Friday, March 1, 2024

Lyin' Brian Bites the Dust

OK so Brian Mulroney passed away at the age of 84. I realize we're not supposed to speak I'll of the dead but what we do in life echoes in eternity. It's important that we be honest about someone's legacy and not let the fake news rewrite history to serve their twisted agenda. Brian Mulroney was a bad man. He was known as Lyin' Brian for a reason.

“Lyin’ Brian” tag is Mulroney’s only legacy

Long before his death the Observer reported that "Did we really need to spend $14 million to determine that former primer minister Brian Mulroney lied, breached ethics guidelines and acted inappropriately? Really, Mr. Justice Jeffrey Oliphant simply confirmed what most Canadians already knew, even when the man still occupied 24 Sussex Dr."

Stevie Cameron's Mulroney Memoir is entitled "On The Take: Crime, Corruption And Greed In The Mulroney Years." Notwithstanding, True North is reporting that " The Globe and Mail issued an apology after facing backlash over a headline announcing the passing of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, labeling him as 'one of Canada’s most divisive prime ministers.' The outlet attributed the error to an 'automated tweet' that did not align with its editorial standards." That is hilarious. Telling the truth does not align with its editorial standards.

Brian Mulroney divided the Conservative party into two. How was that not divisive? Brian Mulroney was the reason the Reform Party was created. He was just another pork barrel tax and spend politician. He was the reason the Reform Party went on a national fiscal responsibility campaign. Brian Mulroney was the author of the GST. He rose taxes that directly effected consumers and small business. Up until now, he left office as the most hated politician in Canadian History. Justin Trudeau's shameful legacy has even surpassed his.

Lyin' Brian had Airbus. Another tax and spend scandal that he profited from.

The Toronto Star reported that "A two-year inquiry into Brian Mulroney’s dealings with German-Canadian arms lobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber has concluded that the former prime minister acted in an inappropriate way when he accepted large amounts of cash from Schreiber."

Brian Mulroney's Airbus scandal also referred to as Kickback Mountain. Mulroney lied about his relationship with Karlheinz Schreiber and defrauded taxpayers of an out of court settlement that was based on Mulroney's perjury. Mulroney lied about his business relationship with Schreiber.

CBC Television reported on February 8, 2006 that the money Schreiber paid to Mulroney originated in a Swiss bank account code-named "Frankfurt". Schreiber used the same account to pay the secret Airbus commissions. Schreiber transferred $500,000 from "Frankfurt" to an account in Zürich code-named "Britan" on July 26, 1993 and used these funds to make the three cash payments to Mulroney in 1993 and 1994.

The payments were not disclosed in Mulroney's 1995 lawsuit against the Government of Canada. Mulroney had falsely testified under oath that he "never had any dealings" with Schreiber, knew him only "peripherally" and they had a cup of coffee "once or twice."

Brian Mulroney profited from Bre-X along with George Bush. Brian Mulroney was tied to Iran contra through Trans World Armaments in Quebec and Richard Secord for f*ck's sake.

In Al Martin's book the Conspirators he stated that Richard Secord was also tied to Trans World Armaments of Quebec City. He claims that Joe Clark made money off it and that the Brian Mulroney connection was a much bigger scandal in Canada than it ever was in the US.

Brian Mulroney was a driving force behind NAFTA where the erosion of sovereignty was created under the guise of free trade. Compensation Awards under NAFTA were insane.

In 2018 CBC reported that "Former prime minister Brian Mulroney, whose government once introduced legislation to keep marijuana in the same legal category as heroin, hasn't merely become a born-again weed evangelical - he now says Canada is poised to influence the rest of the world to join the cannabis bandwagon."

He joined the BOD of an American cannabis company. The day before the CBC article came out the Toronto Star reported that "Mulroney’s daughter, Caroline Mulroney, is the attorney general of Ontario and has been overseeing the legalization of marijuana in the province."

So take your fake news and cram it up your a*s.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Windsor Police Constable punished for donating to the Freedom Convoy

Donald Best is reporting that "Windsor Police Constable Michael Brisco was convicted of Discreditable Conduct for anonymously donating $50 to the Freedom Convoy on February 7, 2022. The Ontario Civilian Police Commission just disallowed his appeal of the conviction and the outrageous penalty of 80 hours pay."

"The Ontario Civilian Police Commission has reinforced its position that policing organizations and individual police officers should obey political orders without question, and ignore our Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Rule of Law."

That is mentally deranged. Donald Best is correct. This obscene decision is a defiant violation of the Charter of Rights which each police officer has sworn an oath to uphold. People have the right to donate to any religion, charity or political cause they want to.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Two Kerry men in court following 546kg crystal meth haul

The Irish Independent is reporting that "The two Kerry men charged in relation to the biggest ever haul of crystal meth in the country have appeared in court via video link. Nathan McDonnell appeared first this morning at Tralee District Court via video link from Portlaoise Prison."

"The 43-year-old owner of Ballyseedy Garden Centre, with an address at Ballyroe, is charged with possession of drugs worth more than €13,000 for sale or supply at the garden centre between October 27 and February 12. James Leen, age 41 of Pilgrim Hill, Kilmorna, Listowel, is facing two charges – one of drug importation of crystal meth worth €13,000 or more last October and the possession for sale or supply of methylamphetamine worth €13,000 between October 27, 2023 and February 12, 2024." RTE states that 546 kilos were seized.

"The court was previously told that Customs officials examined a container in the port of Cork, which had an electronic, magnetic, metal recycling machine, which was purpose built to conceal the drugs, which the court was told were almost impossible to find. The court said that 543kg of crystal meth, with an estimated value of €32.8million, was found in the machine."

Two Kerry men caught with half a ton of crystal meth. That sounds like the beginning of a joke so it does. That is a lot of crystal meth. It would be interesting to find out where it was coming from. That's a whole lot of ruthless poison for a relatively small area.

The Irish News is reporting that it is believed the shipment was organized by the Mexican Sinaloa cartel with Irish connections and was reportedly bound ultimately for Australia.

"It is believed the meth originated in Colombia but that the shipment was organised by members of the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico, including Morris O’Shea Salazar, who grew up in Killorglin, Co Kerry." From Colombia to Ireland to Australia. That's kind of the long way around.

Morris O’Shea Salazar was caught through "the Encrochat hack which gave international police forces access to thousands of messages from the app used by criminal gangs." Sounds a wee bit shady so it does. In April 2023 55 kilos of cocaine were seized in Cork.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dr Phil's World Tour: Lock downs and child trafficking

Everyone knows the View is ridiculous. It is partisan trash. That's why we call it the Spew. Dr Phil went on and set the record straight about kids and lock downs. Whoopi Goldberg has lost her mind. They all have. These are bad people promoting bad things.

Dr Phil went to the border and interviewed some guards. He asked about kids coming across with people who aren't their parents. The guard said when Trump was president they would do rapid DNA testing of the kids to make sure the adults with them were in fact their parents. The guard said the Biden administration did away with the DNA testing.

Now they have no way of knowing if the kids are with their parents or if they are being trafficked. Why in God's name would you stop DNA testing kids? The only possible reason was to condone child trafficking. That is mentally deranged. Dr Phil even weighed in on transitioning kids.

Fatal shooting in Alaska

CBC is reporting that "Two people were killed and two were seriously wounded during a shooting at a home in a remote Inupiat whaling village on Alaska's northwest coast and a 16-year-old boy was in custody Monday, according to the Anchorage Daily News. Details were slow to emerge about Sunday's shooting in Point Hope, which shook the small community and prompted a local school's closure on Monday."

"The newspaper, citing court documents, reported that the teenage suspect has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of first-degree attempted murder."

"State law allows minors 16 and older to be tried in adult court on murder charges. The newspaper's reporting was based on a summary of a police report included in charging documents filed in court Monday. Officers from the North Slope Borough Police Department responded to the home after 11:30 p.m. Sunday and discovered a man and a woman dead, as well as two wounded men, the newspaper wrote. All four appeared to have been shot."

"One witness told police she'd seen the boy go into the home and start shooting, the newspaper wrote. Other witnesses said they saw the teen leave with a handgun. The boy turned himself in at the local police station, accompanied by his father, around 11:45 p.m. Sunday, according to the newspaper. While officials said there was no ongoing risk to the community, they declined to give specifics about what had occurred." Yahoo news named the youth.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Police make Arrests in Quebec City Gang Conflict

The Candain Press is reporting that "At least 21 people allegedly tied to a war over drug territory in eastern Quebec have so far been arrested in a provincial police operation that began last week. More arrests are possible during Operation Scandaleux, which is targeting the running conflict between the Blood Family Mafia and the Hells Angels in the Quebec City area, the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region, the Lower St-Lawrence and the North Shore, police said Monday."

"Videos are circulating of people connected to the war allegedly being tortured and officers have met with certain individuals to warn them their lives are at risk, police said. The war between the two groups has led to at least one murder."

Global is reporitng that "The peak of a bloody dispute that was months in the making and rife with brutality led to sweeping arrests in Quebec over the weekend, according to an organized crime expert. Criminologist and former Bloc Québécois MP Maria Mourani said the police crackdown resulted from a conflict between a street gang known as the Blood Family Mafia and the Hells Angels that came to blows." They even have a picture of Super Dave.

This is what the Dirty Newz has been reporting on. They have also mentioned the recent arrests.

Royal Canadian Legion shuts down Woodbridge branch due to overt association with outlaw biker gangs

CP 24 is reporting that "In an unprecedented move, a Royal Canadian Legion branch in Woodbridge, Ont. has been shut down due to its “overt association” with outlaw motorcycle gangs, the legion’s provincial leadership team says. Members of Branch 414, also known as the Mackenzie branch, were informed of the decision in a Feb. 12 letter from the legion’s provincial president Derek Moore."

“It is with great sorrow that I inform you that the Charter of the Mackenzie (Ont. No. 414) branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command has been revoked due to the branch’s overt association with members of outlaw motorcycle groups,” Moore’s letter read.

“We learned of the outlaw motorcycle club activities from the police and investigated. In October 2023, after inquiry and for cause, the command suspended the Charter of the Mackenzie branch. We cannot permit the Legion’s name or events to be associated with organized crime.”

"The legion, he said, has a policy that prohibits anyone from wearing street gang colours or attire related to outlaw motorcycle clubs, including vests, logos, or patches, at legion events."

“The Legion developed this policy in consultation with Canada’s law enforcement agencies. The overt wearing of outlaw motorcycle club colours at Legion events and premises is contrary to the Legion’s Articles of Faith and disrespectful to the sacrifices made by our Veterans.”

"In the letter, Moore added that the building and all of its contents will be sold and any cash remaining after outstanding bills and debts are paid will go toward veteran-centric and community programs and supports." I'm not sure what overt association in this case means. If they're talking about Verteran MC patches that a bit of a stretch.

I realize the Hells Angels have collectively shot themselves in the foot in Canada because of the volume of criminal activity they have been convicted of. The days where the Hells Angels in BC could say a full patch member has never been convicted of a criminal offense are long gone.

There have been too many convictions to count. For that reason, I can see why the Legion would say no Hells Angels patches at Legion events. To say no Veteran MC patches at Legion events is their right but IMO it gets a little too infringing with the freedom of association.

For example, to the firefighters have a right to form a MC? Yeah they do. So do the veterans. If a member of those groups is convicted of a criminal offense and is still allowed to be a member then banning their patches may be in order. We have to look at the big picture here. Both of them.

We all know the Hells Angels create puppet clubs to do their dirty work. It creates plausible deniability. It wasn't us it was them. But they work for you. So do we label the entire club a criminal organization and seize their patch? I'm not comfortable with that. If a specific chapter is convicted of a lot of crime, then losing their clubhouse is a natural consequence of that.

Yet I still say Justin Trudeau and the WEF are far worse criminals that any Hells Angel who has been convicted of any offense. If the Hells Angels kill a rival drug dealer that doesn't affect me at all but banning gas vehicles and forcing everyone to live in a 15 minute city is mentally deranged. That concerns me far more than anything any Hells Angel has ever done.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Shooting inside Hamilton night club

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "Police are investigating another shooting in the core this weekend — the second shooting in as many days linked to two separate downtown Hamilton businesses. In this incident a man was found with gunshot injuries inside a club on Bowen Street, a short strip that links Main and Jackson streets, between Catharine and John streets. The club was hosting a weekly ticketed event called Sinful Saturdays with a $20 entry fee."

"Officers were sent to Club 33 at 33 Bowen St. for a possible shooting, at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, they said in a media release. At the scene, police located an injured man inside the club. He was taken to hospital to be treated for his injuries. Police say the shooting is believed to be targeted and there is no risk to the public." Inside the club? Aren't they supposed to have metal detectors?

Exploring the connections between Jews and Native Americans

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that " "Not a great deal is written or even known today about the connection between Jews and Native American Indians. It is, however, a fascinating subject."

"According to a Ynet report, a population of Native American Indians from the US state of Colorado has been found to have a genetic mutation typical of Ashkenazi Jews. The finding suggests the presence of common roots that date back to the days of Christopher Columbus. Several stories circulate on this subject."

"In 1650, Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel, Chief Rabbi of Amsterdam, recorded in his book Mikveh Yisrael a conversation that he had with a Jewish Dutch explorer of the Americas. The explorer related how he made contact with the Native Americans but after trying to communicate with them in every possible European language, he had no success. Both he and his first mate, being Jews, they began to talk among themselves in Hebrew. To his utter amazement, upon hearing them speak Hebrew, the Native American chief responded by saying Shema Yisrael.”

"In 1775, Englishman James Adair, after living with Native Americans for 40 years, recorded his experiences and published a book about them in London titled The History of the American Indians. Almost his entire work is dedicated to documenting and proving that the Native American tribes of the central and southern territories were definitively of Jewish origins and to his day maintained a sizable amount of their ancient Israelite heritage."

President of El Salvador cites drug use in American cities

Let's Go Brandon!