Saturday, December 29, 2012

Suspicious fire in Surrey

Two mobile homes in Surrey were destroyed by fire after a mobile home exploded in Surrey last night in Bridgeview near the Pattullo Bridge. The first thought is possible meth lab but neighbors claims the smell of gasoline was very strong before the explosion.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Adelaide takes out the trash

80 Hells Angels and Finks have been banned from every licensed establishment in Adelaide, Australia in an effort to take the bikers drug war out of the public's way. Well done. Three cheers for Adelaide for finally taking out the trash. 80 Hells Angels and rivals banned from every pub in the city. Now that's a good start. Ya see what happens if everyone does their part and picks up a little garbage? The world becomes a much better place.

City of Surrey evicts homeless shelter - Update

Talk about tearing down bridges. Once again the city of Surrey shows it’s true colours. After accepting a bribe from the dirty developers of the mega casino they are closing down the Surrey Urban Mission foodline and homeless shelter with no plan in sight for a relocation. More blood money. Shame on them and shame on all of us for allowing this to happen.


The Surrey Leader is reporting that time is running out for the homeless shelter and the Vancouver Province has picked up on the story. This is a dirty stain on Dianne Watts’ campaign. This is something Gordon Campbell would do. Evict the homeless and accept a $24,000 bribe from dirty developers connected to Gordon Campbell for an organized crime megatropolis in Surrey. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

This place is on the same side of 104th just across the street from the new Babylonian City Hall that’s being built. The City of Surrey wants the homeless shelter out of there. They’re even putting up roadblocks on their relocation. This is the place that the City of Surrey just spent $5 million on new furniture. Why are they trampling the homeless in their greed and excess? They’re spending big money on a huge black fence around the Front room so people won’t see the homeless there. God help us.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Montreal Mayhem before Christmas

I’ve fallen behind in the gang violence over Christmas. So much for a December ceasefire. Freddy posted a few links in the other forum that are discouraging. Friday December 21st two men were shot in the head, at a strip-mall café in north Montreal. The next day the police claimed the victims had no ties to organized crime yet sources told CTV Montreal the victims were foot soldiers for the De Vito clan.

So what’s with that? A masked gunman shoots two guys in the head in north Montreal. How can that not be related to organized crime? December 17th Giuseppe Fetta was shot in north Montreal. Emilio Cordileone was shot dead December 8th. These guys have no respect for public safety or for a seasonal cease fire. They just don’t care. That’s what greed does to people. This morning there was another shooting in the HoMa bar in Montreal.

These are the same kind of guys that would shoot someone on Christmas eve then tell the shooter to kill his co accused just because. Just because they are untrustworthy and betray everyone they meet for the almighty dollar. They're all a bunch of skidmarks crying out to be flushed down the toilet of justice. Astounding they're driven by the Ontario Village Idiots.

On a lighter note, at least 45 centimetres of snow fell on Montreal on Thursday, breaking a record on Thursday that had stood since 1969.

Gary Webb and the Fiscal Cliff: Part 2 The final cut

Although Gary Webb didn’t mention the fiscal cliff doom and gloom we are now hearing, the things he did bring to light very much effects the reality of the current cause of the financial cliff con that keeps sucking up tax dollars to pay for investment fraud. George Bush used the same con. He called it a global financial meltdown which his fraudulent spending helped create. That is the key thing to remember.

Banks don’t crash all by themselves. Someone has to commit fraud and steal from the bank before it crashes. We know from the closure of the VSE how corrupt those fake pump and dump stocks really were.

The Greek financial crisis is the prime example. Economists warn that what happened to Greece could very well happen to Canada and they are quite right. We could easily get conned just like they did. What caused the Greek financial crisis? What was public money became private money then disappeared. Madoffs were springing up like popcorn who stole the public money through investment fraud. That is what caused it. Just like the S&L crisis in the /80’s.

The mortgage crisis in the States was a little bit different but the root cause was obvious. In the /80’s Canada had a recession and mortgage rates skyrocketed. Mortgage rates went from 6% to 20%, a rate jump that was previously illegal. As a result monthly mortgage payments doubled and people couldn’t keep up and ended up losing their homes. This domino effect continued across the country.

The same thing happened in the recent US mortgage crisis. It wasn’t just a matter of banks handing out high risk loans. Mortgage rates skyrocketed and people couldn’t keep up with the increased payments. Homes were foreclosed left right and centre while cunning capitalists came in and cleaned house. There is nothing wrong with capitalism. There is something wrong with fraud. Canada didn’t see the same mortgage crisis they saw in the US this time simply because our mortgage rates didn’t skyrocket like theirs did. Controlling those mortgage rates helped prevent a national recession.

Capping mortgage rates is pretty simple. What we need to examine is the investment fraud that crashes banks and Wall Street. The kind of fraud that is causing the Irish to ask why they should be paying for that in Europe.

One of my primary points here is the fact that according to Al Martin, the agency used investment fraud as a way to raise money for Iran contra. Not only did they sell drugs to fund the contra rebels in Nicaragua, but they also knowingly committed investment fraud as a way of raising money.

Al Martin pointed out that sometimes the victims were willing participants. They would knowingly invest in a dry oil well as a way of contributing to the cause so to speak. When the fake oil well went bankrupt they would be paid out half their investment and use the rest as a tax right off so they would come out whole, get a patriotic photo of George Bush and a pat on the back saying they contributed to the cause. Others weren’t so fortunate. They were ripped off and lost their shirt.

The double dip scam that Al Martin exposed and claimed Neil Bush instructed him to do was the practice of taking out a bank loan to invest in a dry oil well or fake pump and dump stock. After ripping off investors and taking their money when it came time to dump the pump and dump, they also defaulted on the bank loan and thereby double dipped on their little scam. Al Martin claimed that during the S&L crisis in the /80’s many of the defaulted loans that crashed the banks in Texas were loans the agency defaulted on as a way of fund raising. Those banks were bailed out and the agency walked away with a black ops budget from fraud. This has been confirmed by former Huston Post reporter Pete Brewton.

We have talked about how this did happen in Canada. How the CIA used Earl Brian to commit investment fraud in Canada to help raise money for the October surprise. The question we need to ask is how are we going to address the huge amount of investment fraud that the CIA is directly involved with to avoid this financial cliff con that Obama is talking about. To answer that question we have to remember who paid for Obama’s education.

Deregulating the banks and deregulating Wall Street opened the door for investment fraud. Consequently it isn’t surprising how this fraud has been tied to politicians of both political stripes in the Keating Five. This fraud in nonpartisan. To over come it we need to open our eyes and look beyond party politics. Business is good, fraud is not. Deregulating the banks and wall street so criminals can steal from them will not only see us over the financial cliff, it will rob us of our precious sovereignty. Buyer Beware.

Americans pledge allegiance to the flag and bind themselves by oath to preserve and protect the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Turning a blind eye to the CIA’s drug trafficking and their investment fraud is a violation of that oath. It is not patriotism, it is treason. Whistleblowers are not domestic enemies of the constitution, they are patriots. Government drug traffickers and investment fraudsters are the domestic enemies of the constitution. Sluffing off this reality as a conspiracy theory isn’t just irresponsibility, it is culpability. In our case it is unnecessarily driving our nation over a financial cliff of fraud.

To this end let us remember the dirt king himself Robert Booth Nichols as portrayed in Guy Lawson’s new book Octopus. Not to be confused with the James Bond movie.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Gary Webb and the Fiscal Cliff Part 1

The Gary Webb series was a simple model logical progression. Gary Webb was an accomplished award winning investigative journalist. Garry Webb claimed the CIA were responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80’s. After making that statement Gary Webb’s credibility was attacked. They claimed he was a conspiracy theorist. He was not.

The same person who made that absurd claim was himself pardoned by George Bush Sr. for their illegal involvement with Iran contra. Iran contra as we have established wasn’t just selling Iran weapons in exchange for the release of American hostages. It was selling Iran weapons to raise money for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. It had nothing at all to do with freeing hostages. Yet Iran Contra went far beyond even that.

Basically, Gary Webb was right. Despite the personal attacks and political pressure his paper faced, he was right. The CIA were indeed responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80’s. That fact needs to be established and reviewed because we are seeing the same thing repeat itself in the modern day Operation Fast and Furious.

So before I dive into the conclusion of my Gary Webb series this month we need to establish two things. First that Gary Webb was right. The CIA was in fact responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80’s. They used the rationalization that the end justifies the means. They used the sale of cocaine to raise money to support the military campaign in Nicaragua to fight communism. Unfortunately, the end does not justify the means in real life.

The second thing we need to establish is that the CIA has a long history of drug trafficking. Operation Fast and Furious is very real. That is the same thing they did in Iran contra. That is the same thing they did under Bill Clinton’s watch in Mena Arkansas. Barry Seal and Chip Tatum were first hand witnesses of that. Bo Gritz and Terry Reed were first hand witnesses of the government’s involvement in drug trafficking in Vietnam. George Bush Sr. was directly involved. He is the one that fed the agency the poison kool aid and got them addicted to drug trafficking. Somewhat ironic that the agency’s headquarters is named after him. It forces us to question if there ever has been a good director of the CIA. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

What went on in Mena Arkansas is relevant because it happened again in Mexico with Fast and furious. What happened in Vietnam is relevant because it is happening again in Afghanistan. The Taliban brought heroin production in Afghanistan to a grinding halt. After the allied invasion of Afghanistan that country has returned to being the world’s largest producer of heroin. Ever year after the invasion the production of heroin has steadily increased.

So, now that we have established that Gary Webb was right, we need to ask ourselves, if the CIA lied about drug trafficking, what else did they lie about? If the CIA broke the law then, what other laws have they broken and what else are they capable of? I’m not referring to 9/11. We all know about Operation Northwoods. We all know about the USS Liberty. We all know steel framed buildings don’t collapse at freefall speed into their own blueprint without the help of explosives blowing out the load bearing beams. Any architect or engineer will tell you that.

The conclusion of my Gary Webb series is going somewhere else. It takes us over the financial cliff. May the new era be an enlightened one where we learn from history and prevent the same criminal fraud from reoccurring over and over again.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve in Sarajevo

And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Drum roll please... Make that two... Then remix it one more time... Christmas Eve in Sarajevo comes to Vancouver to confront the gross injustices that continue behind closed doors. From our Holy land to yours - Peace. For the love of God man, open your eyes and Look at what we've done...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Local News

Sadly there was a murder in Kamloops this month on December 5th. A 16 year old girl from Terrace. Tragic. A meth lab was busted in Surrey. And a bizarre DUI in Kelowna but it wasn’t Giles this time. Giles is still in the pokey. Another snowboarder is rescued after going out of bounds on Cypress. Revelstoke too.

The government says it will contract out air to air refueling of the F-35’s if they buy them because they aren’t equipped to refuel those types of jets. Another reason not to buy them. I thought they said the deal was done. Looks like it was just put on hold while we recover from the shock of Harper selling our sovereignty to Communist China. A corporation that has it’s own police force and arrested people for their freedom of association.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Rain

We’ve talked a bit about Vancouver rain and how going out and about on a fall rainy day is a very Vancouver thing to do. Christmas rain is a bit different. It’s hard to get into the spirit of Christmas in the rain. I think it’s a little easier to get into the Christmas spirit in the Okanagan or back east where there’s snow. We occasionally get a white Christmas but not often. We recently had snow in the city but the rain quickly washed most of it away as usual.

Yet one thing we need to remember about Christmas rain is that as long as it’s below 8 degrees Celsius, all that Christmas rain in Vancouver is fresh powder on the local mountains. If you’re not there you miss it completely. As I’ve said before, driving up the mountains and crossing over the freezing point where the rain becomes snow is magical. After spending the day on the mountain in fresh snow then returning to the rainy city below is like waking up from a pleasant dream.

Nevertheless, today we went to the Vancouver Christmas market which is something fairly new. It’s a traditional German market with hand made crafts and lots of traditional food and drink. This picture is a local guy originally from Toronto dishing up some traditional German noodles. One is plain spaetzle for the vegetarians, the other is spaetzle fried with ham and Swiss cheese while the other is a different type of noodle with some potato mixed in. They’re quite nice. I’m not a big fan of sauerkraut though. I prefer the plain ones with a little glazed sugar. I like the spaetzle with ham and cheese. They had a girl from Switzerland glazing the cheese and the sugar with a small blow torch. I kid you not.

The chocolate fountain is a family favorite. I’m not big on fruit dipped in chocolate myself but I think the idea of melting chocolate and putting it through a fountain is cool. So even in the rain there are things to do to help you feel the spirit of Christmas.

I remember speaking with an Australian guy on one of the local mountains one winter. He said they’re not really big into the turkey dinner at Christmas back home. I asked him what a Christmas tradition was for him in Australia and he lit up and said we always have shrimp on the Barbie at the beach. Barbeque on the beach at Christmas I thought? Then I clued in, oh yeah Christmas is in the middle of your summer. That would definitely put a different perspective on it. Rolf Harris and the six white boomers. My father used to listen to that all the time at Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, there’s a video going around of Nina Grewel saying how as a Sikh she is not offended by Christians celebrating Christmas. It’s a powerful video and pretty much sums up my definition of multiculturalism. Someone else’s traditions don’t diminish mine any more than my traditions diminish anyone else’s. She claims we can still use the C word and she is absolutely right. Merry Christmas everyone. May it be a peaceful one.

Friday, December 21, 2012

More guns from Fast and Furious

We have an update on Operation Fast and Furious that ties in with the December series on Gary Webb. Prime Time Crime reported on a LA Times article about more Operation Fast and Furious guns found after a drug cartel shoot out in Mexico that killed five on November 24 2012.

The Toronto Sun is reporting that Federal authorities were probing how a gun bought by George Gillett, a former top U.S. federal agent in Phoenix ended up at the scene of a fatal shootout that killed a beauty queen in Mexico.

Even Fox news asks the same question. The answer is simple. It was part of Operation Fast and Furious where government agencies were selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. Bringing back tons of cocaine implies that they sold them a lot more than three guns.

Earlier this month ATF’s William McMahon was fired in the wake of the Fast and Furious investigation. McMahon’s lawyer said “Mr. McMahon was unfortunately the victim of a politically charged football match over an operation that was officially sanctioned.“ This goes right up to Obama and his own Oliver North, Eric Holder. Who I might add worked with Bill Clinton during the Mena Arkansas Arms Dealing Drug Trafficking scandal.

Last year ATF Director Kenneth Melson resigned as Obama retaliated against whistleblowers. My question is this, if Obama is going to pursue his gun control bill in the United States, will his government agencies stop selling arms to the Mexican drug cartels? Please advise. Arming criminals and disarming civilians is not gun control.