Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Brother's Keeper named in Townline shooting

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Brothers Keepers gang associate named as Abbotsford shooter." Check this out. "On a Saturday night in February, Abbotsford police responded to a gangland shooting on Townline Road. Afterwards the wounded man’s stolen car was located in Coquitlam with the help of an RCMP helicopter and other police forces. While a suspect was arrested at the time, no charges have been laid." Things that make ya go hmmm....

"New details of the alleged circumstances of the attempted murder are contained in a lawsuit filed this month by the director of civil forfeiture. The suit alleges that the shooter was a Brothers Keeper’s associate named Bati Ahmed Mohamed, who was driving a 2021 Hyundai Elantra owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. The statement of claim said the Elantra should be forfeited to the government because Mohamed used the vehicle to attempt to commit murder.” AYFKM?

“In particular, B. Ahmed Mohamed held a firearm while in the vehicle, exited the vehicle with the firearm, and used the firearm in an attempt to murder two individuals in a different vehicle,” the director claimed. “Mohamed and his accomplices to the attempted murder then used the vehicle to escape the scene of the attempted murder. After Mohamed was arrested, police located a handgun magazine containing 9mm casings, in his pocket.” So why hasn't he been charged?

"Four days later, after getting a search warrant for the car, police found fentanyl, drug paraphernalia, three iPhones and three B.C. licence plates inside. The lawsuit alleged Bati has a history of selling drugs out of vehicles owned by others, including on 10 specific dates between 2021 and 2024." So why hasn't he been charged?!

This clearly illustrates the inherit problem with seizing the proceeds of crime legislation. Police are more worried about taxing crime and profiting from it than with stopping crime. We saw this in LA during Freeway Ricky's day. After the CIA pulled the plug on the Blandon bust, the DEA became corrupted. Instead of focusing on stopping crime they simply focused on profiting from it by seizing the proceeds of crime. In the crown's own evidence they admit that Bati often sold drugs out of other people's cars including a Ford owned by Campbell’s mother.

The lawsuit admits that Bati doesn't own the Hyundai Elantra. It's owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. Kayla? That's a girl. Is it her car or her mother's car? We know that higher level drug dealers often lease a car in a girlfriend's name like Larry Amero did with Sara Trebble. Bati isn't a high level drug dealer and a 2021 Hyundai Elantra isn't a high end SUV.

If Bati was a high level drug dealer he wouldn't be selling drugs out of his girlfriend's mother's car. Huston, we have a problem. E Division is compromised. They're more concerned with seizing the proceeds of crime than they are with stopping crime.

Another black guy working for the Edmonton Hells Angels

Now for the real story. The Brother's Keepers is an Indo Canada in gang run by the Edmonton Hells Angels. Mohamed is not a Punjabi name. Lil Man was also named Mohamed and he is Somalian. After the Edmonton Angels killed Ali they brought in some Driftwood Crips from Toronto and made Lil Man a full fledged member of the Brother's Keepers. He even had a BK tat. Lil Man was the lialison between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips in Metro Vancouver.

So now we have another black guy selling drugs in Surrey for the Edmonton Hells Angels and the PoPo don't even charge him they just want to tax him. Sounds like E Division needs a reboot.

The Edmonton Angels hired a black guy and a white guy from Edmonton to kill Ali.

More recently three brown guys from Surrey and one black guy from Ontario were charged in a fatal shooting over in South Surrey. The guy from Ontario is a rapper from Driftwwod called Keyzie. Another connection between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips here in SRY.

Another brother tied to BK killed a guy in Saskatoon. They rolled on him, Lil Man and 1hunnid.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Ambulance: Avoiding bad decisions

I've been watching a couple of movies on Netflix and it reiterates the importance of avoiding bad decisions. I watched the Ambulance and although it's a little bit far fetched it does show how a couple of bad decisions can lead to some really bad life changing situations. It's kind of like waking up from a bad dream. Wow, I'm glad that wasn't real. I'm glad that didn't really happen. You don't want to put yourself in those kinds of positions. Crime doesn't pay.

Democrats Are Now The CIA Party

Jimmy Dore and Ian Carroll talk about how the Democrat vales have been co-opted by the CIA.

Jimmy Dore facts checks some Venezuela election claims

Remember this selfie that was going viral on Twitter? People claimed it was ballot counters in the Venezuela election. They said the TV screens in the background showed the opposition in the lead. I zoomed in and couldn't see what it said. Turns out these weren't ballot counters they were Mercal grocery store workers. The flag is in the background.

Jimmy Dore shows many statements about the election being shared were false.

Ontario Court of Justice rules PCR tests unlawful

Police on Guard is reporting that "In a much-anticipated decision, the Ontario Court of Justice has ruled that Covid-19 nasal swab screening tests are unlawful. Judge Paul Monahan has overturned a previous guilty ruling against Ms. Meththa Fernando for refusing to be screened for Covid-19, after arriving at Pearson International Airport on April 9th, 2022." They don't even work.

BC Drops Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

Police on Guard is reporting that "In a recent statement, BC’s Chief Medical Officer, Bonnie Henry, and Provincial Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, jointly announced a new plan for BC’s health care professionals. With perfect timing for the coming provincial election, after years of ignoring our pleas, they proudly announce the end to vaccination mandates for all BC health care workers." OMG Better late than never. Must be an election coming up. Bonnie Henry is the WORST Provincial Health Officer in Canada. History has recorded that.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Donald Trump Assassination attempt: suppressed gunfire coming from window of building the police were in.

Update: Interesting to note that the Trump assassination attempt was the first time Secret Service were deployed to protect him. As I suspected before that, secret service was not assigned to his protection. With friends like that, who needs enemies.


There has been a lot of talk about multiple shooters. One witness said they saw secret service shoot a sniper on the water Tower. Eric Prince said the secret service sniper took out the shooter from 488 yards. Only it wasn't 488 years to Crooks it was 488 years to the water Tower. There was also video footage of a shooter in the trees.

This video of suppressed gunfire coming from the window is especially concerning. Suppressed gunfire caries with it the obvious concern. That's an intelligence agency hiding their involvement. If I'm not mistaken this is the building Crooks was on after he climbed a carefully placed ladder to get on the roof. I thought we were told that police were stationed in that building.

Shots fired at Trump rally, shooter dead - Motive Missing

Colion Noir on Trump's Assassination Attempt

The Government of India is causing floods in Punjab

The globalist government of India build dams and withhold water from Punjab farmers in the dry season. Then they release it all at once during the monsoon season to cause flooding and blame it on climate change. All the flooding in Punjab is another manufactured emergency.

"These dams are expected to release water in dry months (March-June) and hold as much water as possible in monsoons (July-August). Between March-June 2023, BBMB only released a total of 109,7403 cuft/s of water (or 11,755 cuft/s daily). In comparison, the average outflow for the same period in the previous four years was 227,3911 cuft/s."

"This kept the dam water level high going into monsoon season this year while depriving farmers of water in the hot summer. When monsoons struck in July, strangely, the BBMB, instead of reducing outflow, pumped up daily outflow by 100%+ to 23385 cuft/s daily (from 11755 cuft/s daily dry months)." This is a deliberate act attacking farmers and causing floods.

Hydroelectric dams are good. They generate green energy and stabilize water flow. Like the article said, they are supposed to release more after during the dry season for farmers and less water during monsoon season. They are doing the opposite. That is criminal culpability.
Likewise, the BC NDP are mismanaging the Cleveland Dam on the Capilaino river in North Vancouver. They released a large amount of water all at once which created a surge in water and drowned a fisherman. That was completely unnecessary. You gradually increase and decrease water release. It's not rocket science. As a result a lawsuit was launched and the NDP stopped using the dam for generating electricity. Instead of releasing water through the main gates to generate electricity they have been releasing it out the side through an overflow gate. Globalists don't like hydroelectric power because it's green and affordable so they are sabotaging it's use.

Shop keeper set on fire near Surrey Sky Train by CSIS

CTV is reporitng that "In a terrifying incident Friday afternoon at a currency exchange in Surrey’s Whalley neighbourhood, a witness says a robber lit a shopkeeper on fire before fleeing the scene. Local Mounties say they responded to a “serious assault” in the 10200 block of City Parkway around 1:10 p.m. and that a victim was taken to hospital with severe injuries."

Police did not disclose any specifics about the assault nor the nature of the victim’s injuries, but a witness at the scene says she saw a man enter through the back door, throw gasoline on the victim, light him on fire and run away. The shopkeeper, engulfed in flames, ran past the witness and out to the front sidewalk, where his wife and bystanders scrambled to put out the fire with blankets, according to the witness." 6ixaktv has vidoes on his Twitter.

There's nothing noble about this. This was a low life Surrey jack. CBC is reporting that "Kahlon said the suspect stole a white Mini Cooper with black stripes, after the attack, and drove away from the scene. Police describe the suspect as a man aged between 25 and 30 years old, with a moustache. He was last seen wearing black pants, a grey hoodie with black sleeves, and a green baseball cap with "Cariboo" written on it."

India Today is reporting that the business owner "was involved in many protests after the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June last year." Really, does this mean this was CSIS and the government of India again in another sting? CSIS and India's Intelligence agency are both bad. The Five Eyes fund terrorist acts to justify removing civil liberty.

The fact that India Today, a State run news outlet for the globalist Government of India, picked up on the story so fast and were so eager to mention he supported Hardeep Singh Nijjar who they claim was a terrorist for opposing the Sikh genocide and the government of India's globalist persecution of Sikhs and Muslims in India is highly suspicious. CSIS is not a friend of Khalistan.

They're trying to groom the narrative that some Sikhs from the state of Punjab have moved to Pakistan and are therefore supporting Muslim Terrorists in Pakistan that the CIA are funding. The CIA created ISIS and ISIS K. The erroneous claim that Sikhs support ISIS because they want to be free from India's persecution is absurd. Yet that is the narrative they and CSIS are pushing to justify the persecution of Sikhs and prevent them from separating from their globalist agenda.

The Government of India is causing floods in Punjab

Update: Seemingly Rahat Rao is Muslim and India's state media claims that he is an ISI agent. This ridiculous narrative shows they are orchestrating a false claim that Sikhs support ISIS. CNN claims he was a suspect in Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder. India is trying to blame Pakistan for Hardeep's murder. That's insane. Canadian Group Linked to Pakistan's ISI Planning Rally to Support Troubled Trudeau. Pakistan's intelligence agency has always had long ties to the CIA.

India's state news is reporting that "Pakistani law enforcement agencies arrested three alleged terrorists, including an important commander of ISIS in the Punjab province of the country, police said on Saturday." That is ridiculous. This coordinated propaganda attack is absurd.

Who Is Rahat Rao? Alleged ISI Man Set On Fire In Canada

India was caught in a CIA sting plotting an execution in New York and executing on in Surrey. India claimed the former intelligence agent was acting on his own. Now they are spreading false information trying to blame Pakistan and drag ISIS into it.

India's state run media is reporting that "Rahat Rao's name has often been associated with anti-India elements base in Canada, particularly pro-Khalistan elements. Multiple news reports have said that Rahat Rao and Tariq Kiyani were planted in Canada to support anti-India activities."

"Rao's name is also linked with killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Nijjar was a pro-Khalistani figure who was assassinated in June, 2023. Although Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged that 'Indian agents' were against Nijjar's killing, it is suspected that ISI had a hand in eliminating him." Bullsh*t. India was caught red handed becuase it was a sting. CSIS and the CIA set the whole thing up and India said OK.

India's probe reveals rogue operatives behind Gurpatwant Singh Pannun assassination plot

India admits rogue agents ordered assassinations

Now India is claiming a Pakistani Muslim who supported Khalistan and Punjab's independence killed Hardeep Singh Nijjar because he was a rival drug dealer. That is a lie. The gang war here is whether or not to sell for the Hells Angels or are a rival of them. These political groups have nothing to do with it. India keeps claiming anyone who supports a separate state of Punjab is a terrorist. That is ridiculous. They are the terrorists withholding water and flooding Punjab. It's not storm water management. Stop calling Hardeep a terrorist. He was a Temple president.

Setting the shopkeeper on fire in Surrey was a deplorable criminal act. It is highly suspicious that India's state run media picked up on the story so fast and instead of denouncing the criminal act, they rationalized it by defaming the shopkeeper with contradictory allegations.

After India's intelligence agents were caught ordering assassinations of Khalistan activists in Canada and the US, without an apology or a shred of remorse they claimed they were rogue agents as they continued to defame the Activist's the rogue agents assassinated. Now, after they were caught red handed they are trying to blame Pakistan for what they did.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

MissCee Social on the 2024 Olympics

This Youtuber is awesome but just to clairify, Freamsons don't worship baphomet. The opening and closing ceremonies for the London Olympics were mentally deranged as well.