Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cocaine seized at Kamloops Greyhound bus depot

CFJC is reporting that the police seized 3 kilos of cocaine and 2 kilos of heroin at a Greyhound bus depot in Kamloops on it’s way to Vancouver. The blog reader who sent it in said you would think it would be going the other direction. Indeed you would. It must be coming from the Montana border. They keep changing the direction of drugs when the heat is on. A 45-year-old Campbell River man has been arrested after Mounties seized the drugs from his luggage at a Kamloops bus depot. Three guess who the cocaine and heroin was for and it wasn’t the Triads. I guess it's old news since it happened a week ago. I missed the story. I wonder if it's part of that bad batch of Heroin and crack that was found in Kamloops.

Joey Verma’s murder trial has finally begun

It’s about time. Castanet is reporting that the Joey Verma was in court Tuesday for the voir dire. The trial within the trial to see what evidence is admissible and what isn’t. We thought it was going to start last summer. He’s been in custody for three years.

I’m not going to be able to make it up this time so if anyone local has the chance, it’s worth checking in to see what is said. As we know, Joey Verma is on trial for the murder of Britney Irving. At the time the media claimed he was with the Independent Soldiers.

We know he is friends with admitted woman beater Donnie McWhirter who is with the Kelowna IS. We also know Joey associated with Kingpin Crew. Mind you after they abandoned their fruit stand by the airport and reported one of their bikes stolen, no one has seen any Pinhead patches all summer. Oh happy day. The Kingpin crew were also implicated in that Hells Angels stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring that was busted two summers ago.

It was rather upsetting to receive reports that Joey got a VP tattoo and was recruiting for the Kingpin Crew in prisons. That’s likely one of the reasons the HAs pulled the plug on those wooden puppets. Bad press. Bragging about killing a girl isn’t going to win any friends or respect with the locals. Britney was a wonderful person and who ever killed her and ordered her murder is the lowest rat scum on the face of the earth.

Like I said, there’s no way Joey was acting on his own either. If he was he would have left town but he didn’t. He was still in town doing business as usually with the same old boys he did business with before. Lets’ hope there will be slivers of truth and justice come out in the trial. Yet with our injustice system, I’m not holding my breath.

Update: The jury was told Britney was shot four times, twice in the back.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Hells Angels are murderers

It is no secret that the Hells Angels murdered many people in the Quebec biker war. It is also no secret that the Quebec biker war had absolutely nothing to do with riding motorcycles. It was a war over a monopoly on the drug trade. It wasn’t just a matter of them being involved in the drug trade. It was about them forbidding anyone else from being involved in the drug trade but them and murdering their drug dealing rivals. BC is no different.

Friday, the Montreal Gazette reported that 27 more Hells Angels entered guilty pleas of conspiracy to commit murder during the Quebec biker war from 1994 to 2002. The violence didn’t end there. That’s just when they won that war. The founder of the Rock Machine crossed over to become the president of the Montreal Hells Angels when Mom Boucher went to prison and brought several leaders with him.

The new Rock Machine really has nothing to do with the old crew in Quebec. Sean Brown was the one that resurrected the club and tweaked the logo. He didn’t even want to go to Quebec and revisit that old conflict. He even put on their web site that they don’t sell drugs. They kicked him out and turned it back into a drug dealing gang which is now expanding into Australia.

A year ago, 13 members of the Hells Angels pleaded guilty to murder and conspiracy to commit murder in Montreal. They were mostly from the Sherbrooke chapter. Guy Rodrigue is a founding member of that chapter. In 1987, he was convicted for his role in the murders of five members of the Laval chapter. Also known as the Lennoxville Massacre. Rodrigue was sentenced to four years in prison. Four years in prison for murdering his own brothers so he could make more money. Astounding.

Here’s the deal. These murders had nothing to do with loyalty or honour. They were about betrayal and greed. Just like when the Ontario Hells Angels were allowed to kill Bekim Zeneli, the leader of a Hells Angels puppet club in Manitoba called LHS - Loyalty Honour Silence. They killed him so the Ontario village idiots could take over the drug trade in Thompson, Manitoba. They told Billy Bowden to suck it up or become a target.

Just like they told Mom Boucher and Biff Hammel after they murdered their sponsors in the Lennoxville Massacre. Only Biff and Mommy Dearest said sure where do we sign up? Biff Hammel was present when they murdered his sponsors. It takes a certain kind of rat to betray his own sponsors like that just so he can get ahead. David Giles was even given one of the stolen motorcycles from one of the murdered brothers in Lennoxville.

It’s all about murder and betrayal for money. It’s all about greed. It always has been for the Hells Angels in Canada. Halifax was no different. Randy Mersereau left the Hells Angels but kept selling drugs so the Hells Angels killed him as well as his brother and his brother’s wife. Years later Jeff Lynds admitted to murdering Randy Mersereau for the Hells Angels.

Now we see a long list of the same thing in BC. The most recent of which is the murder of Joey Arrance. Along with a huge list of lies about the real motive why they killed him. The number of drug dealing rivals the Hells Angels have murdered in BC is astounding. It became clear at the Christmas in Vancouver 1995. Yet they don’t just murder informants and drug dealing rivals. They also murder and torture drug addicts for drug debts.

My point here is that this isn’t a few rogue members of the club selling drugs on the side. These are all presidents and high ranking members getting busted for drug trafficking now. This is what the club is doing with their name and reputation. They are a criminal organization. Not only that but the guilty pleas in Montreal last year showed that the Hells Angels paid a portion of their drug profits into a fund to pay for hits on drug dealing rivals. That means when the Hells Angels commit murder as an organization, every member of that criminal organization is guilty of murder both morally and legally.

Giving the Hells Angels a monopoly on the drug trade in BC has been a huge mistake. The violence has not ended. It has just gotten worse as they continue to betray, bully and murder at will. This needs to be addressed without giving up our civil liberty. We need to look at Operation Fast and Furious and recognize who is really responsible for all this betrayal and violence for the almighty dollar. Gary Webb was right. Iran Contra never stopped.

Cross border police protest at Peace arch

I understand that there has been a weekly protest at the Peace arch border crossing about cross border policing throughout August that culminated at the Labour Day long weekend. This is a copy of the front of a flyer that was handed out about the pilot project and this is a copy of the back of the flyer about Operation Fast and Furious.

Be aware that if you show up at Peace arch with a protest sign you have to be willing to go to jail. The caretaker will inform you that it is the park’s policy not to allow protest signs at the border. It is my position that policy is illegal. If I’m standing with a sign and they try to remove me they are going to have to get a cop not a border agent and arrest me. I will then sue for unlawful arrest. It’s the same at the Vancouver courthouse. They don’t like protest signs there either but arresting someone for standing on public ground with a protest sign is indeed illegal.

If I get shot tomorrow, there are two issues I want to leave on the table. The first is civil liberty. No matter how bad or violent the Vancouver gang war gets, we cannot let anyone use that to rationalize throwing away the Charter of Rights and giving up civil liberty. We can’t protect freedom by giving it away. The Constitution and the Charter of Rights is under attack on both sides of the border. We need to be vigilant in protecting those documents now more than ever.

The other issue I want to leave on the table is the fact that the Hells Angels are murderers. Not only are they involved in the drug trade, but they control it and murder rival drug dealers on a regular basis. They also torture and murder addicts for drug debts. That needs to be addressed. If I get shot tomorrow I want to leave those two issues on the table. That is what this is all about.

CBC is reporting that the U.S. wants cross-border officers exempt from Canadian law. Many people are really concerned about that. Giving any police force diplomatic immunity is insane and illegal.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fake article in the Montreal Gazette

The anti prohibitionists are sending around a fake article on twitter pretending to be from the Montreal Gazette claiming the Hells Angels issued a public thank you to Harper for continuing the drug war. Implying that the Hells Angels profit from the illegal drug trade and Harper's anti crime bill helps the Hells Angles pay their bills.

It fails the test of believability because the Hells Angels don’t want to go to jail for selling drugs so they clearly don’t support the bill. The anti prohibitionists don’t draw the line at pot and want to legalize every drug under the sun including crack, crystal meth and date rape drug. That is absolute irresponsibility. These are the clowns that claim handing out free crack pipes is a health issue so people don’t catch a cold while getting flesh eating disease. They are spoilt brat lunatics.

Ricky Warren Jenks was the sergeant-at-arms for the Washington Hells Angels. He is a former neo-Nazi skinhead who joined a Hells Angels chapter based in Spokane in 1999. In 2009 he was sentenced to two years in prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

He became a felon after he was convicted of second-degree manslaughter for the 2001 shooting death of a Lonnie Taylor, who was making methamphetamine in a Spokane Valley home. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison and arrested under a federal racketeering indictment shortly after his release. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 16 months in prison with credit for time served, along with five years probation. Authorities referred to the murder as a drug rip.

Amsterdam are reversing their open drug laws because they found it didn’t stop the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade. It only made them untouchable. Remember when someone sent out that fake twitter message that crashed the New York Stock Exchange? Twitter is a great medium for getting information out there but ya gotta check to make sure it’s true information.

LEAP is Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. They are dirty cops on the take. Mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of pot is dumb but we need mandatory minimums for violent crime as well as for selling not using crack or crystal meth. It really is that simple.

Maple Ridge Shooting

A blog reader just sent this in from ScanBC. Maple Ridge RCMP are investigating a shooting at 240th St & Lougheed Hwy. Victim was airlifted to hospital by BCAS Helicopter. Confirmed by Global as well as CTV. The shooting was today around 12:40PM. We know who controls the drug trade in Maple Ridge. That would fall under Haney's jurisdiction.

Global is reporting that the person who was shot today in broad daylight is Franz Prokop, a Realtor and former Maple Ridge city councillor. He was showing a property in the 24000-block of Lougheed Highway just like Lindsey Buziak. Another realtor targeted while showing a home.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Joey Arrance Killed in Coquitlam shooting

Well our source was right. The Prince George Free Press and the Vancouver Province are both confirming that is was indeed Joey Arrance who was shot dead in Coquitlam Tuesdays night. That is seriously messed up. He had just posted pictures of his newborn son. I’ve got a lot to say about this but I’m pretty pissed and need to walk it off first.

OK this whole Joey Arrance slander campaign is really messed up. There is nothing that Joey could have possibly done that would ever justify killing his girlfriend’s wheel chair bound mother. Nothing. We need to address that first. All the trash talking rationalizing that deranged act is really messed up. That’s not debatable. Killing someone’s girlfriend’s mother for something they did is deranged. We need to face that fact because there are several criminals in Prince George that support and rationalize really deranged acts.

We also need to address the fact that since the Hells Angels control the drug trade in Prince George, there is no way anyone there would burn down Joey’s tattoo parlor and his girlfriend’s home without the permission if not orders of the Hells Angels. No way.

The first red flag I noticed in this case was the police’s press release about seizing a gang member’s bling. At first we all thought go team. Then I noticed that this was a guy who had fallen out of favor with the Hells Angels. Someone who was on their hit list. Why seize his stuff? Because it’s easy since he doesn’t have the Hells Angels on his side any more? Why not seize skidmark or skeletor’s stuff? That would be more impressive. Seize a high ranking Hells Angels bling like weird Hal. Don’t seize someone on their hit list. It makes the campaign suspicious.

Rape is a serious offense. However, lets be clear that this bizarre claim that the Hells Angels have a rule against rape is a lie. Mom Boucher got his patch right after he got out of jail for armed rape. There have been many rape allegations tied to the Hells Angels.

Even if Joey did rape someone and I’m not sure he did, that would not justify killing his girlfriend’s mother. Anyone claiming it does needs some time with Dr. Phil. I don’t know the merits of the case but I do know that is not why they were after him and that is not why they killed him.

There was another rape allegation tied to the GTS in the Renegades clubhouse in Prince George. A gang rape. That was a separate case and the guys got off because it turned out the victim had gone to the clubhouse for a party and willingly took cocaine. I fail to see how that means it’s legally OK to gang rape her for that but the judge seemed to think so. Joey’s case on the other hand was full of contradictions.

My point is, if the Hells Angels were after Joey because he raped someone, then they would be after the others as well. But they’re not. They’re upset about the bad press but when push comes to shove their fake policy on rape is just another fake pr campaign to promote their violent drug trade and their prostitution.

Even the Prince George Troll’s allegations contract themselves. One minute he claims Joey’s new son was probably the child of a rape, then he goes on and insults the physical appearance of his child’s mother. So which is it? The child’s mother is ugly or she was raped? It would appear that neither accusation is true. Just like this insane claim that Joey was an informant. That has been so over plaid it is absurd. They wouldn’t be seizing his stuff if he was an informant.

The common thread between all these slander campaigns against people the Hells Angels have killed is that they are filled with false allegations. They said Geoff Messiner stole from the Hells Angels. No he didn’t. That was a lie. They found someone to do the Vegas money laundering run for less money. They said Britney Irving was a rat. No she wasn’t. That was a lie. She was going into detox and wasn’t going to need any more oxy. Having her clean and knowing that much was too dangerous. Now they claim Joey Arrance was a rat. No he wasn’t. That too is a lie.

We know what the problem was. The police made that clear in their case to justify seizing Joey’s family’s jewelry. Which they should return now that he’s dead. They claimed that Joey was involved with drug trafficking. They claimed he continued drug trafficking when he was in jail. Well there you have it. He was still selling drugs after he lost favor with the Hells Angels. That is what the real problem was. He kept selling when they told him he wasn’t allowed to so they killed him. It’s that simple. The Hells Angels murder rival drug dealers. That has nothing to do with riding motorcycles and everything to do with greed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Calgary FOB member flips

The Calgary Sun is reporting that Hans Eastgaard is getting reduced jail time for testifying against his former associates. He used to be with FOB as in Fresh off the Boat which was tied to the Red Scorpions and the Independent Soldiers who are from here and work for the Hells Angels. FK were tied to the UN. It should be interesting to see who he flips on. It has to be something big to get immunity for three murders. I'm told no HAs are involved because they're too far up the food chain.

Coquitlam shooting tied to Prince George

The Vancouver Province is reporting that there was another gang related shooting in Coquitlam last night. Although the police have not yet released the identity of the victim, the Province states they have a source that claims the victim was linked to an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang possibly the Prince George Renegades. Possibly? I’d hardly call them an OMG but they are tied to the Hells Angels who definitely are. I thought the Renegades have been disbanded. Jay Hall had his Harley up for sale and is a freaking meth head while Stephen King went Rock Machine and is now with the Outlaws. So they say.

I’ll wait until the police id the victim before I dive in. I have a source that claims it was Joey Arrance. The Hells Angels killed his girlfriend's mother who was in a wheel chair when they burned her house down as well as his tattoo parlor. Joey used to be with GTS but so was Stephen King when he was striking for the Renegades so they're all tied together. The Renegades were a puppet club for the Hells Angels. Back when they killed Billy Moore and burned his house down. The Crew sold crack for the Hells Angels through the Renegades.

After the Crew got the bad press for cutting off fingers for small drug debts they crossed over to the Independent Soldiers who also work for the Hells Angels. Like we said years ago, the police claim no one sells drugs in Prince George without the Hells Angels permission. A GTS gang rape was committed in the Renegades clubhouse and all of them got off. That would be pretty messed up if it was Joey right after the birth of his son.

Update: The Prince George Free Press and the Vancouver Province are both confirming that is was indeed Joey Arrance who was shot dead in Coquitlam. That is seriously messed up.

Joey Arrance Killed in Coquitlam shooting

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ron Lising gets job with the City of Vancouver

Well here it is. The story everyone’s been talking about. Front page of the Vancouver Province was a story about how full patch member Ron Lising got a job collecting garbage with the city of Vancouver right after getting out of jail for trafficking crystal meth on behalf of the Hells Angels. A lot of people are writing in and are really upset about it.

One person asked why every one is upset. Surely everyone wants the guy to get a real job and leave the Hells Angels and the drug trafficking behind. Yes they do. The problem is, that job starts off at $60,000 a year and is in a strong Union. There are a lot of people in line who would like to get that job and all of a sudden someone with a criminal record for threats and harassment jumps the queue and gets the job other people are waiting for. That’s the concern.

People say if you can stick it out until you get driving the trucks, you’re got it made. Driving the trucks is a lot easier than lifting garbage all day. Does he get to jump that queue as well?

The Vancouver Province reported that: City Manager Penny Ballem told the Province Friday: "This individual has worked for the city this summer season, I'm not going to deny that. Beyond that, I'm not at liberty to discuss any specifics. I can tell you that the city takes its hiring process and the safety of its staff and the public very seriously."

The city takes its hiring process and the safety of its staff and the public very seriously? Evidently not. The guy has a criminal record for assaults, threats and harassment tied to a criminal organization. Identity theft from garbage is a huge concern. The Province is now reporting that the city is going to review the decision after it went public but the bottom line is that if it wasn’t for public pressure they wouldn’t have thought twice about it. These are tax dollars remember. Public accountability is crucial. As is the safety of the public and all it’s employees not just the Hells Angel hang arounds.

In fact this story has opened up Pandora ’s Box regarding corruption at city hall. Years ago the CBC did some under cover investigative journalism of their own. They had one of their journalists pose as someone tied to the mafia in New York City. To make their case believable they told their contact to tell Paul Volpe that their uncle was involved in the Garbage industry in New York. To which Paul Volpe laughed and said well you’ve got that right. Implying that everyone knows the mafia controls the union that collects garbage in New York City. (Fast forward to 3:30 in the video)

Everyone talks about the corruption in Montreal’s city hall but is Vancouver and Surrey any better? I think not. Quebec has a task force to find and address the problem. We don’t. Vancouver City Hall already gave the Hells Angels 2 million dollars. The City of Vancouver bought the Drake hotel from the Hells Angels to turn it into social housing. Only they paid them $2 million more than it was worth. That in effect is handing the Hells Angels 2 million in tax dollars.

You don’t have to call it a bribe to know that was a crime. That was money allotted for social housing. It was robbing from the poor and destitute to give to rich criminals who already exploit the poor and disadvantaged in East Vancouver. Don’t even get me started on Godzilla and her secret development corporation Michael Geller calls a conflict of interest. Montreal’s corruption is nothing compared to ours. Who knows what the mayor of Toronto was thinking getting his picture taken shaking hands with a member of the Hells Angels.

The questions that arise are if the mafia controls the garbage industry in New York City how much influence does the Hells Angels have over that industry in Vancouver? What else are they influencing? Everyone knows they control the docks and the Longshoreman’s union. When are we going to address that? One blog reader claims his sources tell him they control the plumbers Union as well. I wonder if there are and business agents in the Teamsters here that are tied to the Hells Angels and are involved with hiring in that Union. The list goes on. Pandora’s box has been opened and the concerns need to be addressed.

"There are definitely known members of the Hells Angels working on the waterfront in Vancouver," he said. A 1995 police report on the situation counted 10 known gang members and 30 of their associates within the longshoremen's union.

"Not all the information behind these initiatives is shared with all stakeholders, Bloor said, because of the work's sensitive nature. The books author said Hells Angels businesses in the Lower Mainland included bike shops, cell phone outlets and real estate, construction and waste disposal companies. They are also involved in sex-related businesses and the drug trade."


Update: The Vancouver Province is reporting that sanitation workers say they believe the department’s hiring manager, Mike Zupan, was aware of Hells Angel Ronaldo Lising’s background. No kidding. Scamorama.