Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Moon Is Right Next to Mars and Jupiter

Cnet is reporting that "If you missed seeing Jupiter cozying up to the moon this morning, you can check the night skies early Wednesday, Aug. 28, too: Mars and Jupiter will trade spots and it'll be the red planet that sits closer to the moon." That's called a conjunction.

So yesterday morning that star beside the moon was Jupiter. This morning you could see a star beside the moon and that was Jupiter again but between Jupiter and the moon was a fainter star and that was Mars. Yesterday I couldn't find Venus which is usually the easiest planet to find right above the horizon but the website confirmed that Venus isn't visible this time of year. Mercury is but that's always harder to see because it's fainter and closer to the horizon.

A coworker has a really cool AP on his phone called Planets. You hold your phone up and fan the sky and the ap tells you where the planets are in the sky.

Update: For the past 3 days each morning you could see Jupiter beside the moon with Mars in between. Each morning it gets a bit further away from the moon.


  1. Spread the gospel of flat earth or get fucked, ya dumbfuck. Get the fuck out of here with yer fake news, pig. Nobody is falling for your rcmp psyop.

    1. RCMP Psy op? WTF are you on about? Are you saying Jupiter isn't beside the moon this morning? Are you saying you can't see the moons orbiting Jupiter with a telescope? Are you saying all astronomy is fake???

    2. 1:58 kinda sounds like an ass hat. Are there really people out there that still think the planet is flat??? Wtf? How stupid can you be. Sounds like some dumb tard with his head up his ass. Arguing just to argue.

    3. Yer fake news trying to entrap patriots for the rcmp. Nobody falls for your pro biker bullshit either.

    4. Your accusations contradict each other. Is astronomy fake?

  2. BC United suspends campaign ... endorses BC Conservatives ...

    1. Wow. I guess there is a united opposition to the NDP. Bonnie Henry has go to go.

    2. I haven't paid much attention to BC politics for a quite a while ... so i didn't know really anything about John Rustag ... but watched a few video interviews with him last night ... he seems like a pretty good common sense type of a guy.

  3. After many decades, people appear to finally get WHY the named themselves the "New Democrat" Party. Because "New Commies" would never have worked.


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