Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Internship

I was feeling in a bit of a lighter mood and saw Internship today with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. I saw GI Joe Retaliation and Fast and Furious 6 and really enjoyed the well done dramatic action. This one I was expecting to be a bit lighter and a bit comical. It was that and more. It was an uplifting comedy but it was also inspiring and showed the worth of a soul.

Two salesman find their company went under and were forced to look for new work in a very different market. They apply for an internship at Google and find themselves competing against an army of brainy kids just out of high school in a field they know very little about. I can relate to that.

Their team of left over misfits pulls together and shows what it means to care about each other. Fat Joe is a popular rapper and nobody cares about his weight. He has swagger. I don’t think Ricky Ciarniello is disgusting because he’s fat. I think he’s disgusting because of what he is, what he does and what he misrepresents. The Devil’s Butler is a deranged history that none of those clowns should be proud of.

The thing that struck me about the movie was the fact that these old guys who could easily have been cynical about a world that left them behind, found out that many of those younger kids were just as if not more cynical then them about the future. They said that only 25 percent of kids out of school will find jobs. That’s just the way the world is now. The older guys helped the younger kids lift their heads up and see more opportunities waiting for them if they were just prepared to think outside the box. Caring about people made the movie a real inspiration.

Contrast that with the selfish it’s all about me and my 1% world and we see a very different reality emerge. Others have compared the Biker 1% with the Wall Street 1% of corruption and greed. The biker 1% is all that and more. The drive to be a criminal is a very misplaced mid life crisis. The violence that greed creates is extreme. The old ideals of military sacrifice for the well being of others is completely lost in the obsession with greed and materialism. Yet if we just stop and look up we can see a better world all around us.

Why Bilderberg is bad

Blog readers have been sending in links about this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting in England. This is where the left meets the right for good and for evil. At first it’s hard to figure out what all the concern is about a few politicians and a few billionaires discussing world peace and financial prosperity. However, with a few clicks of the mouse we can quickly see what’s wrong.

The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are involved with Bilderberg. That’s a red flag. The goal of the elite group is to establish a one world government. When Kennedy talked about a monolithic conspiracy trying to enslave every man woman and child, this is it. Back then they met in secret. Now they have so much power they can make their meetings public.

The Rothschilds owned Standard Oil Company. They use ruthless tactics to gain a monopoly on the oil market. Something politicians at the time said was a violation of anti trust laws. Now the paid politicians support the oil monopolies which we see gouge consumers at the pump. How many oil companies want to build the Keystone pipeline and the northern Gateway? One. All other companies buy their oil from one who controls the market and sets whatever price they want.

That is Corporate Communism. Large corporations eliminate small business and create a monopoly on a market and thereby destroy the free market while maximizing profits. Amschel Rothschild once said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”

Big Corporations and Big Banks funded the Communist Revolution. The Rothschilds funded Karl Marx. This is where the right meets the left in it’s quest for evil. At first glance one would think this is a compete contradiction. The right wing corporations and banks claim to support the free market and claim to oppose Communism. Why then did they fund it? Because they perverted the cause of social justice and high jacked the movement showing clearly that a right wing dictator is no different than a left wing dictator.

In response we see protesters from the left and the right meet for good. The Occupy movement sees the corruption on Wall Street as bad. So does the Tea Party movement that passionately opposes their attempt to rob human rights. Occupy isn’t about the redistribution of wealth. It’s not about the poor being jealous of the rich. It’s about the rich committing investment fraud to gouge consumers and taxpayers. That is what this is about. It is very much a fight for freedom disguised by their lies.

David Rockefeller once said: “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and their great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

In 1952, Bilderberg member James Paul Warburg testified before the United States Senate and had this to say about the coming New World Order - “”We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, is expected at Bilderberg 2013. The International Money Fund. What can be more suspect than that? We have heard talk about the Amero and the North American Union. These guys want to expand that globally. The problem is, to them the end justifies the means and they want to rob individuals of liberty for the greater good – money in their pocket.

Bilderberg is run at the taxpayers expense. Rich bureaucrats who pay off politicians to help them gain monopolies on the market and rob taxpayers. The big oil companies loved the HST. They love it when big corporations pay no tax and the consumers have to pay all the tax. It is the road to slavery.

Goldman Sachs was involved in hiding the Greek debt so they could get their taxpayer bailout. Goldman Sachs has a huge amount of influence in the US government and has a history of fraud. The Greek financial crisis was the result of investment fraud just like the S&L crisis in the /80’s. What was public money became private then disappeared. Goldman Sachs’ involvement in Bilderberg is a huge concern.

Alex Jones and Infowars are covering the event.

This is a list of some of the "delegates."

Toronto police seized 62 kilos of cocaine

Toronto police have charged 4 men with trafficking after 62 kilos of cocaine and 3 kilos of crystal meth were seized as well as a small quantity of GHB. Philipos Kollaros, 33, of Vancouver; Ritesh Thakur, 40, of Mississauga; Gursharan Singh, 29, of Mississauga; and Dimitri Alexiou, 36, of Quebec have been arrested and charged. Hard to conceive that large of a cocaine bust didn’t involve the Hells Angels. Time will tell.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Right to Bear Arms

I’ve already mentioned how Jessie Ventura said that the intent of 2nd Amendment was not to preserve the people’s right to hunt. It was to protect citizens from tyranny. Many others share that opinion including Ice T. Bruce Willis said that if they take one of the people’s rights away in the Bill of Rights, what’s stopping them from taking all of the rights away? I agree with both. Taking rights away is bad and the right to bear arms isn’t about hunting. It’s about letting citizens protect their families from criminals and tyrants both foreign and domestic.

One of the people speaking in this Youtube video is a US soldier. Ironically enough, he admits going to war for the people’s right to buy oil. Yet he asks a profound question. He asks the journalist that was pushing for gun control if he would feel as passionately about doing away with the first amendment as he does about doing away with the second amendment. I agree. The second amendment protects the first amendment.

Years ago I was a big supporter of the US Constitution and the right to bear arms. Realizing many in Canada have a huge fear of guns as well as the legitimate concern about domestic violence and guns getting into the hands of children, I metaphorically gave up on the issue. Yet now more than ever when the government is invasively taking away more and more rights I do think the right to bear arms is just as important in Canada as it is in the United States. We have seen here in Canada what happens when only the criminals have the guns. It’s not working.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Warlocks in Ft McMurray

Speaking of the Hells Angels white supremacist puppets in Fort McMurray called the Syndicate, the Warlocks MC made the news after they got in a bar fight with the Syndicate in Fort McMurray. I guess they’re rivals. Before we cheer we need to realize they’re just more of the same. George Sutherland and Kristian MacEachern have both been charged with uttering threats and both face drug trafficking charges. MacEachern is believed to be the leader of the Syndicate.

The Warlocks seemingly started in Florida and have chapters in Melbourne Australia and now in Alberta. Although they claim military origin and claim to support the troops, once again their conduct is in opposition to that mission statement.

They start off by calling themselves the Evil crew. Kinda like AC/DC’s song that says if you’re evil you’re a friend of mine which really makes no sense whatsoever. That’s like the Anarchy bikers rule book. When the Hells Angels murdered one of their own guys from LHS to let the Ontario Village Idiots take over the drug trade in Thompson, Manitoba - that was evil. Murder and betrayal is evil. But AC/DC said if you’re evil you’re a friend of mine. But if you murder your friends for greed how can I trust you to be my friend? It’s all very problematic so it is. Hitler was evil. We fought Hitler in the war. How can you support the troops if Hitler is your friend? All those confederate flags are a bit much for me.

It’s the same old, posting pictures of half naked women on motorcycles. Tell me are any of you guys married or have kids? Are any of you ever going to grow up? It can’t be strippers and blow forever. Somewhere along the line you’re supposed to grow up, have a family and become a trustworthy husband and father. Bar fights and MC patches. Really? How old are you? You’re not kids any more. A mid life crisis doesn’t mean you revert to childhood.

The Warlocks even have their own lockdown page supporting members who are in prison for various offenses they were "falsely" convicted of like Christopher Hamm. He’s a member of the Warlocks and is recognized on their Lockdown page along with several other winners. Bragging about members in jail is kinda dumb. Chris has Nazi lightening bolts on his neck. That's like pissing on a good soldiers grave.

I suppose it’s not as bad as Sonny Barger recognizing Otis Garret on his Big House Crew page. Otis was convicted of murdering Margo Compton and her twin seven year old daughters after she testified against him for running a Hells Angels prostitution ring in San Francisco called the Love Nest. Pimps and baby killers, those aren’t my kind of role models.

Hells Angels bringing drug violence to Newfoundland

Speaking of Newfoundland Bacchus in Fort McMurray, turns out Newfoundland is experiencing a rash of drug related violence police say is linked to the Hells Angels. A car was firebombed on Friday then later that night two houses were shot at with an assault rifle in a drive by in Saint John's, Newfoundland. VOCM is reporting that the fire bombing scorched two homes, a Mercedes Benz, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle. On Dauntless Street an assault rifle damaged two properties and three vehicles. Johnston says the weapon has been recovered.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Langley grow op tied to the Hells Angels

Kim Bolan from the Vancouver Sun is reporting that the police have busted another grow op bunker tied to the Hells Angels. This time in Langley. Similar to the one the recently busted in Mission that was run by a guy in Langley. Are there any grow ops in BC that the Hells Angels don't run? It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't trade all the BC Bud for cocaine in the US and sell it here as crack. Other than their violent monopoly on the local BC Bud trade of course.

Nanaimo Hells Angel evades justice

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that “Criminal charges against a high-ranking member of the Nanaimo Hells Angels have been stayed by a B.C. Supreme Court judge, who ruled his Charter rights were violated because the case was taking too long to get to trial.” Here we have it, another BC Judge sitting on the wrong side of the Bench.

Robert Johnston makes the BC Judges Hall of Shame. It’s not that I don’t support the Charter of rights pledge to a fair and speedy trail because I do. It’s just sickening to see more serious charges against a high ranking member of the Hells Angels dropped. It looks bad, it smells bad and it is bad. For everyone.

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Fred Widdifield and three others linked to the notorious biker gang were charged in November 2010 with extortion, after they allegedly pressured a man for $250,000 in cash and property to settle a 1994 debt.” Yet “The trial against the other three is set to begin this fall.”

So the same delay results in the trial proceeding for the three coacused just not for Fred Widdifield the high ranking member of the Nanaimo Hells Angels. Another judge that should be hanged. It says the charges were stayed not dropped which implies the Crown can recharge when more evidence presents itself. CBC is reporting they were extortion and theft charges.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Washington reactor is leaking radioactive waste

The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province is reporting that a nuclear reactor in south eastern Washington state is leaking radioactive waste. Sadly, this is the site where they made the plutonium for the atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki during the Second world war.

It’s located right beside the Columbia river so that clearly poses a huge concern about radioactive waste leaking into the river and contaminating an entire ecosystem. The media refers to this as the most contaminated nuclear site in the US. Other reports say it’s the most contaminated site in the entire western hemisphere. Yet the spin doctors say there is no immediate heath risk. Maybe not for Washington DC but there sure is health risks for everyone on the West coast.

Looking at this site poses two problems. The first is what to do with radioactive waste. There’s nowhere safe to put it. I suppose we could launch it into space and aim it at the sun but that would be pretty costly. Heaven forbid we screw around with the sun.

February the Governor said Six tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeast Washington state are leaking radioactive waste which raises serious questions about integrity of all single tanks. 150 - 300 gallons a year are leaking. That poses an immediate risk. That’s just from one tank.

Hanford's tanks hold some 53 million gallons (200 million litres) of highly radioactive waste — enough to fill dozens of Olympic-size swimming pools — and many of those tanks are known to have leaked in the past. An estimated 1 million gallons (3.8 million litres) of radioactive liquid has already leaked there. In February CBC reported that the tank was leaking plutonium.

So the first problem we need to discuss is radioactive waste. After the meltdown in Japan German citizens have been protesting the use of Nuclear energy in their country. Yesterday 60,000 protesters in Japan objected to restarting the reactor after the Fukushima disaster. A recent poll found that around 70 percent of Japanese want to eventually phase out atomic energy all together.

Canada selling nuclear reactors to China or India is not forward thinking. For two reasons. First is the radioactive waste. The second is the ability to make nuclear weapons from the plutonium it produces. Canada was the one who gave India the technology for their nuclear tests. Selling Canadian reactors is a huge concern. Harper just did away with Canada’s nuclear non-proliferation policy. Another step backwards for the planet.

Personally I’m not opposed to hydroelectric dams. The Cleveland Dam has been very beneficial to Vancouver. The main problem with dams on coastal rivers is spawning salmon. They built the fish hatchery to address that problem. It’s a nice place to visit on Capilano just below the base of Grouse Mountain.

Leaking reactor in California closed

The troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast is closing after an epic 16-month battle over whether the twin reactors could be safely restarted with millions of people living nearby, officials announced Friday.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dustin Lee Pierini

Evidently we need to review just who EMCEE Dusty really is. The guy the young kids involved in the brutal sexual assault in Prince George all support. EMCEE Dusty Dustin Lee Pierini.

Dustin was an associate of Scott Payne who cut off a guys finger for a $170.00 drug debt and put it in a box to show people. During Payne's first trial, the court heard how the Crew also tortured one victim with a Taser and bashed another with a medieval battle-axe.

Dustin Lee Pierini is listed as a rapper for Crack Shack Records. Dustin has quite the criminal history June of 2011 he was caught trying to get into a pub with a loaded .45 after getting in a fight with someone. After fleeing when police arrived he was also caught in possession of cocaine.

He was charged with possession of a weapon dangerous to the public, possession of a restricted weapon, possession of stolen property and causing a disturbance. Pierini got 10 months and a lifetime firearm ban.

Yet January of this year the Prince George Citizen reported that “Two Prince George men have escaped jail time for their roles in a scheme concocted by a well-known local criminal to intimidate some rivals.” The two men were Vincent Junior Joseph and John Paul Horth. The well known local criminal was Dustin Lee Pierini. That criminal act of intimidation involved a sawed off shotgun. So much for the lifetime firearm ban.

Here he is posing with Independent Soldier and Hells Angel associate Ryan Chappie.

You can’t sue someone for defamation if they’re telling the truth. BTW up until now my sources weren’t 100% sure EMCEE Dusty was you. Thanks for confirming that for us. If you hadn’t sent me an e-mail with your facebook picture in the header I never would have found your facebook.