Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Men accused of killing Ali make brief court appearance

CBC is reporting that "Two men charged with first-degree-murder of a full-patch Hells Angels member had their first appearance in B.C. provincial court adjourned for three weeks because neither had a lawyer." Things that make ya go hmmm...

"Twenty-year-old Calvin Powery-Hooker and 21-year-old Nathan De Jong, both of Alberta, are accused of killing Suminder 'Ali' Grewal Friday in a brazen daytime shooting at a busy Starbucks drive-thru in the 3000 block of 152 Street in Surrey."

"Investigators say Powery-Hooker and De Jong are known to police and that Grewal, a member of the Surrey-based Hardside chapter of the Hells Angels, was targeted." No kidding. They both came to Surrey from Edmonton and were hired to kill Ali to have their debts forgiven.

"The two suspects were caught after police received reports of a vehicle speeding away from the murder scene." Isn't that suspicious. Kind of like how all these guys Damion Ryan hired to kill people get busted right after they do the hit. It's almost as is he was rolling on the guys he hired.

"Grewal, 43, is the second member of the Hardside Hells Angels to be killed in less than a year. In November, the body of full-patch member Chad Wilson was found dumped under the Golden Ears Bridge in Maple Ridge. His murder remains unsolved. Grewal's murder has people wondering if a full blown gang war is underway." No because Chad and Ali weren't killed by rivals.


  1. Are “hardside” and “west point” two different charters in Surrey?

    1. Yes and no. The Hardside, who I refer to as the Softside because they are lame ducks are a new chapter that have a clubhouse in Surrey but it's just a rental and the people they started the chapter with are not credible. Two of them are dead - Chad and Ali. The club killed them.

      West Point was created before Hardside and is more credible because it was started with Randy Jones from the Whiterock chapter who I refer to as the Walrus. He is the owner of Shakerz in Surrey which used to be known as TBarz. They changed the name because it was mentioned in a US indictment as being the hub of a cross border drug trafficking ring. Randy and his brother Trevor were named but never extradited.

      Larry Amero moved to that chapter with Randy but they had to Photoshop his head into the chapter photo because he was in prison. He looked like a bobblehead. It was ridiculous. They don't have a clubhouse that we know of. They were meeting in a room above the Langley hotel but they probably meet in Shakerz since the name has changed but the management hasn't.

      I refer to West Point as the Surrey Girls and the Hard side and the Soft side.

  2. You should write a book on the history of HA in BC.

    1. I'm kind of done with all this. The problem in BC is the Wolf Pack, the Edmonton Hells Angels and the police's culpability in their drug trafficking networks. I'm getting out of Dodge because BC is going to sh*t.

  3. Not much point being a patch if your "buddies" are going to have you killed for whatever reason.

    1. It's a Ponzi scheme. The people at the top make all the money and everyone is willing to kill each other for a piece of the pie. Ali did all the work and was the connection to the Brother's Keepers. He wanted a portion of the money since he did all the work here but Edmonton said no. Chad was just kind of a f*ck up.

  4. The sun never sets on a hells angels patch”

  5. Fact. There no BROTHER hood in patch land.

    1. I think there can be but it's pretty rare. The quest for power never ends well.

  6. What are your thoughts on the bc man with connections to rock machine that got arrested in asia

    1. That is another bold face lie from Post Media News. Just like when they claimed James Riach switched sides. That was another bold faced lie. They knew it was a lie but they got away with defamation because the Five Eyes gave Australian intelligence that false information and Australia posted the claim. Post Media just repeated the false claim Australia made that the five Eyes gave them. Sorry. It's just too silly for me to even blog about.

  7. I get what ya mean but why wud they lie bout somethin like this Dennis? So none of it is true?

    1. AYFKM? No it is not true. Remember when Post Media News gave that illegal exclusive tour of Jon and Anna's basement suite in the Surrey pressure cooker entrapment case? I'm sure there was a cocaine but it was a sting. I'll explain in a post.

  8. Thank you appreciate all your hard work


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