Friday, February 11, 2011

Mena's Crooked Coroner

Long before it became common knowledge that the CIA were using military aircraft to smuggle cocaine in and out of Mena Arkansas, there was a strange case involving the suspicious suicides of two young boys. The case is hard to follow but one thing became clear. A crooked corner not only falsely concluded their murder was a suicide, but he knowingly tampered with evidence trying to cover up his misdeed and that he has been accused of misdiagnosing several murders in the area as suicides.

Two boys "fell asleep" on a railway track. The train engineer saw them so he blasted on the horn and the brakes. The boys did not wake up and were run over by the train. Don Henry, 16, and Kevin Ives, 17 died.

At the time, Fahmy Malak, Arkansas's state medical examiner, was the one responsible for ruling on cause of death. His plan was to rule the boys' deaths a double suicide. However, after conferring with Jim Steed, Saline County Sheriff, they decided no one would accept such a ruling and changed the cause of death to accidental.

Without any supporting evidence, Malak ruled that the boys had each smoked more than twenty marijuana cigarettes and, in a psychedelic stupor, had fallen asleep on the tracks. It was later learned that the state crime lab never even tested for the concentration of marijuana and, in fact, had used a test on the boys' blood which was designed to be used on urine. Outside experts were shocked at the absurd ruling. The families' nightmare battle against the state medical examiner was made more difficult by Governor Clinton's public support of Malak. However, after thirteen long months, the parents were finally able to prove what they had believed all along, that the boys had indeed been murdered.

Because of their persistence, Kevin and Don's bodies were exhumed, new autopsies were performed, and a grand jury was convened. Dr. Joseph Burton, a nationally recognized forensic pathologist from out-of-state, performed the new autopsies. His findings revealed that Don Henry had been stabbed in the back and Kevin Ives' face had been smashed by a blow from a rifle butt before their bodies were placed on the railroad tracks.

Burton's autopsy also revealed that Malak had mutilated Kevin's skull by sawing it in so many different directions that it was impossible to tell where the original skull fractures were. Malak also had completely dismantled Kevin's jaw bones. Burton stated he had performed thousands of autopsies and had never seen anything like it. Was Malak trying to hide something?

"A former employee at the crime lab has said he discovered what appeared to be evidence of a stab wound during the original autopsy, but was told, quote, 'not to worry about it.' Malak has refused all comment."

"During the midst of all of the turmoil, with trying to get the ruling changed in our case, it became very apparent that this was not an isolated instance of an error in the ruling on the manner of death. There were many other cases statewide that we became aware of."

In 1992, The Los Angeles Times tallied more than twenty additional cases where Dr. Malak had falsified evidence and ruled incorrectly. One case involved the murder of Raymond Albright who had been shot five times in the chest with a Colt 45. Incredibly, Malak had ruled suicide.

Another case involved James "Dewey" Milam whose body was found without the head. In this case, Malak ruled the cause of death to be an ulcer. Although Milam's head had been clearly severed with a knife, Malak claimed the family pooch had bitten off the head, eaten the entire thing, and then regurgitated it. Malak says he tested the dog's vomit and found traces of Milam's brain and skull. Unfortunately for Dr. Malak, Milam's head was later found. Malak, it turns out, had made up the entire story. Media coverage of Malak's dishonest rulings resulted in a massive public outcry calling for his removal from office.

Nevertheless, both Governor Clinton and the Arkansas State Medical Examiner Commission Chairman, Jocelyn Elders, who had the power to remove Malak from office, not only insisted he remain, they gave him a raise.

Jocelyn Elders, Arkansas State Medical Examiner Commission Chairman

"Based on the facts I have, I really feel that Arkansas owes Dr. Malak a great debt and a real apology."

"I was outraged that protecting a political crony of Clinton's was more important than the fact that two young boys had been murdered."

The Mena Connection

Chip Tatum claimed both Bush and Clinton were aware of the CIA's drug running out of Mena Arkansa.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oliver North in Nicaragua

That leads us to our next question: What was Oliver North doing in Nicaragua and how was that tied to the Iran Contra Affair and Mena, Arkansas? How was Oliver North tied to Barry Seal?

Manuel Noriega and the CIA

Although the relationship did not become contractual until 1967, Noriega worked with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from the late 1950s until the 1980s. In the 1988 presidential election, Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis highlighted this history in a campaign commercial attacking his opponent, Vice President (and former CIA Director) George H.W. Bush for his close relationship with "Panamanian drug lord Noriega."

Noriega strengthened his position as de facto ruler in August 1983 by promoting himself to full general. Noriega, being paid by the CIA, extended new rights to the Uniteoran insurgent Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front in Panama, and likewise rebuffed demands by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the United States Marine Corps that he provide military assistance to the Nicaraguan Contras. Noriega insists that his refusal to meet North's demands was the actual basis for the U.S. campaign to oust him.

Beginning in 1986, U.S. President Ronald Reagan negotiated with General Noriega, requesting that the Panamanian leader peacefully step down after Noriega was publicly exposed in the New York Times by Seymour Hersh, and later exposed in the Iran-Contra Scandal. The Panama Deception is an Academy Award winning documentary about the subsequent Invasion of Panama.

Here are the facts: Manuel Noriega was a long time CIA asset and drug lord. The CIA turned on him after he was exposed in the Iran Contra Affair and in the New York Times. It is unrealistic to believe that the CIA did not know he was smuggling drugs all those years. Especially when that was what the Iran Contra affair was all about and Oliver North said he was authorised to do everything he did. BTW the Iran Contra Affair involved a lot more than just Iran.

Cuba Si

En route to Central America, lets take a look at Cuba. Before the Cuban Revolution, the US supported the Batista government in Cuba which was a dictatorship tied to organized crime.

We all know about Operation Northwoods in Cuba that Kennedy Vetoed but do we know about Operation Mongoose? It's the one Kennedy approved where the CIA based in Florida enlisted the Mafia to help them get rid of Castro. The Mafia were anxious to regain control of the casinos in Cuba. William Harvey was one of the CIA case officers who directly dealt with the mafioso John Roselli.

Operation Northwoods revealed CIA plans to kill innocent Americans and blame it on Cuba to justify the invasion of Cuba during the missile crisis. That proposal was vetoed by Kennedy. Operation Mongoose however is a documented link showing the CIA working directly with the Mafia. Which was no real secret since the US supported the Batista who were tied to organized crime.

Back in In 1890, Captain Alfred Thayler Mahan, a member of the Navy War Board and leading U.S. strategic thinker, wrote a book titled The Influence of Sea Power upon History in which he argued for the creation of a large and powerful navy modeled after the British Royal Navy. Part of his strategy called for the acquisition of colonies in the Caribbean Sea which would serve as coaling and naval stations and which would serve as strategical points of defense. Did you hear that? Colonies. Just like the British Imperialism the American Revolution fought against.

The US wanted to buy Puerto Rico from Spain but Spain said no. Thus the Spanish-American War where Puerto Rico was invaded by the United States with a landing at Guánica. As an outcome of the war, Spain ceded Puerto Rico, along with Cuba, the Philippines, and Guam to the US under the Treaty of Paris. We won't even mention the possibility of the use of a False Flag attack to justify that war. Much.

My point in this post is simple: the CIA were working directly with the Mafia. Personally I have a problem with Cuba's political prisoners listed by Amnesty International. Yet I think the Helms-Burton law was somewhat hypocritical since Communist China has a far worse human rights record than Cuba. The US led embargo against Cuba had nothing to do with human rights.

Adolf Hitler and George Lucas

Let's have a look at something abstract then take a look at Central America while we take a closer look at ourselves and organized crime. Adolf Hitler did in reality exist. He wasn't a figment of our imagination and concerns about him were not conspiracy theories. We all know that Hitler was bad but do we all know how he tricked the German people? Twice.

George Lucas wrote an allegory in his Star Wars saga. The first three episodes of his classic saga were pretty clear cut good versus evil. The bad guys were referred to as Stormtroopers just like Hitler referred to his SA. Yet the first three episodes didn't explain how the Empire took over the Republic and chased them around the galaxy as a handful of rebels. That was explained in the next three episodes which as we know happened before the original three.

So, once upon a time there was an aspiring senator named Palpatine. He wanted to become a dictator and turn the free republic into an empire that he controlled. To accomplish this he had a cunning plan. He would hire mercenaries to attack his home planet. He would then use that attack to gain sympathy in the senate and become elected chancellor or head of state.

Hitler did the same thing. Hitler got his SA to burn down the German parliament buildings and blame it on terrorists to enrage the German people and give him special powers as the head of state. He too became chancellor. Hitler used that false flag attack to gain control of the senate so he could become a dictator.

Then he got his SA to burn down a German radio station and blame it on Poland to enrage the public and justify his invasion of Poland. The rest is history. I'm not saying the entire Star Wars saga is about Hitler. I'm saying George Lucas took small bits of what Hitler did and wrote about it in an elaborate fictional allegory about how an evil power took over a free people and oppressed them.

Although I agree with Eileen Mohan in that criminals are abusing our sacred Charter of Rights, I also agree with Justin Trudeau. The Charter of Rights is a sacred document we can all be proud of. We should not at any time remove individual rights and freedoms to respond to any emergency be it real or manufactured.

The judges in BC are not enforcing the same federal laws here as they are in Ontario. Ontario has deemed the Hells Angels to be a criminal organization because of their documented criminal activity. There is no reason we can't do the same without throwing away the charter of rights. We need more public accountability not less.

The Patriot Act in the US is far from patriotic. The intrusive security measures at the border are suspicious. The 9/11 terrorists did not enter the US from Canada. They entered the US directly from other countries. In fact, it was the CIA who over ruled the governing body that refused to issue the 9/11 terrorists passports so if anyone needs more security and accountability it's the CIA not Canada.

Oh and Sarah Palin is whacked. Islam is a world religion that is safeguarded under the US Constitution. Too many US extremists are too quick to throw out the Constitution over manufactured emergencies just like Senator Palpatine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stephen Harper screwed BC

Stephen Harper didn't just drop the ball, he intentionally screwed BC because he thought it would advance his own personal agenda. We want anti gang legislation. We want mandatory sentences for violent crime and trafficking hard drugs. We don't want mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of pot.

It's not a matter of him just not listening. It's a matter of him using our plight to promote himself instead of doing what's in the country's best interest. He wants the public to get angry at the Liberals for voting down anti drug legislation so he can get more seats in the next election and "govern."

Stephen Harper has peaked. His character or lack thereof has been revealed. Iggy is a dangerous idiot. Let's hope Justin Trudeau can do the right thing and submit legislation that will create mandatory minimum sentences for trafficking cocaine or meth not for the possession of pot.

It's not about pot. It's about being fiscally responsible and doing something positive that is within our power to do. The jails are over burdened already. Creating mandatory minimum sentences for trafficking hard drugs will cost more money for more prisons. Mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of pot is not within our fiscal reach and is totally counter productive.

Giving productive members of society a criminal record for the possession of pot makes about as much sense as giving them a criminal record for driving after two drinks. Yeah. Dum dum dum dum dum dum...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More RCMP Drama

Well this is suspicious. An RCMP deputy commissioner who was among senior officers raising concerns about commissioner William Elliott's management style says he had the duty "to stand up" and complain to federal authorities. He does kinda look like Gordon Campbell.

Souccar and several other RCMP executives complained in July to the authorities that Elliott, the first civilian to head the commission, was verbally abusive, arrogant and insulting. During his testimony, Souccar said "there is no longer any doubt" about whether the next RCMP commissioner should be a police officer.

I'm having trouble with the math. He claims Elliott was arrogant, insulting and verbally abusive. Is this something new? Nope. That's what Elliot was supposed to fix. What's new is the fact that he's a civilian. So the real beef is the fact that he's a civilian not the fact that he's abusive because that is what we hear management at the RCMP is.

Although I completely support the creation of a civilian agency to hear and oversee complaints of police misconduct, I'm not entirely sure the head of the RCMP should be a civilian. In the army, would you have a general who has never been a soldier?

I think the issue of abuse in the RCMP should be addressed. It is entrenched in their training program and spilling over into their management and their kick the cat treatment of civilians they are supposed to serve and protect.

Wait a minute... Jim Chu as RCMP Police commissioner? We don't want to lose him. He'd be great for the job but the old boys club in Vancouver would take over the detachment. As if they haven't already.

Jim Chu talked about the creation of a civilian agency to oversee complaints of police misconduct. The motion on the floor at the BC Legislature specifically refers to the RCMP not all police forces in BC. Perhaps if Jim Chu became the RCMP Police commissioner, he'd help establish the civilian agency for police complaints. That compromise might just restore public confidence in the RCMP.

As I've said before I don't think a Regional Police force in BC would solve anything. Not when all our regional police forces have such lack of public accountability and problems with use of force on civilians. A civilian agency to oversee complaints is a must because it overcomes the conflict of interest. Yet I really don't understand how you could have or want a civilian as the Police Commissioner. Jim Chu would be an excellent choice but we would be sad to lose him. If it meant doing something better for the country at large then so be it.

The Credibility of Gary Webb

When a court of law receives evidence by way of testimony of witnesses, the opposing party embarks on a campaign to destroy the credibility of that witness. If they can create the impression that the witness is not credible, then all the damning evidence that witness has against their client will be thrown out of court and not be taken seriously. How much more so will the Administration use the media to assassinate an activists character.

Years ago people accused Dr. Martin Luther King of being a Communist. Upon hearing that allegation I shook my head and said, he was a Baptist Minister. One of the biggest fears of Communism is the creation of a Marxist Leninist Atheist State. They ban religion and the freedom of the press. Yet Martin Luther King was a religious leader. Not to say that the likes of Castro hasn't used Christian Marxists to accomplish his goal of establishing a State that bans religion, it's just that the idea of Martin Luther King being labeled a Communist because he had a dream that the US Constitution would be actually practiced was somewhat absurd.

Take a look at the huge amount of animosity and opposition the Dixie Chicks encountered for simply expressing an opinion. One of them made a comment at a concert that they were ashamed George Bush was from Texas, their home State. It really was a no brainer. On the International landscape George Bush was the most hated U.S. president in recorded history easily surpassing that of Nixon. Iraq was invaded for their oil. There were no Weapons of Mass destruction and 9/11 had nothing to do with that invasion. They said they were going in to find WMD and they didn't find any. Then they said Mission Accomplished after they took over their oil.

Nevertheless, you would have thought that the Dixie Chicks had committed treason with their simple comment. Republicans went on a rampage to destroy them. Burning their cd's, banning their music from the radio to death threats. The opposition they faced in what we were told was a free country was absolutely astounding. Their song Not Ready to make Nice was a powerful response to that evil.

Gary Webb was not the the first reporter to break the news of the CIA's involvement with crack cocaine. Many years earlier Bob Parry ran the story about the findings of the Kerry Committee. Parry claimed the Administration tried to kill him metaphorically. They tried to destroy his credibility and they successfully buried the story.

The Kerry Committee had clearly established the CIA's involvement with drugs for guns supporting the Contras in Central America. They found evidence of Manuel Noriega's involvement with drugs years before the invasion.

I would like to make one thing clear. Although George Bush Senior was Director of the CIA at a time when the Agency was accused of smuggling cocaine, the whole concept of the CIA and drugs has nothing to do with Republican versus Democrat. Bill Clinton helped cover up Mena. He was Governor of Arkansas during the Barry Seal operation there. Clinton supported that crooked corner Fahmy Malak who knowingly falsified death reports and destroyed evidence claiming various murders were suicides. President Johnston was just as evil as anyone in the Bush Administration.

Yet Gary Webb wasn't a witness, he was a reporter. A very credible one at that who documented everything in his book Dark Alliance. It is not unlawful to tell the truth. All the rage and denial will not change that.

Paul Eischeid

Here's a new photo of Paul Eischeid at his arrest in Argentina after 8 years on the lam. That is one ugly goatee. Does John Bryce own land in Argentina? I wonder where Caroline Wolf is?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Maple Ridge, Grow Ops and the Hells Angels

I didn't realize Maple Ridge was so famous for grow ops and the Hells Angels. That is an interesting combination indeed realizing the recent Hells Angels violent bid to chase a pot dealer out of their neighbourhood in East Vancouver. I think it will be well worth looking into all the grow ops in Maple Ridge and how that ties in with the Hells Angels.

We know Rob Shannon was caught in a large pot for cocaine operation in the States. They had to get the pot from somewhere. I never used to have a problem with the Hells Angels owning grow ops. I just have a problem with Hells Angels robing grow ops and taking them over. That is somewhat bizarre. But then again there has been a lot of bizarre things that have gone on in Maple Ridge. Golden Ears is such a nice place. Perhaps it's time to take out the trash.

After all, Arthur Eyford wasn't a known member of a gang but he was a known biker associate. Gee I wonder which outlaw motorcycle group in Male Ridge he was an associate of?