Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Brothers Sun is Magnificent

I watched The Brothers Sun on Netflix and really enjoyed it. I found it captivating and positive. It's about gangs and organized crime but it involves triads not bikers. I can relate to the the Triads better because there are traditions and a code of conduct that ties them together. It's still making money from bad things. Selling drugs or living off the avails is not noble. Yet there are different ways of doing business and some are more noble than others.

For example, the Italian Mafia is known for extortion. No one respects that. Extortion is exploitation. I'm of the understanding that the Triads extort the businesses in Chinatown and that is a bad thing. Prostitution is bad but what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words are concerning adults. Human trafficking and forced prostitution is evil. The Margo Compton story was shameful.

The Brothers Sun is kind of a comedy. It's a dry humour that I found very funny yet there was a positive moral that ran through it. One of the Brother's was raised in the life while the other brother wasn't. The brother who wasn't raised in the life said I don't want this. In the course of the series two of the main characters decide to leave the life while a third decides this is what I want but I want to do things differently. I want to run it smarter with less violence where everyone makes money. Everyone chooses their own destiny in life.

I found the Revenge Drama very toxic and unhealthy. As Buddha said about anger, revenge is like grabbing a hot coal to throw at someone else. As soon as you grab hold of it, you are the one that gets burned. There's no peace or enlightenment in revenge. Only sorrow and emptiness.

There was one funny part. The lady cop who wasn't really a cop she was a DA, was always eating Korean spicy chips. She was jumped by a mugger for investigating organized crime. She fights back and the mugger knocked her pepper spray out of her hands so she reaches in her purse, pulls out a bag of Korean spicy chips and crushes the chips in her assailants eyes. Nice.

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