Friday, January 25, 2013

New Hells Angels web site

A bad day for the East Vancouver Hells Angels. Jean Joseph Violette loses his appeal for an extortion charge and Kim Bolan launches a new web site devoted to the East Vancouver Hells Angels called

The web site will be officially launched tomorrow and has a big countdown clock on it. She has however posted a preview video. The new site and six part series appears to be the result of interviews she’s had with the one and only Michael Plante. The one referred to as the Million dollar Rat in Neil Hall’s book about EPandora. Evidently that operation and testimony resulted in 12 convictions that lead to the East End Hells Angels.

Many people said the operation was a failure but it was far from it. It documented the Hells Angels connection to the drug trade and has formed part of the case to seize their clubhouse under criminal organization legislation. Kim Bolan was also on a documentary about EPandora called Outlaw Bikers IV Fallen Angels that was on History Television. I did cite part of that case in my chapter on the Vancouver Gang war in Alex Caine’s new book Angel Dust due to be released this fall.

No charges will be laid in Walter Wheeler’s murder

Walter “Buddy” Wheeler of Fredericton got in an argument with a member of Bacchus in a bar. As he was leaving the bar the Bacchus member motioned for someone else to jump him and they beat him to death. Now, crown has dropped the case saying there isn’t enough evidence to prosecute. That is disgusting.

The Dismantling of the UN

Here’s a blast from the past. Duane Meyer and Kamil Skrodzki, two friends who were with the UN. Both dead. Duane was shot May 8, 2008 outside his young daughters home. Hells Angels attended his funeral. He was originally a prospect for the Hells Angels then began working with the UN when the UN and the HAs were doing business together. Somewhat ironic since the Bacon brothers were the UNs only real enemy at the time and we now see the HAs were clearly supporting the Bacon brothers.

The UN were quick to retaliate but unfortunately someone else was driving Jamie Bacon's SUV to fix the stereo and he was killed instead. After Clay was in prison and after Duane was shot, the HAs started extorting the UN and there was no one left to protect them. Internal conflicts arose and no doubt some less honorable UN members saw more money to be made with the HAs.

Kamil Skrodzki died Oct 16, 2011 at Kris Bensons house. The cause of his death remains a mystery. Clearly the friends who were with him at the time were not his friends. Skrodzki didn’t use drugs he was a chemist. He was responsible for the River Road lab that was busted in Richmond and someone else was paid to take the fall for him so he could keep the operation going.

When the sassafras oil (used to make mdma) became harder to find due to the near extinction of those types of trees and more expensive from police crack downs he stopped making it. That’s when others started making E with a substitute called BZP or PMMA that resulted in so many deaths. Yet one can certainly imagine, leaving the game isn’t always easy or permitted. Especially when that leadership changes and the Hells Angels are involved.

Although Clay celebrated the 13th anniversary of the UN from prison in 2010, Kim Bolan has pointed out the cracks in the UN began to appear even before his arrest. One has to wonder what’s left of the UN now. Most of them are in prison. Which leads me to believe that the brutal rape and assault that took place in Surrey on December 2nd was for a drug debt to the HAs not the UN. Maybe it's not over for the UN. Maybe Clay will meet some Outlaws in the US.

The Last Resort

I don’t know if anyone else has been following the Last Resort TV series but I have. It’s been pretty dramatic. One of those shows you have to sit down and watch as opposed to multi task while it’s on in the back ground. The series theme is honor in defiance.

It all started off when a US nuclear sub was given an authorization to fire on Pakistan. Only the order didn’t come through the regular channels it came through a back up channel that would only be used if Washington had been knocked out in a time of war.

Right before launching the missiles both commanders at the key wondered why the order came through the back up channel. They turned on their surveillance and everything was normal at Washington. Something wasn’t right. They broke radio silence and called the president for a confirmation. That’s when Uncle Sam fired on their own sub. Who in turn blamed Pakistan and launched an attack against them anyways.

The whole point was the initial attack was an act of aggression they were using to justify an invasion. So here comes the dilemma: is it a soldier’s duty to simply do as they are told or does a soldier have a moral conscience in defending the free world?

Many would argue the former. A solder is meant to obey all orders and not think about them. Does that include falsifying evidence? Does that include false flag attacks? I think not and I’m not the only one. The series went to some pretty dramatic extremes where the good guys pushed the envelope in defending what they felt was right which in turn created division and confusion among the troops. It became unclear who the real traitors really were.

Well the series came to a dramatic end yesterday and I’m disappointed it’s over. Recognizing the thought was a good one regardless of how short it was. The end does not justify the means in preserving and upholding the constitution. When the good guys do bad things they aren’t the good guys any more. We all have been given a brain and a conscience for a reason.

Khun-Khun shot again in Surrey

The Abbotsford Times is reporting that Khun-Khun was shot again in Surrey on January 15 after he was charged with a shooting a Bacon brother associate in September named Barinder or Brian "Shrek" Dhaliwal.

Khun-Khun is the idiot who walked into traffic after his fiancé mysteriously fell out of his car while he was driving. I’ve had people claim he was the one that shot Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon in Kelowna. That is absolute nonsense. Khun-Khun is an idiot. The Kelowna hit was a professional job. Anyone could have paid for that hit. It wasn’t him. He’s just an idiot trying to be somebody by claiming responsibility for something he didn’t do. Sandip Duhre was credible. Khun-Khun is not.

What we can see from all this nonsense is that Khun-Khun was charged with shooting a Bacon brother associate in Abbotsford who as we know are supported by the Hells Angels. So when we see the Duhre Dhak group being exterminated for being HA rivals, we can see the HAs are still supporting the ridiculous Bacon brothers in suburbia. The Abbotsford PD are still offering Bacon brother associates round the clock protection. No wonder those guys still live in Abbotsford.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh Lordy not Bill Fordy

Laila Yuile made a profound post comparing the comments of Sgt. Jennifer Pound and Sgt. Peter Thiessen in contrast with Chief Supt. Bill Fordy. Bill Fordy came out with the ridiculous statement that public gang executions don’t endanger public safety. He doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck.

Bill Fordy was involved with the Pickton investigation. That’s the one where Catherine Galliford claims in her sexual harassment law suit that the other investigators were rude pigs to her and treated her like garbage.

Now Bill Fordy tries to assure us that everything’s OK. He’s met with the Hells Angels and asked them not to start a chapter in Surrey. One has to ask if he invited his old Piggy Palace pals to the new billion dollar RCMP bar in the Green Timers clear cut. Bill Fordy and Don Ray. What a team.

Niagara Regional Police officer accused of leaking information to the Hells Angels

I appreciate everyone who keeps sending in relevant links. There’s no way I could find all this stuff on my own. This is another example of how a Regional Police force isn’t a magic wand solution to police corruption.

Former Niagara Regional Police constable Frank Dean Rudge pleaded not guilty to breach of trust for allegedly releasing confidential police information from the Port Colborne detachment to the Niagara chapter of the Hells Angels.

Rudge fell under suspicion when the NRP intelligence branch learned the Hells Angels possessed confidential police documents about the rival Outlaws Motorcycle Club as well as their plans to reopen a St. Catharines chapter.

Rudge was charged following a provincewide raid in 2006. The officer denied allegations against him at his first trial, claiming a third party stole the documents from the detachment. Rudge was acquitted in 2010 but the Court of Appeal ordered the case be retried.

Between 2005 to 2008, Richardson served as a staff sergeant at the Port Colborne detachment. He testified that the police building is secured by a entry system requiring an access number.

During each shift there are a minimum number of officers and a staff sergeant on duty, and that during the night shift the Port Colborne detachment sees “a steady flow” of officers in and out while performing their duties, he said.

Lisa Isherwood of the Niagara Regional Police testified she worked with Rudge in the summer of 2004 to 2005 performing bylaw compliance checks in bars in Port Colborne, and witnessed Rudge communicating with several individuals associated with the Hells Angels. Constable Frank Dean Rudge was also charged with assaulting a woman in an unrealted case.

Hells Angel Ian Grant was also caught with confidential police documents in his home. Ken Houston was caught with a member of the Winnipeg Hells Angels. Edmonton PD were accused of leaking information to the Hells Angels as well.

Freddy was mentioning about the Toronto Team 3. A drug squad accused of years of corruption which included ripping off drug dealers. Turns out the task force was a scam and everyone was acquitted. Yet standing outside the courthouse they look guilty as f*ck.

Hell Angel Associate found guilty of Thompson murder

Well, well, well. Hells angels associate Sean Heickert has been found guilty of the November 2007 murder of Bekim Zeneli which set off the Winnipeg gang war. Only they have some important facts mixed up.

Bekim Zeneli was the leader of LHS - Loyalty hounour silence. He was friends with Hells Angel Billy Bowden. LHS was a Hells Angels puppet club it was not a rival. The Hells Angels killed their own guy to let the Ontario Hells Angels take over the Thompson drug trade. They then told Billy Bowden after they killed his friend to suck it up or become a target. Billy Bowden is no Biff Hammel. He told them to F off and crossed over to the Rock Machine as a result.

Saying that LHS were HAs rivals is simply false. It was that dirty deed, where the Hells Angels killed one of their own, that set off the Winnipeg Gang war. This conviction finally proves the Hells Angels were the ones that killed Bekim Zeneli from LHS.

The court heard that Heickert owed Zeneli $3,000 at the time of his death. So the dirty rat was more than willing to get paid to kill the guy he owned money to. Sean Heickert previously served time in prison for manslaughter in connection with the 1994 death of an Ontario man. Heickert was from Ontario not Manitoba.

Sean Heickert served a seven-year prison term in the 1990s for the beating death of an Oshawa man. Terry Spindler, 21, was kidnapped from a boozy Christmas celebration in the Genosha Hotel's Playpen strip club in Oshawa.

Spindler, five-foot-seven, 125 pounds, was abducted and beaten by several men, including Sean Heickert, who was working off a drug debt.He was vomited on by one man, then urinated on by another. His frozen body was found by police.

After Sean Heickert was found guilty of manslaughter in 1990, he uttered several oaths at a Crown attorney and a Durham Region detective, before his mother told him, "Just shut up, don't make it worse."

James Heickert, A full-patch member of the Oshawa Hells Angels plead guilty to plotting to murder his own brother Sean Heickert over drug trafficking turf. Sounds like a dysfunctional family.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two Bridgewater schools under lockdown

Two Bridgewater schools were under lockdown last Monday after police received reports of "a distraught male inside a residence with a firearm described as an assault rifle." After obtained a search warrant, police foung eight firearms in a grow op along with some cocaine.

Sheldon Earl Bowers, 37, of Lapland Road in Wileville appeared before Judge Gregory Lenehan in provincial court Tuesday to face charges of trafficking, producing and possessing marijuana, possessing cocaine, possession of a firearm for a purpose dangerous to the public peace, unsafe storage of a firearm and threatening to kill his father.

Bowers has a criminal record that includes a drug and sexual assault conviction in 1994, but the prosecutor said the Crown was more concerned “with nature of the charges that are before the court.” A grow op with firearms and cocaine. Let’s hope this has nothing to do with Bacchus or the Darksiders. They’re in enough trouble already.

Speaking of Bacchus, Paul Fowler, the “former” president of Hants County chapter, who has been charged with attempted murder by attacking his ex’s new boyfriend with a hammer, has just been found in breach of his bail conditions after being caught with marijuana. That guy just can’t get a break. He should get a prescription for medicinal marijuana. Surely he needs something to calm him down.

Pinheads abandon Fruit stand

I’m getting several reports that the pinheads have abandoned their fruit stand by the airport in Kelowna. I’m waiting to get some pictures confirming the logos have been taken down. Looks like somebody’s on the run after Dave’s car bombing. Maybe they’re just trying to make it look like it wasn’t another arson for insurance fraud. Who knows what those clowns are up to. Is Donnie McWhirter’s pal Joey Verma still the Vice President of the Kingpin Crew? Please advise. The Kingpin Crew were named in that stolen car ring at Cycle logic weren't they? What's up with that? Is their fruit stand next to be seized by the po po?

Interesting to note that Reza (Johnny Boy) Rahiman from the Pinhead Crew in Kelowna was charged on Dec 27/12 in Vancouver with Mischief, Assault and Uttering Threats x2. He is to appear in court in Vancouver January 29/13. The guy has quite the criminal record. In 2010 he was found guilty of Assaulting a Peace Officer and Causing disturbance in Kelowna.

Reza and Josh Armstrong are still living in West Kelowna. Next door to Darryl Wilcox’s house who went to jail for cocaine trafficking in 2005. That’s when Uncle Joe’s co accused Ryan Ennis moved in. What a mess of criminal associations.

Here’s a picture of the abandoned pinhead clubhouse from this morning January 25 2012. No fence, no vehicles, door open, looks empty inside. Hard to know what those clowns are up to.


Update: Turns out the Pinheads new temporary location is in Mission springs outside Kelowna. Here I thought they meant mission beside Abbotsford on the coast. That would have been a laugh.How on earth is Mission springs safe from car bombs?