Friday, August 23, 2024

Doug Ford closes safe injection sites near schools

The Toronto Star is reporting that "Premier Doug Ford has denounced safe injection sites as a “failed policy” experiment that harms communities as well as people battling drug addiction. In his first public comments since his government announced 10 of Ontario’s safe injection sites will close by March 31 due to zoning restrictions forcing them to be 200 metres away from schools and daycares, Ford did not mince words."

“'This was supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread - it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to a community to have one of these safe injection sites in their neighbourhood,' he said Wednesday in St. Catharines, the day after his changes were announced."

Finally someone with a brain. In contrast the BC NDP are being sued over safe supply. This is a perfect example of why elections matters and how your vote counts. When we see how the fake news is spinning this, that is another example of how the media is cramming this insane agenda down our throats. Safe injections sites are not a good thing.

Addiction is not a good thing. Crime and lawlessness is not a good thing. Yet the media keeps trying to convince us that it is a good thing when we can all see that it is not. That's because the mainstream media has an agenda that is not in Canadian's best interest. Just like Kamala.


  1. Chilliwack school board trustees are being sued for violating a member of the public right to have 3 minutes to speak. They repeatedly cut the microphone of anybody who they do not agree with their opinion. The board majority is all NDP pro SOGI 123 members. It says a lot about the New Democrats and how radical they have become.

    1. Sued? I wonder what kind of remedy they are seeking. The Chilliwack school board are complete whack jobs. They need to elect a new school board. Those are the ones pushing that book Identical which promotes incest.

    2. Heather Maas is running for MLA, she has been demonized, cancelled & gagged from the SB. There are three of them who do not support the trans alphabet DEI indoctrinating our children? The current MLA Dan ? Is a full supporter of mutilating, chemically castrating and disfiguring our children. Vote For HEATHER MAS IN October, help save our children!

    3. Yes. She seems like a good candidate. It's really important to get to know who the school board candidates are because no one normally pays attention but a lot of them are freaks grooming kids. That's why it's important to find out who the good one's are that oppose child grooming. SOGI is insane:

  2. Is it true un gang and the rock machine working together now ?

    1. Nope. Post Media News and the BC CFSEU has been sending out false information for a long time now. They tried to claim the RK - Redd Alert Killers were a HA rival in the DTES supplied by the UN like the FK in Calgary. The truth was RK was supplied by the Wolf Pack not the UN.

      There is no Rock Machine in BC. They supposedly had a presence in West Kelowna but were staying under the radar. Now they're gone because the Rock Machine no longer exists. Mom Boucher's friend created the Rock Machine. During he Quebec biker war the RM was killing Boucher's political rivals.

      When Mom Boucher went to prison the leaders of the original RM crossed over and took leadership positions within the HAs. Years later a group of guys changed the colours of the logo and restarted the group. They were simply a new group that used the same name. They had a presence in Winnipeg but were busted and faded out.

      To my knowledge Joseph Strachan is dead. That group did some expanding in Australia and Europe. They started a chapter in Norway but they were busted and faded out. Then Suat Erköse claimed to be world president and started selling patches online. He was fake. There was a break between the original Canadian restarted group and the international group, then the Canadian group faded out. Now the CFSEU lies have become ridiculous. It's not worth a book. It's worth walking away.

  3. About friggin time!
    Get with the program politicians, STOP the insanity!

  4. And it took him how long?

    1. Yeah better late than never. Kind of like Jason Kenney and Covid.


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