brand. Everywhere we go we see her face plastered all over everything. Unfortunately every time I see that picture now it makes me think of her smiling beside a war criminal. "They" even had her speak in favor of the carbon tax. Looks like Campbell's crusade has found a new poster girl. Her and Christie Clark smiling in support of George Bush gives me an upset stomach.

Speaking of Texas, let's ban Bush and bring on the Dixie Chicks. We're not ready to make nice with a war criminal.