Friday, August 23, 2024

Idiots f*cking with the cops, Cops f*cking with civilians

Clinton Jaws posted a video of an idiot f*cking with a couple of cops in Ontario and I felt compelled to comment. I've got two things to say. It is irritating how idiots film themselves verbally abusing cops then playing the victim when they get a provoked response. It's pathetic.

Then we have the fake news misrepresent it to justify their insane political agenda. They want to defund and disarm the police so every Canadian city turns into a lawless Liberal sh*t hole like Chicago, Portland or Northern California where Walmat and Maceys are leaving due to crime.

This kind of lawlessness is what Obama and Kamala Harris support. It doesn't matter how you disguise it, that is the end game of the people pulling their strings. They want to destroy America to justify replacing it with a Communist State. So let's balance the extremes.

If someone's being a dick they're going to get a provoked response. Yet often it's the cop that's being the dick. Why is that because they deal with so many dicks? Perhaps.

I remember reading a police brutality report about the VPD in the DTES compiled by PIVOT. The first witness was an under cover RCMP officer. The guy was Jay walking and being disrespectful to the cops so they roughed him up a bit. I'd say that's a natural consequence. They say know your audience, well you need to know your area as well. If you're in the DTES and you start f*cking with the cops they're going to f*ck with you. That's a natural consequence.

Then there's the other extreme. What if the cop is being a dick. We've seen that in the Surrey RCMP a lot. The we're better than you arrogance is nauseating. I've seen that a few times. One of my neighbours is a large older Polish man who has served in the military.

He said one day a cop pulled up beside him in his car and he nodded as if to say hello. Then the cop puts his lights on, pulls us behind him and starts f*cking with him. He asks him if he's been drinking and he says no. The cop says you'd be surprised and does a breathalyzer test anyways. When it came up negative the Polish man said are you surprised and the cop said nothing. There's no reason for being a dick and a lot of cops are arrogant pricks.

That RCMP cop that was f*cking with a couple of guys in Langley he suspected to be vigilantes exposing fentanyl labs is the prime example. Instead of harassing the drug dealers and the fentanyl labs, he harasses the guys exposing them.

Then the cop has the audacity to say we don't give a f*ck about these fentanyl labs. I guess that's the problem right there. That's why the public are doing something about it. Because the police won't. And why won't they? That is the problem we need to address.

I just want to point out for all those cop haters out there that Police on Guard covered, supported and favorably reported on the Coutts 4 as did Donald Best. Just saying. Spooks want us to hate all cops. Yet cops swear an oath to defend the Charter of Rights. Keeping that oath is honorable. Breaking that oath is not. Supporting law and order is honorable, opposing that is not.


  1. Stop asking the government to solve your problems - would be a good start.

    1. I think law enforcement is paid with tax dollars to enforce the law and when they refuse to confront fentanyl labs that means they're corrupt. Confronting drug dealers and fentanyl labs is a realistic expectation.

  2. The cops are related to the drug dealers by blood

    1. That's pretty extreme. Not all cops are related to each other therefore not all cops are related to drug dealers.

    2. It’s necessary, of course, to look at situations individually, and to judge accordingly. I don’t see a problem with civilians auditing police officers, but I also don’t see a huge problem with a cop giving a middle finger when being provoked by an asshole. In the Toronto situation, that guy was being pretty rude in the way he was speaking to the female officer. I’m paraphrasing from memory here so I might not be 100 percent accurate, but the guy in the video complains about their parking then immediately acts aggressively dismissive towards her with a comment along the lines of “You’re new, you don’t get to speak.” It is a reasonable expectation for armed police officers to always maintain a high standard of morality and accountability, yes, but cops are still human. They can’t be expected to be perfect all the time, and it was a middle finger not the use of a gun, baton, taser, or spray. So, get over it, imo. The other situation, involving the cops and comments on fentanyl is something else that I didn’t see video on, but any cop saying ‘the police do not care about fentanyl labs’ is out of line. They are paid to uphold the law, expected to abide by the law, and should not have tax-payer funded jobs in law enforcement if they are failing to do either of those two things.

    3. Yeah the guy was being really rude to the female cop. It was completely inappropriate.

  3. Cops are not what they used to be. No one trusts them. They are very useless, lazy and frankly led around by politicians. In Chilliwack, the #3 worst crime city IN CANADA and they use their resources to arrest social media posters. RYFKM. And they scream for respect! The tax payer employs them, to Serve And Protect US law abiding CANADIANS! The few encounters I have had with coppers I am given the same excuse, over and over … “theres NOTHING We can do” when they should be chanting, “here’s what we can do” …. Inept, lazy, Inexperienced and goons for the politicians! They should do what Argentina cops did, took off their uniforms and SUPPORTED THE PEOPLE!

    1. It obviously depends on the individual. ANTIFA and spooks are anti cop. I am not. Yet there are some bad cops who are really arrogant. The serve and protect motto is sometimes replaced with a we're better than you mentality. Police on Guard strives to rise above that.

  4. I don't hate cops, I'm not anti cop but they don't do anything for me.

    1. Yeah but if someone was shooting at your home, who would you call?

  5. I'd rather shoot back than call them.

    1. Yes but... my point was when sh*t gets real, cops risk their lives to save people.

  6. Depends on the cop and the level of reality. Our cousins down south saw that with a few of their school shootings.


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