Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tragic death rocks Occupy Vancouver site

This is a heart wrenching tragedy and it behooves us to look in the mirror and assume some social responsibility. A young woman died Saturday afternoon at the Occupy Vancouver site from what appears to be a drug over dose. Tragic indeed. I can tell you she didn't over dose on pot.

Thursday there was a heroin overdose and if there wasn't medical aid on site, that too could have needed in a fatality. These two tragedies illuminate the real problem in East Vancouver. Gangs get rich off of hard drugs and society enables addiction instead of helping to curb it. Vancouver Coastal Health has been handing out free needles on site part of their “harm-reduction” service. Once again they ignore the other three pillars and assume legal liability for handing out free needles without enforcing the law.

In case they didn't notice, it is a public protest not a safe injection site. The police have every right to arrest people for using hard drugs on that public protest. Tolerating it and handing out free needles is socially irresponsible. Then again it's likely part of the NPA's plan to shut the site down. Create a problem so you can rationalize shutting it down without examining the public urgency of the protest.

Eddy Murphy's new comedy Tower Heist is very timely. It's about a Madoff inspired stock swindler who rips off everyone's pension and gets away with it. A group of people he ripped off plan a robbery to recoup their losses. The fraud on Wall Street is serious. Stephen Harper lied about us not bailing out our Banks. That was a colossal waste of tax dollars. The people have every right to be upset.

It's not about the rich versus the poor. It's about white collar crime stealing tax dollars for bailouts from investment fraud. We need only look to Greece to see how urgent these concerns really are. Don't tell me this protest has no purpose. Don't tell me handing out free needles and free crack pipes is the answer. I disagree.

Veterans protest $226M in proposed cuts

So a Harper government spends millions of dollars on more jets than we need to their own conflicted company while they freeze military spending and cut back millions targeting Veterans. That's above and beyond the Strategic Review which would total half a billion in cuts to Veteran Affairs. Why is that not surprising?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

UK Robbed of EU Referendum

BRITONS have been robbed of the chance to vote on a power grab by Brussels despite promises of a referendum. In the wake of the Lisbon Treaty fiasco, David Cameron vowed Britain would never again give away powers to Brussels without first holding a referendum. In a spectacular U-turn, however, Mr Cameron has now backed plans to sneak changes into the Lisbon Treaty without triggering referendums across Europe.

David Cameron faced a furious backlash from his own MPs yesterday as he shamelessly broke his pledge to hold a referendum on Europe. The Tory leader gave his guarantee in 2007 saying: "If I become PM a Conservative government will hold a referendum on an EU treaty." He claimed failure of politicians to keep promises was the "cancer eating away at trust in politics". But yesterday he tried to squirm out of his pledge by arguing once Lisbon became law it was no longer a treaty - then sent William Hague out to face the cameras.

Farewell British Sovereignty. Maggie what have we done?

Hells Angels' lawyer beaten in Montreal

Montreal criminal lawyer Gilles Doré - who has represented alleged Hells Angels - is in hospital with serious injuries after being assaulted outside his home. According to Radio-Canada, the 58-year-old lawyer was violently beaten outside his house in Montreal's tony Outremont neighbourhood Friday evening.

Erickson Lopez Delalcazar

This is Erickson Lopez Delalcazar. He's the one from Victoria that was charged in that huge cocaine bust in Calgary. Gee I wonder who's tiger that is?

Jefferson Lopez Delalcazar

Jefferson is one of Eldriegson's brothers. Their other brother Erickson Lopez Delalcazar was the one arrested in connection with that huge cocaine bust in Calgary.

The police used a stun grenade to arrest Jefferson in Victoria April 2008. Delalcazar faces a charge of possession of an undisclosed amount of cocaine for the purposes of trafficking, and two charges of breaching conditions in relation to previous arrests, Hamilton said.

The previous arrest was with regards to a fight in Denny's on October 20, 2010. Jefferson was present and was also charged.

Jefferson Lopez Delalcazar pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm of Sukhpaul Parmar - a stranger - and assaulting and criminally harassing his former girlfriend Magdalayna Moraitis. Moraitis tried to escape by climbing over a divider to another booth, but Delalcazar caught her, grabbed her by the hair, threw her to the floor and punched the back of her head. People in the restaurant pulled Delalcazar off her.

So Eldriegson is on the court records as having threatened to bitch slap Emma Kunz and Jefferson actually did beat up his ex in public with Eldriegson present. What kind of men threaten and beat women? None to be admired or respected. This is a picture of Jefferson with Kevin Baker who has numerous charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking. Can we see the pattern yet?

Eldriegson Delalcazar and Harry Hiscock

October 20, 2001, Harry Hiscock was with a group of thugs that viciously beat some random guy in Esquimalt named Nicholas Chow Johnson because of what colour of clothing he was wearing and put him in a vegetable state for life.

Oct 12, 2001 Mr. and Mrs. Kunz, together with a friend, Mr. Havelaar, attended a house-warming party at the home of a friend, Mr. Trudell. Later in the evening, between 11:30 and midnight, when Mr. and Mrs. Kunz and Mr. Havelaar were leaving, a large group of young people came up behind them. What Mr. Havelaar described as the young people's "pointless banter" quickly became a "ferocious" onslaught of abuse and threats.

Mr. Havelaar testified that a person he identified as Mr. Delalcazar appeared to him to be the leader of this group of young people, and that he was very aggressive towards him and the Kunzes. He testified that based on his observations once Mr. Delalcazar made a move others soon followed, and he reached the conclusion, based on his observations, that Mr. Delalcazar, quote, "Seemed to be sort of leading it." He testified that another person, who it is clear was Mr. Hiscock, seemed to be his right-hand man or his second in command.

Mr. Havelaar testified that he heard Mr. Delalcazar ferociously say to Emma Kunz that he would slap her, quote, "Like the whore she is." He testified that both of these young men took aggressive stances, that obscenities such as "you fucking whore" were directed at Ms. Kunz, repeated more than once, in addition to the fact that Mr. Delalcazar was going to slap her. . . . Mr. Havelaar testified that as the Kunzes pickup pulled away from the curb several people were kicking at it.

It would appear, having regard to the totality of the circumstances, that the Crown has clearly proven that this mob of young people were led by Mr. Delalcazar and Mr. Hiscock, and that they set upon these people when they knew the numbers were overwhelmingly in their favour. Mr. Delalcazar pleaded guilty to uttering a threat, while Mr. Hiscock had pleaded guilty to mischief to property valued at over $5,000.

The point here is that on October 20, 2001 Eldriegson Delalcazar was considered the leader of a mob that terrorized a man and his wife and Harry Hiscock was considered his second in command so to speak in controlling the mob. 8 days later they randomly attacked Nicholas Chow Johnson and beat him into a vegetable. The court heard that in the previous incident 8 days earlier Eldriegson continually verbally attacked Emma Hiscock and said, "I'll slap your face, bitch," and continued to swear at her. He testified that he saw his wife look at Mr. Delalcazar and Mr. Delalcazar, with significant intensity, yelling back at her, "What the fuck are you looking at, bitch?" This is Sarah's new wonderful husband. Good luck with that.

In the appeal the court heard that: Mr. Delalcazar had a youth record consisting of two assaults in 1997 and 1999 respectively, failure to comply with an undertaking, obstructing a peace officer, and an assault; and since becoming an adult, had been convicted for breaching a conditional supervision order and an assault. Mr. Hiscock as a youth had been convicted of a theft and a breach under the Young Offenders Act and had one theft under $5,000 on his adult record. At the same time, the sentencing judge was told, and we were told, that both appellants have supportive families with whom they live, and that both are gainfully employed. The parents in each case are hard-working people who have large families.

I understand that Harry Hiscock is now out of jail and works with Dave Neigbergall at High Definition Roofing. David Martin Niebergall plead guilty to murdering Kevin Black who was Shannon's new boyfriend after she broke up with Ziggy Matheson. Dave's on the left, Harry's on the right. I have no idea who the princess in the middle is.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Smart Meter Scam

We've talked about how BC Hydro is becoming the new Enron and we've talked about how investment fraud requiring bailouts with tax dollars is a scam, now let's look at the Smart Meter Scam. The new Smart Meter commercials remind me of the HST and the Farmed Salmon adds. They wouldn't spend that much money on the adds if it wasn't going to increase the rates. Even Bill Vander Zalm speaks out against them.


The first flaming concern is cost. BC Hydro is billions in debt because Christy Clark's Liberals privatized the power companies that sell power to BC Hydro at inflated rates. Once you privatize a public service, that company is now mandated to make a profit. It comes as no surprise that these independent power companies are over charging BC Hydro for the power we use.

Throwing a billion dollars away by physically removing existing hydro meters that function with new more expensive meters that have a long list of public concerns is not fiscally responsible.

Say for example someone had the idea of making plastic telephone poles. Great, we're gonna save the forests and make plastic telephone poles. Lets throw out all the existing telephone poles that are currently functioning and replace them with the new environmentally friendly plastic telephone poles. That would be dumb. It would be wise to start using the new poles with new construction. Removing all the existing telephone poles and replacing them would be totally fiscally irresponsible.

Same thing with the Smart Meters. There's nothing wrong with technical advancement and making digital meters. It's just that it would make a heck of a lot more sense that they started trying them out with new housing being constructed. That wouldn't be such a colossal waste of tax dollars.

Daytime Usage

Let's say a word about day time usage. One of the reasons for using Smart Meters is to charge consumers more for power they use at peak times during the day and charge them less for power they use at night. What an absolute scam that is.

The whole point is to rationalize charging us more money for power so the private power suppliers can fulfill their new mandate and make more money. It's not like they're going to freeze the price of power at peak hours and simple give us a reduced rate for off peak consumption. They're going to charge the same for power used at night and charge more for power used during the day. That's the whole point of spending a billion dollars on new meters. To charge consumers more money.

It's like spending millions of tax dollars on advertising trying to convince us the HST will be a tax reduction. If the HST wasn't going to increase their tax revenue by taxing things that were previously exempt, they wouldn't be spending millions on advertising.

Health Risks

OK let's say a word about health risks. There have been a lot of concerns raised about the health risks of Smart Meters. These need to be considered before they are forced upon a citizen of a democratic nation against their will. It's like that Erin Brockovich movie and the cancer causing effects of power lines. No one wanted to know about those statistics.

Now we're not going to see too many people complain about their cell phone causing them cancer. We have heard of some small communities opposing cell phone towers in their community because they didn't want all that radiation. Although not too many people are going to complain about having wireless cell phones and wireless Internet at Starbucks, but the truth is we are rapidly polluting our airwaves with tons of wireless radiation and that can't be good for you. If someone has a heath concern about a Smart meter forcing them to have one is undemocratic.

Over Billing

Of course we have the other golden goose egg. Australia has had a huge problem with Smart Meters over billing. Gee like that's not a Corporate brainstorm. It's not like the cell phone companies haven't tried that one. Over billing is another valid concern.


Privacy is another concern. These Smart Meters are not just digital meter. It goes far beyond that and becomes a form of surveillance. The power company does not have the right to install a surveillance device on your home. That is as Big Brother as it gets. Since it's wireless, criminals could intercept the information and use it to track when you are home and when you are away to break into your home.

There are a huge list of concerns with the Smart Meters but the bottom line is that they are a scam. Putting them into new construction is one thing but replacing every existing hydro meter in the province is fiscally irresponsible. We need to address the real problem: the independent power companies that are over charging BC Hydro for the power we use. That is the source of the problem. Some smoke and mirrors distraction will not change that.

Harper has drunk the poison kool aid

Well, it looks like Stephen Harper has finally drunk the poison kool aid. Stephen Harper is not a Conservative. He's a neo con. I thought Harper explained how bailing out the banks in England was not the government's responsibility. He certainly flipped on that one. Taking Canada from a $2.3 billion surplus to a $64 billion deficit with one swoop of the pen. No wonder he now wants to steal our pensions. So he can pay for the $75 billion he gave to the banks. Opposing a bank tax to pay for that is absurd.

Now he's supporting the Greek Bailout without uttering a word about the needed regulation to prevent that kind of investment fraud from reoccurring. Tragic indeed.

Sarkozy was the dirty dog who did business with Gadhafi for years, accepted campaign contributions from him, then led the bombing against him that resulted in his murder and the murder of his children. Shameful.

Dutch Labour's position is rather bizarre. They're threatening to withdraw their support for the bailout if Greece holds a referendum. Since when is voting on anything a bad thing? Oppose the bailout for not implementing the necessary regulation to prevent that theft from reoccurring. Don't oppose it because they want to hold a referendum.

Canada won't dump any funding into Europe bailout. Oh my goodness was that even on the table? We really need to address the issue of the investment fraud that causes these manufactured crisis's.

Remains identified as Dana Turner

Dana Turner went missing in August the day after her former boyfriend was released from jail for stabbing her in the head with a parring knife. Her remains have been found and this suspicious death adds to the list of Edmonton homicides. What a tragedy. It's pretty obvious who the prime suspect is. No charges has been laid in her murder.