Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Mounted Mountie

This just keeps getting worse. Another mountie in the news, this time having and affair with a US Judge. With all these sexual indiscretions in the RCMP lately people are really beginning to think the term Mounted Police has sure taken on a new meaning. Point granted it just an allegation of a convicted money launderer yet the court document quotes the judge’s ex husband about the alleged affair. I’ll dive into this one a bit more on my days off.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mom Boucher’s Past History

Before we look at the Hells Angels support of Domenic Violi and the Calbrians in Hamilton, we need to look at Mom Boucher’s past history to see the pattern that repeats itself. Greg Wololey has ties to Mom Boucher. I first started this web site and blog because of the Vancouver gang war. At the time, I thought Mom Boucher was hard core. Then I found out some things about him that I found hard to respect.

First was the fact that he served time for armed rape. That’s pretty slimy. He joined the Hells Angels shortly after getting out of prison for that rape. Before he joined the Hells Angels he and his friend Salvatore Cazzetta formed their own white supremacist biker club called the SS. Now that’s pretty messed up. This whole obsession with Nazis is messed up.

I don’t understand how anyone from Quebec can wear Nazi lightening bolts. The Nazis invaded France. We spilt our blood on the beaches of Normandy to liberate France from Nazi occupation. The French revolution was based on liberté, égalité, fraternité. Fascism is the exact opposite. Anyone who wears Nazi swastikas or lightening bolts is pissing on the French revolution and the graves of the soldiers who died trying to liberate France from Germany.

So Mom Boucher’s past history begins with a white supremacist biker club called the SS and with armed rape. Before that he was a petty thief that robbed an old man at gunpoint. Don’t worry, it gets worse.

Next comes the dirty politics. Salvatore Cazzetta didn’t join the Hells Angels with Mom Boucher because Salvatore was pissed about the Lennoxville massacre. The Hells Angels set up and executed their own and he thought that was bullshit. He was right. Boucher surprisingly enough didn’t have a problem with it. He saw it as an opportunity to advance himself in the organization. Just like his other pal Biff Hamel did.

Biff Hamel was a member of the SS and became a Hells Angels prospect with Mom Boucher. Biff was present at the Lennoxville massacre. He watched them murder his sponsors. Instead of being upset that they murdered his brothers, he jumped at the opportunity to promote himself in the club. That’s when Biff Hamel and Mom Boucher teamed up to take over the Deathriders.

On May 4, 1987 the President of the Death Riders, Martin Huneault, was shot to death in a Laval bar. No one was ever arrested for the murder, but just hours after Huneault's funeral, Death Riders Mario Martin and André Richard were seen meeting with Hells Angels Maurice "Mom" Boucher and Normand "Biff" Hamel. Boucher and Hamel received their colours after the incident and Huneault's murder allowed the Hells Angels to completely take over drug trafficking in Laval and the lower Laurentians area.

This is what I mean about dirty politics. First, they had the president of the Death riders shot dead. Before that they plotted with his own members for a take over. Two members of the Death riders were in on it and saw the murder of their president as an opportunity for their own advancement. That is as low as you can go. What do you think is going to happen when you build an organization with the kind of low lifes that betray their own to promote themselves? It’s a house of cards that is bound to collapse on itself simply because no lie can live forever.

Now for the crème dela crème. A while ago I reported that I went for lunch with a guy visiting Vancouver from Montreal. He said that a member of the Rock Machine told him that Mom Boucher had paid members of the Rock Machine to murder some of his own political rivals within the Hells Angles. That is what he said a member of the Rock Machine told him.

At first that sounds absurd, but look what happened right before he went to prison. Boucher was in and out of court for several years. He was acquitted then finally convicted for ordering the murder of two prison guards.

In the year 2000, his old buddy from the SS, Salvatore Cazzetta, left the Rock Machine, joined the Hells Angels and shortly thereafter became the president of the Montreal Hells Angels. Wow. That was before the Bandido massacre not after.

Salvatore wasn’t the only one that crossed over at that time. He had a brother named Giovanni who started the rock machine with him in 1989. Giovanni also crossed over and joined the Hells Angels with him. But that’s not all. Paul Porter and Sal Brunetti left the Rock Machine and joined the Hells Angels all at the same time: December 2000. Paul Porter leads the Ontario Nomads.

Brunetti was the leader of the Dark Circle, often described as the Rock Machine’s hit squad. Right before Mom Boucher goes to jail all these guys magically cross over to protect Mom’s interest in the organization. It makes ya wonder if they weren’t doing that all along. Clearly there is merit to the allegation that Mom Boucher paid members of the Rock Machine to kill his political rivals. That is his MO.

Two years ago Mom Boucher was stabbed in prison. He’s losing his grip. He looks rather ridiculous with bleach blond hair lifting bottled water as weights in prison. Kinda like one of the Beach boys having a mid life crisis. Next let’s talk about the Hells Angels support of Domenic Violi and the Calbrians in Hamilton.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is Larry Amero doing business in Montreal?

Update: Larry Amero busted in Montreal

I was hesitant posting Larry Amero’s picture and a link to the story about him being spotted in Montreal because I know he’s been in hiding since he was shot in Kelowna with Jonathon Bacon. We knew he had contacts in Ottawa. Then we hear the leader of a Montreal gang that doesn’t want to buy drugs from the Hells Angels was shot dead and I started wondering. One blog reader claimed Greg Wooley, Mom Boucher’s poster puppet is still involved in the Montreal Drug trade. They even claim he slapped Wolley at a big meeting and confronted him at a club before he was shot. That would reinstill the fact that the Hells Angels are still very much involved in the Montreal drug trade. So what is Larry doing there?

Larry is the queen of deception. He has a long history of playing both sides. That is why he was shot in Kelowna. During the 2009 Vancouver gang war the UN and the Bacon brothers were arch enemies. Jamie Bacon is on trail for his involvement in the Surrey Six murder where two innocent bystanders were shot dead when the Bacon brothers took over the leadership of the Red Scorpions and made them a Hells Angels puppet club. There was another ruthless hit against a UN supporter where a mother was shot dead with her toddler in the car.

Consequently the Bacon brothers are hated in Surrey and despised by the UN. Nevertheless, the Hells Angels, Larry Amero, included, were at the same time playing the UN. They were caught doing business with them and playing both sides. They kept their support of the Bacon brothers a secret from the UN at the time.

Larry even let one of his ex’s, Sarah Trebble, who he shared a car lease with, ride with the UN when they did the hit on the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz which Randy Jones from the Hells Angels owns.

Needless to say, the UN were a bit surprised and a bit choked when Larry Amero came out of the closet with his relationship with Jonathon Bacon. We knew they were friends at the time, we just couldn’t prove it. We could only prove Larry’s friends were friends with Jonathon’s friends. Yet in Kelowna, they weren’t just caught meeting together. They were bragging about the Hells Angels support of the Bacon brothers driving around on that stupid Steroids and Silicone boat trying to pick fights with civilians on the water. No doubt Larry is playing the mob in Montreal while the rest of them are supporting the Violis in Hamilton. Buyer Beware. The Irish didn’t firebomb a funeral home.

Come to think of it, Larry Amero’s friend Jeremy Bettan who used to work for Larry’s “courier company” in Montreal was shot dead in Walnut Grove a while ago. I guess Larry has been doing business in Montreal for a while now.

Come to think of it, Larry Amero’s other friend, Randy Naicker was shot dead too. Working for Larry appears to be very risky business. Jonathon Bacon worked for Larry. He’s dead. Jeremy Bettan worked for Larry. He’s dead. Randy Naicker worked for Larry. He’s dead. I’m beginning to see a pattern. It doesn’t look like Larry’s very good at protecting his employees. He’s only good at playing both sides and covering his own ass. We’ll see how long it takes for the brothers in Quebec to see through that.

The Toronto Sun is confirming the story that the gang leader shot in Montreal had slapped Greg Wooley at a Hells Angels sponsored summit to unite all the gangs in North Montreal. Needless to say that a Hells Angels sponsored summit to unite all the drug dealers in North Montreal is a complete joke. They don’t want to unite them, they want to take them over. There’s a big difference. I think we should unite the gangs. We should unite the Haitians, the Irish and the Italians against the Hells Angels and their Nazi 666.

Sadly, the police’s response is to shake down all the members of the Bo-Gars and charge them with firearms offenses. That is an offensive waste of taxpayers money. Helping the Hells Angels take over the entire Montreal drug trade is not something the police should be doing. I realize they’re worried about retaliation. Yet we live in a cause and effect world. Searching the Bo-Gars for weapons and not the Syndicate is wrong. If you want peace on the streets you need to arrest Greg Wooley for murder and take him off the street. Helping promote his business is not the answer. Greg Wooley is still a puppet for the Hells Angles.

Kitchener, Ontario

Here’s a guy I hesitate to even mention, Dominico Esposito. He’s in a different league than Pat James entirely. He has a lot of respect on the street and I have to admit I have a lot more respect for him than most of the other clowns out there. He doesn’t ride a fully dressed Harley that looks like a goldwing. He rebuilt a rigid frame from ground up. Ya gotta respect that.

He doesn’t have facial tattoos and he doesn’t brag about bad ink. He’s quiet, polite and respectful yet they say it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. He has past history in Montreal and New York. He’s not one to cross and he gets the job done. Selling drugs in clubs is different than selling crack on the corner. The guy even overcame cancer. There’s a lot there to respect.

Yet there’s a lot to be concerned about too. He supports the Hells Angels and lives in Kitchener Ontario. So does that mean the Hells Angels in Kitchener support Domenic Violi in Hamilton? That is a huge concern. It is as they say, a conflict of interest.

I will tell you something about the Hells Angels. They are not honest. They are not trustworthy. They play both sides until the opportunity arises to stab a brother in the back to promote their own financial gain. We’ll talk about Mom Boucher’s past history as well as their support for the Violis.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

1% Clubs forgot to grow up

The TBM guys send me this article about police issuing a warning about the Mongols in Norway claiming they aren’t just a motorcycle club and that they are in the business of selling drugs, extortion and robbery. The first thing I see is their group picture showing their colours giving the finger and I had to laugh.

When on earth are these guys going to grow up? These are grown men acting like juvenile kids. As we get older and raise kids, somewhere along the line we are supposed to grow up. Take on responsibility. Contribute to society. These 1% clone clubs just don’t get it. They never grew up.

Laura Szendrei murder trial under way

I haven’t heard anything in the news of late but last February it was announced that the trial for the suspect arrested for the murder of Laura Szendrei was scheduled to start August 13 2012 and run till October. First I want to say that her death is an absolute tragedy.

We need to separate the fact that her father wore Hells Angels support gear and that Hells Angels attended the funeral. We need to separate that completely from the case. A young girl was murdered. Beaten to death. Police say they don’t think victim knew the suspect which makes it even more tragic and bizarre. Someone just beats a young girl to death for no reason. Incomprehensible.

The moral of the story is that murder is a horrible thing. It is devastating for a whole family. I think it would be inherently offensive if some idiots started a free this murderer facebook group like they did for Matt Foley back east. I don’t see that happening because everyone here agrees this murder was horrible.

Some people get all upset because they claim the father threatened revenge in court. That is a pretty human thing to do. Those kinds of feelings are appropriate given the tragic nature of the situation. We need to set that aside too. It does however lead us to the concept of justice. They say where there is no justice, there will be no peace.

The legal consequence for murder in Canada is bad enough as it is. The fact that the kid was a young offender makes it worse. Even less time served. Thanks to Chuck Cadman and his work with CRY: Crime Responsibility Youth, young offenders can now be tried as adults in the case of serious crimes like murder. Clearly this suspect should be tried as an adult in this case.

There’s a publication ban on the kids name because he was a young offender at the time but there isn’t a publication ban on the motive and the sentence he will receive. That needs to be discussed.

The Surrey Leader is now reporting on the trial.

Pat James is a flaming idiot with bad ink

I’ve talked about this guy before but I really think it’s important to emphasize how much of an idiot and how ugly and stupid his eyes on the back of his head tattoo really is. It’s one thing to be an idiot but it’s another thing to brag about being an idiot. That shows the guy has no brains and no heart. Something you don’t really see every day.

One of the reason that the Bacon brothers are hated so much in Surrey is because they’re not from the hood. They’re a bunch of yuppies from the suburbs who were empowered by the Hells Angles to murder for money. They have no respect. They didn’t come from a broken home per say. Their brain dead parents were in on it.

Likewise, Pat James is this huckleberry hillbilly in the middle of nowhere who brags about being an idiot and bullies non drug dealing MCs in the middle of nowhere. Don’t get me wrong. I love small towns and I love enjoying nature in the distant corners of our vast country. Yet bullying a couple of seniors at a Tim Horton’s in the middle of nowhere screams loser.

Let’s emphasize how bad his ink really is. Getting tattoos of eyes on the back of your head is really dumb. It not only looks stupid, it looks ridiculous. Aside from that, it’s not very well done. Even one of his own “friends” thinks it looks crooked. Bragging about that bad ink by still using it as a facebook profile picture while he bullies other MCs in small towns wins him the flaming idiot of the year award. How old is this guy? Is he ever going to grow up?

Pat James is an active supporter of the free Matt the murderer campaign.

As soon as the Darksiders show up in Bridgewater a brothel gets busted and all the big city crime of Halifax starts getting imported to a small town. Pat James seems to be the one in charge of or actively involved in the Darkisdrers and the Wind Demozs bullying in Bridgewater. The Wind Demonz are harmless idiots indeed. The left overs that didn’t patch over to become Darksiders ride sports bikes and hang out at Tim Hortons. Losers in every sense of the word. Yet Annie potty mouth the trailer trash hussy from nowhere is actively involved in their disinformation campaign.

Let’s remember that Bacchus out of Halifax were caught selling drugs for the Hells angels in Prince Edward Island. Likewise, in Bridgewater, the head of the Darksiders is now facing drug charges. The bullshit never ends.

In 2009 Pat James was a striker for the East Coast Riders who patched over to become Bacchus in January 2010. So that means Pat James hasn’t been a member of Bacchus or the finger puppet club very long. He was a striker for the finger puppets when he was at least 41 years old. Don’t ya think someone that age should act it? He breeds dogs. I guess that’s why everyone calls him a dog fucker. A bizarre note is that Rusty Hall was from the East Coast Riders too. He and his wife were murdered the month after they patched over to Bacchus. So if Rusty’s murder was an inside job, who did it? What's the matter? Didn't Rusty want to sell crack?

Sadly, if you take Pat James, wipe off that stupid make up, turn him around and cover up those stupid eyes on the back of the head tattoo and that tacky green stripper on a pole tattoo, he looks human. He looks like a nice guy. Why on earth does he want to be a bully so bad and get involved with a criminal organization that sells crack and lives off the avails. How can any man with a daughter support turning other daughters into drug addicted prostitutes? That’s pretty heartless and short sighted. Sackville is better than that.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Punk Rockers Storm Church in Russia - Update

On the international scene, Russia slips back into the Dark Age after three members of a Russian punk rock band were sentenced to two years in prison after speaking out against Vladimir Putin. They were charged with hooliganism and religious hatred. I don’t know how a punk rock band got permission to play in a Russian cathedral but free speech is essential in any democratic society.

Lately there have been many protests in Russia against Vladimir Putin accusing him of voter fraud. Singing a "punk prayer" pleading with the Virgin Mary to save Russia from Vladimir Putin is not promoting religious hatred. Tyranny is. My only caution to my comrades in Russia is when they call for a revolution, be careful where that leads. You need a constitution guaranteeing democracy and free speech, not a Manifesto abolishing it.

Update: OK I’m going to have to weigh in here. I guess things aren’t always what they appear. Storming a church and holding a punk rock concert in it without permission is disrespectful. Many find punk rock disrespectful at the best of times. The lyrics in their red square performance were off the hook. Disrespectful is their mission statement. To highjack a church and force people there to listen to that is wrong.

Calling upon Mother Mary to be a feminist and support gay pride is an interesting concept. Yet someone will say I believe in gay pride while someone else will say I don’t believe in that. Likewise, someone will say I believe in God while someone else will say I don’t believe in that. We are all entitled to our own beliefs. How we express those beliefs can be right or wrong. Or in this case appropriate or inappropriate.

When I look at the antics of Pussy Riot, I have to say I don’t support them. Even the name pussy riot is offensive. What are you trying to do bring back Caligula and have that kind of a riot? Standing anywhere and screaming let’s have a riot is in itself problematic. Why do you want to a have a riot? There are laws framed against the instigation of a riot which would include vandalism and looting.

Free speech is a sacred right. Yet that doesn’t mean we have the right to prevent others from having their free speech or in this case worshiping who, how or what they may. Perhaps the reason Pussy Riot stormed a church is because when they performed in Red Square no one came to listen to them.

I saw this post in another forum and wanted to copy it before it was lost:

"Would you believe that Pussy Riot would be allowed to sing an anti-Putin song in the Red Square and get away with it? In fact, that's what they did on 20th January 2012. On the Red Square in broad daylight they played a nicely rousing song about 'KGB bitches' and 'Putin who is pissing his pants', and there was press around to take photos and video: and

After that Red Square performance they were briefly detained by the police and then released. No trial, no conviction, no world outrage... nothing. So, next time their organizers have chosen another venue to make sure there would be headlines "Jailed for singing an anti-Putin song"... That's how public opinion is manufactured."

Another Oshawa Hells Angels drug ring busted

Project Kingfisher with the Durham police and the BEU has netted a full patch member of the Hells Angels and a whole ship load of prospects and associates trafficking cocaine in the Region that had ties to Toronto and Hamilton. Shawn Campbell is the Oshawa full patch member of the Hells Angels arrested. Michael Cudmore from a Hells Angles support club called the North End Crew in Hamilton was also arrested. We have more news coming about the Hells Angels connection to organized crime in Hamilton.

Two of the Oshawa associates were also charged with trafficking crack. All this drug debt violence connected to the Hells Angels in Oshawa and Pickerington has to make you wonder about the dungeon they found there not long ago. Here’s a picture of Shawn Campbell at the Don. Looks like he’s familiar with prison.

In 2007, Project Merlin netted 48 kilos of cocaine and twelve suspects including a full-patch member of the Hells Angels and a baggage handler at Pearson airport. Jeremy Brown, 30, a full-patch member of the Oshawa Hells Angels and Jason McGee, 28, an associate Hells Angels member were arrested in that bust.

We do remember the Hells Angels clubhouse in Oshawa was seized under criminal organization legislation. That seizure was upheld by the courts and the clubhouse was demolished as a result.

RCMP Harassment Meltdown

E-mail leaked to the press has revealed more tensions within the RCMP. We can debate whether or not private e-mail should be sent to the media, yet some of the concerns do need to be discussed not swept under the carpet.

First Staff Sgt. Tim Chad sent Commissioner Bob Paulson an e-mail claiming trust is missing between officers and senior managers, who are trying to create a new culture within the RCMP when only a few are to blame for its woes. "We are not all a bunch of screw-ups but it is evident we are all being lumped into that category and we are not valued and trusted," he wrote in an email in July. Chad also said the RCMP senior executive committee is pursuing changes to benefits without proper consultation with employees. "We are being paid lip service and this is of grave concern," he wrote.

Paulson responded by suggesting that Chad is "living under a rock" if he thinks that the RCMP does not require an "all hands on deck" approach to restoring the public's trust. "Wake up Man, this organization is at risk," he wrote. Tim Chad is correct in that not all RCMP officers are screw ups. Yet to say that only a few are to blame for it’s woes is somewhat of an understatement. Paulson’s response is right on the money. It’s a huge problem not just one or two bad apples and fixing that problem is going to require an all hands on deck approach.

Complaining about changes to benefits without consultation is a Union issue. Oh but wait, there is no Union. People can argue for or against Unions until the cows come home. We do however need to separate the concerns of pay and benefits from ongoing harassment.

Next, Peter Kennedy, a 30 year veteran from the North Vancouver detachment steps up to the plate. Kennedy writes Paulson and complains “I find your reply to him aggressive, insulting, arrogant, condescending and immature.”

“All S/Sgt. CHAD was trying to tell you, there is a trust issue between management and its members. They are not being engaged. A man asking for a little understanding and help, was bullied by the very person who is supposed to help not only him but all of us. Then he throws in a dig comparing Paulson to an angry teenager. Not very respectful either. So hold the door.

Kennedy goes on a rant about how big the problem is as he’s defending Chad who complained we not all screw ups it’s only a few bad apples. So which is it? Is it a huge problem or a small problem? Many people are involved or just a few? That is a rather large contradiction. I think everyone agrees it’s a huge problem. Clearly Paulson is not wrong for admitting that and saying Chad is living under a rock if he thinks it isn’t.

When Paulson calls for a change in attitude, Kennedy believes it should start at the top, noting that “most of the problem with these harassment investigations is the fact that they were handled by what is now your management team.”

I agree the problem seems to be coming from the top down. Mangers who investigate allegations of harassment and not caring or doing anything to stop it. I also agree that fixing the problem is going to require an all hands on deck approach. Somehow we need to rise above the management rank and file rift.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think two things need to change. First is the obvious. People like Don Ray and Jim Brown need to be fired. Period. We can talk all the flower power we want but until we actually do that all those words are meaningless. Second, Depot needs to change. In that order.

How do we change a longstanding command culture of harassment if we don’t beging at the beginning: basic training. There is no need for new recruits to be verbally harassed at depot any more. I understand the intent. I haven’t been involved with the police but I have been involved with a similar kind of training. The intent was to screen out bad apples who weren’t able to put up with the abuse. Clearly that objective has failed. The bad apples have entered in. In reality all it has really taught is that there is a time and place for everything including abuse. It teaches abuse is OK when it is not.

You can have a physically demanding training without the verbal abuse. You can train recruits to have strong self images to serve and protect people including coworkers from harassment by building up their self image and their self respect. Self respect is essential. Arrogance is not. People who harass others lack self respect. Clearly all that training has failed to provide that essential life skill. Depot needs to change right after Jim Brown and Don Ray are fired. Until that happens nothing will change no matter how hard we try to sweep the problem under the carpet.

There is a heritage worth preserving and protecting. It’s all about service. It’s all about good versus evil. It’s all about taking the higher road less travelled and being true to a principle. True North. Strong and Free. It's about protecting our home. It's about protecting the people in our home. It’s like a scene in the movie Shake hands with the devil. One of the Rwandan leaders explains to the Canadian general that he’s trying to save his country. The general responds and what is that? Those mountains? Those trees? He can’t save his country without saving the people in it.