The Calgary Sun is reporting that Hans Eastgaard is getting reduced jail time for testifying against his former associates. He used to be with FOB as in Fresh off the Boat which was tied to the Red Scorpions and the Independent Soldiers who are from here and work for the Hells Angels. FK were tied to the UN. It should be interesting to see who he flips on. It has to be something big to get immunity for three murders. I'm told no HAs are involved because they're too far up the food chain.
you need to read all the articles regarding these cases. Every current and potential gangster should read them. These boys all got in deep.... and now the rats can't confess quick enough on each other. It’s pathetic and I’m sure at least one of them has “loyalty” tattooed on themselves. This is what the lifestyle is all about. Anyone who thinks otherwise is watching to many movies and listening to too much rap.