Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Does anyone know what time it is?

The other day I was driving out to the valley and the words of that old song came to mind, does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care? Not long ago I met with someone of influence who had just discovered my blog a few months prior. They said one minute you’re talking about gangs, the next minute you’re talking about Syria. You’re all over the map. I’m just interested in the stuff about the gangs.

I smiled, sighed and said I know. I can see which pages on my web site and blog get the most traffic. When I write about the gangs or post a picture of a gang member, the traffic on those posts is off the hook. Whenever I write about politics or conspiracies, the traffic on those blog posts doesn’t even register. Nobody cares about that stuff.

I think part of it is attention span. Although hot political issues are regularly in the news, people usually have a five second attention span when it comes to politics. When you mention the word conspiracy most people automatically shut off instantly.

There are a few people that feed off conspiracies, the more extreme the better. But those are far and few between. People in general are starting to wake up and ask questions about important issues like the third tower in New York and the CIAs involvement with drug smuggling, but all in all the vast majority of people just don’t care. Period.

For me it’s kinda simple. I don’t like crack being sold in my community and all the off the hook violence that goes along with it. Stopping the crack dealers from selling crack in public is the first and most important step. That’s the one that really matters. No matter who is supplying the crack dealers with the crack, cutting down their sales by preventing the forest fire from burning wild and not letting them sell crack in public, helps fight the cause regardless of who is supplying them.

Sure arresting the big time suppliers is the idea but that doesn’t happen very often. Addressing the issue on the front line and making the fire burn underground so to speak is the only way to actually contain the fire and preventing it from consuming everything around us.

For me it’s simple. The Robert Shannon conviction and the Trevor Jones indictment clearly shows that the Hells Angels are hugely responsible for most of the BC Bud going down south, being traded for cocaine and brought back to Canada to be sold as crack. Those were two huge operations that continued for a long period of time. As soon as someone gets busted they just find another mule and the process continues business as usual.

That’s why it’s so important to wake up and find out what the Gary Webbs, Al Martins and Chip Tandums have been saying for years. Operation Fast and Furious was nothing new. They just got caught again. It’s not just republican versus democrat. Both sides can and have been infiltrated. It’s about electing honest people to office. Try not to scoff. The idea of an honest politician sits about as well as the idea of an honest lawyer. Yet there are some. Chuck Cadman was an honest politician. Ever since, the group that tried to bribe him has continued a steady campaign to thwart democracy under the illusion of fiscal responsibility which is anything but.

We need to rise above left and right stereotypes and look at issues. Instead of saying we support fiscal responsibility and tax reduction we need to do it. The HST is a bad tax. Taxing things that were previously tax exempt is a raise in taxes. Of course we all have to pay some tax, but the idea of the big corporations or the extremely rich paying no tax at all is simply wrong. Donald Trump is a prime example. It was shocking to see how far he and Newt Gingrich came in their quest to be the Republican nomination for the president of the United States. It really is scary how gullible and misconstrued people can be.

I know nobody cares what time it is but it’s about time we did. In one generation what was affordable for a single income family is totally out of reach for a double income family today. Tyrants are stealing our pensions as we speak. The Canadian Bank bail out was a complete fraud. We need to address these issues for our children’s sake. It’s all about sustainability. Saving for our retirement. Not clear cutting all our natural resources so there is nothing left for our children. Sustainability is not a dirty word repeated by freaks and extremists. It is common sense. It is social responsibility.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops

Call of Duty is a popular video game on X box. Call of Duty Black ops is one of the popular versions of that game. The title is an oxymoron. Call of Duty implies answering the call to serve your country. It is a noble service and sacrifice to defend freedom. Yet there is nothing noble or good about a black op. It robs freedom.

The interesting thing is the term has become popular. At least people realize the term exists. It’s unfortunate how some are trying to glorify black ops as though they are a good thing when they are not. The end does not justify the means. In the beginning, black ops were performed to attain a good objective under the misguided belief that the end justifies the means when it does not. Then, after that line was crossed, black ops were continued simply to make money to satisfy their greed as opposed to fund raise for a good cause.

Oliver North and Richard Secord wanted to raise money to fight Communism in Nicaragua. So they sent them arms in exchange for cocaine. Just like in Operation Fast and Furious. The cocaine was sold to raise money for the cause. Gary Webb published the Dark Alliance. He found the actual LA crack dealers that were selling the Contras cocaine for them. The allegations were not new. It all came out previously in the Kerry Committee. Gary Webb just connected the dots and found the link between the contra cocaine and the crack dealers on the streets of LA.

When the Director of the CIA held a town hall meeting in LA to appease public concerns, former LAPD officer Mike Rupert took the stage. He said that as a former LAPD officer I can tell you the Agency has been selling drugs in this country for years. The audience gasped. Notwithstanding the subsequent character assassination Mike Rupert went under, he calmly and articulately cited a few examples.

He sited Operation Watchtower. Hard to find information on that op since the attack poodles are rewriting history on the Internet and have come up with a few unrelated operations and given them the same name. Retired Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin knew what Operation Watchtower was. It has been well documented.

Mike Rupert also cited Operation Pegasus. David Guyatt has documented that operation as it involved former CIA operative, Gene "Chip" Tatum who has recorded his testimony that he flew cocaine into Mena, Arkansas under the guise of medical supplies for Governor at the time, Bill Clinton.

Without diving into the depths of the assassination squads that we all know exist, the recent interview of the head of MOSSAD refers to that, I still want to focus on the agencies involvement in arms dealing, drug smuggling, money laundering and investment fraud. That repeating pattern still threatens our sovereignty as we speak.

Light and Darkness

There was a beautiful sunrise this Easter morning. An orange horizon in a cloudless sky illuminating the coastal mountains. Then the sun breaks bright and brilliant, clear as day. It makes me think of that first Easter when the world was changed over night.

They say that Christ is the light of the world. The light that penetrates the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not. They say that in the last days all the secret works of darkness will be brought to light. Time will tell. It always does.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

TBarz probed for links to drug case

Wow, we can only hope. The B.C. Liquor Control Branch is reviewing a liquor licence for a Surrey strip club linked to a man charged in the U.S. in a major drug smuggling case connected to the Hells Angels, The Vancouver Sun has learned.

Trevor Alan Jones, who runs T-Barz Exotic Adventure Room in Surrey, is facing 14 charges south of the border, including conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana, as well as money laundering.

U.S. authorities allege the 41-year-old was the Canadian “boss” of a drug ring that was distributing up to a tonne of pot and 200 kilograms of cocaine a month for several years.

The ring was broken up last year with a series of arrests in several states, and the seizure of almost $2 million US and 1,000 kilograms of cocaine from various locations.

Jones, the twin brother of full-patch White Rock Angel Randy Jones, has been running T-Barz at 10458 137th St. for years. The club is owned by a numbered company registered at Jones’s Langley house.

The only corporate director is Jones’s mother Gladys Ann, who is listed as living at the same 26th Avenue address in Langley. Trevor Jones has spoken on behalf of T-Barz at Surrey City Council meetings, according to public minutes. U.S. court documents describe him as the owner of the strip club.

I guess that's what happens when you put everything in your brother's name. If he owns the bar and if he takes the fall for the drug ring then the police can seize "his" bar. At least Randy stays out of jail. What a Walrus.

Like I keep saying, Randy Jones was the original owner of the T barz domain name. When I went public with that fact he changed it over to his mother's name to hide that asset which would be illegal in a divorce case and removed the 81 reference.

Randy used the e-mail tbarz81 when he first registered that domain which would link it to him and to the Hells Angels. Trevor was the registered owner of dankenergydrinks domain. Only the e-mail used to register it was randy81. Which would mean Randy was in control of it not Trevor.

I do think Trevor should be charged and Tbarz should lose their liquor licence. I just think Randy should be charged as well and both the bar and the Langley clubhouse should be seized under proceeds of crime. It most certainly wouldn't stop the problem but it would help. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women to remain silent and do nothing.

Good Friday and the Meaning of Easter

Back in Ireland, mostly in the north, they wear a badge of an Easter lily this time of year to remember the noble sacrifice of the soldiers who died during the Easter Rising in 1916. It was a proclamation and a movement that declared this truth to be self evident, that Ireland was free. The seven noble men that signed that inspired declaration signed it with their blood. They were executed for leading that rising which prepared the way for Ireland to become a Free state then later a free republic.

Remembering that noble sacrifice and that inspired declaration is important. They prayed that Ireland would prove itself worthy of its august destiny and that that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, in humanity, or rapine. A noble tradition worth remembering. I also submit that the Easter lily is also symbolic of the resurrection of Christ. That is another great sacrifice we would do well to remember since his atonement was infinite and struck for our freedom long ago.

I almost had second thoughts about making this post in the event that it might offend someone but then I thought since when did I ever let that stop me. Religion is such a forbidden topic these days. We aren’t allowed to talk about it any more. Yet there is a large Bikers for Christ movement out there. They are represented at most Toy Runs. They even had that Bikers Church in Surrey start up last year.

In fact the mother of that guy in Grand Prairie who was arrested in that cocaine bust went on an on about Christianity as she stalked, harassed and threatened me. I thought it was somewhat hypocritical. Kinda like Big Tony using the Lord’s name in vain. He wasn’t swearing he was just mocking his professed faith with his abominable deeds he filmed and laughed about.

Likewise, Jimmy Hughes is a born again Christian who admits to being a hitman. In fact he brags about it. Yet he refuses to admit to who he murdered when he was a hit man. That refusal mocks God and mocks the atonement. That's not Christianity. That's hypocrisy.

The guy in Grand Prairie bragged about being part of the baseball team, a puppet club for the Hells Angels. They sell cocaine for the Hells Angels and enforce for the drug dealers in GP. Hardly something a Christian would do, let alone brag about. So anyways, here’s my take on Easter.

Several years ago an Indo Canadian woman I worked with asked me why Christians called Good Friday good if that was the day Jesus was killed. I didn’t really know what to say. It’s kind of hard to explain the atonement in five seconds or less.

They say religion and politics are the two subjects people should never discuss, yet they are two subjects that interest me. Obviously there are dark sides to both. People can really mess up politics or religion. There tends to be herds of sheep blindly following either with no clue as to where the road they are on is going.

Although people don’t like to talk about religion or politics, both really do affect our lives. Who we elect to govern us has a profound influence on the type of society we live in. What religion we follow has a profound influence on what kind of person we tend to become. Which brings us back to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Religious or not people have standards. In fact I personally find it easier to trust most atheists than many Christians. An atheist does good because they believe it’s the right thing to do not because they believe they are going to get a reward in heaven. Which leads us to Good Friday and the concept of Christ.

They say Easter and Christmas are the two times of year most people who claim to be Christians actually attend church. Well, it’s like that in Ireland at least. Good Friday is a time of mourning for Christ’s suffering and crucifixion. It is accompanied by Ash Wednesday and Lent which is when people usually try and give up some bad habit.

Although Christ was full of compassion, when I think of Christ I don’t think of a flowery wishy washy weasel. Physically chasing the money changers out of the Temple took strength. Confronting the religious leaders at the time calling them liars, hypocrites and extortionists took strength. To endure the kind of suffering he faced, he had to of had a profoundly strong character. A Muslim friend of mine originally from Fiji once encouraged me to see the movie the Passion of Christ. I was kind of surprised to hear the movie be recommended by a Muslim. He said to me quietly, it’s hard to understand why God would let one of his prophets suffer so much.

Muslims tend to agree that Christ was a prophet sent from God. They just don’t tend to agree on the atonement and the resurrection. Nevertheless, the idea of why bad things happen to good people is important to understand. In this life we have free agency. We are free to make choices. Sometimes innocent people suffer as a result of our choices. Yet life does not end at death and we are all ultimately responsible for the choices we make.

In Catholic cathedrals they have what’s known as the stations of the cross. An artistic recreation of Christ’s journey carrying his cross on his way to be crucified. I have a painting in my home of Christ falling onto his knee under the weight on his cross. He’s looking down in agony after being beaten and mocked with a crown of thorns on his head. He pauses exhausted for an eight count before he rises to continue his journey.

For me it is a profound image. Just as profound as a picture they used to have on the wall at the Harbor Light food line in East Vancouver. It was a painting of Christ walking on the water in Galilee. Peter had called out to him from the boat and asked if his master would perform a miracle and let Peter walk out to meet him which he did. Only the storm began to rise and Peter was filled with fear and began to sink. As he cried out to the lord for help, he reached out his hand. Christ grasped his hand and stopped him from going under. For a lot of people in the DTES it is indeed a profound image.

Often we get swept away with pride. Sometimes when bad things happen it causes us to become humble which means teachable. When we are humble and teachable that is when God can work with us and help us in our journey. That is if we believe in such an entity. In the movie shake hands with the devil, the trailer states, I know there is a God because in Rwanda, I shook hands with the devil. Personally, I shook hands with the devil at Surrey Central.

So whether or not we believe in God isn’t relevant. We all know good and evil exists and we are all free to make choices knowing that the choices we make do in fact effect others. Today I was speaking with a friend who was somewhat frustrated and said what do I have to do to be forgiven? Is it over for me? Is it impossible for me to ever be forgiven? Hardly. Although I don’t believe it’s as simple as saying Abracadabra, I do think it’s possible for anyone to change at any time no matter what they have done in the past.

The Bible says that if we walk in the light, as God is in the light, then the atoning blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse us from all sin. It says all sin not just some sin. I am a firm believer in the motto no matter what your past, you have a spotless future. That is so true. So relating all this flower power to the gang war, is it possible for a gang member who has committed murder to be forgiven? Yes it is. Is it possible for a low life deviant who has committed gang rape to be forgiven? Yes it is. It’s not as easy as waving a magic wand but it is possible. It begins with telling the truth and stop denying everything. It’s not as easy as ratting out all your friends who did the same thing so you can cut a deal and get off without being punished. It starts with a realization how your conduct has hurt others and a genuine feeling of remorse not rationalization for the pain you have caused. Taking responsibility for your actions.

It’s kind of like the Grim Reaper. You can pay me now or you can pay me later. Either way you will be forced to face the consequences of your decisions one day. If we don’t deal with it in this life, we will have to deal with it in the next. Call it karma. That suffering, that torment Christ experienced in the garden of Gethsemane. That pain caused Christ, even God, to tremble and bleed at every poor. So great was his suffering for the anguish of his people.

We call Good Friday good because Christ has paid that debt for us. Yet there are things we have to do and if we don’t do them, then we will experience that pain and anguish ourselves. Hell isn’t a place where God spanks us for eternity telling us I told ya so. Hell is coming face to face with God and experiencing all the pain we have caused others first hand where no lie and no rationalization will save us.

This Easter it is important to remember the resurrection, yet it’s also important to remember the suffering of Christ which led up to the resurrection. After all, he is despised and rejected of men. A man of sorrows acquainted with grief. Because he has felt our pain and sorrow he has graven us on the palms of his hands. Our walls are continually before him. That is why he is filled with compassion and reaches out to help us aspire to something higher. Yet the choice is our. It always is.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tori Stafford's murder tied to drugs

I hesitate writing about such a high profile case on such a somber occasion but I will because I think it’s important. In 2009 a wonderful little girl was kidnapped and murdered in Ontario. The heart wrenching case has naturally received a great deal of media attention.

I haven’t been following the case but one headline recently struck me. It was the claim that the little girl was abducted and murdered over a drug debt. It is one alternate theory presented to the courts.

Terri-Lynne McClintic has already been convicted murder and her boy friend Michael Rafferty is on trial for his involvement in the crime. Understandably both have turned on each other in court.

McClintic’s lawyer is trying to paint her as an naive Karla Homolka type that went along with the kidnapping because she would do anything for love. Rafferty’s lawyer is trying to paint McClintic as a hardened criminal with a very violent past. Clearly McClintic isn’t as innocent as she would have us believe.

McClintic admitted that a few weeks ago she pounded, kicked and stomped another inmate who was on the floor in a fetal position. ”I confronted her about things she said about me. Things escalated,” she said. She admitted that she had revealed another secret to her godmother during the same visit by the woman: As a child, she had microwaved a pet dog, killing it. She said she was just a child at the time and didn’t know what she was doing.

Then there’s the drugs. Tara McDonald, Tori’s mother and her boyfriend James Goris denied rumours that Victoria "Tori" Stafford's disappearance was linked to an unpaid drug debt involving the couple.

McDonald acknowledged her boyfriend has a criminal record, but said that is all in the past. With a criminal record that stretches back to roughly 2002, Goris has been convicted in the past of drug possession and theft under $5,000. He also recently appeared in court in Woodstock on an unrelated charge.

However, Tara McDonald testified at Rafferty's trial and said she was addicted to OxyContin at the time her daughter was abducted outside her Woodstock, Ont., school on April 8, 2009.

She and her boyfriend James Goris bought their OxyContin a few times from a woman named Carol McClintic a couple of months before Tori was killed, McDonald said. They went to her house twice — one time her 18-year-old daughter Terri-Lynne was leaving the house as McDonald and Goris arrived, and a second time Terri-Lynne McClintic returned home while McDonald and Goris were there, she said.

This account claims that Terri-Lynne McClintic’s mother was the drug dealer that supplied Tori’s mother and boyfriend with the Oxy.

Sadly, Tori’s mother and her partner, James Goris, are facing drug and stolen property charges. Woodstock Police Const. Steve McEwen says "Both those persons...were charged with possession of a controlled substance as well as possession of property obtained by crime." The pair was arrested two months ago, along with 38-year-old Brandon Annis, after a search warrant for their home was executed. Police say they recovered crack cocaine, marijuana, cash and some property believed to be stolen.

This means that the drug debt theory is indeed possible. Which leads us to ask who runs the drug trade in Ontario? We know the Hells angels have had many drug related convictions in Ontario. Who supplied Terri-Lynne McClintic’s mother with the drugs she sold to Tori’s mother? Who controls the crack trade in Ontario if not the Hells Angels? Yeah I just went there.

Either way we can clearly see what kind of devastating effect these hard drugs have on our communities. Phasing out Oxy was a good move. Stopping the public sale of crack in the next.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Father and son arrested in Armstrong Murder

Matthew Foerster, 26, was arrested at a hotel in Collingwood, Ont., on April 4, the same day his father Stephen Roy Foerster was arrested at his home in Cherryville, B.C.

Matthew is facing charges of second-degree murder and sexual assault. Stephen, 58, faces charges of obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact to murder. Both remain in custody.

Matthew Foerster has also been charged with sexual assault in a 2005 attack on an escort in Kelowna, B.C. He was further charged with breaking and entering and assault with a weapon in relation to a home invasion that happened in Cherryville in 2004. In that incident, a 19-year-old woman was seriously assaulted, police said.

The Aging Rebel on the Garcia case

One blog reader expressed some concerns about one of the web sites I link to. They expressed the concern that the blogger was very pro HA and some of the comments on his blog were offensive. I have to agree some of the comments on the blog are very offensive. It illuminates the insanity of blind sheep following depravity and using any excuse to rationalize it.

The case in question involves the Yvonne Garcia murder. Fugitive Paul Eischeid was found and arrested in Argentina. Recently Kevin Augustiniak plead guilty to his involvement in that murder. It was a deranged act where a single mother was invited to a Hells Angels party in Arizona and ended up dead. She was stabbed 27 times and dumped in the desert. Paul Eischeid was quoted as saying nobody will even notice her missing. They’ll probably Jane Doe her.

Some of the offensive comments on the blog made statements like my condolences to the club and to the person accused of her murder. Comments like she was just a drug addict or a rude person is now dead. Although that deranged sheep like offensive insanity exists, I don’t think the Aging Rebel shared those sentiments. It appears that he agreed it was a heinous crime. His concern appears to be that the police informant, who received a greatly reduced sentence for testifying, was allegedly the ring leader of the murder.

If that is true, then that would indeed be a concern. It reminds me of the Jeff Lynds case in Eastern Canada. The guy confessed to murdering Randy Mersereau for the Hells Angels. Yet he wasn’t charged in his murder. Lesser accessories were including his own nephew. In that case I can understand why the crown would make a plea bargain so the family could get closure in a cold case that had no hope of being solved with no hope of even discovering the body.

Yet it would be hard to understand why the police would take a plea bargain from the orchestrator of the Yvonne Garcia murder, just to convict lesser accessories. I suppose one could argue it was rapidly becoming a cold case as the likelihood of convictions began to spin out of reach. One could also argue the claim that the police informant was the actual orchestrator of the murder is hearsay. However, I will concede that it is entirely possible.

The bottom line is that I agree it was a heinous act. To say that she deserved it because she was a drug addict is very offensive. That is a slanderous unproven allegation. In fact that never came up. If she was, it was likely the Hells Angels that sold her the drugs.

The official version of the story is that she went to a Hells Angels party and started mouthing off the Hells Angels. Not very believable and a very convenient claim. Kind of like the absurd claim that the person charged in the Guthrie McKay and Lisa Dudley murder killed his ex girlfriend in self defense. Oh she came at me with a baseball bat in a drug induced rage so I killed her in self defense. Highly unlikely. More like another dirt bag killed his ex.

Even if a woman who was invited to a Hells Angels party did start to mouth off, which I do not believe happened in this case, it was not just cause to stab her 27 times and murder her. That isn’t a manly thing to do. Just like the woman beaten into a coma outside the Hells Angels clubhouse in New York. Oh she mouthed off so we killed her. Not likely and not a good enough excuse for murder. It’s a pat answer to stop people from asking too many questions. Kind of like we killed her because she was an informant. Even when she clearly wasn’t.

So I would agree all the participants and accessories in the Garcia murder are equally to blame. Another concern I have is with the police informant. He was a meth addict which the courts claim make him highly untrustworthy. More concerning is the claim that he had a wife and child and started going to church. Did he participate in the Garcia murder while he was attending church? Anyone can change but living a double life is sheer hypocrisy. Married with a child. Did his wife know he was living a double life? I think many other wives of club members really don’t clue in to the double life their husbands lead. What happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam I suppose.

Nevertheless, glorifying Kevin Augustiniak for what he did in the big House Crew clearly shows that the organization is deranged right to it's roots and if it's roots are evil, it is unlikely anything good will come from it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wally Oppal and the Picktons of the world

Wally Oppal made an absurdly hypocritical plea for another pay cheque in the paper today. As the Missing Women’s Red Herring Inquiry reconvenes, Wally Oppal made an appeal to continue with the inquiry so all the other Picktons in the world don't win. Somehow proceeding with the highly censored "Panel Discussion" will in some way prevent another serial killer in some other part of the world from getting away with committing murder. Does he really not understand how insanely hypocritical that statement is?

Most of the victims on the Pickton farm were drug addicted sex trade workers. As soon as one of the lawyers starts to talk how the Hells Angels were linked to the Pickton farm and how the Hells Angels control the drug trade in the DTES, Wally Oppal shut him down and wouldn’t let him talk about that. Despite the fact that was highly relevant.

At that point Wally Oppal folded the inquiry into a panel discussion so the real issues could not be discussed. After that, the only lawyer representing aboriginal people who hadn't already boycotted the farce publicly withdrew claiming the inquiry had lost all credibility. Oppal is the one that folded the inquiry into a panel discussion so the real issues couldn't be discussed. For him to pretend he cares about justice is offensive.

If a drug dealer who sells drugs for the Hells angels in the DTES pushes a woman out of a window for a drug debt, that is highly relevant to the future well being of woman on the DTES. Ashley Machiskinic wasn’t the only one.

Wally Oppal obviously has no regard whatsoever for preventing this kind of atrocity from happening again. It appears he only wants to appease the public and collect a pay cheque at the expense of the most exploited in East Vancouver.

If he was sincerely concerned about preventing this kind of atrocity form repeating itself, he would explore the most important question which should be the heart of the mandate for the missing women inquiry. That question is found in the directions the judge gave to the jury in Robert Pickton’s conviction.

Before the jury left for deliberations, the judge told them that they could convict Robert Pickton of murder even if he had accomplices and wasn’t the only one involved. In fact, the judge even went so far as to say the jury could convict Robert Pickton even if he wasn’t the primary person involved in the murders. He told the jury they could convict Willy even if he was just a willing precipitant. I.E. disposed of the bodies someone else murdered. The defense lawyer was understandably flabbergasted. The whole trial was based on the premise that Robert Pickton was a serial killer and was the only one involved. Then all of a sudden right before the jury breaks for deliberations the judge completely changed the mandate.

I’m not saying Robert Pickton should have won his appeal nor an I saying I disagree with the instructions the judge gave to the jury. I am saying the instructions the judge gave to the jury were very important and should form the mandate for the missing woman inquiry. It is highly likely Robert Pickton wasn’t the only person involved in all those murders. Who else was involved? That is the primary objective of any responsible citizen who has a genuine concern that this atrocity not be repeated.

The Real Free Enterprise Party

There was an article in the Vancouver Province today that talked about how BC Liberals are continuing to jump ship in favour of the BC Conservatives under the leadership of John Cummings. I found the sub heading to the article somewhat bizarre. It said Free-enterprise parties tied as Adrian Dix and the NDP sit at 43%.

Hold the door. Gordon Campbell and Christy Crunch's liberals have absolutely nothing to do with free enterprise. Stop saying that. Where did such an absurd misconception come from? Low and behold it came from a Chuck Strahl press release.

Chuck Strahl, a six-term MP for the Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon federal riding, will chair the campaign to elect Liberal candidate Laurie Throness on April 19. In a press release Wednesday, Strahl said the B.C. Liberals are the only free-enterprise party of choice. That is the source of the absurdity.

Likewise, the Harper Government is not a Free Enterprise Party. Not at all. They talk the talk but they most certainly don't walk the walk. Their is a difference between supporting huge corporations greed to rip off consumers then supporting free enterprise which implies supporting small business. Ironically enough, Jack Layton spoke a lot about supporting small business. At least when Jack Layton said someone I was a lot more likely to believe him than I was likely to believe anything Stephen Harper of Peter McKay said. Firing whistleblowers for proving they lied was shameful.

I would say John Cummings provincial conservatives are a free Enterprise party. I just think that Harper lost that vision when he merged with Mulroneyism. Something the real free enterprise party broke away from for it's apostasy of conservative values. Pauil Forseth however, has shown he supported Free Enterprise. He opposed TELUS' use of off shore call centres. He is a solid candidate for the BC Conservatives.

Having said that, I don't have the same fear and paranoia about Adrian Dix as Stephen Harper's spin doctors would have us feel. Carol James had dignity. Adrian Dix supports addressing inner city crime. Mike Farnworth would make an awesome Attorney General. Opposing perpetual gas taxes supports small business. Opposing the HST supports small business. Aside form the dramatic and erroneous stereotypes. There is noting in the NDP platform that opposes free enterprise or small business.

Liberal Back Chat in the Vancouver Province:


The message to politicians is: Don't you ever, ever treat us with such arrogance and disdain or we will vote your sorry butts out.


The electorate showed this on the HST referendum - and it should come as no shock - that the majority would rather face four years of an NDP government than reward the Liberals for past wrongdoings.


Vote NDP, Conservative, Green or even the Pot Party. Just do not vote for the B.C. Fiberals.

The Fiberals have sold us all out with their corruption.


Cheating and lying eventually catches up, you can only fool people for so long.


What can you expect from a party that calls itself the "Liberal" Party, but is right of Attila the Hun. Even the name of its party is a lie.


Worst government in B.C. history. After being a longtime Liberal, I am voting NDP. I don't see things changing with a Conservative government. If anything, it will create more corporate tax breaks. Just look at the federal Conservative Party.


Best news I have heard in years. What would be even better is to see the Fiberals wiped off the political map in B.C.


Hallelujah! People are finally starting to wake up to the Lieberal corruption. Trouble is 14 months is a long time to wait. They can cause lots more damage in that length of time. Better to recall them now to save what's left of the province.


The NDP are just sitting on their hands. No need for a platform, just wait and take power. B.C. does another polar swing to the left. The right just wants to sell off B.C., then all move to the U.S.A. to play golf 'til they need medical, then they'll come back.


Time to do away with this gang/party system. Stop business and union donations to parties. Parties should be working for the taxpayers, not entities who want something in return. Stop all this corrupt lobbying.


Nationally, opposition leaders are calling for Peter McKay's resignation over the undisclosed snowballing costs of the numerous fighter jets to support Harper's Oil Wars.

"Even if we were to believe that the chief of defence staff and the generals were plotting behind the minister's back to lie to Parliament, to lie to Canadians -- highly unlikely -- it would only prove that the defence minister is not in control of his own department," Mulcair said during question period Wednesday.

"A $10-billion piece of misinformation does not happen by immaculate conception . . . when is the prime minister of Canada going to take responsibility for what took place," Rae asked. Harper take responsibility for anything? Who are you kidding?

Down south Obama just signed legislation to finally stop insider trading within congress. Sounds good. That is a huge problem right now. Let's see if it's ever implemented. After all, Guantanamo bay is still open.