Friday, August 9, 2024

Riots and Counter Riots: Anarchy in the UK

Sh*t be cray yo. We've all seen disturbing images of riots in England and Belfast as well as the counter riots that rationalize the original riots and it's clear a lot of people out there have lost their mind. It started when another migrant fatally stabbed three young girls in Southport. The people had enough. Then we had counter riots of Arab migrants assaulting white citizens. That was Haram. Are you condoning the murder of young children? That is mentally deranged.

Riots never solve anything. I suppose they can let people vent but as soon as you riot, your noble cause is lost. Mass migration is a problem. It creates racism. When mobs of migrants assault citizens of the host country they are guests in, they validate all the fears and concerns of those opposing mass migration. Any migrant who commits crime should be deported.

That's not debatable. Watch how the fake news spins it. They blame the riots on right wing extremists. No, the riots are the result of the leftist policies that creat crime and chaos to justify their insane agenda. Anarchy is an evil state. Communists use anarchy to justify their insane response. Mind how ya go. You can oppose mass migration without falling into their lawless trap.

I know a lot of people are discouraged. The insanity we witness is disturbing and the media's drive is part of a dark agenda. Yet all of this was foreseen. We are witnessing a gathering. A gathering of good and a gathering of evil. Despite the evil we see there still is a lot of good in the world. Embrace the good and shun the evil. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff.


  1. The arrogance of these newcomers and their behavior is disgusting.

    Having lived abroad for years I always considered myself a guest in host country.
    Never would I ever have thought of banding together with other white guys and running the streets with machetes.
    This is a failed agenda for sovereignty and a very successful agenda for WEF social chaos.

    For out of the ashes of western society they will birth their insane new digital society.
    Complete with digital id, social credit score, Certificate Of Vaccination ID(covid 2019) and your carbon emissions account.
    Those that choose to ignore what is right in front of your eyes do so at your own peril.

    Jturd is fully aware of this campaign and in full support of it via his WEF handlers.
    Remember this crucial fact come voting time!

  2. Its about a two tired justice system in the UK, the Muslims vote as a block, the brits do not. And under former Liberal human rights lawyer Starmer, shit is getting worse, hence this song.

  3. "England for the English".

    1. And South Africa for the South Africans.

    2. That would be dicey, we have Bantu speaking peoples there before the Dutch began arriving in the mid 1600's, the Zulu's come later. What is the criterion for who is South African?

    3. It's not dicey at all. Apartheid was horrible and there is no justification for it. Black people are indigenous to that area and that continent, the English and Dutch are migrants. I met a white South African who came to Canada and he was a d*ck. He said South Africa was fine until they gave black people the right to vote. If you don't like black people, stay the f*ck out of their country.

    4. My point was that, other than the Bantu's, the other tribes in the area such as the Zulu's came to the area later, after the early Dutch but before the later Dutch and before the English. Everyone but the Bantu's was a migrant, just that we talk about African migrants to the area and white migrants to the area, and the timing of it all. If it's "Africa only for Africans" that's fine, but we need to be fair about that, if whites can't migrate there, why can they migrate here? It's really the same for a lot of other countries, try being non-Chinese and "migrate" to China.

      I'm actually good with every single white person leaving that continent, they should, I would if I was them. Those different tribes would slaughter each other as they have through history, (Rwanda) and it was UN troops commanded by a Canadian who put a stop to that one. His memoirs are worth reading for those who think they understand Africa and Africans.

      I've met 4-5 white South Africans who are here in the VLM. They were all cops back in SA. Their attitude was much the same.

    5. My point was simply a response to England is just for the English. It goes both ways. I support immigration and multiculturalism. However, this mass migration of criminals who don't want to work is insane.

  4. Unfortunately riots are the only way the ruling class will realize that people have reached the breaking point.

    1. WRONG. Riots are a plan that support the elites to justify their removal of civil liberty. Those statements are made by fools and agent provocateurs.

  5. Spot on. Mass migration creates a ghettoized pool of cheap labour and an isolated group that can be influenced to vote as a block. Divide and conquer.


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