Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Naked Judge

Well Lori Douglas, associate chief justice of Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench has been caught in the nude. Her husband, Jack King is a Winnipeg lawyer who has been accused of showing nude photos of his wife in acts of bondage to computer specialist Alexander Chapman as he tried to pressure him into having sex with his wife.

OK that's just plain weird. The husband is the one in the wrong. The bondage thing is weird but I'm more concerned about what her decisions were like. For us to keep a nutbar like Peter Leask while they get rid of a judge because her husband was a pervert is strange.

Turns out she has stepped aside while the investigation is under way. You mean while her husband is investigated. Why won’t Peter Leask step aside? Oh right, because he’s not as honest as she is. I’m more worried about her decisions. Was she a fair judge? Her marrying a deviant is not relevant.

Prison Photos

Someone sent me a photo of Mom Boucher in prison a while back and I'm like whoa, where did you get that? Then someone sent one of Deli and some of the busted Hells Angels from Manitoba in Stony Mountain prison.

Well Sunday Kim Bolan ran a photo of Clay Roueche in prison on her blog. At first I thought Clay must have sent it to her himself because it looked like a promo picture then I figured it must have been posted on Facebook.

Clay was a bit chunky before going into prison and now he's lost a fair bit of weight and actually has abs. Well good for you. You sit in prison all day and do sit ups. You're still just a drug dealer. I always thought the UN's motto about honour was rather misguided. There is no honour in selling crack or meth. I remember reading an article about how the UN beat up someone in a wheel chair for a crack debt in Vancouver. There certainly is no honour in that.

Clay showed compassion on a friend in helping him get off the crack. Yet that is what they sell. They even stamped their logo on a brick of cocaine. Reflecting on all these prison photos I had an epiphany. They're all showing off. They all think they're something special. In reality they're just kids who never grew up.

Think about it. When you misbehaved as a toddler you got time out. When you misbehaved in school you got a detention. Prison is detention for adults who never grew up. That's why they call it a detention centre.

I remember visiting a friend in juvie. One week he was so proud because he was allowed to wear street runners with all the prestige those brand name runner carry. Then he got in a fight and lost that privilege. I was kinda surprised to find out how wearing regular runners was such a big deal. To me it was like, who cares, you're in jail. If you weren't in jail you could wear whatever you want.

Taking the runners one step further I noticed in all these photos of gang members in prison, they aren't wearing prison uniforms. They are getting special treatment. As a result their ego gets carried away and they like to take photos of themselves bragging about the fact that they don't have to wear prison uniforms. Who cares, you're in prison. Mind you I think that privilege should be revoked. Not making gang members wear prison uniforms is insane.

However, someone just claimed in another post that in federal prisons inmates wear their own clothes. In provincial prisons they don’t. What’s up with that?

Regardless, these guys are all posing for the pictures, look at me look at me. Yeah I see you. You're a kid who never grew up. Look at their myspace. Even Tiny Tim. They all say their favorite movie is Scar Face. Grow up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Satanism in Victoria, B.C.

There are a lot of rumors about Witchcraft and Satanism in Victoria. There was a book that helped the ritual abuse frenzy called Michelle Remembers. Seemingly the book was about someone who went to a therapist who helped her unlock suppressed memories of satanic ritual abuse only to find in the end the suppressed memories were not real.

Victoria is a wonderful city. Very clean with lots of tourist attractions. They have their crack and meth problems like everywhere else. Yet the city does seem to carry a reputation of being a haven for Witches and Satanists. Personally I think it’s more of a presence of a few eccentrics then anything else.

Obviously Satanists do exist but they’re not limited to Victoria. When I was young and going through a spiritual journey of sorts, I had a look at ritual magic. I thought to myself empirical knowledge of something metaphysical would be an interesting discovery. Something spiritual we could see for ourselves.

I did some research and made a few calls. I had a meeting with a ritual magician at a coffee shop in Vancouver. I attended the interview and asked a few questions. As the conversation proceeded she kept claiming she was enlightened and everyone else was deceived. I kept asking What about truth? What about reality? What about God? She shook her head and said You’re sure stuck on Christianity. Not really I said. I might be hooked on reality and logic but not Christianity because at the time I wasn’t. I was searching.

I was a little bit weary of what kind of rituals they performed and made a crack about the Babylonian cults that would have ritual orgies and the person got upset. She looked me in the eye and said “Don’t you think raising magical powers through sexual arousement is much more humane than killing babies?” I responded with “Yeah but I don’t think it’s right in there.”

Our interview ended shortly thereafter and we parted ways. I failed my interview but I’ll never forget the cold empty look she had in her eyes. She claimed to be enlightened but I couldn’t see any light or peace in her.

Crowley was a Satanist. I did have a problem with the Book of the Law. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” What a crock that is. They start off with a John Lennon Imagine twist on Anarchy where everyone is good to each other without rules or laws then take it for a nasty turn.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” ultimately means I can do whatever I want and if you have a problem with that, you are deceived and I am enlightened. It comes as a rebellion against Christian Fundamentalism yet is very flawed. You can steal from me and if I have a problem with that I am deceived. Yeah right. How about if I steal from you? You can rape murder and abuse and if I have a problem with that I am deceived. I don't think so.

I did meet a Satanist in Dublin many years ago. She claimed she was a baptized in blood Satanist and that every time she came near a church she became physically sick and had to walk on the other side of the street. The friend I was with was freaked out when he saw the upside down crucifix in the room. We talked about good and evil. We talked about God and Satan. We talked about how our actions affect others and how we are responsible for our own choices. We also talked about praying to God our Heavenly Father in the name if his son Jesus Christ. I thought it was quite interesting.

It’s still not very socially acceptable to be a Satanist unless you’re a heavy metal musician trying to sell albums. Consequently I think many Satanists pretend to be Pagan or Wiccan when they really aren’t. Especially those who claim their evil master is the Satan Goddess. They aren’t Wiccan, they are something else.

Obviously good and bad exist in every person and in every organization. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Most religions teach the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you. That doesn’t mean every member of every religion is going to do what the religion teaches.

“Satanists” can exist in any religion. Christ said to the Christians “Many shall say Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and done many wonderful works” and he states he will reply “I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity.” Christ called the lawyers and religious leaders of the time liars and hypocrites while the apostle John said some religious members were liars and were in reality of the synagogue of Satan.

Indeed, if we were to go on a real with hunt for Satanists in Victoria or any where else for that matter we’d have to look in every organization including Parliament. Especially Gordon Campbell.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wicca World

Since the topic has come up we need to clarify that not all Wiccans or Pagans are Satanists. Not that I know much about Wiccans or Pagans but I do know a bit about ritual magic. Everybody gets all freaked out about pentagrams. Yet a right side up pentagram is a sign of protection from evil in ritual magic.

The magic circle is a fundamental ritual of protection where the ritual magician would call upon God and invoke his four arch angels to stand as sentinels to protect the magic circle using the sign of the pentagram similar to how a Christian would use a the sign of a cross to ward off evil spirits in a vampire movie.

Turning the pentagram upside down is what changes it’s meaning. Turning a pentagram upside down so it looks like a ram’s head is used to represent Satan. Just like how some would turn a Christian cross upside down. When you think about it, the Pentagon is a derivative of a right side up pentagram and is used as a sign of protection.


A lot of people get all freaked out about Free Masons as well thinking they are an evil organization trying to take over the world. That is nonsense. Free Masons make a promise to keep lawful secrets. They don’t promise to keep the crimes of other Free Masons secret.

The logo of Free Masonry that you would often see on a ring or a bumper sticker is of a compass and square with the letter G. G stand for God, it doesn’t stand for Satan. The Great Architect of the universe. The Grand Geometrician so to speak. Masons strive to live honest and upright lives and aspire to virtue. Their craft is a dying one. They are hardly trying to take over the world.

Ben Franklin and George Washington were Free Masons. The all seeing eye on the American dollar bill represents the all seeing eye of God. It doesn’t represent Satan. Hence the motto “In God We Trust.”

I agree with the comment of the last post. I do think Rene’s views of Wiccan are twisted. Their feature article about their secret master the evil Satan Goddess means they’re not really Wiccan, they are really something else.

Rene LaFortune Quotes

I've talked about how consuming oneself with the dirty laundry of others is a less than positive quest. Yet the pursuit of knowledge is a good thing. Realizing that someone who has made threats of physical violence against you has also talked about killing is an important fact to realize.

Everyone talks about Rene and her claim to be Wiccan and how she goes by the username CopperWoman. Now just because someone is Wiccan doesn't necessarily mean they are a Satanist. We had a good friend on the GO blog who was Wiccan. Yet according to News CopperWoman and Makarios run the Wiki. If you want to volunteer, contribute knowledge, expertise, suggestions or request an article please post in the forums or PM the editors.

Their feature article is about THE SATAN GODDESS and claims "Wiccan males are given to the piercing of skin as a sign of submission to their master, the SATAN GODDESS. Wiccans and Pagans commemorate her feast day on January 28th, which is known only to Elitists as the top secret, extra special, oathbound ninth festival on the Witch's Wheel."

In fact they used the online Church sign maker to say Pagan Herbalist Celebrates the Satan Goddess' birthday. Although I find it a bit strange for a Wiccan to be celebrating their evil Satan Goddess' birthday and how she claims Wiccan males are given to the piercing of skin as a sign of submission to their master, the SATAN GODDESS I will boldly declare that freedom of religion exists in Canada and their is nothing illegal about believing something many others think is just plain dumb.(I can't believe RedAutumnRain used the term Muggles. That's from Harry Potter)

I will also boldly declare that persecution of witches was something from the dark ages. Strange people would do horrible things to people for bizarre reasons even burning them at the stake. Thank goodness society has evolved from that. Yet Rene does talk about how Wiccan persecution still exists and eludes to the fact that might have been the cause of the fire she was involved in where she claims she received brain damage.

It is the comments about how she claims she would exploit her brain damage as a defense to rationalize her killing someone that disturbs me. As does her claim to be cold and calculating:

Re: Brain damage removes emotion from moral decisions
by Copperwoman on Mar 26, 2007 - 06:53 PM

I do have brain damage....for real (VMPC plus a variety of other neurological issues caused by smoke inhalation from a toxic chemical accerlerant - yipee!) and I am far more compassionate NOW than I was before the fire. However, given the limited and extreme options, I would kill the person making the request and tell everybody else what was what going on.....then blame the lack of impulse control, executive function etc... on the brain damage....just to skew their results. The alternative, to refuse to participate in either the killing or the doing nothing options. Brain damage did not alter my IQ or my common sense!

I won't get into what was scientifically incorrect about their research model.

(proudly cold and calculating - LOL!)

Here she claims "given the limited and extreme options, I would kill the person making the request and tell everybody else what was what going on.....then blame the lack of impulse control, executive function etc... on the brain damage....just to skew their results."

She talks about killing someone then rationalizing it by the lack of impulse control she has due to her brain damage she incurred in a fire. Wow and she claims she is far more compassionate now than she was before the fire. Interesting.

When this information was posted on the GO blog long ago, the links to the identity of the CopperWoman profile were removed yet we have a list of witnesses who saw it was Rene.

Perhaps our beloved Wiccan Outlaw is from the House of Gryffindor and Rene is from the House of Slytherin. I know Wiccan Outlaw isn’t a Crowley Cronie. Perhaps CopperWoman is. Locally there are many rumors about Satanic groups in Victoria. Perhaps that’s why Rene moved there. They say it's the witches capital. The fact that the Satan Goddess is some of their evil masters is “the top secret, extra special, oathbound ninth festival on the Witch's Wheel."

After all, not all Wiccans celebrate their evil master the Satan Goddess’ birthday like Rene does. Then again, what do I know? I’m just a muggle.


People have been asking me so I’ll make a clear clarification. No I don’t think Rene’s involvement with the occult had anything whatsoever to do with Dustin’s injuries. It might have something to do with why she moved to Victoria but it clearly has nothing to do with Dustin’s injuries. I have no idea what Paxton was into. I highly doubt he was into the occult. I think Paxton was a sick individual who might have had some outside help or motivation to gain control over Dustin.

I really don’t think Rene is violent either. I think she is eccentric and has said some dumb things but I don’t think she is violent. I think she’s had some very real trials in her life and is trying her best to rise above them and be some kind of guide for others. Let’s just hope it’s a guide for good.

Langley Teens help catch Armed Bank Robber

Well this is a heart warming tale and a lesson for all of us. Two teens noticed someone suspicious coming out of the TD at Willowbrook. They wrote down his license plate and gave it to the police.

It turns out he had just robbed the bank and had previously robbed two other banks in the area. The police were able to follow up on the license plate and apprehend the suspect. Clearly a job well done.

It was a simple task really. They noticed something suspicious and wrote down the license plate. They didn't pull a Jason Bourne and disarm the assailant. Writing down a license plate is something all of us can do.

This applies to the gang war. If we see someone driving a car shoot at someone, don't jump in and put yourself at risk. Stay back and write the plate down. Try to get physical descriptions too. Sometimes that's hard when the adrenaline is pumping but if you make a conscious effort to remember how tall, how heavy, hair colour, clothes or tattoos, that can help police apprehend a suspect.

Gangs think as soon as they pull the guns out everyone runs for cover. OK most do. Yet once we've secured a safe location we can observe things like plate numbers and give them to the police. This is clearly a step in the right direction towards public safety. All those cell phones with cameras that can take videos can be very discrete yet very helpful as well.

Gay Bikers

I just want to clarify that I have absolutely no problem with gay bikers. Discriminating against someone for their sexual orientation is illegal and making fun of someone for their sexual orientation is in bad taste.

When I first started reading about Sean Wolfe I thought he sounded pretty tough and pretty mean. Threatening someone with a gun and beating them with a hammer isn't a very nice thing to do. Neither is scaring people out of testifying in court.

At first, I was just joking knowing how homophobic they are and how feared he is but the more I started posting pictures of him kissing guys with his sculptured eyebrows the more I started to really wonder. My point is, even if he and many other of these gang members swing both ways, that is nothing to get violent over. I really oppose gay beatings. There is nothing manly about beating someone who is gay.

I would hate to find out someone shot him or shanked him in prison thinking he was gay. Face it, a lot of guys in prison are gay. In fact, I'd really be upset to hear they betrayed him like they betrayed Juel Stanton. If you guys want honour and respect, you've gotta stop betraying your own people. And stop torturing addicts for drug debts. That is messed up.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Biggest Fear

Corruption can infiltrate any organization. If the VPD make a mistake, they are investigated by the RCMP. If the RCMP make a mistake, depending on the area, they are investigated by the VPD. If CSIS make a mistake, who investigates them? Who is CSIS accountable to? I find it astounding that in a democratic society, an agency can exist that is not accountable to anyone.

Public safety worries about corruption. What if a police officer was called to respond to a crime and they did not arrest the person who committed the crime? What if they did arrest the accused but the judge let them off even though the evidence clearly showed they were guilty? Those are some of the fears but for all practical purposes those scenarios would be exceptions not the norm.

What if someone was charged with hiring someone to commit a murder. What if the person who committed the murder plead guilty but the person who hired the person was let free? One problem is being able to prove something in court. In a democratic society someone is innocent until proven guilty. Sometimes that means guilty get off when there isn't enough evidence. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Except when the only reason there isn't enough evidence is because people refuse to testify.

Two Hells Angles were accused of threatening a young man with a gun and beating him with a hammer. They were let off when the person refused to testify. That's hardly the police's fault. Some will no doubt try and twist the saga and claim the young man was violent. He had performed home invasions.

Oh really. Is it possible he was robbing people to pay for a drug habit? Is it possible he was robbing people so he wouldn't be tortured or murdered for a drug debt owed to the Hells angels? Is that possible? I would say it is.

Nathan Marshal had drug debts in Prince George. He had committed a home invasion. Was it to pay his drug debt? Who knows. He had a drug debt and was murdered. Yet others in Prince George were tortured for drug debts.

I think our biggest fear is when the police, or worse the crown, don't prosecute someone they know is guilty. Perhaps they were afraid of losing the case and establishing a bad precedent. Yet if the person was walking away free, you've already established a bad precedent so really you have nothing to lose in proceeding with a trial.

Other than money. Murder trials are very expensive and budget cuts are rampant. We do need to spend our money wisely. Wasting money on a huge murder trial could have put more police on the streets. Yet getting an organized criminal off the streets who hires drug mules and hires people to kill people would reduce the need for more police officers in a certain area. It's a catch 22 really.

Someone who owed Douglas Kuntz money hired someone to murder him and recover cheques made out to him in his possession. Only the shooter didn't recover the cheques because they were blood stained. The people who were hired to commit the murder were convicted but the person who hired them was not. That is what's scary.

Joey Verma has been charged with the murder of Britney Irving. Yet the person who hired him to commit the murder has not been charged. Juel Stanton was recently executed and no one has been charged.

At the trial of contract killer Mickie (Phil) Smith the court was told one of his murders was done for the East Vancouver Hells Angels at a crack house in Surrey. Mic said Yurik helped him chop up and dispose of the body. He claimed Yurik's not an Angel but he works with the Angels. I know he's done a lot of hits."

The Hells Angels have hired people to commit murder yet they have never been held accountable as an organization. Did Dustin Paxton act alone? I do not believe so but no one else will be charged.

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Uttering the word conspiracy can create polarized effects. Most mentally shut down and tune out with images of nut bars talking about UFOs and world domination. Yet conspiracies do exist and their greatest weapon is complacency.

Let's take Oliver North and the Iran Contra Affair. That was a conspiracy. Yet Oliver North claimed he was authorised to do everything he did.

Speaking of Iran, let's talk bout the CIA's Operation Ajax in Iran. Surely that was a conspiracy. Allen Dulles was involved with Operation Ajax in Iran, as well as Operation Northwoods and the Warren Commission that investigated Kennedy's assassination.

Kennedy was assassinated. Many conspiracy theories about that event abound yet he was murdered. That is a fact not a conspiracy. The official report says he was shot from behind and Lee Harvey Oswell was convicted yet the video clearly shows he was shot from the front.

The video also clearly shows the body guards whose role was to follow the president's vehicle and jump in as human shields in the event of an assassination attempt were called back right before Kennedy was shot. The video shows the body guards confusion about the order shrugging his shoulders three times.

Kennedy Vetoed Operation Northwoods. A bizarre plan submitted by the Director of the CIA and signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. If Kennedy had not vetoed the insane plan, the Operation would have been implemented.

So tell me, who is the bigger fool - the fool who investigates conspiracies or the fool who refuses to investigate any?

Paxton's old Warrants

Well a blog reader found Paxton's old Warrants Lindsey was talking about. This was when he was 19. He and another guy were accused of robbing a mentally challenged man of $74.

These are screen shots from Mike McIntyre's article in the Winnipeg Free Press June 7 1999. That would indeed make him 30 and would be much older than the kid in the photo on a Hells Angel's lap.

In this photo he was 23. According to Bruce Owen of the Winnipeg Free Pres in the February 24 2003 edition, Paxton was wanted along with two other suspects for credit card fraud totalling $8,000.