Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dramatic Jewelry Heist in Victoria

There was a dramatic daytime robbery at a jewelry store in downtown Victoria today. Thanks to observant citizens and one quick thinker who got a video clip of the suspect escaping on his cell phone, the suspects were quickly apprehended. Interesting to note that the VPD has increased their presence in the downtown core where drug related crime is adversely affecting businesses in the area. It reinstills the fact that the drug trade drains business it does not feed business. Stopping the public sale of crack helps reduce crime and increase business revenue.

The VPD incentive included getting drug dealers and prolific offenders red zoned which means they would be banned from the downtown core by way of court order. If you have been convicted of selling drugs downtown or stealing from people or businesses, then getting them banned as a term of probation is wise and within reach. Committing crime is not a charter right.

Harper reopens abortion debate

One of Harper’s MPs has introduced a private members bill reopening the abortion debate . I am not a fan of abortion on demand as a form of birth control nor am I a fan of late term abortion. When the health of the mother is at risk abortion is automatic. In cases of incest and rape, it is a personal and private decision.

What I do find ironic is that the debate has returned when Harper promised it wouldn’t. That seems to be a consistent problem for Harper’s credibility. As they said on the news, Harper could easily have told his MP not to introduce the bill. He certainly hasn’t had a problem with forcing MPs to tow the party line before.

The concern I have is when a politician pimps the church for their own personal gain. Jeb Bush made a huge scene in Florida denying a woman from having an abortion who was raped. I find that both extreme and hypocritical. Why is it that the most dishonest businessmen that are consistently involved with investment fraud champion some other religious cause to distract the world from their own misdeeds?

I shun extremism. Shooting abortion doctors is extreme. So is the hateful rage against anyone who dares ask moral questions about abortion. Our laws are framed on morals. The law says it is illegal to commit murder and shoot your ex. That law is based on a moral judgment. Some extremists get rageful when you express the truthful concern that abortion stops a beating heart. That rage completely disregards the rights of a father who might want a child the mother doesn’t. My father was adopted. I’m glad his biological mother did not have an abortion.

Abortion is a private and passionate topic. Yet the discussion cannot exist without a reference to morals because that is what our laws are framed on. The conclusion that it is wrong to steal is a moral judgment. I knew a woman in Ireland who deeply regretted her abortion. She told me in confidence that she kept having nightmares of hacked up pieces of baby screaming. I thought to myself that’s sure not something you hear at an abortion clinic. Parenthood is no easy task. Neither is child birth. Yet every decision has a consequence. Calmly and rationally discussing all options and all consequences is imperative in any serious life changing decision.

Michael Lawrence testifies at Hells Angel murder trial

Michael Lawrence testified at Leslie Douglas Greenwood murder trial. Lawrence pleaded guilty last January to three counts of first-degree murder in the September 2000 deaths of Charles Maddison, 55, Barry Kirk Mersereau, 48, and Mersereau’s wife, Nancy Paula Christensen, 47.

Because of his guilty pleas and the fact that others have been charged with the Mersereau and Christensen deaths, details of the killings have never been made public. That is until Lawrence’s testimony Wednesday during the trial of Leslie Douglas Greenwood, 41, also charged with the first-degree murders of Mersereau and Christensen. Lawrence is the key witness for the Crown, which is arguing that the murders were Hells Angels-ordered, execution-style killings.

Michael Riconosciuto and Hurricane Carter

Hurricane Carter was a boxer who was racially profiled and wrongfully imprisoned for a murder he didn’t commit. They made a movie about his story and Bob Dylan sang a song about him.

Conversely, Michael Riconosciuto is a CIA whistleblower who was wrongfully imprisoned after testifying at a Congressional Hearing. Within a week of Riconosciuto's testimony he was arrested by Federal Agents. Even while under arrest, he was subpoenaed to testify before a U.S. Federal Grand Jury seated to hear the INSLAW case. On Thursday, November 12, 1991 Riconosciuto made a declaration to the court. After the declaration was filed his wife, Bobbie, was arrested in Napa on the eve of his testifying at Federal Grand Jury.

The thing is, everybody knows the CIA has a long standing tradition of arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. Everybody knows about Mena Arkansas. Everybody knows the PROMIS software the CIA sold Canada had a Trojan horse in it. In the INSLAW case Mike testified in, a Federal Bankruptcy Court ruled that the Justice Department was deceitful and stole the $6 million software package. In 1996, Earl W. Brian was convicted on ten counts of fraud and sentenced to four years in prison. He was released in 2002. The problem is, nobody cares. There’s no reason to keep Michael Riconosciuto in prison any more.

The RCMP investigated Michael Riconosciuto and the INSLAW case. They know he was wrongly imprisoned. The frustrated investigating officers said no one outside of law enforcement will ever know what happened because they aren’t allowed to say what they found. Here’s the problem: Keeping an unlawful state secret is unlawful. It makes one an accessory to the crime.

Free Mike!

Appeal court rules Harkat deserves a new hearing

The Federal Court of Appeal says Mohamed Harkat deserves a new hearing to determine if he's a threat to national security. This is the guy that Canada imprisoned based on information from the CIA which turned out to be false. So instead of saying sorry we made a mistake and open themselves up for a law suit, they've found a technicality to drag it on and give him another chance at a hearing. How about let him go now that you know he was wrongfully imprisoned on false information.

The court said it was unfair that the Ottawa man was not allowed to see top-secret summaries of phone conversations recorded by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service between 1996 and 1998. Now all of a sudden CSIS claims the recordings are missing because they destroyed them. Bullshit. They knowingly imprisoned an innocent man. This is why we should not let them destroy the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. This is why they shouldn't have secret CIA "black-site" prisons that torture suspects without a fair trial.

The goal of the Justice for Mohamed Harkat web site is to abolish the use of security certificates in Canada which enables the federal government to detain and deport permanent residents and non-citizens without charge and to deny them access to the evidence related to their detention.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Harper wants to stay in Afghanistan

No wonder Stephen Harper wants to stay in Afghanistan. It's a big money maker now that the allies have returned Afghanistan to being the worlds largest suppliers of opium after the Taliban had it almost completely shut down in 2001. That created the panic and the shortage. Based on UNODC data, there has been more opium poppy cultivation in each of the past four growing seasons (2004–2007) than in any one year during Taliban rule. In the year 2000, several years after they captured Kabul, the Taliban banned opium production, slashing Afghan opium production from about 76% of word production in 2000 to 6% in 2001.

It is tragic Eight soldiers died of drug overdoses between 2010 and 2011. I guess that's what they call the casualties of doing business. Julie Couillard claimed that her boyfriend at the time, Maxime Bernier told her that the war in Afghanistan had nothing to do with promoting democracy. It was about control of the opium trade. Then again the Taliban did decide not to let UNICOL build that gas pipeline right before they were invaded. After the invasion that decision was reversed. No I don't see us leaving Afghanistan very soon. The Neo Cons are making too much money off of it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Murder trial with alleged Hells Angels link begins

Leslie Greenwood is starting his trial for the murder of Barry Mersereau, and his wife, Nancy Christensen. Barry was the brother of Randy Mersereau who was a former Hells Angel. Jeff Lynds confessed to shooting Randy on behalf of the Hells Angels. Randy had left the group and started selling drugs on his own instead of for the Hells Angels.

It's strange how in this trial, the claim is that Jeff Lynds, a member of the Hells Angels at the time ordered Leslie Greenwood to murder Barry and Nancy, but Jeff was never charged. There have been all kinds of speculation about Jeff making a plea bargain. He ended up committing suicide in prison, so we are told. I just find it strange that the shooter is being charged while the one that ordered the hit is not. Idealistically, if the Hells Angels ordered a murder, that criminal organization should be tried for the murder as an organization.

It's also strange how Jeff Lynds' nephew is also being charged in Barry and Nancy's murder when Jeff wasn't. Charges against Greenwood were dropped in Randy's murder but are proceeding against him in Barry and Nancy's murder. Leslie's lawyer claimed that there have been no deals made between his client and the crown. We're still waiting on word who killed Rusty and Ellen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Terry Reed and the CIA

We've talked about Gary Webb. The pulitzer prize winning investigative journalist who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice. He was the one that claimed the CIA were responsible for the LA Crack epidemic in the /80's. He claimed it was all tied to Arms going to the Contras in Nicaragua and cocaine coming back as payment. After the character assassination he experienced when he published a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News, he documented everything in his book, Dark Alliance.

We've also talked about how former LAPD officer Mike Rupert came forward supporting Webbs allegation. As did Nicaraguan DEA agnet Cele Castillo. We've talked about Bo Gritz, retired Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin's book as well as CIA Agent Barry Seals involvement with drug smuggling out of Mena Arkansas. We've even talked about former CIA operative Chip Tatum who claimed he opened up a box he was flying in to Mena marketed Medical supplies. He claimed he opened it up because he heard another piolt was once given a bomb to ship which exploded en route. Tatum claimed the box marked medical supplies he opened was full of cocaine.

All these different testimonies, silenced one by one, continue to paint a pretty clear and credible picture of what really went on in Mena when Bill Clinton was Governor. The next source we need to look at is former CIA agent Terry Reed. After Time magazine made a similar character assassination campaign against him like Gary Webb experience he documented everything just like Gary Webb did in a book called Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA.

Mena was all about arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. It was also tied to BCCI. The reason why it is still relevant is because they were recently caught doing the same thing in Operation Fast and Furious. The reason it is still relevant is because BCCI was a bank that collapsed because of it. The reason it is still relevant is because Hillary Clinton is still in office. Witnesses claim she was directly involved in the program in Mena through the Rose law firm.

It's time to take a look at Terry Reed's claims in his book Compromised. The real concern isn't the recent secret service idiots who were caught trying to stiff a prostitute in Columbia. If you look at the picture of one of the suspects when he was watching Sarah Palin and the ridiculous comments he made on facebook about it, that guy is not dangerous. If he had half a brain he'd be dangerous. He's an idiot. He's just a mall cop with delusional fantasies about James Bond. The dangerous secret service agents are the ones that will violate the oath of office to defend the constitution and use lethal force to protect unlawful state secrets. Those agents are dangerous.

It is also worth studying Nugan Hand, the Australian "investment bank" that collapsed in a spectacular fashion in 1980. When banks collapse because of the CIAs arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering, that affects the public interest.

However, even before Mena, Arkansas was The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity In The Global Drug Trade written by Alfred W. McCoy as part of his PHD thesis at Yale. The CIA traficking drugs in not a conspericy theory. It is a longstanding tradition.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Abbotsford police issue public safety warning

Abbotsford police have issued a public safely warning about an alleged gang member who they believe is at risk. Chad Weber is an alleged associate of the UN Gang and was sentenced to a 60-day jail sentence in 2011 on a drug charge. Now police have reason to believe a hit has been put on him which would put others at risk.

Just like the police warned the public about a hit on the Bacon brothers. That certainly materialized when Jonathon Bacon was gunned down with Larry Amero in Kelowna. The police have also issued a similar warning about members of the Dhak-Duhre group who were in conflict with the Hells Angels. Many of them have been publically executed since that warning. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who's responsible. Now, a member of the UN is being targeted. Well we know he's not being targeted by the Dhak-Duhre group.

Maple Ridge man charged after violent crime spree in East Vancouver

A career criminal from Maple ridge has been arrested after a crime spree in East Vancouver. Kevin Vern Beaulieu, 40, is charged with robbery, two counts of motor vehicle theft, possession of a dangerous weapon and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

Vancouver police said the suspect first stole a truck and collided with another vehicle - injuring the driver. He then dumped the vehicle and ran up to an 80-year-old woman sitting in her car and allegedly cut her in the neck.