Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Abbotsford Police chief has Santa’s hit list

Front Page of today’s Vancouver Province was a picture of the Abbotsford police chief dressed up as Santa carrying an automatic weapon with the slogan: Which list will you be on next year? Some people have expressed outrage as it was part of a Christmas card sent out to gang members.

The cards are being sent to gang members, prolific offenders and property offenders this holiday season as part of Operation Resolution, with a help line for criminals wanting to turn their life around. The Abbotsford Times is referring it to an outreach program to offenders. It was funny and in good taste. Case closed. At least they are doing something which is better than doing nothing.

Abbotsford is the only pd that said they were going to release a top 10 list of gangsters. Although we’re still waiting, they are the only ones that said they would. There is nothing wrong with this proactive program. Like I said, it is humorous and in good taste.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The death of Gary Webb

Continuing with our Gary Webb series recognizing December as a Gary Webb Appreciation month, I want to talk about Gary Webb’s death which was on December 10th 2004. In an earlier post, one blog reader pointed out that he was murdered and I want to recognize that statement is true. Whether they committed an unlawful act and executed him or they simply buried him with slander and opposition until he gave up on life, the CIA were clearly responsible for his death.

Gary Webb died of a suspicious suicide. Reports claim he shot himself in the head twice. That would indeed make his suicide suspicious. Before I dive into the huge number of suspicious suicides and how crooked corners have been found falsifying death certificates, I do want to emphasize that it is possible Gary Webb gave up and threw in the towel after he lost his job and no other media outlet would touch him for telling the truth. Instead of giving him an award for being right, they ostracized him and took away from him his ability to earn a living which would discourage anyone.

Nevertheless, it would be blind foolishness not to consider the possibility of him being murdered. There have been many suspicious suicides. Danny Casolaro is one example. He investigated an organized crime ring so extensive he referred to it as the Octopus because it’s tentacles went everywhere even in high ranking seats of government. After meeting with the dirty Robert Booth Nichols he was found dead and was cremated before his family could claim the body so no autopsy could be performed. Abnormal and illegal.

In our examination of how suspicious suicides are tied to crooked corners who have been caught falsifying death certificates we need to look at Mena Arkansas and Bill Clinton’s pal Fahmy Malak.

The Mena Connection was a hard one to understand. A mother claimed her son and his friend were murdered. They were run over by a train. Fahmy Malak ruled it an accidental death. He claimed they had smoked so many joints of marijuana that they fell asleep on the railway tracks and did not wake up when the train approached. Abnormalities in the case were numerous. The train conductor saw bodies on the track and applied the train whistle and emergency brakes. It would have been hard for someone not to wake up from that. The conclusion Malak arrived at about the boys having smoked an excessive amount of marijuana was made from a test that had nothing to do with determining thc levels.

The bodies were exhumed and another autopsy was performed. The second autopsy found the cause of death to be blunt force trauma. The boys were murdered then dumped on the railway tracks. Not only that but Malak had clearly tampered with the evidence trying to hide that fact. It turns out there were several murder cases that Fahmy Malak ruled as suicides. Raymond Albrightt was shot five times in the chest. Malak ruled that murder a suicide as well. Which forces us to question why Governor Bill Clinton was so supportive of such an incompetent buffoon. When you google Clinton body count you will find a possible motive.

Another example of a suspicious suicide is Dr. David Kelly. This was the British Weapons inspector in Iraq who blew the whistle on MI6’s Operation Mass appeal where they gave the media false information about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass destruction to rationalize the invasion of Iraq. David Kelly pointed out that it wasn’t just a matter of them being wrong, it was a matter of them deliberately sending out false information. Dr. David Kelly died of a suspicious suicide in 2003.

All of this talk of suspicious suicides of course brings us to the current law suit the CIA is faced with regarding the 1953 death of a military scientist named Frank Olson. His sons are suing the CIA in a wrongful death suit accusing the CIA of murdering their father and covering it up as a suicide. His death was initially ruled a suicide but after his body was exhumed in 1994 and a second autopsy performed, his death was ruled a homicide.

The CIA commit murder. They perform assassinations. That is a known fact. What is not known is who they murder and why. No doubt some of those murders have been covered up as suicides. I do believe the CIA executed Gary Webb just like they did Danny Casolaro and Dr. David Kelly. CIA, MI 6, Mossad, they all work together and do the same unlawful acts. Gary Webb was right. The bottom line is that the CIA is a criminal organization tied to drug trafficking, money laundering and investment fraud. We will never solve that problem until we face it first.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Emilio Cordileone shot dead in Montreal

The body of former Vito Rizzuto ally Emilio Cordileone, 50, was found on Saturday morning by police behind his luxury SUV in north Montreal. Cordileone was considered close to the late Frank (The Big Guy) Cotroni, a mob boss with strong GTA ties.

Did Jay Hall OD?

Strange things are happening in Prince George, again. Oddly enough, after the Renegades, one of the Hells Angels puppet clubs in Prince George beat that gang rape rap in their clubhouse with the GTS, people started jumping ship. November 22 someone tells me the group folded and everyone has their bikes up for sale. They sent me s link to Jay Hall’s 2007 softail up for sale which has now been taken down.

Now all of a sudden someone claims Jay Hall overdosed on December 7th and is brain dead. Has anyone heard word on what’s going on with the Renegades in Prince George and whether or not Jay Hall had OD’d? the timing is highly suspicious. Chad Karylchuk‏ died of a drug overdose January of 2011. Since he dealt drugs, people in Kelowna find his death suspicious and claim he was murdered. Makes ya wonder about Jay’s OD. Keep me posted.

Prince George has had a long history of violence tied to the Hells Angels. For years the police have been telling us that no one can sell drugs without the Hells Angels permission. Then Kim Bolan found a GTS member striking for the Renegades which is a known puppet club for the Hells Angels. That meant the GTS, the Independent Soldiers, the Renegades and the Crew were all selling drugs in Prince George for the Hells Angels. That meant the Hells Angels were ultimately responsible for the drug addicts that were found chained in crack shack basements being tortured for drug debts.

Historically, the Hells angels murdered Bill Moore from the Renegades because he unknowingly sponsored someone who turned out to be a police informant. They shot him in his truck and burned down his house. Joey Arrance became a target of the Hells Angels in Prince George. Someone burned down his girlfriend’s home when he was arrested. His girlfriend’s mother who was wheelchair bound died in that fire. These guys are as low as they go. Who's next?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hells Angel deported

Well this is good news. Another Hells Angels member is to be deported as the refugee board declares the Hells Angels a criminal organization. Alejandro Mariano Chung, 43, a citizen of Chile who came to Canada in 1979 but never obtained Canadian citizenship, is the latest man tied to the Hells Angels to be deported because the Hells Angels have been deemed a criminal organization. Does this mean we can send David Giles back to Wales?

The Refugee Board has ruled that the Hells Angels are a criminal organization and that the business of the Hells Angels is crime, which is absolutely true. Almost all of the members of the Manitoba chapter have criminal records, mostly convictions for drug trafficking, their primary criminal activity, police said. In Ontario, 67.2% of Hells Angels members had a criminal conviction, 43% drug-related, police said.

Not long after becoming a hang-around, Mr. Chung was one of only two people inside the Winnipeg clubhouse on July 29, 2010, when authorities arrived to seize it under the Criminal Property Forfeiture Act. This brings us back to Maureen Forestell’s act of treason in Ontario. Criminal organization legislation still exists. No corrupt judge can change that. Seizing the proceeds of crime are still the proceeds of crime.

The decision on the logo was in my opinion a bad decision but a separate issue. In the US the police tried to seize the Mongols logo but that was overturned. Seizing the proceeds of crime is still fair game. I’m not a big fan of giving the government power to seize assets for any reasons. Yet in this case where the Hells Angels are clearly a criminal organization whose drug trafficking network is holding the country hostage with violence, I think we definitely need to follow through and seize their assets.

Three other non-Canadian members of the gang have been detained and removed from Canada because of their ties. Mitchell Vaughan, a member of the Hells Angels Nomads chapter from Melbourne, Australia, was detained in Victoria, B.C. and, on Sept. 30, 2011, was deported to his homeland.

In 2010, Mark Staples, treasurer of the Downtown Toronto Chapter of the gang, who came to Canada from Scotland in 1969 when he was seven years old but never became a Canadian, was stopped at Vancouver airport when returning from Japan. He was travelling on a British passport and deported to the U.K. in 2010.

Deporting them is a good step but it’s not going to solve the problem because most of the bad apples are from here. Yet it will limit their ability to travel to other countries to promote their international drug trafficking network.

Adam Hall was sent back to the United States in 2007 when he was deemed inadmissible to Canada despite having a Canadian mother. A member of the Hells Angels in Massachusetts, he currently faces charges of killing three men, one of whom was scheduled to testify against him in another trial.

In Massachusetts the Hells Angels have been convicted of trafficking crystal meth, a highly toxic and addictive drug made with drano. Adam Hall and his motley crew of misfits are facing many charges including the murder of the witness who was going to testify again Hall in a cocaine trafficking case. Adam Hall has also been accused of being involved with forced prostitution. Deporting these idiots for criminal activity and belonging to a criminal organization is a step forward.

Harper gives Communist China Canada’s oil rights and that’s not all

The end of democracy is near. This guy has no right to EVER call the NDP or Pierre Eliot Trudeau a socialist EVER again. Stephen Harper has proven to be the biggest Corporate Communist in Canada’s history. Right after Communist China buys our oil rights Switzerland takes over our grain rights.Scrapping the insider trading jets that don’t work in the arctic was one step forward but these new deals are three steps back. It gives up our sovereignty.

Harper gave the green light Friday to the controversial $15.1-billion takeover of Calgary-based Nexen Inc. by the China National Offshore Oil Company. Ottawa also approved Malaysian state-owned company Petronas's $6-billion purchase of Alberta's Progress Energy.

However, Harper said those acquisitions are "the end of a trend," rather than a beginning. End of a trend alright. The end of democracy. That was a nice trend while it lasted. These huge corporate monopolies are destroying the free market.

Now after disbanding the wheat board Harper has sold Canada’s Grain rights to foreign ownership. The $6.1-billion takeover of Canada’s Viterra Inc. (TSX:VT) by Swiss commodity trader Glencore International has been approved by China’s ministry of commerce.

Dylan Ratigan - Corporate Communism Is Killing Us

Irish journalist confronts bailout banker

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mountain Magic

I went snowshoeing on Seymour today. It was their grand opening for the ski season. Cypress and Grouse have been open earlier but they have snowmaking. It’s been mixed rain and snow this year but it has been snowing on the mountains for a week straight now and it was awesome.

As I was driving up I thought it would be zero visibility but at least I could get some fresh snow. As I started to climb the sun came out and it was holy. About a meter of snow at the base and about two meters of fairly fresh snow at the top. First pump was very windy. You could see the blowing snow. The other side of First Pump is one of my favorite places because the wind blows and creates these sand dunes made of snow. It’s awesome.

I caught sunset from Brockton point and hiked down with a headlamp in the dark. A lot of people snowshoe up to Brockton Point in the dark with headlamps at night. On a clear night it’s awesome. I took too many pictures to post on the blog so I made a flicker account in case anyone’s interested. There’s more to life than drugs and gangs.

Joey Verma asks for a change in Venue

Hells Angel and Kingpin Crew associate Joey Verma has asked for a change in venue in his murder trial. He wants to be tried in Vancouver not Kelowna. Maybe he realized any jury selected in Kelowna is going to know him and he wants to find a new jury to fool. Someone who doesn’t know about his VP as in Vice President of the Kingpin Crew tattoo. Joey is on trial for the murder of Britney Irving and is good friends with woman beater Donny McWhirter from the Independent soldiers and Dale the drag queen from the Pinhead Crew.

Joseph Bruce Skreptak pleads guilty to assault

The Kelowna Daily courier is reporting that Kelowna Hells Angel Joseph Bruce Skreptak plead guilty to assault and is still on trial for the Salmon Arms weapons seizure before that grow op was abandoned there. Uncle joe appears in court in Salomon Arm for that charge next week. The judge relaxed some of his bail conditions and although he’s still not allowed to have contact with gang members, he can have contact with Hal Porteous. Mind you, having contact with an idiot like Weird Hal is a punishment not a freedom. Sometimes justice is just a natural consequence.

Robert Thomas and Norman Cocks’ murder trial is set to begin in the New Year.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cuba bans Reggaeton music

For those of you that still think Cuba is the best model of socialism that we have despite the fact that they have political prisoners, don’t have democratic elections, only allows one political party and not everyone can belong to that political party, here’s some more food for thought.

Cuba just banned Reggaeton music. That’s right folks, Fidel’s brother is stepping up to the plate and showing his true colours. Reggaeton is a very popular genre of music that blends Caribbean Reggae with Latino music including hip hop and salsa. Daddy Yankee is the one everyone knows. He’s great. The mighty Pitbull can even be considered Reggaeton at times. He was born in Cuba.

So my first question is, who is the government to tell us what kind of music we can or cannot listen to? So much for the freedom of expression. I’ll be the first one to admit that a lot of grinding club music isn’t very appropriate. Yet again I ask, who is the government to tell us what kind of music we can or cannot listen to? That is the dark ages. People complain about a religious government legislating morality. Well here we have an atheist government doing exactly that.

It’s not just a matter of censoring inappropriate words. It’s a matter of censoring an entire genre of music. I don’t know much Spanish but I love the Latino community. They are vibrant and close nit. Rap music sung in Spanish sounds awesome. A little Bob Marley never hurt anyone. Remixing that with some Latino fire makes a refreshing new sound.

So when the government starts telling people what kind of music they can or can’t listen to, then it’s time to change the government. I have always felt the Helms Burton law is insanely hypocritical. Banning trade with Cuba but bending over backwards to trade with Communist China who has a far worse human rights record than Cuba is totally hypocritical. Yet banning people from listening to a specific type of music isn’t promoting tourism. It’s like when Russia banned Jazz because they thought it was American propaganda. That was bizarre.

I did hear a magnificent Jazz trumpeter from Boston named Greg Hopkins refer to Jazz as American music once. I kinda choked and thought what on earth is he on about? Then I thought about it and as he cited all the big bands of the era, they were all from America. I can concede that Jazz was created in America but it certainly isn’t limited to America. It’s a genre of music. It’s like forbidding us from listening to Tchaikovsky because he was Russian. That would be ridiculous. Tchaikovsky was a magnificent composer. Banning his music would diminish all of us.

So what happens when a government bans a type of music and people keep listening to it? Do they get a fine or go to jail? That is crazy. Free speech and the freedom of expression is a part of life itself. Life without the arts is empty and incomplete.