Monday, August 5, 2024

Democrats Are Now The CIA Party

Jimmy Dore and Ian Carroll talk about how the Democrat vales have been co-opted by the CIA.


  1. Have been for a while, Joe was OBVIOUSLY a puppet, Obama and his crew have had him basically carrying out 90% of his policies, with 90% of his staffers employed again the the White House after Trump was driven out. But we all know it's not Obama at the top with the strings in his hands, anyone who's publicly known is a puppet, not a puppet master.

    1. Obama fooled us. He was educated and a good speaker. We didn't realize at the time the CIA paid for his education.

  2. If I recall correctly his transcripts were never released, so we actually don't really know how well educated he was, but it's not like the CIA is going to tell you he was a mediocre C student and never did any actual work the whole time he was supposedly the head of the student law review.

  3. The globalists/WEF are good at picking people who the voting public can be effectively lied to about by the media as to who they truly are. Obama is one, JT is another. Both rode a tidal wave of unfounded optimism and empty popularity to power and presided over disastrous terms in office, and neither is done yet. Now imagine how many other countries power structures are infested by WEF fanboi's and girlz. If they've been to Davos, they're dirty.

  4. When Obama supported Trudeau after the news broke that Trudeau wore Blackface multiple times, I saw Obama in a different light.

  5. Brenner voting Communist and it never stopping him from getting a job with the CIA (never mind rising to become director) is a HUGE indicator. HUGE. The thing that always puzzles me is how these guys are only the director for a couple of years max, often less, before they aren't. It's almost like the job isn't serious in the sense that we would think, where they are actually running the show, but that it's used more as a "stamp", or a position for serious globalists to rotate through to be briefed and get some time in that slot. Does that sound weird? Seriously, a couple years is barely enough time time settle in and get your feet (or in this case the hands) wet in any job, yet these guys are barely there long enough to do that.


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