Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sinaloa El Chapo and Manuel Noriega

Meanwhile, back on the dark side, the New York Times is reporting that Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo" kingpin of the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel was finally captured 13 years after his escape from prison. Since it has become clear that in Operation Fast and Furious the U.S. Government helped the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel rise to power one has to wonder who this kingpin fell out of favor with. Perhaps he threatened to blow the whistle like Manuel Noriega did. Noriega was a fall guy for Iran contra. He was involved since Operation Watchtower which was confirmed by Colonel Edward P. Cutolo and means Noriega's incarceration was a farce. Just sayin.

Canada Scores! Again. Men's Hockey win the Gold.

After a previous attempt hits the post Canada scores in the first period of the gold medal game. Canada leads 1 - 0 after the first period. Canada scores again 2-1 at the end of the second period. Canada hits the post in the third period and stays on the offensive. Canada scores again! 3-0 in the third. Canada mens win the gold. 3-0 final score. Da Da Canada. Finland beat the US 5-0 to take the Bronze. Russia takes most medals over all. Norway takes the second most. Well done.

The closing ceremony was awesome. A children choir sang the Russian anthem. It was very nice. Russia pulled it off. They were a wonderful host to a successful Olympic games. It's nice to see a little Russian pride return to the faces of big brother. It's also nice to see the Russian Federation flag replace the hammer and sickle. Peace.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Olympic Hockey Gold Medal Games

I don't normally give a rat's ass about hockey but I do have a peek during the Stanley cup if the Canucks are in it or during the Olympics. Since it's such a national event I will comment on it. I happened to see the last of the third period of the Woman's gold medal game Canada versus the United States. It was intense.

The US were ahead 2 - 0 most of the game. We were all kinda looking down saying to ourselves oh crap. Yes there's a bit of rivalry between Canada and the US when it comes to hockey but it's nothing personal. It's just that the Americans win everything. It's nice to see someone else win something for a change.

So when Canada scored late in the third period that sparked the dream and set them on fire. Their confidence was restored and they were hungry. They pulled their goalie and scored to tie it up right before the end of the third period. What a nail biter. At one point the linesman got in the way which resulted in Canada losing possession of the puck and the Americans getting a shot off to the empty net which hit the post. That would have been a tragedy if that had gone in since it was the linesman who got in the way. My daughter told me the pictures on facebook were commenting that never before has two inches made 22 woman so happy. In contrast jokes about the mens game said loser has to keep Justin Beiber.

There were three penalties in overtime. Apparently the final penalty that resulted in the Canadian's power play goal wasn't a real penalty which was shameful. No one wants to win like that. However, the Canadian team did show a lot of heart in the crucial minutes of the game. Hats off to the Americans. They played very well and it could have easily gone either way.

Likewise in the men's semi finals Canada versus the US. Both teams were very sharp in a very fast paced game that could also easily have gone either way. At least Canada didn't score on a power play over a bad call. That one was a clean victory. The thing is, even in the remote chance that Canada loses against Sweden in the finals, that really doesn't matter. We are happy they beat the Americans (no offense) and would be thrilled to see someone else win for a change. I mean look at Norway. They're leading the world this time with gold medals in these games. Good for them. I knew a guy from Norway who used to say he was born with skis on his feet. Great guy.

There were a couple of amusing beer commercials with regards to Olympic Hockey. One was from Molsen Canadian which to my understanding is owned by a American company and the other was from Budweiser. Although Budweiser is a watered down American beer it was a funny commercial. Showing the power go out around the world because everyone in Canada was watching the final gold medal game on TV and celebrating after it was over. It was very well done. I don't drink yellow beer myself. I enjoy the occasional pint of Guinness or on very special occasions a pint of dark German beer. Then again I'm the odd ball in more ways than one. Go Canada. We don't care who wins the most gold meals. We just want hockey. However, I do agree that although he NHL refs are better than the European refs a Canadian should not be reffing a game Canada is playing it.

10 years for murder

Here is yet another case people are upset about. The Surrey Leader is reporting that "On Wednesday (Feb. 19) in B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster, Jonathan Michael Kishimoto, who was charged with second-degree murder, pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in connection to the May 2012 death of Noel Jackson." He received a 10 year sentence. Less time served there are eight years, four months remaining on Kishimoto's sentence.

Here are the concerns people are expressing: Since when does first degree murder turn into manslaughter? How does statutory release apply to murder? Normally, statutory release doesn't apply to first degree or second degree murder. However, manslaughter carries no minimum sentence, except when it is committed with a firearm, in which case the minimum sentence is four years in prison. Sentences vary from probation to life in prison.

It would appear that in this case, since a firearms was used there is no parole eligibility for 4 years. Which is baffling all in itself. 4 years for murder with a firearm? There is something wrong with that picture. I don't think the US prison system is a good example for us to follow. However, neither is this other extreme. Four years for murder with a firearm is absolutely insane. Something needs to change. People can even apply for full parole after one third of their sentence.

This also raises the issue of minimum sentences. Some lunatics are arguing that minimum sentences don't work and are a violation of the Charter of Rights. False. Minimum sentences are already applied to murder. Committing murder is not a Charter Right. Neither is selling crack.

Then we have the issue of turning first degree murder into manslaughter. Previously the Huffington Post reported that a disagreement between Jackson and a small group of people occurred on May 3, 2012, in a Surrey suite. Two men left the suite but returned a short time later with a third man and, while the acquaintance waited outside, the men burst into the apartment and fired at Jackson, who died at the scene. Coming back with a gun to shoot someone dead is first degree murder not manslaughter. It carries intent.

Kishimoto, 23, was originally charged with second-degree murder alongside Michael Alexander Ross in November 2012. Ross's charge, however, was downgraded to accessory after the fact following a preliminary hearing last April, and was dropped entirely on Wednesday. Tell me again we don't need judicial reform in British Columbia. I'm not the only one that disagrees.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Johnny Newcome plays get out of jail free card

Castanet is reporting that Johnny Newcome got a 18-month conditional sentence to be served in the community, with the first nine months under house arrest and the second nine under curfew conditions for 14 counts of stolen property and trafficking in stolen property on behalf of the Kelowna Hells Angels. That is disgusting. Be advised, that was a joint submission. This act of treason came straight from the crown.

This was a huge stolen car ring tied to the Hells Angels. Newcome was revining the stolen vehicles for the Hells Angels. Some of the vehicles ended up in the possession of the Calgary Hells Angels.

The judge said "the sheer number of stolen property and the plundering of the community from Calgary west (Hells Angels) ….. it's absolutely appalling." The sentence he received is disgusting. You cannot get any more corrupt than this.

Judicial Treason Strikes Again

Just when you thought you's seen it all and the courts couldn't go any lower, they out do themselves and descend to a new low in treason. The Vancouver Province is reporting that a B.C. Provincial Court judge in Vancouver has ruled that a one-year mandatory minimum sentence for drug trafficking recently introduced by the federal government is a violation of the Charter of Rights and declared it "of no force and effect."

Joseph Galati should be hanged. Now. Every judge is bound by the law. Whenever a judge makes a ruling they must cite the law or the jurisprudence to support their interpretation of the law. They do not have the authority to create laws. So tell me Master Treason, what clause in the Charter of Rights was violated? None!

The Charter of Rights, like the US Bill of Rights, guarantees civil liberty. Freedom from unnecessary searches and seizures is a charter right. The right to due process, a speedy trial and legal representation are charter rights. Selling crack is not a charter right. Joseph Galati has committed a criminal act by misinterpreting the law. He needs to be removed from the bench and go directly to jail. Right now.

His claim that selling crack is a charter right is not only false but absurd. Keeping him on the bench after making such a brazen act of criminal negligence would be treason. Just ask the Aldergrove Judicial Review Board: Judges are the Problem. If we aren't going to fix the injustice system by making judges elected, we have to put a mechanism in place to remove bad judges because the current system is failing and needs to be fixed. This is the perfect example.

Selling crack is the root cause of the Vancouver gang war. Failing to address that is treason.

BC Budget Scam

Recently there was an editorial in the Vancouver Province claiming the BC Provincial government was doing the right thing by reducing spending and balancing the budget. What a scam that is. The BC Government isn't balancing the budget. Neither are the municipalities. That's the problem.

When the BC Liberals released their fraudulent budget before the election they fudged the numbers by claiming that although they were running a consistent debt, they would balance it some time in the future by extracting a dividend from BC Hydro. That claim was fraud.

We know very well the BC Liberals are the ones that turned BC Hydro into another Enron by privatizing the power brokers that sell power to the public company at inflated rates. As a result, they have been hiding the ballooning deficit that criminal fraud created for years. You can't extract a dividend from BC Hydro to balance your deficit when you are already hiding a ballooning deficit at BC Hydro. Right now we are looking at a 40% increase in Hydro rates to help offset this act of fraud where private power brokers are gouging tax payers at an unprecedented rate.

Now the BC Liberals are fudging the budget by claiming they will extract revenues from the liquefied natural gas industry. These fudge it budgets can go both ways. It's like Canada Post lying to the media claiming it forecasts a change in the consistent annual profits and anticipates an annual billion dollar loss. Those forecasts are fraudulent trying to con the public.

I'm all for liquefied natural gas. What I am opposed to is the consistent fraud the BC Liberals get away with by claiming they are balancing the budget when they committed an act of fraud by turning BC Hydro into another Enron. They keep living of the crazy stereotype that the NDP will tax and spend but they won't when in reality they are doing worse spending than the NDP ever did just like Dianne Watts in Surrey.

Talk about spin, we even have Preewee Hermon himself, Gwyn Morgan, front and centre running interference for the Glutton World Order. TransLink's spending is completely out of control. They already squander over a billion dollars a year in excessive regional gas taxes and they still want more. Why? Because they give 2.5 million free rides a year and they keep living beyond their means expanding sky train lines to nowhere instead of waiting until the current lines start paying for themselves. Why? So the corrupt companies that contribute to their campaigns can get sweetheart contracts.

Guess who got the contract for the $1.4-billion Evergreen Line? SNC-Lavalin did. Gwyn Morgan was CEO. SNC-Lavalin senior executives were charged with fraud along with Arthur Porter, the former chair of Canada’s watchdog for CSIS. Go figure. The scam never ends while tax payers continue to get gouged in the name of fiscal responsibility. Are they still selling swamp land in Florida because right now the public will buy anything.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Transit cop suspended for assaulting and tasering elderly man

CTV is reporting that Constable Ken Jansen has been demoted and suspended for 14 days by an adjudicator for his part in beating an elderly mentally ill man and jolting him with a Taser four years ago. Criminal charges against Jansen and Surrey RCMP Const. Mitchell Spears who was also involved, were dropped last year when a provincial court judge ruled their charter rights had been infringed by the lengthy delay in bringing the matter to trial.

The Surrey now reported that both officers were originally charged with assault and Spears was also charged with assault with a weapon, namely, a Taser. Before the case was dropped the Surrey Now reported that the court heard that the Surrey RCMP was called to investigate a complaint that Booker had chased his landlord with a knife. Dickie said she expects the court will hear that Spears went into the residence and threatened to use a Taser on Booker.

The elderly man was handcuffed, arrested under the Mental Health Act and was taken to Surrey Memorial Hospital. The prosecutor said she expects the judge will hear that hospital staff found Booker "calm and pleasant," albeit saying strange things.

She also expects the judge will hear that Spears and Jansen were seen on top of Booker, who suffered a head injury that required stitches, and that Jansen was seen "knee-striking" Booker several times. Dickie said an emergency room video will reveal Booker "did nothing" to Spears. Spears is accused of pinning Booker down in a chair and "grasping" his neck. Dickie told the court that the alleged assault was "not provocated" and "the force applied was excessive and dangerous." Spears is the fat guy on the left while Jenson is the skinny guy on the right. Together they look like Laurel and Hardy. Jensen doesn't look very repentant.

It's a hard call to know eaxcty what really happened. The Vancouver Province previously reported that Jansen wasn't on duty that night, but was waiting for RCMP Const. Mitch Spears, who had arrested Robert Booker under the Mental Health Act and was about to hand him over to hospital staff. Jensen was caught lying about what happened and made statements that didn't make sense. The elderly man was in his early seventies.

The court was told that the Surrey RCMP was called to investigate a complaint that the old man had chased his landlord with a knife. Any time a knife is involved that is a concern. Without being there it's hard to determine if it was a steak knife or a big kitchen knife. It's also difficult to ascertain the seriousness of the threat by a 70 year old man with mental health issues. If someone has a knife and a cop says put the knife down or I'll taser you that doesn't sound to unrealistic to me. Actually tasering a 70 year old man is very unwise since at his age that could be considered a lethal attack not reasonable force. So is giving him the boots after he's on the ground.

Fresh snow on local mountains

We've had a very slow start to the winter season on the local mountains on the west coast this year while the east coast has been getting hammered. However, surf's up. Seymour is reporting that they just had 47 cm of fresh snow in the last 24 hours, 92 cm in the last two days and 164 cm in the last week. Now that's what I'm talking about. Finally. More snow on the way.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ziggy Matheson and Ali Ziaee charged

Kim Bolan is reporting on the CFSEU announcement that the police have laid charges against Ziggy Matheson and Ali Ziaee from the drug bust last June. Ali’s father was convicted of money laundering in Florida. Some of the money was laundered through the Italian bank account of a corporation Ziaee set up in Panama. Banks were bilked of more than $1 million. Ziggy is friends with Jason Zailo who was Lindsay Buziak's ex boyfriend. She was trying to leave him before she was murdered and he forgot to mention that part to Dateline.

Just for the record, last June when we reported on that top level drug bust on Vancouver Island we reported the names of the accused when no other media outlet picked it up. These charges confirm that our source was correct last June. I knew it was a credible source. I'm not sayin I told ya so. I'm just sayin to all the haters that trash me on Kim Bolan's blog, kiss my ass b*tch.