Monday, October 9, 2023

The Criminality of the Outlaws MC

OK we've talked about the criminality of the Hells Angels so in all fairness we should also talk about the criminality of the Outlaws and the other MCs. Some people claim all Hells Angels are criminals. What about the Outlaws? Are they all criminals? The Mongols? The Bandidos? Do we ban all MCs? We can all see this is a very slippery slope and with all the Covid over reach it becomes very concerning. After they get rid of the MCs who's next? We are.

Before he died of cancer, the Aging Rebel was covering the ATF's attempt to seize the Mongol patch in the US courts. That I don't agree with. Just like with the Hells Angels a lot of the Mongols have been involved with criminal activity but they all weren't.

One could legitimately argue that the three piece patch and the term OMG for Outlaw Motorcycle Gang is indeed a criminal organization. However, that was not the original intent. George Christie's definition of the term outlaw was a rebel with a cause. Someone who rejected the narrative and supported freedom. It wasn't all about drug trafficking.

As Steppenwolf said in Easy Rider, God Damn the Pusher. It wasn't about pimping the dream it was about living the dream like Ted Simons and Elspeth Beard did. I'm going to follow up more on those two because it is highly relevant. That's what it's all about. It's not all about strippers and blow. It's about what Ted Simons and Elspeth Beard did. That's what it's all about.

Having said that, there's some new news about the Outlaws murder investigation in New Brunswick. CBC is reporting that "Two additional people have now been charged in the murder of Brandon Donelan, whose body was found in Chipman in 2022. On Wednesday, first-degree murder charges were laid against Devon Mark Hood and Matthew David LeBlanc. They were arrested Tuesday at the Dorchester Penitentiary where they were serving time for unrelated charges, an RCMP news release said. They join Erica Blyth and Joshua McIsaac, who were both previously charged with first-degree murder in the same case on June 30."

This appears to be a Red Devils Black Pistons conflict. The Red Devils sell drugs for the Hells Angels and the Black Pistons sell drugs for the Outlaws. It looks like a bunch of tweakers fighting over drugs. So does this mean all the Outlaws are drug dealers too? No it does not but clearly some are and some are using the name of the club to advance that activity.

When I reported on the Outlaws and Loners MC rivalry in Cornwall, Ontario a former member of the Outlaws emailed and said call me which I did. He explained what was really going on in Cornwall and although I can't publicly say what it was I can say it's not what you think. We had a really good conversation. Everything he said passed the test of believability. He seemed very genuine and was in essence a good man.

He was an old timer like me who has nothing to prove. He talked a little bit about rivalry and criminality. He was from Ontario and mentioned having to deal with Paul Porter and mentioned how he was a good guy to deal with. He was the kind of guy you could have a sit down with and get things straighten out right then and there because he was like that. I believe that.

He also mentioned that he was never involved with crime. I believe him. He said when he first started being affiliated with the Outlaws an old timer warned him to stay away from that element. He said whenever you get a gathering of bikers there is a criminal element that tries to infiltrate it but the old timer cautioned him to stay away from that element and he did which I believe.

Selling drugs is one thing but stealing cars and motorcycles is really low life. That is nothing to aspire to or be proud of. Pot's legal now but crack and crystal meth are horrible drugs and fentanyl is just plain crazy. Those drugs are a blight on society. As we have seen, pride cometh before the fall. Those who fight against Zion (a law biding society) shall fight among themselves and shall be drunk with their own blood. Wickedness never was happiness. Word.

"And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good. Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?”


  1. What ever happened to Paul Porter? Did he retire or get booted from the Ottawa Nomads chapter?

    1. I'm not sure. He crossed over to the Hells Angels with the other founders of the Rock Machine when Mom Boucher went to prison. I remember his GF was caught with drugs in her purse and he said it was his and served the time. Something the average gang banger would not have done.

  2. Why is there never any big triad busts in Canada?

    1. Good question. I dunno. Maybe because they work with other groups or aren't as big as they used to be.

  3. Everytime someone mentions mom boucher they should mention that he is a lowlife piece of shit sex offender. Having him as the face of the organization speaks volumes about the moral fabric and what is appceptable is that organization. Maybe they can recruit Paul bernado when he completes his sentence

  4. How come in the usa the hells angels have more competition with other mc gangs like outlaws mongols banditos in Canada it seems like no other mc group really existed .

    1. Good Question. Mongols in LA are Hispanic and there is a much larger Hispanic population there. There are Outlaws in Ontario and some are starting to show up in Eastern Canada. In BC people who ride don't like wannabes or trouble makers. They don't want to support someone who simply causes trouble or conflict and they see the HAs as the real deal. After the Bandido massacre in Canada nobody really wants anything to do with them here.

  5. Uh, Lennoxville Massacre, Bombing campaign....HA are guilty of all this as well.

    1. Yes, I was going to mention that. Also I'm not exactly sure what was really behind the Bandido massacre. If the International HQ wanted to strip a chapter and they said FU to the International HQ there would be some pretty serious consequences to that act of defiance. Also Alex Caine found something about a Hells Angels cocaine shipment that was stolen at that time so it's even possible they were behind it. All I know is that it put an end to the proposed merger between the Rock Machine and the Bandidos. I'm pretty sure the HQ was in Texas at that time. Not long after that George Weir moved the HQ to Blaine, Washington.

  6. I've never heard of the Bandidos HQ moving to Blaine Washington from Texas. Are you sure about that? 'George Wegers' the former president did move to Bellingham, but I can't find any information indicating a relocation of their HQ. Not sure who 'George Weir' is.

    1. George Wegers, right. George Christie's cell mate. Since George became National President and was living in Blaine, I assumed that's where the HQ was moved to.

  7. This website seems to claim he moved the HQ:

    However this website seems to contradict that claim, and paints it as a seperate group from. The core membership in Texas:

    "The Bellingham, Washington, chapter was geographically isolated from the core of the gang in Texas, so the agencies figured they could make a few mistakes in Washington State without fatally affecting operations elsewhere."

  8. Borderland Beat: Who is Bobby Shah? Alleged Canadian Link to 'Chinese Syndicate' Fentanyl Suppliers

    1. The same US authorities that provided that information are deeply tied to the local sale of opium, crystal meth and fentanyl.

  9. Are you getting softer as you age …


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