Saturday, October 28, 2023

Replacing Hamas with local representation

OK so we know two things. We know Mossad created Hamas and we know that Hamas has an unacceptable manifesto requiring the extermination of all Jews. That is simply not bargaining in good faith. We can argue about false flags, that the CIA armed Hamas and the IDF stood down letting them commit a terrorist attack on civilians but we cannot dispute the fact that the Hamas attack was deplorable. When the Sinn Féin say there are no two sides to the story I beg to differ. There are. There's always two sides to a story. That attack and hostage taking was unacceptable.

The Hamas manifesto is unacceptable. We need to face that. That's the other side of the story. Again we can argue that Mossad created Hamas and the CIA armed Hamas but we can't argue that Hamas has to go. That's a given. The question is, what will they be replaced with?

Will they be replaced with a different organization that represents the people of Gaza and upholds the Oslo accord or will they be replaced with Israeli occupation? That's basically the two options the people of Gaza are now faced with. The PLO signed the Oslo accord. Do we bring back the PLO and or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine? I don't care who you pick but you're going to have to pick someone fast before Israel seizes the opportunity to wipe you off the map.

The people of Gaza need local representation. They need to form a political party. Fast. Fatah is already in place. I suggest you choose them. An alliance between Fatah and Hamas won't work because Hamas was created by Mossad and their manifesto is unacceptable. Fatah has to replace Hamas. Back in Ireland the IRA had Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin was the political wing of the IRA just like Fatah is a political wing of the PLO. Gaza needs to make a quick decision or all that territory is going to be handed over to Israel just like the Golan Heights.

I'm not condoning what Israel is doing, I'm denouncing it. I'm just saying they have the support of the International Community because the Hamas manifesto is unacceptable. If you insist on violence, you will be wiped off the map. The international community doesn't support that. I support the Oslo accord and so should you. We all want to move forward. No one wants to move backwards. We all want the violence to stop. It's that simple.

Back in Ireland I've always had a soft spot for Sinn Féin. Gerry Adams signed the Good Friday accord and I support it. Sinn Féin tends to be blindly supportive of the Palestinians while America tends to be blindly supportive of Israel. Blind obedience to anyone or anything is never healthy.

I'm concerned that the two largest political parties in Northern Ireland have both denounced Brexit. I realize they don't want a border between the North and the South but there is an elephant in the room that we need to talk about.

The Republic of Ireland no longer uses the Irish punt for currency. Now they use the EU. Why in God's name would you fight so long and sacrifice so much to free yourself from British rule only to bow down before a different foreign government? Waterford Crystal is no longer made in Waterford. It's made in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany now thanks to the EU. They stole that away from you and you still want to bend over for them.

Ireland was finally starting to prosper until the EU banking fraud stole that prosperity away from them. I know you hate England but don't bow down for the EU. That is not in your best interest.


  1. The Mossad, Israel's spy agency, has a manifesto calling for the extermination of.....themselves? You really are down the rabbit hole.

    1. It's not rocket science. The CIA created ISIS to wipe them out. They infiltrated and misrepresented January 6th to justify a crack down on opposition. It's Star Wars 101.

  2. Ireland needs to be united, and have nothing to do with the EU.

    1. I wish. Sadly they are becoming united as slaves of the EU.

  3. These events create the opportunity for people to wave a demented flag on both sides of the issue.
    Total world chaos is the goal.

    1. Actually there is a plan in place:

  4. Didn't Israel return the Golan Heights to Syria, where attacks are now being launched from?

    1. They hadn't when I was there in the late /80's. Our kibbutz went on a tour there on our day off. Sounds like it's still disputed:

  5. When you say hamas was a western product, can you direct us to a source or some historical context

    1. Mosaad created Hamas. Yasser Arafat called Hamas a creation of Israel. Hamas pushed Fatah out of Gaza. We need to bring Fatah back.


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