Monday, August 12, 2024

UK man arrested for Facebook posts: Violence update

True North is reporting that "A video showing a man being arrested by UK police for social media comments has some Canadians warning that Canada’s own legislation could be used in a similarly “draconian” way. The Crown Prosecution Service has named one man, 28-year-old Jordan Parlour, as the first person to be arrested over social media comments. The comments related to riots sparked by a 17-year-old British citizen born to Rwandan immigrants who went on a stabbing spree, killing three young girls aged six to nine."

OK hold the door. Someone sent me this video of a guy in the UK getting arrested for comments he made on Facebook. My first response was what did he say? Did he make a death threat?

The BBC is reporting that "A man has been jailed for 20 months for encouraging people on social media to attack a hotel in Leeds housing more than 200 migrants. Jordan Parlour made Facebook posts on 4 August with the intention of sparking tensions while anti-immigration demonstrations were taking place nationwide, Leeds Crown Court heard on Friday."

"Parlour had pleaded guilty at Leeds Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday to using threatening, abusive or insulting words in the posts." OK we don't know what he said exactly but he was encouraging people to riot. This is why I said people who encourage riots online are either fools or agent provocateurs. It's not debatable. It's against the law to make death threats and you can't encourage people to riot. Agent provocateurs do that so people will be arrested.

I know people weren't arrested during the BLM riots. They are held to a different standard because of the agenda. I'm not saying this because I''m afraid of getting arrested. I'm saying this because it's wrong. I have always supported law and order. When they were rioting and looting in Toronto during the G20 protests or in Vancouver during the Stanley Cup riot I was like f*ck them. Curtis said the same in New York. Freedom fighters do not riot or loot. Criminals do.

Violence update and the actual posts that resulted in jail time

OK I have two update. One YouTuber shared the actual posts that resulted in jail time. That's always my first question, what did the actual posts say. The posts in the YouTube video aren't encouraging people to riot and are not worthy of jail time. Yet he was in fact sent to jail. That is outrageous. Rioting is not the answer. Electing a new government is.

Some people claim we need to step up the game and use violence because apathy never solved anything. This argument is not new. Martin Luther King opposed violence, Malcolm X did not. In this situation, I support Martin Luther King's approach.

When you say violence, what do you mean? The United States was born in the rocket's red glare. Canada was not. Canada was a more persistent patience which is safer in the sense that, it's pretty hard to find someone as noble as George Washington. Most generals and politicians do not hand over power to the people once they've used the people to obtain power. Case in point, Fidel Castro. During the convoy I heard some people claim we need to use force. They were not all agent provocateurs, they were simply misguided misfits.

You want to use force. Against who? People who disagree with you? The right to disagree and voice your opinion is a Charter right. You want to kill people who disagree with you? That sounds an awful lot like Communism to me. The American revolution and the US civil war was two armies fighting each other. Sometimes we go to war. When Hitler invaded other countries we fought him. We are not there yet. Right now, who are you going to fight? The police? That's not very smart. That's what ANTIFA does. Freedom fighters don't fight with the police.

The preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights states that we believe in the supremacy of God and the rule of law. If you fight with the police, you are not supporting the rule of law or the Charter of Rights. You wanna to break things? Break what? Burn down a local business? That's only hurting you and your cause. If businesses leave your community you have no jobs and no tax revenue. You want to set a car on fire? Who's car? Your car? My car? F*ck you. In the words of the Beatles, you say you want a revolution? Well, when you talk about destruction you can count me out." Our federal elections are not electronic ballots. We need to continue to oppose electronic voting and preserve the integrity of elections with paper recounts.

Several years ago, the police shot a black man dead in the UK. They claimed they were serving a warrant and that he was armed with a gun. They claim he shot one of the officers and the bullet hit the cop's radio which saved his life. Unfortunately the cops lied.

Forensics said the bullet that hit the cop's radio came from a cop's gun. The people were rightfully outraged. Their response was to riot. Sadly, as soon as they started to riot, everyone forgot their just cause and just remembered the riot. Likewise, here we have three wonderful little girls brutally murdered by the son of migrants. The riots are distracting everyone from that fact.


  1. Yet our politicians openly advocate for violence all the time. Trudeau sends weapons to kill Russians. Two tier system. I also wonder about how these people are being sentenced so quickly. Even with a guilty plea. Sentenced in 10 days seems suspect to me.

    1. Obviously it's a slippery slope. I can tell you right now Tulsi Gabbard never made any death threats or ever incited violence. Yet she was put on a terrorist watch list simply for expressing a political opinion. That's what everyone is concerned about.

  2. Mornin, looks like lilman has been released from US prison handed over to immigration. Wonder what's next.

    1. I guess that means Blaze and the rat pack will get another payday while Damion Ryan gets credits towards his release. He'll probably get charged for murdering that kid in Surrey. They won't mention a word about Anees.

  3. When they killed the kid in Surrey it really crossed a line.

    1. Yes but you made an important clarification - they. This is like Jamie Bacon complaining about Lolo Lanksi killing those guys mother in Naramata. You really think Jamie Bacon wasn't in on that. These rats are trying to play the hero when in reality they are simply rats.

    2. The mother killing doesn't make sense. Why do that? What's the rationale?

    3. Nothing they do makes sense. They wanted to punish their rivals.

    4. Looks like it backfired on them.

    5. When thugs start doing outrageous things, it pisses off the public and brings the heat on. As for killing someone's mother, it's like when Jason Wallace shot Bob Green. They killed his friend in retaliation simply because he was his friend.


    1. This is a whole lot of crazy. Extraditing someone for comments made on Facebook is over the top. Granted, inciting riots is also crazy. Yet I can tell you right now, all those Arabs rioting in the UK won't be charged. The fake news is claiming the UK wasn't a migrant he was a citizen. He was born in the UK to migrant parents. It only reinforces the anti migrants' concerns.

  5. That's true, but something tells me he's already realized he can get JT to go along with something like this more than even the Biden DoJ, they have bigger worries right now. If Harris won, then her DoJ for sure, but I'm not seeing it. We have more to worry about with this silly stuff than they do, because we have fewer legal protections, in addition to being a Commonwealth country. They ran the red coats out, we were the red coats.

    1. Yes but remember Mel Gibson's famous speech in the Patriot. Why would I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants a mile away? A politician can trample a man's rights just as much as a king can.

  6. That's why you don't go on Facebook. Got rid of that junk years ago. We just gotta votes these clowns out. And keep voting them out. UK has become the new China.

    1. You can vote your way into tyranny. Literally no one has ever voted their way out of it though.

    2. Watch us do it next election. These agent provocateurs keep trying to trash talk democracy. I support law and order. Trashing your own neighborhood through riots is stupid.


    3. "UK has become the new China." Canada has become a close second, we need to go further and hold the former Liberal MP's criminally responsible.

    4. There are times throughout history in which violence is the only way to break free from tyrants, but this is not where we are at in Canada right now. Too many people are making mountains out of molehills (when it comes to the state of affairs in Canada). Our Canadian government has its issues, but it’s not entirely tone-deaf, and it is not entirely corrupt. IMO, that’s the point in which political violence may become necessary. We’re far from that point. Vote, or don’t vote (in protest of our flawed system), shout your opinions from a rooftop, but doing anything more brash than that is more likely going to just lead one into prison, rather than having them being viewed publicly as a brave, revolutionary, freedom fighter. Be smart. Know when and how to move.

    5. Yes, everything has it's time and place. The US has their Constitution and we have the Charter of Rights. We need to protect those documents. Violence at this point serves no purpose.

  7. Your memory's are pitiful.
    The USA did vote this nonesense out and they electronically stole the vote!

    The only thing that solves this is a well organized and planned out national strike of at least 3 days.
    No food purchase, no entertainment purchases and most importantly no fuel purchases.
    Only then will this corptocracy begin to take you debt slaves seriously.

    But guess what, we're too undisciplined and fractured to accomplish it.
    A huge portion of Canada's population think things have never been better??!!
    How fckd up is that?

    People have been so bamboozled with bullshit that we can't even say there are only 2 genders without being accused of a fkn hate crime.
    We just watched 2 men beat the shit out of multiples of women and claim Olympic gold!
    Then we listen to the IOC tell us how they can't scientifically tell the difference between a man and a woman??!!

    Society has been subjected to the most severe psychological humiliation campaign in history and 95% of the people are completely unaware of it.

    Time to start thinking outside of the box to create the change we want.

    Sitting idly by and casting a vote every 4 years is not accomplishing anything.

    Look at the damage Jturd has done to this country while at the helm as we all sat idly by thinking our votes would stop the lunacy?

    Sure Pierre is an obviously better choice but then what?
    We all sit idly by and hope 1 guy gets the job done?

    The apathy and intellectual laziness of the vast majority of Canadians with respect to the direction of this country is appalling.

    Wake up!

    1. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some people were going off about a general strike but I don't see it accomplishing anything. If we elect Poilievre instead of Trudeau then things will improve. No one is perfect. Everyone needs to be accountable. People who vote for Trudeau have a right to their opinion. I disagree with that opinion but power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We always need a royal opposition.

    2. Everyone IS entitled to an opinion but that's where it stops.
      Opinions don't nullify facts.
      Unfortunately this "everyone has an opinion" has been used to the demise of a cohesive society.

      Just look at the shit being shoved down our throats based on this everyone has an opinion!
      It has to stop.

    3. That doesn't make any sense. The sh*t that's being shoved down our throats is by the people who don't think anyone is allowed to disagree with the narrative. Then you have people on the other side saying the same thing. Everyone has their facts and everyone thinks they're right.

    4. You are completely wrong.
      Everyone has their facts?

      Are you nuts?

      Pedophilia, gender reassignment surgery on children, men beating women senseless for gold medals....
      These are opinions that became facts and it's fkn wrong!

    5. I think you're missing my point. I don't agree with any of those things.

    6. When I said people are entitled to their opinion I was referring to you. You said you thought a general strike was in order. I do not. There are a lot of things you and I don't agree on. There is real racism and fake racism. Calling someone antisemitic for opposing the genocide in Gaza is fake racism.

      Yet there are a lot of whack jobs who are very racist against Jews and claim Jews worship the devil. That is ridiculous. Just because I call you out for real racism doesn't make me woke and your snide remark about boosters validates my point about people being allowed to disagree. This is not a QAnon support site.

    7. I have commented at 9:35am, 9:00pm and 9:18pm

      I haven't a clue as to what you are referring to in the context of this discussion?

      Gaza? Gaza quickly evolved into a genocide.

      Boosters? Only a fool would consider them but that's just my personal opinion, fill your boots if so inclined.

      I think your communication wires are starting to cross or short out.

    8. When everyone posts anonymously it's hard to sort out who is who. While you were posting a QAnon flat earther was trashing me. I am not vaxxed for Covid. He sent a link to some bizarre masonic claims that were insanely untrue. That is what I was referring to.

    9. Glad we sorted that.

      My earth is round.

    10. Glad to hear we live on the same planet.

  8. Well, lets hope you're right, but he's also correct, there really aren't any great examples of it, and the guilty know what their fate is if they lose power. It's bound to get a little messy, let's hope we can mitigate that.

  9. It's almost as if the elites want this outcome. Operation Gladio never ended it just evolved. They will murder a "Tamir Rice" or stage a fake "cop murder" to incite violence, these people are demonic. Whenever there's a big "event" of hubub, all over the news, I can guarantee there are big things going on, that are not being reported. They need the poor at each other's throats while they "loot" us, And enslave us. This is a war, and it's a class war. Funny how all of this shit is going down on an election year.


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