Thursday, August 22, 2024

Coutts Protesters Found Not Guilty

Police on Guard is reporting that "The Coutts 4 has been a national story for a few years, but for the four men behind this story, this long overdue ending finally proves what we all knew to be true. Two of the four men, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin, were released in February after signing plea agreements for lesser offences, and after the Crown dismissed the charges of conspiracy to commit murder. At this point they had been held without bail for almost two full years."

"The other two men, Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick, remained in custody for another 5 months awaiting trial. We’re aware of the inconsistencies in the evidence presented, and thankfully the jury recognized this as well, and their decision declared both men not guilty for conspiracy to commit murder. The lesser charges were upheld; both men have been convicted of the charges of mischief and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, with Olienick also seeing a guilty verdict for possessing a pipe bomb." Yeah right, who put it there?

"The legal system has tried desperately to make an example of these men, to spread fear in the rest of us for what might happen, if we dare protest our government. It was the RCMP themselves who sabotaged equipment and these men were clearly easy targets."

There was also a grandmother who was charged in the beginning. She owned a property that she let protesters stay on. Her charges were mysteriously dropped when she produced an audio recording of police in her home admitting to planting firearms on her premises.



  1. Everyone check out a journalist JasonLavigneMP on X. He has been following the trial and giving daily updates. Maybe Dennis could give him a interview on his blog.

    1. I think my interview days are done. People read my blog but they don't watch my videos. I can link to his reports though. That will get more traffic.

  2. Typical liberal government over reach. Vote them ALL out and hold politicians accountable is a good start.

  3. I'm not sure than anyone but the Government "uses" pipe bombs anymore. When was the last time you heard of it outside one of these shady setup situations?


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