Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More Mexican murders and decapitations

49 bodies discovered in Mexico near the Texas boarder. Many bodies were decapitated with limbs removed. The inhuman gory nature of these murders continue to increase as these sub humans continue to revel in their depravity. Decapitations, bodies hanged from bridges or dumped in public places. The news had the audacity to ask if the Mexican presidents’ war on drugs has been worth it as though confronting evil is somehow to blame for evil.

The victims were alleged to have been members of a drug cartel and were murdered by a rival drug cartel. They are fighting over the drug profits. It is a war of greed. As long as we allow the public sale of crack we are feeding that greed. As long as we let crack dealers sell crack in public, people will fight over the money to be made. The only way to stop the violence is to stop the public sale of crack.

We also need to open our eyes and look at the root of the problem. Which brings us to our Operation Fast and Furious podcast. Operation Fast and Furious was where government agencies sold guns to the Mexican cartels and brought back tons of cocaine as payment. It ran from 2009 – 2011 under the Obama administration. Operation Wide Receiver did the same thing from 2006 – 2007 under the Bush Administration. The common element is the involvement of the CIA. To understand the future, we have to go back in time. We need to look at Mena Arkansas, Nicaragua Contras, and the Heroin trade during the Vietnam War.

Here’s a conspiracy theory for you. Obviously the CIA were selling the cartels guns and trafficking ciociane to make money. Don’t you think they are also trying to discredit any presidential candidate who wants to keep Mexico’s oil public? The current president tried to privatize their oil but the Mexican people protested in mass and that plan was stopped. Now we see new presidential candidates are supporting the privatization of Mexico’s oil. Nationalized oil drives the old companies crazy. They will do whatever they can to get their greedy little mits on that money. We saw it in Afghanistan.

Smart Meter Blockade

Residents of a Kitsilano apartment building are holding an all-day vigil to keep B.C. Hydro from installing smart meters this week. Sonya Makaroff, whose family owns a 74-unit building on York Ave., has plunked herself down in the lobby and is ready to deny access to Hydro personnel.

A notice on the front door says the building’s owner is “unable to grant installers access to exchange meters.” Hydro intends to install new meters, which use wireless technology, sometime before 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

My guess is they put them in anyways. Smart Meters are a scam. They aren’t just an upgrade from an analog meter to a digital meter. They are a wireless surveillance device recording when you're home, when you're at work and when you're away on holidays. they transmit this personal information over a wireless network which anyone can intercept.

They are used to implement time of Day billing where they can charge more for daytime usage. They have been shown to be incredibly flawed as numerous complaints have risen where hydro bills have mysteriously skyrocketed after they were installed.

Hydro’s new meters are part of a $930-million, province-wide program. Yt BC Hydro is deferring a massive debt that was artificially created by privatized hydro brokers that sell power to Hydro at an above market price to rip off consumers. This is becoming another Enron. A public company should be publically accountable. there should be a cease and desist on the smart meters and the private power brokers Gordon Campbell made which has created this artificial debt should be done away with immediately.

Bill Vander Zalm compares the HST to smart meters.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Aneal Basi and BC Rail

We know about Dave Basi and Bob Virk but do we know about their other cousin Aneal Basi? Jas Bains was the cousin convicted of cocaine trafficking. Tips from an informant suggested Basi was laundering money for Bains by purchasing real estate. Basi's cousin, Aneal Basi, was charged with money-laundering for allegedly accepting cheques and transferring funds to Dave Basi.

Aneal Basi, who worked as a government media analyst, is accused of money laundering for allegedly accepting cheques from Erik Bornmann, then a partner in the lobbying firm Pilothouse, and transferring funds to Basi. After Dave Basi and Bob Virk plead guilty, money laundering charges against Aneal Basi were stayed. BC Mary has some interesting number on the accusations.

As a result of the drug investigations, the following charges were laid on September 14, 2004:

•Jas Bains, Brahm Mikol, Blythe Vernon, and John Scallon were charged jointly with conspiracy to traffic a controlled substance between September 19, 2003, and December 9, 2003, in Victoria, B.C.

•John Scallon and Michael Doyle were charged with conspiracy to traffic a controlled substance on December 3, 2003, in Vancouver.

•Tony Singh and Mandeep Sandhu were charged with conspiracy to traffic in a controlled substance between September 30, 2003, and December 9, 2003, in Surrey, B.C.

•Dave Basi was charged with possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking between March 24, 2003, and December 28, 2003, and possession of a controlled substance on December 8, 2003, in Victoria, B.C.

Regina vs Dave Basi, Bobby Singh Virk, and Aneal Basi

Ian Mulgrew, from the Vancouver Sun reported on Jasmohan Singh Bains conviction. He also reported that tips from an informant suggested Basi was laundering money for Bains by purchasing real estate, Winteringham said Another cousin, Aneal Basi, who worked as a government media analyst, was accused of money laundering for allegedly accepting cheques from Erik Bornmann, then a partner in the lobbying firm Pilothouse, and transferring funds to Basi.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

Don’t forget to do something for your Mom today. Being good to your mother is a sign of self respect. How we treat our mothers is often how we treat our wives. At the Rally at Beer Creek where they set doves free in memory of lost loved ones, one mother spoke about her son who was gunned down.

She admitted her son was not an innocent victim. Her son had been murdered because he was involved with the gang world. She commented how despite that fact he was good to her and always remembered her on Mothers Day. It shows that people caught up in the gang culture are human.

Empire Gang and the Little Rascals

The purpose of my blog and web site is to expose the big fish. It’s not to advertize for idiots who want to make a name for themselves. The Empire Gang is just a couple of Surrey car thieves. Two bit car thief rats. They don’t even make the gang registry. The only reason I mention them now is to state my opinion that they are insignificant.

For the daily who’s who I still refer people to Kim Bolan’s blog. She does get the inside scoop and I can’t be bothered with the small fish drama. Even the Dhurie Dhak Pak is whacked. Khun Khun is an idiot. Even his in-laws think he pushed their daughter out of his car to her death. How does your fiancé just happen to fall out of your car to her death on a straight away His subsequent suicide attempt is just proof he’s a nut bar. Dave Basi and Bobby Virk's connection to Jasmohan Bains, that is signifigant.

Highway Robbery

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the real gangsters are still getting away with murder and highway robbery. There is no reason for another spike in gas prices at the pump. None whatsoever. Other than the fact that the oil companies are exploiting the fact that they have a monopoly and are continuing to gouge consumers. It's at 1.48 a litre now not 1.46.

There is nothing worse than a private corporation with a monopoly. That is not a free market system. When you give a private oil company or a privatized energy company an exclusive monopoly, greed takes over and consumes everything. It destroys the free market system. Didn’t Mexico make their oil company public? A public oil company who’s profits add to the tax revenue and thereby reduce taxes for the general public. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lindsay Buziak’s Father offers reward to solve his daughter’s murder

CBC News and the Vancouver Province are reporting that Jeff Buziak is offering a substantial reward for someone to come forward with information about his daughter’s murder. Somewhat bizarre the Saanich police are asking the public to ignore it.

Dillon Sahota is a Central Saanich Police officer isn't he? Speaking of cocaine in Victoria, the Basi Virk case started because of allegations of their involvement in drug trafficking and money laundering through real estate. Dave Basi’s cousin Jasmohan Singh Bains was convicted as Mr. Big. Turns out that Bobby Virk was Dave Bassi’s cousin too so that means he was also related to Mr. Big. Lindsey's former boyfriend Jason Zailo has a lot of dark associations. I wonder what else John van Dongen will discover when he examines the BC Rail Scandal.

Interveiw CBC Radio Morning Show Calgary

Interview with Bridget Brown Calgary (Click on the video on the right)

Sunset on Seymour

Lots of snow still on the local mountains. I love the back country. Life has so much more to offer that you can’t find in a pill or a crack pipe. One of the saddest things I’ve ever seen was that video clip a “friend” of Amy Winehouse took of her smoking a crack pipe looking at her wedding picture. She was using the crack pipe to help her cope with the loss but it wasn’t helping. It just made things worse.

We all knew Mike Robatzek was an idiot but Jamie Keyhoe wasn’t. Jamie didn’t deserve to die just as his life was beginning to blossom. After I made my post about Jamie’s murderer walking away free, someone wrote in and said they read a different account of what happened in the news.

We all know how the media can twist things. The courts never said his friend attacked the accused with a baton first. The court said they couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that isn’t what happened even though it wasn’t. Even if that was true, any police officer trained in the use of force will tell you that slitting someone’s throat with a knife is a deadly attack. It is not self defense.

Jamie was unarmed. He was a nice but smaller kid. He was sitting on the bus when his throat was slit. No doubt there is conflicting testimony from the witnesses. They witnessed a belligerent female harass another female then kick the crap out of her. They also saw her boyfriend slit a kid’s throat for no reason. Do you think they might be a bit scared for their safety if they testify against her? No kidding.

This sunset is for Jamie. In the end, truth will prevail.

Canada’s most prolific sex offender living in Surrey

Great. Why do these guys always come to Surrey? Front page of the Surrey Leader is a story about a man living in Surrey described in court as one of Canada’s most prolific sex offender who faces seven more charges of sexually assaulting young people. The guy is a former Scout Leader and former Anglican Priest.

This shocking betrayal of trust is disturbing. God knows we’ve heard far too many similar cases within the Catholic church. Now we are hearing similar cases within the Anglican Church, the United Church, as well as Scout Leaders and even Hockey Coaches. The plague of pedophilia is disturbing.

Ralph Rowe is the Ontario man now living in Surrey who has just been charged with seven more offenses. Those offenses arise from time he spent in Manitoba and Ontario on First Nations reserves conducting church services and youth events. Holy blasphemy. That is tragic. More cases of First Nations children being sexually assaulted. That historic pattern is very disturbing. I just don’t understand it.

Rowe has been incarcerated twice before for multiple sexual assaults involving boys as young as six. At his first trial, Rowe pled guilty to 39 counts of indecent assault involving 19 boys and was sentenced to six years. Under the terms of his plea bargain, he would serve no additional jail time if convicted of other similar cases. I’m not sure what that means. Six years for all those offenses is unjust. Especially when you add mandatory statutory release to it which means he likely only served 4 years out of the six on his first conviction.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Jamie Kehoe’s murderer walks free

This is revolting. Jamie Kehoe’s murder was big news in Surrey. He was an innocent bystander sitting on a bus and a guy runs up to him and slashes his throat abruptly ending his life before it really got started. A tragedy that matches the Jesse Cadman murder.

Yesterday the news broke that the crown will not be proceeding with charges against the accused because of the unlikelihood of conviction. Not because he was innocent, but because the court couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused didn’t murder him in self defense. That is absolutely outrageous.

Jamie was a small kid. The accused isn’t. Jamie was a nonviolent skateboarder. He’s sitting on the bus with two friends, a guy and a girl. Another guy gets on the bus with another girl who becomes belligerent and relentlessly antagonizes the girl who is with Jamie and his other friend. The whole bus ride she keeps yelling at the girl, challenging her to a fight while the girl is silent.

As the belligerent girl gets off the bus the girl who was taunted the whole trip tells her to f off after she gets off the bus. The antagonistic girl freaks. She runs back onto the buss and starts kicking the sh*t out of the girl she had been taunting. The guy with the antagonistic girl then runs up to Jamie as he’s sitting in his seat and slashes his throat for no reason. That is just plain evil.

After he slashes Jamie’s throat, Jamie’s friend jumps in and starts to fight the assailant and ends up getting stabbed. That’s what happened. Denying the family a day in court because you don’t think you can prove it wasn’t in self defense is even more evil that the horrific murder itself. Just because two girls are fighting doesn’t necessarily mean the guys are going to jump in. They might help separate them or pull one off if the other starts getting seriously beat up but there is no reason this case can’t go to trial. Preventing the case from going to trial is a travesty of justice. It’s time to mobilize and march for justice. Being silent on this issue is wrong.

Update: A similar case in Chilliwack involving Lori Stevens has shown that particular crown counsel to be negligent.