Saturday, November 18, 2017

Andrew Weaver's position on the Site C Dam

Gordon Clark from the Vancouver Province put out a redeeming editorial about B.C. Green party leader Andrew Weaver's position on the Site C Dam. In the editorial he states: "I asked why the Greens were so opposed to what is one of the greenest power-generation projects imaginable and something he had previously supported."

"He agreed that B.C.’s low carbon footprint, by First World standards, is largely due to the hydroelectric dams built in the past, but for him the issue comes down to cost. He is less concerned about issues raised by other environmentalists in and outside his party, such as the flooding of the valley, loss of farmland and native concerns. Weaver said he supported Site C when it was expected to cost $4.5 billion, but not now that estimates have soared to $12 billion or higher." Hydro electric power is green. It's a lot better than nuclear reactors.

As for the massive over budget costs, that can be easily explained by the involvement of one of the world's largest criminal organizations, SNC-Lavalin. Weaver supported the Dam when it costs $4.5 billion, but now that costs have skyrocketed to over $12 billion he no longer supports the proposal. That is a colossal project over run. That is the method of operation of SNC-Lavalin and Lockheed Martin. They under bid and overcharge contracts. No one complains because they give the politicians kickbacks and campaign contributions which perpetuates the tax fraud forever.

Speaking of Lockheed Martin fraud, I notice that Boeing has started putting out commercials about how they support Canada. Indeed they do. The Financial Post lists several reasons why Boeing is good for Canada. Boeing is good. Lockheed Martin is bad. SNC-Lavalin is horrific. We need to ban SNC-Lavalin from BC. That would be in the taxpayers best interest.

Trump slams Lockheed Martin over F-35 Cost overruns. "Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!" Now that's what I'm talking about.

Thanks to Gwen Morgan, the corruption ridden SNC-Lavalin now works for Translink. The Evergreen line has consequently met with budget over runs. Imagine that. The problem is, SNC-Lavalin also builds light rail. Giving SNC-Lavalin the contract for the LRT on 104th Avenue that no one here wants, would be an act of treason. Even Rail for the Valley would oppose that.

Dianne Watts ran for the federal Conservatives. SNC-Lavalin gave massive political donations to the Conservatives and the Liberals both. Dianne Watts is pushing the Surrey LRT insanity down 104th. Do the math. More tax fraud just like Campbell Heights.

El Chapo mistreated in prison

What does El Chapo, Manuel Noriega and Pablo Escobar have in common? They all worked for and were screwed over by the CIA. In operation Fast and Furious, the ATF were selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine into the United States as payment? Did any of them go to jail. Not one. They gave Oliver North a job with Fox News. El Chapo on the other hand is being mistreated in jail for having worked for the CIA just like Noriega and Pablo Escobar. At least Pablo Escobar wasn't mistreated in prison.

Torturing prisoners is never a good idea. It reflects a poor self image. When we mistreat prisoners it shows something is wrong with our mentality. I'm sure Dr Phil would have a lot to say about that. The Business Insider is reporting that Amnesty International is worried about 'El Chapo' Guzman's treatment in a US prison.

El Chapo's lawyer states: "Mr. Guzman is confined to a small, windowless cell. He remains in this cell alone for 23 hours a day Mondays through Fridays, when he is permitted a single hour of solitary exercise in another cell that contains one treadmill and one stationary bicycle. On the weekends, he is confined 24 hours a day and not permitted any exercise. His meals are passed through a slot in the door; he eats alone."

"The light is always on. With erratic air-conditioning, he has often lacked enough warm clothing to avoid shivering. Repeated requests by counsel to the MCC adjust the temperature have landed on deaf ears. He never goes outside. His only opportunity to see daylight is when he passes a small window on the way to his counsel visit or the exercise cell."

This kind of treatment diminishes all of us. Mistreating El Chapo will donothing to stop or reduce the drug trafficking of the Mexican cartels. Mistreating him knowin ghe worked for the CIA is yet another example of how the CIA screws people over their assets time and time again.

Nabob has a commercial that says respect the bean referring to coffee. I might add respect the Chapo. Respect who he is and what he represents. When the same agencies that participated in Operation Fast and Furious disrespect El Chapo the whole agency is discredited.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

VPD raid Hells Angels Competition, Quebec legalizes organized crime

Speaking of how the BC Gang task force is compromised, March of this year the Vancouver Sun reported that "A dozen Vancouver police officers raided Marc Emery’s Cannabis Culture headquarters on West Hastings Street Thursday morning." Really? They raid Marc Emery's pot shop but roll out the welcome mat for the Black door and the Bulldog Cafe right across the street simply because those are run by the Hells Angels and Marc Emery's isn't? WTF?

Basically there are two concerns on the table. The first is unequal protection of the law. Why are the police in BC giving the Hells Angels drug dealers police protection but arresting their rivals? The second concern is why are the police arresting anyone for pot when the Trudeau government was elected on the promise to legalize pot. Surely every current pot charge should be stayed until the law has been officially changed. Arrest the fentanyl dealers instead.

The police requested a delay in the legalization of pot. Why? So they can keep busting people for pot until the law has been officially changed. That's a complete waste of time and tax dollars.

Recently, The Vancouver Sun reported that "Doctors of B.C. is asking the provincial government to consider banning individuals from growing recreational pot at home when it becomes legal in July." That makes no sense whatsoever. If pot becomes legal, growing pot at home is one of the safest ways to know it is naturally sourced and doesn't have any fentanyl in it.

Quebec legalizes organized crime

The Globe and Mail is reporting that "A government agency, the Société québécoise du cannabis, will have exclusive legal control of recreational use, selling the product through a limited number of storefronts and online. The province will have 15 stores ready by July 1 and up to 150 in two years. While Ottawa's federal draft legislation legalizing marijuana would allow people to grow small amounts, Quebec will continue to outlaw growing pot at home."

This is organized crime. Corporate monopolies are not good for consumers. It is the road to Communism and the destruction of the free market. Quebec legalizes pot but bans people from growing it at home? That is absurd. That's like banning people from growing nicotine.

BTW smoking anything is bad for you. That's why the leading cause of death in house fires is smoke inhalation. No one likes secondhand smoke. Especially in public. Vaping is better than smoking. Vaporizing weed emits a vapor that is 90% smoke and carcinogen free. Vaping is better for the lungs. Cannabidiol - CBD is even better. CBD is good, THC is not. Be wise, be healthy.

Marc Emery has earned his place in the industry. He has a name and a brand. If anyone deserves to make money from legal pot he does. They should make him CEO of legal pot in Canada. He has paid his dues. He has a name people trust.

In contrast, what we are seeing is a Communist revolution in Canada. Just like how Lenin murdered Shliapnikov the real leader of the workers revolution and took over the party. When the Trade Unions he used to get in power went on strike, Lenin sent in the machine guns to cut them down. The families were too scared to even collect their dead. This is what the federal government is now doing to Marc and Jodie Emery.

Actually it's the Toronto PD that is screwing over Mac and Jodie. The Toronto PD do not have the legal authority or legal jurisdiction to order them to shut down Cannabis Culture. In contrast, the recent Fentanyl death in the Toronto drug squad calls for a public inquiry into their corruption.

@TrilliumPartyON has the only MPP in the ON Legislature defending free market cannabis producers and retail dispensaries , that’s MPP Jack MacLaren. Marc needs to run for that party.

Support Marc Emery on Twitter.

Toronto Drug squad officer dies of fentanyl overdose

The Toronto Star is reporting that An investigation has been launched after an officer from the Toronto Police Service drug squad died of a fentanyl overdose. On April 10, Const. Michael Thompson was found in medical distress in his home in Durham region. He was rushed to hospital where he died three days later, Toronto police said in a news release Thursday. He was 37 and single with no children. Thompson “died of a fentanyl overdose, the quantity of which was too large to have been caused by mere contact with that drug,” said the release.

The Toronto Drug squad has a long history of being shady. In 2013 the Toronto Sun reported that "Five former Toronto drug squad cops were sentenced Friday to 45-day conditional, or house arrest sentences, that will enable all but one to keep his new job." I guess since they all kept their job nothing in that department has changed. Just like IHITit in BC.

Sounds like Const. Michael Thompson was going to blow the whistle so they gave him an OD.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Canada's Peacekeeping Plan

News 1130 is reporting that "The Trudeau government will announce Canada’s peacekeeping plans tomorrow at a United Nations summit being held here in Vancouver."

Lester Pearson won a Nobel Peace Prize for creating Canadian Peacekeepers. These were soldiers who were deployed into areas of conflict sent not to invade and conquer but to keep the peace. Canada has a long history of peacekeeping. Stephen Harper killed that tradition. He threw away peacekeeping and joined the oil war invasions. Iraq was not a peacekeeping mission. It was an unlawful invasion based on a lie. Right now Burma needs peacekeepers. Any peacekeeping commitment without Burna would be hollow and incomplete.

North Korean Soldier Shot by Own Troops as He Defects to the South

The New York Times is reporting that "North Korean troops fired on a fellow soldier who was defecting to South Korea on Monday across the heavily armed border dividing the countries. The soldier was shot but succeeded in reaching the South, its military said in a statement."

From a distance yo. From a distance you look like my friend. Even though we are at war.

Monday, November 13, 2017

George Bush Sr. still groping after all these years

USA Today is reporting that "George H. W. Bush apologized Monday after another woman said the former president groped her during a 2003 photo op when she was 16 years old." "He dropped his hands from my waist down to my buttocks and gave it a nice, ripe squeeze, which would account for the fact that in the photograph my mouth is hanging wide open,” she said.

That was a long time ago. However, the article states that "Corrigan is the sixth woman since Oct. 24 to come forward with allegations of the former president groping them during photo ops."

More recently actress Heather Lind wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post that she was standing next to the former president when he “touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara [Bush] by his side.” In a post on social media Ms Lind claimed: "He didn't shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke. So this isn't just a matter of a dirty old man who has lost his mind. It's about an idiot who never grew up.

George Bush Sr. is a piece of garbage. This is the person who first got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking in the Vietnam war. This is the person who was ultimately responsible for all the drug trafficking during Iran contra. This is the person responsible for the October surprise. Just sayin.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Eminem: still busting sh*t out

The subject of Eminem came up in a conversation and a friend recently told me Eminem just put out a new video with Beyonce cited in the Rolling Stone magazine called Walk on Water.

I just noticed his video from 2015 Phenomenal. A line in it sates "the messiest thing you've ever been through is your purse. You can keep throwing stuff at the wall but you're going to find out that nothing is going to stick until you apply yourself." He then seeks to find himself. He's fighting off a line of attackers then meets the fortune cookie philosopher who says to him "Impressive. Pointless but impressive." Eminem asks him who are you? A way out if you so choose. And if I don't? "You'll fall. You've been running so long. Come back. Let's finish what we started."

Man who are you? "Wrong Question." Who am I? Eminem was the only white kid that really ever made it in hip hop. He was raw and off the hook from the get go talking about crazy ass mother issues and people were like yo man you can't say that. It was clear he had some unresolved issues. In time he started to deal with those issues and started to hone his style making his debut in 8 mile battle rap. He was a white kid who didn't pretend he was black but realized that he didn't fit in where he was from and he could only find and express himself within the black community.

He came out with some powerful stuff. Lose Yourself was the first epic motivation that comes to mind. Then he got political and came out with Mosh Bush. Then he came out with I am not afraid.

Eminem is the Rocky Balboa of hip hop. He didn't come from the ivory tower and go to private school. His passion came from expressing what was in his heart as he overcame legitimate trials. That's life in the real world yo. His new cut with Beyonce states "I walk on water but only when it freezes because I am only human. Just like you." Well said. We're all just carving out our own place in this destiny called life. Leaving our mark, good or bad.

Former Bandidos National President Jeff Pike Indicted For RICO

TBM Scandinavia is reporting that Former Bandidos National President Jeff Pike has been Indicted For RICO. The Youtube video contains screenshots of the indictment dated October 18th 2017. RICO stand for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act which is somewhat ironic. Operation Fast and Furious revealed that ATF agents were selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. Which leads us to ask which corrupt organization is which? The bikers being charged or the agents charging them?

It's pretty obvious that I oppose organized crime. However, it goes both ways. Banning gang colors in bars is fine but seizing their patch completely is off the hook. That is why I am concerned with and oppose the US Government's attempt to seize the Mongols patch.

The Aging Rebel is pretty much the go to guy for biker news in the US courts. Although he is pretty pro biker and anti ATF, he has experience in the US courts on biker rights and is quite knowledgeable on the subject. The government's obsession with the Bandidos seems to have peaked after the biker brawl in Waco Texas March 2015. Later we heard that 4 out of 9 Bikers shot dead in Wacko brawl were shot by police. The Aging Rebel has a lot to say about that topic.

One of the interesting concerns he expresses is the Prosecutor's obsession to ban the Bandidos lawyer Kent Schaffer from defending Jeff. That in itself is suspicious. The right to legal representation is entrenched in the US Constitution and in every free republic. So why do they want to break the Constitution to cram their case through? It is suspicious to say the least.

Moving past coal in Surrey

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is arriving today in Bonn, Germany, to attend the second week of COP23, the annual United Nations climate change talks that two years ago led to the Paris climate change accord."

"McKenna and Perry are hosting a joint event Nov. 16 to launch a joint campaign calling for other countries to declare a plan not to build any more unabated coal-fired plants and eliminate existing ones. 'We want every country to look at how they can reduce their use of coal and phase it out and we want to be supporting developing countries to do so,' McKenna told The Canadian Press in an interview last week."

"About 10 per cent of electricity in Canada comes from coal, and 40 per cent of the electricity around the world is generated by coal-fired power plants. A year ago, Canada committed to eliminating coal as a source of power by 2030. Britain has committed to getting rid of it by 2025. Since Canada and the U.K. first announced their coal phase-out campaign last month, Italy and Netherlands added themselves to the list of countries aiming to get rid of coal. France had already set a 2025 coal-phase out target."

This is the direction the rest of the world is moving in. We can argue climate change until the cows come home. The fact is the visible pollution in Beijing from coal is off the hook. Surrey is contributing to that insanity by trying to expand it's coal exports to China while China has committed to reducing coal emissions. Normally, a good businessman can see the writing on the wall when it comes to supply and demand. It's time for us to innovate and move past coal exports. Not only will that help China's smog problem but it will also give us sustainable business. Innovation means moving forward not backward.

This applies to BC because the obsession to increase coal exports out of the Surrey docks is the real reason they want to get rid of the George Massey tunnel when Richmond itself does not. There's nothing wrong with the tunnel. The spin doctors are spamming the media with lies so they can line their pockets with dirty money. The problem is, that plan is very short sighted.

The Telegraph is reporting that "India is set to overtake China and become the world's largest emitter of sulphur dioxide, an air pollutant that is generated when coal is burnt and can lead to severe haze, acid rain and asthma complications." Quarts Media is reporting that "This week, air pollution forced some 4,000 schools to close in New Delhi, as India’s capital suffers through an air quality nightmare. Now, here’s more bad news on the pollution front: the country is passing China as the world’s biggest emitter of deadly man-made sulfur dioxide (SO2)."

The Sierra Club is reporting that "Coal is our country’s dirtiest energy source, from mining to burning to disposing of coal waste. Our campaign is uniting grassroots activists across the country to move America Beyond Coal."

Replacing a perfectly functional tunnel so they can dredge the Fraser river and load more coal onto the cargo ships out of the Surrey docks is insane. There is no future in it. It's like investing massive amounts of money in VCRs. Propane and natural gas are clean burning. Coal is not. Hydroelectricity is clean. Nuclear reactors are not. We need to move forward.