Sunday, August 25, 2024

Part 2: Korea, the UN and the Rock Machine

OK so part one Sting operations and entrapment sets the stage. Now let's jump in and expose the lie. Recently Post Media News ran another exclusive. Just like when they gave that exclusive illegal tour of the basement suit belonging to two addicts charged in the Surrey Pressure Cooker Fraud case. The police used Post Media News to perpetuate their fraud then and they are using them again to perpetuate another fraud just like Operation Mass Appeal.

I'm not accusing Post Media News of defamation. I'm accusing the police of defamation. Post Media News is just repeating what the police tell them. Just like when you're in court and the media quotes an argument presented by the crown or the defense. You're allowed to quote their argument but their argument might not be true. It could well be a bold faced lie. That is what the court is trying to determine when it examines the evidence.

It's like that recent lie claiming James Riach had switched sides. The fake news said he no longer works for the Hells Angels, he now works for the UN. That was a bold faced lie. I know it but I can't tell you how I know it but I can subpoena witnesses if they want to bring the matter to court again. This time I will subpoena the witness because it won't put their life at risk.

Or the recent claim that Damion Ryan was hired by the government of Iran to kill Iranian dissidents. That was a lie. The Iranian drug dealer he was working with was a Kurd. He wasn't working for the government of Iran he was working for the CIA. The one common denominator that we can always count on is the fact that the CIA lie all the time about everything they do and don't do. So now let's address the recent bullsh*t about the Rock Machine in Korea.

The Post Media exclusive claims a BC man connected to the UN and the Rock Machine was recently arrested in South Korea with several kilos of cocaine. On that claim, I'm going to have to call bullsh*t. No doubt several kilos of cocaine were seized and a BC man was arrested but he was not tied to the UN or the Rock Machine. I say that claim is a lie.

In the last post we talked about FBI stings and entrapment. We've also heard about the Mr Big sting which local courts have rejected. This is where an under cover cop pretends to be a drug lord or a big organized crime figure. Posing as a member of the UN or the Rock Machine for example. Which is easy to do since Suat Erköse is selling RM patches online.

So in a Mr Big sting the police pretend to be a big organized crime figure. They then ask the mark to confess to a serious crime they have committed in the past to impress Mr Big. The local courts have rejected this type of sting because it's quite possible the mark will lie about something they did in the past just to impress Mr Big. What we can take away from this is that undercover police often pretend to represent organized crime groups when they don't.

I think it's well within the realm of believability that the FBI set up this sting operation posing as a member of the Rock Machine with a fake patch they bought online claiming they were affiliated with the UN when they were not. That's what I think.

For the most part, the Rock Machine no longer exists. There are a few low level fake copycats out there but the real organization is gone. Same with the UN. The UN was big when Clay was here but that was a long time ago. Clay's been in jail a long time in the US. He's out of the loop. All the other local leaders left the country. As soon as that happened the Hells Angels snapped up the majority of their drug lines. All the violence we see now is internal and the BC CFSEU is completely compromised with this Rat out your Rivals program.

Many years ago when the UN was loud and proud they once stamped their logo on a brick of cocaine in defiance of the Hells Angels. Things have changed. Clay is keeping a low profile and being a model inmate. He knows Post Media News regularly defames him so he's extra careful to stay under the radar. There is no way Clay or the UN would stamp their logo on a shipment of cocaine when Clay is trying to get a prison transfer back to Canada. No way.

It's pretty easy for the FBI to mark a shipment with the initials UN. It was liquid cocaine. They just wrote the letters UN on the shipment. Anyone could have done that. We know that the CFSEU and Post Media News have been falsely accusing the UN of a lot of things lately. They claimed the UN was supplying the Redd Alert Killas in the DTES. That was a lie. The RK were being supplied by the Wolf Pack who were on the BC CFSEU's payroll.

The BC CFSEU tried to blame Anees Mohammed's murder on the UN. They tried to make it look like Anees was killed in retaliation for Gary Kang's murder. That was a lie. Damion Ryan ordered the murder of Anees Mohammed not the UN. Blaze claimed the UN killed Suminder Grewal aka Ali. That was a lie. The Edmonton Hells Angels did. I don't support drug trafficking but I don't support lying either and lying is all the Five Eyes ever do.

I'll tell you why this matters. Up until now South Korea has not had a drug problem. There was a little bit of pot in the part of Seoul where the US military is based but that's it. However, this recent article claims that Korea has been testing sewage water for traces of drugs and has found traces of meth which is declining and a new presence of cocaine. Who do you think is bringing it there?

I can tell you right now it's not Kim Jong Un. It's the CIA and their alphabet puppet agencies. This recent sting operation was busted because they wanted a bust. They let the other sting operations go through because they wanted the money. Mark my word.


  1. Another reason I know this Korea, UN, Rock Machine claim is bullsh*t is because Blaze is pushing it. If Blaze is pushing it, you know it's a lie.

    In Jon and Ana's case they started attending a mosque. Someone befriended them and was giving them free food. Then they pretended to be a Mr Big with suitcases full of money. Soon they started demanding favors for the free food. Jon was terrified and told Ana he was afraid they were going to kill them if they didn't do everything they said.

    I went for lunch with Jon's mother and grandmother during the trial. His elderly grandmother lived with them at the time. She said those items shown on the media were hers and were not for making bombs like they claimed. She was a caucasian Christian. She said they used to stay inside with all the curtains drawn because they were all afraid Mr Big was going to kill them. That's why she moved out right before the bust. She was afraid Mr Big was going to kill her.

    1. Curious 🧐 This Blaze? Is he in the room with you right now???? Okay, Okay, I am just messing with you. I know Blaze, and can confirm that he’s a complete moron. Brawn not brains….. You really do think that every comment you get that calls you out on your nonsense is him don’t you? LMAO. Get real.

    2. Of course not but when he spams me with stupid sh*t only he would say he expose himself. He has no brawn or brains. Unless you call giving his GF a hot shot brawn.

  2. Who was Mr. Big in this case?

    1. I don't know yet. We haven't even heard the name of the accused. That will hopefully come out during the trial but it will be likely protected by a publication ban

  3. Replies
    1. He is a POS troll that is currently spamming my blog with bullsh*t. He uses multiple profiles he has been caught using in the past and says things only he would say. He was convicted of selling crystal meth for the Hells Angels but he never served his time. He went into the program with Jamie Bacon. Now they both trash the club. He's out now but he never served his time and he obsesses over this insignificant blog.

    2. Mr big stings aren't just about using organized crime figures. They also pretend to be life insurance agents etc

  4. The RCMP have that press with the UN logo they seized it ages ago so I could see them using it for this. But like you said it be dead simple to do that with a different one even though theirs was pretty nice and looked exactly like the real "UN" logo

  5. Keep digging on the ‘Mr. Big’ scam. How much money is skimmed during these operations? Mr. Big and Confidential Informants can make a lot of side money when there is a grey zone of permission to sell drugs and commit crimes. How many people become collateral damage to keep making money through the scheme?

    1. We know that CIs can make a sh*t load of money. The rat pack that testified against Cory Vallee made a small fortune. Right now that are too many grey areas.

  6. I thought Riache was still doing time in the Philipines.

  7. He's not working for anyone in a Phillipines prison.

    1. Oh, I'm not sure about that, LOL.

    2. A lot of drugs are sold in prison. I don't think he's selling drugs in prison. I know what he's doing and it's not a big deal. The issue is the claim he has for some completely obscure reason has switched sides. That is false. Post Media claimed someone said he did. Who said that? The Australian police. A member of the Five Eyes.

      Who told them? The BC CFSEU. Just like they made other false statements about other former gang members with the sole intent of putting their life at risk in hopes they would give them Intel in exchange for putting their life at risk with lies.


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