Monday, October 28, 2013

Kelowna Hells Angels stolen car ring off to Supreme court

Speaking of rats stealing sh*t, Castanet is reporting that the stolen car, bike and boat ring tied to Cycle Logic and the Kelowna Hells Angels is going to Supreme court. RCMP say the business had connections to the Nanaimo and Calgary chapters of the Hells Angels as well.

The operation involved modifying the Vehicle Identification Numbers on stolen vehicles, boats, trailers, ATV's and machinery. Two members of the Calgary Hells Angels were arrested and charged with possession of stolen property over $5,000. Last summer police found two cars that were revinned and registered in Alberta. The bust led to the recovery of close to 50 vehicles that had been cloned or re-vinned.

Global is reporting that it looks like Johny Newcome is gonna cop a plea. Odds are he's gonna take the fall for the whole rats nest.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Prison Transfers and Conditions

I understand that Clay Roueche has applied for a prison transfer back to Canada. I think there is no question that request should be granted. I was surprised to hear how his lawyers never objected to how he was initially shafted. He was on his way to a wedding in Mexico and they rerouted his plane to land in the US so they could arrest him there. That was dirty. They should have extradited him like Marc Emery. Trevor Jones is one person they should extradite along with his brother Randy. If Trevor was involved so was Randy. Randy is the patch member not Trevor.

Marc Emery should get a prison transfer back to Canada as well. He was in Canada when he committed his “offense.” Running an Internet business supplied customers in the States but he was not physically there they had to extradite him. Natural justice would require him to be permitted to serve the rest of his sentence in Canada.

Sadly, Marc Emery has been transferred from the West Coast to a prison in Georgia. In a Nov. 17 letter to his wife Jodie Emery posted on his prison blog, the longtime marijuana activist said he was supposed to be sent to a federal institution in California “but the [Bureau of Prisons] has changed it to send me as far away from you as possible.” That’s just not right.

We were told that Marc was finally approved for a prison transfer to Canada last July. He’s still waiting. The approval was just a PR scam. The mistreatment of prisoners is like beating your wife. It shows a lack of self respect.

Guantanamo Bay is wrong. Torturing prisoners is wrong. It was wrong when Hitler did it, it is wrong when we do it. Which brings us to prison conditions in Canada. Harper is a pretty confused individual. Either that or he’s a malicious liar that says one thing and does another.

I know a local activist that said he met Harper at the airport during the last election. My first thought was did you punch him in the head for me? Instead he said he shook his hand and thanked him for giving us more money for prisons. I just about choked. More money for prisons? Did you know he cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task Force after he was elected? Since getting his coveted majority government he also cut funding for prisons. He even closed the largest prison in Ontario with no plan to build another.

Recently prisoners went on “strike” because Harper dramatically reduced their insignificant rate of pay if they choose to work while incarcerated. That is just plain wrong. When you remove incentive what are you left with? Communism. A system built on incentive is a good thing. Privatizing the prisons and mistreating prisoners is not.

Evidently Marc Emery supporters are taking his cause to Ottawa and his wife Jodie will be holding a press conference Tuesday. They are wanting him to be transferred back to Canada like both parties said they would. This is a reasonable request that I totally support. All drugs are not the same. There is a huge difference between pot and crack. Marc was just selling seeds and supports the legalization of pot like in Washington and Colorado. Intentionally screwing with him by sending him to the other side of the US and denying his prison transfer after they publicly said they approved it is petty and cheap.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Remembering Janice Shore

As we highlight the Surrey Winter Fest we need to take time to remember the patron saint of Whalley, Janice Shore. We need to remember what Janice was like as well as how and why she was brutally murdered. Let's not forget, whoever killed her is just another woman beater.

Janice was homeless. It has been said that she had mental health issues and struggled with addiction. However she was a user not a dealer so if she was murdered for a drug debt, then it couldn’t have been a large one. Janice was a human being. A wonderful one at that. She was polite and soft spoken. Her brother referred to her as sunshine and you can clearly see it in her face.

She was an easy mark for the predatory drug dealers outside the front room where she was last seen before she was murdered. I have a new revelation about who’s supplying drugs at the front room but before I post that I want us to remember the horrifically brutal manner in which she was murdered so we can clearly see who the real rats are in this picture.

The fact that she was brutally beaten beyond recognition is not under dispute. She was beaten into a coma from which she never regained consciousness. I visited her in the hospital. On one side of her head her jaw was completely caved in. On the other side of her head her temple was completely caved in. I wondered at the time and thought that it must have been blunt force trauma that caused those injuries. Recently I saw a guy at the Front Room with a hammer then the light went on. A hammer could have caused those injuries.

That part of the story is not disputable. Whoever did that is the dirties kind of rat known to man. Reporting that person to the police is not being a rat. Failing to do so is. However, the story gets even worse.

The Surrey Leader initially reported that they spoke with the person who first discovered the body. He said that although he knew Janice he did not recognize her because of her dramatic injuries. He said that he found her chained to a tree with her underwear pulled around her ankles. It had the dramatic appearance of a brutal sexual assault.

I know the mayor doesn’t like to admit Surrey has crime any more. I know the mayor is very concerned about her political future and spends a great deal of time and money trying to convince the media she is the best thing since sliced bread. I used to think so. Until I saw her for the bully she really is.

Bill Fordy is also deeply concerned with his political aspirations just like Peter Fassbender. The police were pretty adamant that Janice was not found bound to a tree when they found her and went to great efforts to down play that claim as well as the sexual assault claim. They said they had no evidence to support those claims. Yet that is not entirely true. They had the witness’ testimony who found the body. In a court of law, a witness gives testimony and that becomes evidence. I submit that the police do have some evidence that would suggest she was raped and bound to the tree. It is quite feasible the person who found her untied her before the police arrived.

Either way, these claims do not diminish the horrific nature of the assault. The other claim which I don’t think the police dispute is that the assailant scratched her eyes out. I can’t remember seeing her eyes in the hospital. They were closed because she was unconscious. If that is true, if her eyes really were poked out, we need to remember that as we look for suspects and search our souls trying to define what a rat really is if we consider protecting them.

If you know anything about Janice Shore’s murder contact IHIT at 1 - 877 - 551 - 4448 or contact me. We need to deal with this. We need to prevent it from happening again and we need to stop the predators giving the homeless free drugs then beating the life out of them for payment.

Drone hunting comes to Maple Ridge

With all the insane revelations about the NSA spying on civilians and their use of drones to spy on law biding citizens the Vancouver Province is reporting that a private securities firm in Maple Ridge is ready to launch spy drones in BC. Get ready for a turkey shoot. It's time to take up arms.

In a small town in Colorado they are offering hunting licenses for shooting down spy drones on American soil. We should do the same thing here. Gentlemen may cry peace peace but there is no peace. The constitution has been violated and the war has already begun.

Online Voting

The Vancouver Province is reporting that British Columbia's elections agency states "Internet voting requires more fine tuning - especially when it comes to eliminating security risks - before it can be widely used in provincial and municipal elections.” No kidding. There is absolutely no security involved with online voting. Online voting is a scam that will kill democracy faster than you can say Clinton Curtis' confessional testimony.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Surrey Shooting results in fatality

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that Surrey just had it’s 19th homicide this morning. News 1130 is reporting that it happened around 156 Street and 86B Avenue. Some people in the neighbourhood report hearing four shots just after 5 a.m. Sergeant Jennifer Pound says the victim was in his mid-30s and other people were home at the time of the shooting. The man has no criminal record and police have not been to the house before.

Kim Bolan is reporting a shooting in Vancouver Friday night at 17th and Fraser just after 8 p.m. The 29-year-old victim is known to police and remains in hospital in serious condition. CBC is also referring to it as a targeted shooting.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kelowna Bath Salts

This morning the Vancouver Province reported that the police had made a large seizure of bath salts in the Okanagan with more details forthcoming. Now News 1130 is reporting that two women from West Kelowna were arrested after 16 kilograms of methylone in three packages were seized at the Vancouver International Mail Centre.

The drugs, destined for West Kelowna, were intercepted on Aug. 23 and 26. The two women were arrested on Sept. 19. So we're just hearing about it now. Better late than never. Bath salts is really serious. It’s even worse than crack or crystal meth if you can believe it. These aren’t bath fizzers. It’s a bizarre drug that has insane side effects.

It’s also knows as the Zombie drug. One of the claims is that a man who was eating the flesh of a homeless person in Florida while on bath salts. My daughters conspiracy theory is that “they” are going to put bath salts in our drinking water to trigger the zombie apocalypse. A rather amusing theory but I still don’t understand where everyone gets this zombie apocalypse from. It sure isn’t biblical. Nevertheless, bath salts are nasty and dealing them is insane.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drug dealer beat his girlfriend

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “A drug dealer has been convicted of assaulting his Fort St. John girlfriend with a sawed-off shotgun, unlawfully confining her, pointing the weapon at her and threatening to kill her.”

Trevor Michael Doyle, 24, has a long list of outrageous assaults on his girlfriend. He punched her and battered her with the shotgun until her arms were black and blue. Her eyes were swollen and she could barely see. Seven days later he beat her again and hit her in the head and stomach with the but of the shotgun. The day after that he dropped her off at the hospital where it was confirmed she had two broken arms.

This once again shows the other side of gang life. The one the gangsters deny exists. When the honeymoon period is over and things go bad. Very bad. Like the case in Victoria, when a man beats a woman he is no longer a man. He's a coward with no self respect.

Scripturally we are taught that he who loves his wife loves himself. When a man beats his wife or girlfriend he is showing that he has a poor self image. Assaulting his girlfriend is self defeating. You can’t build a self image by tearing someone else’s down.

These cases give rise to Kerry Krysko’s book about her abusive relationship with a Hells Angel called Kerri On which has become a best seller. Now she has teamed up with Kathleen Patel.

Let's not forget that Don Lyons as well as Donnie McWhirter‏ both from the Hells Angels puppet club in Kelowna called the Independent Soldiers have both been charged with beating their ex girlfriends. Blaze copped a plea and plead guilty to a lesser charge of common assault. This problem is huge and it's not going to go away until we deal with it.

Laura Szendrei murderer sentenced as an adult to life in prison - seven years is not life

The Surrey Leader is reporting that the person who murdered 15-year-old Laura Szendrei was sentenced to life in prison, serving his time as an adult. This is good but flawed. He committed the outrageous murder one week shy of his 18th birthday.

Thanks to the advocacy of Chuck and Dona Cadman, young offenders who commit violent crime can be tried as an adult. Murder is a serous crime and it was proper for this person to be tried as an adult. Since he’s over 18 now it is proper for him to serve his sentence as an adult.

However, life in prison means life in prison. It doesn’t mean seven years in prison. Seven years for a brutal murder is outrageous. The new legislation states that a young offender who is tried as an adult and convicted can be named. That is the next step that needs to be taken.

Another step that needs to be taken is to fire Robert Ley. Ley is a “forensic psychologist” that should have nothing to do with the courts. He is a nutbar. Dr. Paul Janke on the other hand, should receive a promotion. Dr. Paul Janke understands natural justice. Robert Ley does not.

US caught spying on France

Oops there goes another allies’ rights. Obama is back peddling after the US was caught spying on France. A French newspaper said the NSA swept up 70.3 million French phone records in a 30-day period. France has summoned the U.S. ambassador, Charles Rivkin, to explain and called the practice "totally unacceptable."

The U.S. is reviewing its intelligence gathering to strike a "balance between the legitimate security concerns that our citizens have and the privacy concerns that we and our allies have as well about some of these alleged intelligence activities." Which really means nothing. It’s a rationalization for violating the US Constitution and spying on anyone they want whenever they want. More revelations thanks to the American whistleblower and constitutional hero, Edward Snowden

Let’s not forget how the US Intelligence agency sold the RCMP the Promis software for keeping track of it’s files. It had a Trojan horse in it that gave the agency access to all the RCMP files. Isn’t it ironic that they didn’t even change the name of the tracking program for the new software that tracks all our medical records in BC. This gives the NSA direct access to all our medical records. Civil liberty is under fire.