Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kamala Harris does not support freedom or our future

I don't want to rain on the parade but I do want to point out the obvious. RFK and Tulsi Gabbard have set the stage. RFK said "VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values."

That's because Kamala Harris represents Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton's Democrats which are very different from traditional Democrats. Tulsi Gabbard said Hillary Clinton "personifies rot that has sickened Democratic party." That's because of Hillary's ties to the CIA and the industrial military complex. We can all see how much the Democrat party has changed over the last few years. Liberals are now leftists and if you are on the right side of the Berlin wall they say you're a right wing fascist. That's exactly what Communist Russia said about West Berlin.

They said they built the Berlin wall to keep the Western fascists out. Yet the allies fought the fascists in the trenches. ANTIFA lied. They built the wall to prevent people from escaping which is frighteningly similar to lockdowns and the complete removal of civil liberty that we saw in Kamala's party. Actions speak louder than words. That's why they rewrite history.

Which brings us to Tulsi Gabbard's warning. Tulsi pointed out that Kamala's claim is that she is going to fight for our freedom and our future. Those aren't just talking points. That is a bold faced lie. Tulsi and RFK pointed out that Kamala Harris' track record is the exact opposite of that.

I would love to see a woman of colour become President. Just not that woman of colour. How about Candace Owens? That would be impressive. This isn't about race, this is about policies. Bad policies that have wrecked havoc on the country and those bad policies are tied to the alphabet intelligence agencies and the mainstream media.

The CIA are compulsive liars and they run the mainstream media. They also hack elections. The Democrats didn't organize the 2,000 mules in 2020. The CIA did. In all honesty I think Canada is in a better position because our federal elections aren't electronic, yet.

I would like to say one thing about race. Vivek Ramaswamy was interviewed by a Conservative commentator while he was running to be the presidential candidate. The blond woman said she would not vote for him because he was of Indian descent. I was like AYFKM? That Karen is not a Conservative. She, like Hillary Clinton, represents the rot on the right that leads to Globalism.

Kamala Harris is half black and half Indian. I do not oppose her because of her race. I oppose her because of her policies. If you want to vote for someone of Indian descent, Vivek Ramaswamy is a far better choice. He now supports Donald Trump. If you want to vote for a black woman, Candace Owens would be a far better choice. Candace supports Donald Trump and opposes the insane policies that are destroying America. The same policies Kamala Harris endorses.

Let's not forget how the CIA co opted this election. RFK was not allowed to run to be the presidential candidate for the Democrat party. No one was. They knew Joe Biden was incognative. They defiantly pushed him until it was too late to run anyone else so they could slip their candidate in without an election. The one they control and does as she's told.

Obama was very personable. He fooled us. His policies were abominable. He dropped more bombs on Afghanistan than any other president. Obama did a lot of bad things so his brand has been tarnished. He does not fool us any more. Donald Trump supports freedom and our future. Kamala Harris does not. History has recorded that. American's not woke, it's broke.


  1. The idea is not to be fooled by a succession of charlatans. That's what's been happening for years.

  2. Harris is part black? You might want to double check that. She's not, and that's part of the backlash against her from the American blacks is they are now realizing that she lied about that.

    1. I'm not sure what you are referring to. Her mother is of Indian descent while her father is Jamaican.

    2. The guy writing these articles used to be a great journalist. Now he sensors half the comments and only gives you data that supports his agenda. Harris is not half Black. Maybe a quarter black if that even matters

    3. Are you saying her Jamaican father is only half black?

    4. Roughly. His family also owned slaves

    5. I think her father was a little more than half black. Her father's great grandfather was Hamilton Brown born in Country Antrim, Northern Ireland. Brown was the one that owned slaves and opposed their release.

    6. Yes and Donald Harris’ grandmother was half white. Impregnated by a slave owner. So his bloodline is nowhere near full black Jamaican.

    7. As you say, not that it matters. I think Obama was mixed as well.

    8. I meant I don’t think being a quarter black matters to black people especially when you add in her life of privilege

    9. I don't think it matters because it doesn't matter.

    10. Obama is actually considered bi-racial since one parent was full white and one parent supposedly full black. If you believe Barack Obama Sr. was his father as opposed to Frank Marshall Davis, an American Communist party recruiter and "activist". If you look at pictures there's not much doubt. He certainly looks nothing like Barack Obama Sr..

    11. Obviously selling her as a black leader matters to the leftist political agenda or she wouldn’t be grandstanding as a black woman

    12. Well she's more black than Trump but it doesn't matter to me.

  3. You realize that people who sit only slightly to the left get demonized as leftist communists just like you complain about being treated for being slightly to the right. The real issue is a whole isnt political parties it's the fact the such a huge part of are population are so easy to manipulate into thinking the person beside them is the issue not the people in charge twisting the way they think you shouldnt be trying to push people further apart because of a political view instead try and bring us all together and fight for all of us to live a good life

    1. Yes but, Tara Henley said when she was with the CBC she was considered a liberal - left of centre. Now she's considered right wing. Her position hasn't changed, the CBC has. Some people claim if you believe in public health care you're a Communist. That is not true. Public health care is a British tradition. Likewise, nationalized oil is good business.

    2. Venezuela did that with oil and it didn't work out so well.

    3. Actually they did that for a long time and it worked great. Until the US sanctioned them and the CIA f*cked them over so they could get their oil. That was shameless.

  4. Chilliwack woman arrested after ‘racially offensive’ social media content: RCMP

    1. Police have not named the suspect. We need to find out what was actually said. They can't just say it was racist without quoting the comment. That's defamation. They claimed a group that complained about a book in Chilliwack school libraries promoting incest were religious extremists. You don't have to be religious to oppose incest.

    2. That's true. I am not sure they can censure the whole internet..

    3. Pretty soon they are going to censure your personal notes...

    4. Yes, making death threats is illegal but the censorship is going far beyond that.

  5. Her announced plans if elected that she announced yesterday are being called "Kamunism". She was done before, now she really is.


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