Sunday, November 3, 2013

Political Immorality

From Senate scandals to Rob Ford’s crack video to Diane Watts’ bully power, political immorality is sweeping the country from coast to coast. It’s easier to see with Rob Ford and the senate’s spending but clearly the Montreal corruption inquiry has nothing on Surrey. Recently I saw an outrageous main stream article promoting Godzilla’s insanity and it made me want to throw up. I know newspapers want corporate advertizing dollars but that was just plain cheap. Pimping the dream for what? For a lie.

Let’s stop for one minute and think about where that kind of political immorality comes from and where it leads. It starts off by feeding the false left versus right stereotype then takes us very far from traditional conservative values.

Seemingly in the Rob Ford crack video, he’s drunk and or stoned again and starts beaking off about him being right wing and how Justine Trudeau is a fagot. He kept denying the video existed claiming that it was a lie put out by his enemies because they didn’t like the fact that he was right wing. In reality, right wing or left wing has nothing to do with it. Rob Ford is an abusive drunk. That’s all there is to it.

So why does the right keep scraping the bottom of the barrel for these immoral lunatics to represent their cause? Because they have no morals. That’s why. They can be bought and sold at the snap of the finger because they worship the almighty dollar. They do not worship liberty, freedom and democracy. They are selfish and materialistic and worship money.

There is nothing wrong with succeeding in business. Indeed that is something we need to encourage. However, we need to support small business in a free market not corporate monopolies. Corporate monopolies gouge consumers and destroy a free market. Yet that is exactly where these right wing extremists are trying to take us. Just like in Dutchy’s song View from an Ivory Tower, “Marxists cry out for Nicaragua where they’ve never been and bitch about a war that they’ve never seen. The right puts them down but what the right doesn’t know is that they’re drowning in the same indulgent under tow."

What does Stephen Harper, Mike Duffy, Rob Ford and Dianne Watts all have in common? Corporate Communism. They say they support a balanced budget and oppose tax increases but that is the exact opposite of what they do when in office. They are the pork barrel tax and spend politicians they accuse their opponents of being. The only difference is that the left spends it on the people while they spend it on themselves and the large corporations that donate to their campaigns for helping them get a corporate monopoly and screwing the general public.

Take Dianne Watts’ Ivory Tower in Surrey central. That is the epitome of greed and fiscal irresponsibility. That is why she and her corporate donors are so determined to create more taxes to fuel their pork barrel policies. Fiscal responsibility is not in her cards. That should concern us.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Calgary Hells Angel charged with extortion

Calgary Hells Angel and former Olympic bobsledder Ken Leblanc has been arrested for extortion. Police allege Leblanc threatened a city resident and claimed he was owed over $150,000 from a failed business deal. He was arrested at his home which is believed to be associated with the Hells Angels puppet club, Unforgiven.

The Calgary Sun is reporting that LeBlanc spent two periods in jail in Ottawa in the late 1980s and early 1990s and was involved in a loan-sharking case in Calgary in 2008, which saw three men convicted after purchasing an outstanding debt owed to Leblanc and his brother.

Locally, the Hells Angels are famous for creating manufactured debts and collecting on those fictitious debts. Investing money in a shady company and saying I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t pay up is one thing, yet this appears to be something very different.

One source claims LeBlanc didn’t invest anything, it was a third party giving money to another individual that scalps tickets with promises of big returns. The third party (Ali El Sayed) who just went to jail for 9 years and 3 months on mortgage fraud, was extorting the ticket guy and now wealthy restaurant owner Dom Tudda. Saying he guaranteed the money since he met the ticket guy through him. Since July Ali and Ken have been trying to extort Dom for 150k.

Another source claims that Anthony Pittarelli, a Calgary Hells Angels associate, was charged with theft over $5,000, fraud over $5,000, possession of the proceeds of crime and money laundering through a Ponzi scheme tied to Front Row Tickets. Apparently the Hells Angels made a lot of money off this scam.

Evidently, other Calgary members were ripping off Ken when he was in jail. Anthony was paying money to them while Ken was in jail. The other members were stealing it and when Ken got out sh*t hit the fan. One of them was sent out of town and had to make payments to Ken for his safety. Once again the Hells Angels L&R lie reveals a selfish world of betrayal and greed.

The Nanaimo Hells Angels were caught on a wire extorting a guy for a $2,500 debt which they turned into a $100,000 debt. "Basically, you're just getting punished," Sandhu says. "I do feel there's some tension with you and some of the guys."

When you think about it, the Surrey Six murder was about extortion. Jamie Bacon was extorting Corey Lal on behalf of Larry Amero and the Hells Angels.

Hells Angels helped fix FTQ elections

The Montreal Gazztee is reporting that the Hells Angels fixed a FTW election. “On Thursday morning, inquiry investigator Stephan Cloutier played several wiretap tapes recorded by police in 2008 and 2009 which prove that Dupuis and members of the Hells Angels biker gang fixed FTQ-Construction’s internal elections in November 2008.”

“Another union boss with ties to the Hells Angels, Dominique Bérubé, withdrew his candidacy at the last minute after meeting with a member of the biker gang, identified as Jacques (Israël) Émond.”

In addition to the biker gang links, the witness has also been accused of working closely with Mafia enforcer Raynald Desjardins and trying to secure funding from the union’s investment fund for Desjardins’ business. Raynald Desjardins was charged with the murder of Salvatore Montagna.

Hamilton Cocaine bust tied to the Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that the RCMP have seized 5 kilos of cocaine and have busted a drug operation importing and trafficking cocaine into the Hamilton area via Pearson International Airport. Suspects hid the cocaine in checked luggage and in personal items like aerosol cans in an effort to avoid detection.

Jorge Alejandro Rodriguez-Oliva, 29, and Nicolas Salciccioli, 25, from Stoney Creek, face charges along with Hamilton resident Edson Ariel Rosales, 40. Waterdown resident Edina Kalmar, 29, faces a charge of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.

Jorge Rodriguez has ties to the N.E.C (North end Crew) in Hamilton which is another puppet club for the Hells Angels. Project Kingfisher targeted the Hells Angels and the NEC in August 2012. Harry Guidon’s son is named on the arrest sheet. Harry was a founding member and former president of satans choice who patched over to become Hells Angels. Shawn Campbell was the full patch Oshawa Hells Angel arrested in that bust.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Brian Joyce enters Judge’s Hall of Shame

In 2005 the police received a complaint that Godwin Cheng’s residence was being used as a drug house. They obtained a search warrant and found 48 half-pound bags of dried marijuana bud, two 9-mm machine guns and ammunition, an RCMP uniform, body armour, two handguns, a silencer and photos of Cheng with Bacon and other known criminals.

Now Supreme Court judge Brian Joyce has thrown out that evidence because he claims the police didn’t have sufficient grounds to obtain a search warrant. Brian Joyce should be hanged. The concern the public has about warrantless wire taps is that they are warrantless. In this case the police acted on a tip, obtained a warrant and executed that warrant. What else are they supposed to do? Now this clown impersonating a court judge claims that some other judge erred in their decision to grant the warrant. Aside from being false, that’s not the police’s fault.

On Aug. 4, 2005, police watched Cheng and Bacon transferring packages believed to contain drugs between cars. They were both arrested. In Cheng’s car, police found half a pound of marijuana, 92 methamphetamine pills, 15 ecstasy pills and four packages of cocaine.

Police then obtained a search warrant for Cheng’s home. Brian Joyce claims that there was no evidence to suggest there were transfers of drugs between various vehicles and the home during the investigation. That kind of stupidity uttered by a clown sitting on the wrong side of the bench is an offense to public intelligence .Fire him. Now.

The Charter of Rights doesn't need to change. Just the clowns misinterpreting it.

Cocaine found in Pumpkins

Well this is festive. The Vancouver Province is reporting that police found 2 kilos of cocaine smuggled in pumpkins at a Montreal airport. When you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine. No word yet if it was an authorized Ford dealer. Yo bro, it’s time to get off the crack and sing a new tune like Boom Shakalaka Boom. Until then my guitar gently weeps.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rob Ford crack video is in the hands of the court

Looks like Rob Ford is the great pumpkin head this Halloween. MSN News is reporting that “Allegations of a ‘crack cocaine’ video that have for months swirled around the mayor of Canada's largest city came to a head Thursday with a stunning police revelation that they have uncovered the video.”

That’s right folks. The video that pumpkin head said didn’t exist does and is now being entered as evidence in Alexander Lisi's extortion trial. Happy Halloween cracker. Ya got to remember, two credible journalists said they watched the video,. They didn’t just make that up.

The Globe and Mail claims the Ford family has a history with drug dealing. Rob Ford's brother in law has been charged with breaking into his home and uttering threats. This is the same drug dealer that in 2012 Rob Ford asked the judge not to send to jail. Gee I wonder what he had on Ford. As one blog reader who sent in the links said, no one could even make this sh*t up. Sounds like the Ford dealer shirts from Surrey Shirts will make great stocking suffers this Christmas.

CTV is reporting yet another drunken episode involving Rob Ford that was described in an internal e-mail on saint Patrick's Day 2012. This is a consistent behavioral pattern with Rob Ford which simply proves the majority of Canadians are insane and have no moral conscience for reelecting the bum.

Another body found in Surrey

Well Halloween stops no one. 1130 News is reporting that a woman’s body was found at Hi-Knoll park near 192nd Street and 56th Avenue in the Colebrook road area. Witnesses claim they heard three shots fired. IHIT have taken over the case as the police claim foul play is expected. Colebrook Road is closed between 192 Street and 200 Street. Surrey’s 20th murder of the year.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Opposition supports Marc Emery’s prison transfer

Marc Emery supporters have the backing of the opposition parties in their quest to have Marc Emery’s prison transfer to a Canadian prison granted. The Vancouver Province is reporting that NDP deputy leader Libby Davies, Liberal public safety critic Wayne Easter and Green MP Elizabeth May all spoke out in support of the prison transfer which the US has already approved. It is the Harper government that is holding it back.

This is how the Harper government is aiding and abetting the destruction of the Canadian Justice system. Their response to the request was "Individuals who have been convicted of serious crimes should face the full force of the law. And unlike the opposition parties whose primary focus is the drug trade, our government will continue putting the rights of victims first."

There ya have it folks. Living proof the Harper government lies and smokes crack. Individuals who have been convicted of serious crimes should face the full force of the law. Selling pot is not a serious offense. Wiretapping is. They’re not even pressing charges in the Jamie Keyhoe murder. There is no justice for the victims there.

We see two extreme here. One side wants to legalize pot. The other side wants mandatory minimum sentences for pot. Why go from one extreme to the other? We have a serious gang problem in BC. The problem is the crack that the Hells Angels are bringing back to Canada. If they just sold pot there wouldn’t be a problem. Violent crime would be dramatically reduced. It’s crack and crystal meth that we need to address. Obsessing over pot is preventing us from being able to address the serious crime like crack and crystal meth as well as murder and rape. Stephen Harper is insane.

I don’t support the legalization of all drugs. I don’t support needle exchanges and prescribing addicts heroin. Yet there is a huge difference between pot and crack. Failing to recognize that is insanity.

This kind of arrogant pettiness is fueling the campaign for the legalization of pot. Even Justin (Beiber) Trudeau has jumped on that band wagon. I don’t support the legalization of pot. I support the decriminalization of pot. But if Harper refuses to distinguish between crack and pot then that will force me to support the legalization of pot so we have the resources to address crack and crystal meth.

Notwithstanding the simple reality of that concern, Libby Davies is right. This is about granting a prison transfer of a Canadian who did not commit a serous offense and committed that minor offense while he was in Canada. Being an asshole about it is very un Christian. Not only that but sending Marc Emery to prison for selling seeds while they let the Hells Angels sell pot openly at the Black Door and sell crack openly at the Front Room is not equal protection of the law. It is disproportionate. It’s like arresting people for speeding while they let everyone else commit rape. That has to stop.

You know what else is worse than smoking pot? Adultery. Like how Vikileaks Toews had an affair on his wife and fathered a child with a younger woman. That’s worse than what Marc Emery did. At least Marc has a good relationship with his wife and is faithful to her. Fraud is worse too.

In fact lying about not spending 69 billion tax dollars on a bank bailout they didn't need then raising the age of retirement for Canadians to pay for it was a criminals act all in itself. So was spending billions of tax dollars on a fleet of over priced jets that don't even work in the arctic to a company one of his candidates lobbied for. Stephen Harper should be in jail not Marc Emery.

It's sad how never an honest word was every heard when Stephen Harper ruled the world. For some reason I can't explain, I know Saint Peter won't be calling his name. Don Francisco had it right.

Obama approved wire tap of German Chancellor’s phone

The Vancouver Province reported that "U.S. President Barack Obama was dragged into the trans-Atlantic spying row Sunday after it was claimed he personally authorized the monitoring of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's telephone three years ago."

Of course the NSA denied it when the story broke. Then the Intelligence chief went on record defending the wire tap. Since the world is protesting over it, the US claims it will consider stop wiretapping allies. Well how can they stop doing it if they never started? The only way we can expect the intelligence community to stop lying is if they stop talking. This is why any media outlet that reprints a press release from an intelligence agency without questioning it first is being completely irresponsible.

The point is, this isn’t Hitler during the war. This is an ally. If it wasn’t for Edward Snowden, we would even know about this. God bless Edward Snowden. It’s not just Germany. It’s France and all of their allies. They think they are above the law.

The German response is "If the Americans intercepted cell phones in Germany, they broke German law on German soil." He noted that wiretapping was a crime in Germany and "those responsible must be held accountable". Well three cheers. Obama and the NSA broke the law in Germany. So let’s put them in a German prison and deny their transfer back to the US until they approve Marc Emery’s prison transfer back to Canada for a much less serious crime.

The Washington Post is now reporting that the NSA hacked into Google and Yahoo databases as well. It’s time for Obama and the NSA go to jail and Edward Snowden be set free.

In England Murdoch even tapped Princes William and Harry with the help of you know who.

Congress should grant Edward Snowden amnesty

Snowden wants to testify before congressional hearing