Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Israel drops candies on Gaza for Halloween

Breaking News: Israel has a change of heart. Instead of dropping bombs on Gaza on Halloween they started dropping candies on Gaza for the children. Not. I know, wishful thinking but could you imagine if they did? That would be awesome. Stop the Greed. Share the wealth.

You can't say all Jews are this or all Muslims are that

You can't say all Jews are this or all Muslims are that. People are individuals. We all make our own choices and there is good and bad everywhere you go. Larry Silverstein is a bad man. Not because he's a Jew but because he's a bad Jew. Just like Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is a bad man. Not because he's a Mormon but because he's a bad Mormon. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. These are globalists who sell their souls for the almighty dollar.

Likewise, you can't say all white people are this or all black people are that. It's not just politically incorrect, it's factually false. Bill Gates is a bad man but you can't then say all white people are bad just because Bill Gates is. Clifford Olsen was a child molester. That doesn't mean all white people are child molesters. There's good and bad everywhere you go.

The Hamas attack was bad. It was horrific. There is no justification for it. There's no way to minimize it. It was however, highly suspicious. First there was the 7 hour IDF stand down order. There's no way a group of mercenaries in pick up trucks and para gliders could slip past the IDF unnoticed. No way. An Israeli soldier who has patrolled the Gaza border emphasized that.

Second is the timing. Why on earth declare war with Israel knowing full well there would be a colossal response right after they agreed to drill for natural gas right offshore from Gaza? That was a win win for everyone. The people of Gaza would greatly benefit from that. Why would Hamas prevent that from happening? They wouldn't. It doesn't make sense.

It's reminiscent of the Iranian Hostage Crisis back in 1979. That was very suspicious because it followed Operation Ajax where MI6 and the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran so they could profit from their oil. They didn't want Iran to nationalize their oil and share that wealth with the people. They wanted to privatize their oil so they could profit from it. That's why they bribed them to keep the hostages until after the election.

We're going to talk more about the oil wars but I simply want to point out another motive for the WEF's involvement in the oil wars is to stop other countries from drilling so Saudi has a monopoly and to create energy crisis around the world. That's why Biden blew up Nordstream.

The WEF doesn't want countries to prosper financially and be self reliant. They want to starve people and make them completely depended on the WEF. As my Russian neighbour once said, first they give you cake. Then they starve you. After that, you take whatever they give you.

The WEF's brand of Communism isn't about sharing their wealth. It's about increasing their wealth by turning consumers into slaves. Benny Netanyahu'a ties to the WEF are very concerning. Bundling financial support for Israel's war with Gaza to the war in the Ukraine is a huge red flag. The war in the Ukraine was a provoked conflict with a hidden agenda. The billions of tax dollars being laundered through that war effort is organized crime. The WEF is draining America's wealth while China builds theirs. When Armageddon does finally come, the US will be bankrupt because of criminals like Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Likewise, just because a handful of Hamas mercenaries committed a horrific act of terrorism, that most certainly does not mean all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, not all Palestinians are Muslims. A minority of them are Christian. Benjamin Netanyahu wants to wipe them out too. That's why he blew up one of the oldest churches in Gaza. That was a historical landmark he wiped off the map.

Whenever the mainstream media bombards us with a narrative, we're forced to question it. If someone wants to protest in support of the Palestinians, they have every right to do so. That is very different than supporting what Hamas did. The purpose of false flag attacks is to divide us so we paint everyone with the same brush. It's like Air India bombing and the Khalistan referendum.

India, which is currently led by another globalist tied to the WEF, is persecuting Sikhs and Muslims. As a result Punjab and Kashmir want to break off from India. Punjab wants to become an independent state called Khalistan while Kashmir wants to break off and join Pakistan.

Narendra Modi wants India to become a Hindu state. That's why he's persecuting Sikhs and Muslims. However, that's the problem with adopting a single state religion. First you get rid of all religions but one, then you get rid of that one religion and mission accomplished. You now have a Marxist Leninist Atheist state. You see China and Russia are moving forward by increasing religious freedom while the WEF is moving backwards. They are eliminating religion one by one until they finally have their Atheist State. Yet we can see a similar pattern.

CSIS helped orchestrate the Air India terrorist attack so now they can paint all separatists with the same brush. They call anyone who objects to Modi's persecution of Sikhs and Muslims a terrorist. Likewise if you object to Benjamin Netanyahu globalization and brutalization they call you a terrorist. There has to be a middle ground here. I can disagree with globalization and brutalization without supporting violence or being a terrorist. Just because I disagree with you that does not mean I'm a terrorist. All you're doing to trying to stifle dissent.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Israeli Tank blows up civilian car in Gaza

This is a video of a civilian car in Gaza trying to flee for safety. They see a tank so they stop and immediately turn around. The tank blows them up anyways. You guys have lost you mind.

The WEF wants Gaza's Oil and Gas for their Agenda 2030

The UN's New World Order is reporting that "Oil and natural gas resources in the occupied Palestinian territory could generate hundreds of billions of dollars for development. These funds could finance socioeconomic development in the oPt as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.

"This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region." Do you really think they're going to share anything with anyone? The WEF wants it all for their Agenda. "You're own nothing and be happy while they get rich and take everything you own away from you."

"Aljazeera is reporitng that "A fair distribution of oil and gas resources in the Levant Basin will be needed to achieve a lasting political and economic settlement between Israel and Palestine."

The Times of Israel is reporting that "Israel announced on Sunday that 12 licenses have been awarded to six companies, including British multinational oil and gas firm BP plc and Italian energy giant Eni, to explore and discover additional offshore natural gas fields."

Is Israel attacking Gaza for oil and gas? Is Israel supporting the UN's Agenda 2030?

Israel gives nod to Gaza Marine gas development

On June 18th 2023 Reuters reported that "Israel gave preliminary approval for the development of a gas field off the Gaza Strip on Sunday while saying it would require security coordination with the Palestinian Authority and neighbouring Egypt."

June 20th 2023 The New Arab reported that "Hamas agrees to let the Palestinian Authority develop Gaza's natural gas field, pending US-brokered negotiations with Israel, Egypt, and partner companies, in exchange for a share of revenues." Now they want to cut Hamas out of the deal. It sounds an awful lot like how after Afghanistan awarded the Central Asian Gas pipeline contract to Bridas, a firm from Argentina instead of a firm in Texas, 9/11 occurred, Afghanistan was invaded and that decision was reversed.

Follow the Money

Look at the dates here. June 18 2023 Israel approved drilling off shore from Gaza and said would require "security coordination" with the Palestinian Authority and neighbouring Egypt. June 20th 2023 Hamas agrees to let the Palestinian Authority develop Gaza's natural gas field, pending US-brokered negotiations with Israel, Egypt, and partner companies, in exchange for a share of revenues. So Israel and the US were negotiating with Hamas. Just like Gadaffi and the Taliban.

October 22 2022 the Arab News reported that "Palestine is preparing a final agreement with an Egyptian company to explore and extract gas from a field off the shores of the Gaza Strip. It is expected to provide millions of dollars to the treasury of the Palestinian Authority and improve the ability of the Gaza power plant to generate electric power for residents."

October 29 2023 the Times of Israel is reporting that "Israel announced on Sunday that 12 licenses have been awarded to six companies, including British multinational oil and gas firm BP plc and Italian energy giant Eni, to explore and discover additional offshore natural gas fields."

That was yesterday during their invasion of Gaza. I'm having trouble with the math. One minute Israel and the US are negotiating a win win contract with Hamas. The next minute Hamas is evil and we need to wipe them off the face of the earth and the oil exploration contract. We've heard this before. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria - these were all oil wars disguised as something else.

The Timing of all this shows that the Hamas attack was orchestrated. Why would they declare war with Israel right after they signed an oil drilling contract that could greatly benefit the people of Gaza? They wouldn't. Israel wants to write Hamas and Gaza out of the contract. If Hamas is removed from the oil drilling contract, the PA must be put in their place.

The next thing we need to talk about is Benjamin Netanyahu's ties to the World Economic Forum.
The World Economic Forum has no intention of sharing their wealth. The UN will betray Israel.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Video footage of the Langley Starbucks shooting

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Jupiter beside Full moon tonight

Tonight there was an awesome orange sunset then on the opposite side of the sky you could see a bright full harvest moon just above the horizon. Now you can see Jupiter right beside the full moon higher up in the sky. Nice. Venus is still high and bright in the morning before sunrise.

Yesterday when I was at the grocery store I noticed a lot of younger girls starting to wear hijabs. It's not a sign of repression, it's a coming of age. Young girls growing up becoming women and choosing to walk in their faith. It's refreshing to see. Then at the check out I saw a white guy with a black hoodie that said "Tips for a great hand job. Put it in your mouth." Then below it it said A*sholes live forever. That was totally inappropriate. That guy is an a*shole. He is Surrey trash.

I'll trade these Muslim immigrants for trash like that in a heartbeat. Just like the new addictions centre on the corner filled with white crystal meth addicts lighting up crystal meth pipes stealing things turning the neighborhood into a sh*t hole. Let's get rid of them and replace them with the Muslims who choose to live their faith. That's progress.

I'm not Bahai, I'm an Omnist in a sense. I don't believe all religions are true but I respect all religions. I recognize all religions have truth in them. I don't believe all roads lead to heaven and that God is the author of confusion. I simply believe there is good and bad in every person and in every organization. I support the freedom of religion and oppose the adoption of a state religion. Right now there's a war on morality and you don't need a religion to see that.

China urges Gaza ceasefire

Aljazeera is reporting that "China is willing to do whatever is conducive to promote dialogue, secure a ceasefire and restore peace amid the deepening conflict in Gaza, China’s state media has reported, citing the country’s special envoy on the Middle East."

“China believes that force is not a way to resolve the problem and that responding to violence with violence will only lead to a vicious circle of revenge,” Zhai said.

World leaders attend Cairo peace summit to de-escalate Israel-Hamas war

UNGA calls for humanitarian truce in Israel-Gaza war

No offense but we shouldn't be asking the UN for anything "There has been much controversy and debate over the existence of the United Nations. Many see the United States involvement in the UN as unconstitutional, anti-freedom, and anti-sovereignty. Most are not aware of the Marxist origins of the UN. Communists, such as Alger Hiss, were involved in the establishment of the UN. The communists even promoted it in their publications."

"In a 1971 speech on the Senate floor, Senator Barry Goldwater (Arizona), stated: 'The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.'”

“We should pay no attention to the recommendations of men who call the Constitution an eighteenth-century agrarian document — who apologize for capitalism and free enterprise. We should refuse to follow their siren song of concentrating, increasingly, the powers of government in the Chief Executive, of delegating American sovereign authority to non-American institutions in the United Nations, and pretending that it will bring peace to the world by turning our armed forces over to a U.N. world-wide police force.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson, Title of Liberty 176; from an address given at Los Angeles, CA, 11 Dec 1961 ))
China wants peace because they want to make money through their belt and road initiative. China is going to spend the next 10 years building it's wealth while Joe Biden is gong to spend the next 10 years draining America's wealth. There's a plan in place. I don't support it. I'm just telling you how it's going to go down. You can't fight destiny. You can only watch and prepare.

Elon Musk offers Starlink internet for recognized aid organizations in Gaza

The Times of Israel is reporting that "Billionaire Elon Musk on Saturday said that his Starlink satellite service would support internet access for “internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza,” which have faced a telecommunications blackout since Friday."

"Israel’s Communications Minister threatened to cut off contact with Starlink if Musk goes ahead. On X, Karhi tweeted: Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this. By then, my office will cut any ties with Starlink” he said." What are you trying to hide?

NYC Jews call for a Cease fire: Not in my name

Grand Central Station New York City. "These arrests follow an emergency sit-in during rush hour, where thousands took over Grand Central Station's main concourse calling for a ceasefire."

Replacing Hamas with local representation

OK so we know two things. We know Mossad created Hamas and we know that Hamas has an unacceptable manifesto requiring the extermination of all Jews. That is simply not bargaining in good faith. We can argue about false flags, that the CIA armed Hamas and the IDF stood down letting them commit a terrorist attack on civilians but we cannot dispute the fact that the Hamas attack was deplorable. When the Sinn Féin say there are no two sides to the story I beg to differ. There are. There's always two sides to a story. That attack and hostage taking was unacceptable.

The Hamas manifesto is unacceptable. We need to face that. That's the other side of the story. Again we can argue that Mossad created Hamas and the CIA armed Hamas but we can't argue that Hamas has to go. That's a given. The question is, what will they be replaced with?

Will they be replaced with a different organization that represents the people of Gaza and upholds the Oslo accord or will they be replaced with Israeli occupation? That's basically the two options the people of Gaza are now faced with. The PLO signed the Oslo accord. Do we bring back the PLO and or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine? I don't care who you pick but you're going to have to pick someone fast before Israel seizes the opportunity to wipe you off the map.

The people of Gaza need local representation. They need to form a political party. Fast. Fatah is already in place. I suggest you choose them. An alliance between Fatah and Hamas won't work because Hamas was created by Mossad and their manifesto is unacceptable. Fatah has to replace Hamas. Back in Ireland the IRA had Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin was the political wing of the IRA just like Fatah is a political wing of the PLO. Gaza needs to make a quick decision or all that territory is going to be handed over to Israel just like the Golan Heights.

I'm not condoning what Israel is doing, I'm denouncing it. I'm just saying they have the support of the International Community because the Hamas manifesto is unacceptable. If you insist on violence, you will be wiped off the map. The international community doesn't support that. I support the Oslo accord and so should you. We all want to move forward. No one wants to move backwards. We all want the violence to stop. It's that simple.

Back in Ireland I've always had a soft spot for Sinn Féin. Gerry Adams signed the Good Friday accord and I support it. Sinn Féin tends to be blindly supportive of the Palestinians while America tends to be blindly supportive of Israel. Blind obedience to anyone or anything is never healthy.

I'm concerned that the two largest political parties in Northern Ireland have both denounced Brexit. I realize they don't want a border between the North and the South but there is an elephant in the room that we need to talk about.

The Republic of Ireland no longer uses the Irish punt for currency. Now they use the EU. Why in God's name would you fight so long and sacrifice so much to free yourself from British rule only to bow down before a different foreign government? Waterford Crystal is no longer made in Waterford. It's made in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany now thanks to the EU. They stole that away from you and you still want to bend over for them.

Ireland was finally starting to prosper until the EU banking fraud stole that prosperity away from them. I know you hate England but don't bow down for the EU. That is not in your best interest.