Friday, August 16, 2024

BC Government sued over Safe supply

CBC is reporting that "The families of two teens who have struggled with drug use, one of whom died, are suing the B.C. government and the federal government, alleging that government-supplied regulated drugs fuelled their children's addictions." Well it's about time.

"Denise Fenske, whose 17-year-old daughter Amelie North is currently in treatment for her addiction, and Greg Sword, whose 14-year-old daughter Kamilah Sword died of an overdose in 2022, are the plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed Wednesday in B.C. Supreme Court."

The lawsuit alleges "Kamilah and Amelie relied on the negligent misrepresentations to begin consuming the safe supply drugs believing they were safe and they relied upon the negligent misrepresentations throughout the duration of their addictions."

There's no such thing as a safe supply of poison. Harmful drugs are harmful. Prevention means you be honest with people and tell them harmful drugs are harmful. You do not tell them they are safe because they are not safe. Cigarettes are harmful and highly addictive. We don't advertise cigarettes as a safe supply of nicotine. We see huge warning labels on cigarettes then we turn around and say far more harmful drugs are safe when they are not. That is very misleading.

Vancouver Coast Health have health cares workers in the DTES that teach addicts safe ways to smoke crack and crystal meth. That is insanely misleading. It promotes addiction. There is no safe way to use fentanyl recreationally. Fentanyl is not a recreational drug.

Protecting children does not mean promoting addiction to harmful drugs.

CKPG Today is reporting that "'Clearly, safe supply and decriminalization have been a huge failure in this province,' says John Rustad, Leader of the BC Conservative Party in response to a recent report from BC’s Provincial Health Offer Dr. Bonnie Henry. She recommends the province expand its “safer supply” program to prevent overdoses, including allowing access to alternatives to unregulated drugs without a prescription." Fire Bonnie Henry and sue her.

The BC Conservative website states that “The Conservative Party of British Columbia supports families and Richmond residents who are furious at Richmond City Council’s plan to bring one of Premier Eby’s notorious NDP injection sites to a family neighbourhood in Richmond."

"Over 16,000 concerned people have signed the petition against this site, and the open-air drug den that it will create. The Conservative Party of British Columbia will close down this NDP injection site, we will end the myth of so-called “safe supply”, and we will invest in public funding for proven private sector treatment options in British Columbia."

"It’s time to get people who need help off drugs that ruin lives, and bring back safe and walkable neighbourhoods in British Columbia for families and everyday residents to enjoy.” Exactly.


  1. to the parents of Ms. Sword, I'm so sorry for your loss. There's been a lot of it these past years. Time for a change, whatever it costs.

  2. I have said it multiple times on this forum, this BC NDP are communists.

  3. Of course they are. The name of their party is itself a lie.

  4. I can only hope and pray this lawsuit becomes a class-action one.


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