Thursday, July 16, 2015

Suspicious death in Coquitlam

The Vancouver Sun is confirming a scan BC report that there has been a possible homicide in Coquitlam. IHIT has taken over the investigation. Yesterday a City worker was shot dead in Burnaby but it wasn't gang related. It appears to be linked to threats made by a coworker. Tragic indeed. It made page six of today's Vancouver Province.

Surge in Surrey Drug Overdoses

CBC is reporting that "Police in British Columbia are advising drug users to be cautious, after at least eight people in Surrey overdosed on drugs within 24 hours. Surrey RCMP said the drug ingested was thought to be heroin, but analysis has not yet been done to confirm that no other substances were involved. Police have not yet said whether the drug fentanyl is believed to be involved, as it was in past overdose warnings."

Here's a crazy idea. Why don't we arrest the drug dealers selling the bad heroine publicly outside the Front Room beside the needle exchange instead of just issuing a warning with a free needle?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

MP admits CSIS knew about the bomb on Air India

Today 1130 News is reporting a very important revelation. The headline reads: Canadian spies knew about bomb on Air India plane. The article states "A Conservative MP says Canada’s spy agency knew there was a bomb on the Air India plane that later exploded in midair, killing 329 people." That is a true statement. It is in essence a public confession of guilt because they didn't only know about the bomb, their handler provided it.

Then comes the Neo Con spin: The article also states: "In a late June speech at a Vancouver church, Tory MP Wai Young says the laws at the time prevented the Canadian Security Intelligence Service from telling the RCMP about the explosive device in June 1985." That is a lie. They were under a moral and legal obligation to notify the RCMP and remove the bomb. Now they can be formally sued for criminal negligence.

And finally the one two punch is delivered. That lie is followed by the ultimate lie selling the Devil's Blasphemous Deal: "Young told the service at Harvest City Church that, as a result, the Mounties could not remove the bomb from Air India Flight 182. She said the government’s recently enacted Bill C-51 remedied the problem by allowing greater information-sharing between agencies." Oh the cunning plan of the evil one! That is a malicious lie.

Admitting CSIS knew about the bomb on the Air India flight admits culpability in that heinous crime. Lying to the public will not save them in court. In the House of Commons you can get kicked out for calling someone a liar even if they are in fact lying. Not in a court of law. When you prove someone is lying in a court of law they can be charged with perjury.

CSIS had a handler that not only helped plan the Air India attack, he provided the explosives. Revoke the illegal spy bill which violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Charge CSIS with murder. This public lie is an admission of guilt.

God is the author of liberty. Stephen Harper is an anti Christ.

The Drums of Jericho shall return. Tiocfaidh ar la.

Update: The latest lie is the MP has now changed their story and said they made an error. That fails the test of believability. They used that lie as the foundation for their argument rationalizing giving up civil liberty in Bill C-51. The fact that CSIS knew in advance about the bomb on Air India was the only true part of their argument. The CBC and the RCMP already reported that fact. They were using a known fact to sell their illegal bill. Kill Bill C-51.

Castanet is confirming the MP's original statelent to the church congregation.

New Horizons

Vox dot com is reporting that "At 7:49 am ET today, the unmanned spacecraft flew within 7,750 miles of Pluto, taking high-resolution photos of its surface and collecting all sorts of scientific data. But we won't see any of these photos until Wednesday afternoon because the craft will be focusing on data collection — not transmission — during the brief flyby."

Nasa released this image right before the fly by. It took nine years for the spacecraft to get there.

I didn't realize Pluto lost it's planet status in 2006.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The New Syndicate MC in Fort Mcmurray

It appears that a Cape Bretoner named Kevin Faulkner now runs the Syndicate MC in Fort Mcmurray. They work for Steven Szomszed who is a Nomad in Red Deer. The other chapter that was in the news of late for a brutal murder in Greece. Seemingly three of their guys jacked someone and took their drugs. Unbeknown to them the drugs belonged to East End HA. They ripped off one of East ends couriers in Fort Mac. Nobody said they were that smart. Nomad Steve Szomszed apparently covered it up with some bullshit story to his so-called HA brothers. L&R Not.

Surrey Shootings - Update

#Surrey #RCMP are investigating a report of multiple shots fired into a building at 18700 Fraser Hwy. No reports of people hit. CTV is confirming that COBS Bread in the 18800 block of Fraser Highway was shot at just after 2 a.m. Sunday. One worker was inside the bakery at the time but wasn’t hurt. 24 hr News has some pictures.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that there was another one a few blocks over on Highway number 10 where gunfire was exchanged between vehicles and two residences were hit although no one was hurt 10 PM Saturday.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that The Highway 10 shooting occurred just a day after another targeted drive-by shooting in the 5700-block 152nd Street on Friday night that left two men injured. The men were sitting outside their home when more than 30 rounds were fired at the house, one bullet grazing one man in the head and another hitting the other man in the foot, said a relative. A dark-coloured sedan was seen fleeing the scene.

The Vancouver Province is also reporting that there was another shooting in Surrey Sunday night which resulted in a fatality. OK I had this one backwards. Kim Bolan is reporting that someone was shot trying to defend their home. I thought the person defending the home shot the intruder. It's the other way around. Perhaps now is a good time to get rid of gun control.

Getting to know the unknown God

I'm going off into deep outer space on this one. Most of you will want to skip over this post. Today I attended a very interesting sermon in the United Church of Canada by a minister who quoted a Vancouver Sun article about a United Church Minister named Gretta Vosper who is a self professed atheist. I had missed both the article and the controversy surrounding Gretta.

The Minister claims the article in the Vancouver Sun accused the United Church of terminal kindness by accepting Gretta's insanity. I have to agree. However, I will say that there are many worse causes of death in this world than terminal kindness. Although I passionately believe in the life of Christ, I am not very big on doctrine. I don't care if the pearly gates swing or slide. What we need to concern ourselves with is living the kind of life here on earth that will see us pass through those gates in the hereafter. To that end I think the United Church has a lot going for it.

Yes we can be too tolerant of sin and crime for that matter. Yet we can be too intolerant as well. Martin Luther King coined the phrase that the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. That is very true. However, Gretta has gone a bit over board. I'm all for the freedom of religion. People have every right to be atheist. It's just that if you are going to proclaim to be a United Church Minister and deny the existence of God as well as the existence of Christ, then you are clearly in the wrong profession. Denying the existence of Christ isn't what Christians teach. It is what the Anti Christ teaches. It is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Historically we know Jesus of Nazareth existed. Josephus recorded that fact. People can debate the resurrection all they want. Josh McDowell addressed that quite well in his book More than a Carpenter. Yet Christ's life, mission, death and crucifixion are historical facts. Denying that as a United Church Minister is somewhat out in the realms of deep outer space.

The minister today asked some insightful questions in a children's story and made references to Moses' interaction with God in his sermon. Fist Moses spoke to God in the form of a burning bush. The problem was, no man can see God and live so God revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush. Yet God can do all things. If he wanted to reveal himself to man he could. The Minister today admitted that eventually Moses saw God's hand and his back. Yet the scriptures go beyond that. Later on Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaketh to his friend.

It wasn't until Stephen said he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God that he was stoned for what the religious leaders at the time thought was blasphemy. Ever since the martyrdom of the original apostles, the doctrine of Christ has changed and has been watered down with the ideas of man. King Henry was a nut and we have clearly gone down hill from there.

Ever since King Henry people have been arguing about some stupid point of doctrine and starting up their own church over it. The United Church of Canada reversed that trend. They took three churches and amalgamated them into one. That church has a history of coming together instead of driving apart. Yet clearly things have gone too far. It reminds me of what Paul found in Mars Hill. He found an alter that said "To The Unknown God" and declared "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." Acts 17: 22-31

In contrast to the apostasy of the men of Athens, John taught, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 Eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ who he sent and to strive to become like them and live a more productive Christlike life. This is where the term Christian service comes from. The life that Mother Teresa exemplified.

There are a ship load of fundamentalists out there that I can't even sit in the same room with. Christ spelled it out in the parable of the Good Samaritan and the parable of the sheep and goats. How you live your life is more important than what you claim to believe. The United Church's focus on service and tolerance is one of it's strengths. The United Church's tolerance of Gretta's insanity is one of it's weaknesses. Just sayin. Peace.

Chicago rapper shot dead, Mexican drug lord escapes

MSN News is reporting that Chicago rapper Capo was gunned down in Chicago on Saturday afternoon. MSN News is also reporting that: "Top Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has escaped from a maximum security prison for the second time, security officials announced late Saturday. Guzman, who headed the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, was last seen in the area of the showers in the Altiplano prison outside of Mexico City, the capital." The Sinaloa cartel is the one the CIA and the ATF were selling guns to in Operation Fast and Furious and bringing back tons of cocaine into the US as payment. Iran Contra never stopped. Gary Webb was right.

Update: Escaped Kingpin seen having a beer with Oliver North. Not.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Alaska and Oregon legalizes pot for recreational use

I'm shocked this didn't make big news locally. I was speaking with a guy from Oregon today and he said they legalized pot there July 1st 2015. Although smoking pot in public is still illegal in Oregon, the International Business Times is reporting that you can even take it on your carry on luggage for domestic flights within the state. Their referendum was November 2014.

I totally missed Alaska. CNN reported that Alaska legalized pot in February 2015. It has also been confirmed by Time Magazine. We all knew Colorado and Washington State voted yes while California voted no but Alaska and Oregon is new news. Once again just because they did doesn't mean we have to. California didn't. It's just news so to speak.

I'm not a big fan of the legalization of pot. Way too many people smoke way too much pot as it is. Teens shouldn't smoke pot and smoking pot while driving is insane. I do support the decriminalization of pot. Legalization of crack or crystal meth is complete social irresponsibility. We need to decriminalize pot so we have the resources to deal with hard drugs like crack and crystal meth. We need to arrest the crack dealers not the addicts. That is the New York model.

Fentanyl Fatality

The Abbotsford Police department is reporting that on June 30th at 2:40 AM a family member found found a woman in her mid twenties unresponsive on the floor and called 911. Attempts to resuscitate the victim failed and she was pronounced dead at the scene. Methylfentanyl was found in her system and is a likely contributing factor in her death. This is the second Fentanyl warning issued by the APD in 2015. Their previous warning was distributed on May 20, 2015.

Fentanyl is a bad drug just like the fake ecstasy (PMMA) they make now without sassafras. It's toxic and has resulted in a lot of fatalities. Stop the greed and stop the lies. There's a facebook group set up about the dangers of Fentanyl after another young fatality.