Thursday, August 1, 2024

Teresa Wat, 4th BC United MLA to join BC Conservatives

Teresa Wat is the 4th BC United MLA to join the BC Conservatives. BC United is of course the rebrand of the BC Liberals. Teresa states addressing crime and drugs was the motivation behind her choice. The BC Conservatives surged in popularity for standing up against Bonnie Henry's and Adrian Dix punitive over reach. Then they started to back peddle. No party is perfect but the BC Conservatives are a step forward. However, John Rustad is already being conned by CSIS.

CSIS is part of the Five Eyes. They answer to the CIA and MI6. The CIA are the largest drug trafficking organization on the planet. They created ISIS and ISIS K. MI6 ran Operation Mas Appeal. They support the WEF and the UN's NWO. They do not support the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit,


  1. IDK.. I am suspicious of these bc liberals (rose by any other name still a rose) jumping ship. I’m not convinced of their sincerity or genuine loyalty to BCer’s. Why now? Because they are clearly going to loose in the October? I hope they are scrutinized and vetted for the riding. No baggage! No ulterior motive relating to race or ethnic. Lets have some merit for the job. Frankly, I would have taken them more seriously to be genuine had they jumped ship at the beginning, not when they know they’re going to loose. IMO

  2. Looks like the middle-right is going to split ... and hand the NDP 4 more years

    1. I don't think so. The Conservatives have pulled ahead so people will vote for them to get rid of the NDP. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix have got to go.

    2. I agree. Eby, Dix & Henry have lost! Period.


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