Monday, February 14, 2011

Jason Hall and the Renegades

So how long has Jason Hall been president of the Prince George Renegades? Why did they kill Billy Moore anyways? Surely they didn't claim he was an informant. Just because he sponsored someone who turned out to be an informant doesn't mean he was. Sean Wolfe sponsored someone who turned out to be an informant. That doesn't make him one.

Jason Hall was convicted of trafficking pot which would confirm media reports that the Renegades, who are a Hells Angels puppet club in Prince George, primarily deal with pot and leave the cocaine for the finger puppet clubs they oversea for the Hells Angels namely the GTS, Independent Soldiers and the Crew.

Back in the day they used to say there has never been a Hells Angel convicted of a drug trafficking offense. Now a days, we're hard pressed to find a Hells Angel that hasn't been either convicted of drug trafficking or has done business with someone who has.

Jason's court order is rather amusing. He was selling to what he thought was an Asian gang. Which just goes to show you the Hells Angels are more than happy to sell to the Asian gangs as long as they're making the money from it.

They say there's a new dial a dope number you can call in Prince George. You won't get any weed but you sure will get a Dope. Happy VD LG. Ya Creep.

Team Giles does the Creep

OK this one has absolutely nothing to do with drugs, organized crime or the Hells Angels. I just saw that commercial for Bruster Ice Cream and thought was pretty funny. Surely Team Bryce can see the humour in it. Team Giles might not get it cause they're a bunch of Creeps.

Funny how they got T-Pain to help with that Weird Hal Porteous I'm on a MF Boat spoof. Now they have Niki Minaij helping them with their Team Giles doing the Creep spoof. When they're out at a club Team Giles be doing the GHB Creep. In fact that's all those puppets ever do when they walk the street. They do the Creep.

Team Giles vs Team Bryce

Well it looks like Team Giles made page 25 of icon Okanagan Lifestyle Magazine. Speaking of Skeletor, the whole beef with him and Bryce reminds me of that stupid Twilight saga. Team Jacob versus Team Edward. Edward, Like who's gonna root for a femmie looking vampire anyways? Team Jacob all the way.

Clearly, John Bryce's supporters are Team Jacob. Hey, that's not a dogie, that's a chupacabra! Team Giles supporters are obviously Team Edward. You can tell by the way they all get their eyebrows done at Meryl Normans.

Let's see who gets screwed next by Team Giles. The casualties are sure adding up. Lies and Greed.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Betrayal within the Hells Angels

I know I've talked about the Lennoxville massacre before but I'm going to reexamine it and discuss the subsequent plague of betrayal that continued which has become a blight upon our society and within the Hells Angels in Canada.

In March 1985 the Hells Angels chapter in Lennoxville, about 90 miles east of Montreal, invited members of the Laval chapter for a party. When the Hells Angels from Laval arrived at the party, they were ambushed and shot in the head by Hells Angels from Lennoxville. One source claims they thought the Laval chapter was squandering drug profits by consuming too much of the product themselves.

Salvatore Cazzetta was pissed and saw the massacre as a betrayal and violation of the biker code. Bouchard, the convicted rapist didn't have a problem with it and joined the Hells Angels. Cazzetta didn't and helped form the Rock Machine.

One account claims the Laval chapter thought something was up and didn't show up at the party but they did show up when they were summoned to an official club meeting. It has been said that Halifax chapter was present and that is why they were tried for being participants in the massacre.

One blog reader from Halifax claimed that the Halifax chapter didn't know about what was going to happen before hand, they were just called in to be witnesses of the event. He claimed that Randy Mersereau had a problem with it but David Wolf Carol didn't. That historic event shows you what kind of people were attracted to the Hells Angels and what kind of people had beef with the Hells Angels in Canada.

Normand "Biff" Hamel was another example. He was a prospect in that chapter and witnessed them murder his sponsors. He didn't have a problem with it and like Mom Boucher used it as a stepping stone to advance himself in the club. Yves Trudeau on the other hand was a little closer to his friends they murdered and turned police informant after that.

Randy thought those guys were too controlling and wanted out so he left and they killed him. As well as his brother and his brother's common law wife. Now there's talk about the same people being involved with Randy's murder may have been involved in Rusty and Ellen Hall's murder.

In Vancouver, Juel Stanton was murdered. Everyone makes up stories like so and so deserved to get beaten by the Hells Angels because they were robbing a Hells Angels grow op. Yet I think sometimes those allegations are untrue. The Hells Angels beat up who ever they want and if they say the person robbed a Hells Angels grow op the public won't think twice about it.

However, Juel Stanton robbed grow ops and took them over for the Hells Angels. That is what they had him do. Just like recently people claiming to be Hells Angels with guns scared the shit out of a kid in the American Backpackers Hostel.

One has to wonder why they betrayed Stanton and killed him. One person said he was tied to the Surrey House of Horrors and was involved in the Pickton murders. Yet that same person said his death ended the Hells Angels involvement with Pickton. Unfortunately, that doesn't make sense. Did Stanton attend parties at Piggy's Palace? He certainly wasn't the only one who did. That was the Haney chapter's gig. Dave Pickton didn't want to testify at his brother's trial because he was invited to a Hells Angels rally of some kind. Somehow I don't think Stanton was the only Hells Angel connection to Pickton.

One person claimed he was robbing grow ops and taking them over that were already owned by other Hells Angels. Yet why would he do that? It doesn't really make sense. Personally, I think they killed his simply because he was drawing bad press. Just like why some think they're gonna kill John Punko next: simply because he might lose his criminal org case. There sure ain't no L and R there. That kind of betrayal is really messed up.

I'm told that the new Rock Machine consist of mostly ex Hells Angels. You can't keep kicking people out for stupid things and not expect them to network, organize and mobilize against you. That kind of arrogant control freak conduct will come back to bite you in the ass so it will.

That's not even mentioning the really good people who were betrayed like Brittney Irving or Geoff Meisner. They both were murdered and they both had ties to the Hells Angels. The rumors were false. They did not rat on or steal from the Hells angels. Those accusations are bullshit.

So here's the deal. Not only is the Hells Angels racked with internal betrayals, it is filled with secrecy. People are only told things on a need to know basis. If Quebec didn't let Halifax know about the Lennoxville massacre until after the fact, what other secrets are they keeping from each other?

Word has it that Giles was keeping things from Bryce. If two leaders are keeping things from each other, then how much more so are they keeping things from their wives, members and prospects. It's like that double life syndrome we were talking about. Colonel Wingnut led a double life and no one had any idea what kind of freak he really was.

Then there's the Death Riders take over and the Christmas of /95 betrayal when Bobby Moyes, the hit man who murdered a Hells Angels informant claimed Salvatore Ciancio wanted Mike the guy who Moyes brought with him to do the job, killed at the house after the couple was murdered.

Blind love and blind loyalty is a dangerous thing when you're dealing with an organization that has a long history of secrets and betrayal.

Betrayal in Organized Crime

They say there is no loyalty among thieves. History would confirm that. Recently I took my kids to see the Green Hornet. It's a refreshing comedy like a Jackie Chan movie. The Green Hornet is a clumsy Tim the Toolman type and Kato keeps saving his ass. Jay Chou did the Bruce Lee tribute honourably. Nevertheless, Cameron Diaz is the beauty and the brains of the movie. By predicting what the Green Hornet will do next, she unknowingly tells them what to do.

Twice she quotes a case involving John Gotti who at one time invited one of his rivals to a private meeting and had him killed. She then explained that is likely what will happen to the Green Hornet. Sure enough, the Green Hornet was invited to a meeting where they tried to kill him.

Now I'm not familiar with the case involving John Gotti Cameron Diaz's character was referring to in the movie but back in the day that kind of betrayal was not honourable. Take the opening scene from Braveheart. Braveheart's father was invited to a special meeting with England along with other possible revolutionaries where they were ambushed and murdered. In the movie, Braveheart had the images of his father's murder sealed in his mind since youth.

It was as we say, a cheap move. Back in the days of the American Revolution, the British would complain the Americans weren't follow the rules of combat on the battlefield. They were shooting officers first not last. They thought that tactic was archaic as it would result in chaos on the battlefield. I'm like you have got to be kidding. Of course they're going to shoot officers first. It's war.

Yet the Braveheart ambush violated those rules of combat as well. In fact in Nicaragua, Anastasio Somoza García, a close friend of the American government, was put in charge. Fearing future armed opposition from Sandino, Somoza invited him to a meeting in Managua, where Sandino was assassinated on February 21 of 1934 by soldiers of the National Guard. Hundreds of men, women, and children from Sandino's agricultural colony were executed later.

This whole concept of inviting someone to a special meeting then killing them is cheap and clearly happens in organized crime where there is no loyalty among thieves, only greed. That brings us back to the Lennoxville massacre and the era of ongoing betrayal within the Hells Angels.

Nicaragua No Pasaran

So let's get this straight... the US crack epidemic in the /80's was all because the CIA didn't like the results of a democratic election in Nicaragua and used the cocaine to fund the Contra's counter insurgency? And the US War on Drugs was really a war with the CIA's drug importing competition? Woah.. narley Dude.

After all, Oliver North knew Barry Seal and claimed Barry Seal had information about the Sandinistas smuggling cocaine. Heaven forbid the Sandinistas were doing the same thing the CIA was on behalf of the Contras. No wonder the CIA wanted to eliminate their competition.

Let's take a quick peek at the history of Nicaragua. Originally, Nicaragua was a Spanish colony back in the 1500's but gained it's independence in 1821. José Santos Zelaya became president at the turn of the century. Nicaragua was initially the preferred location for the construction of a canal.

When the United States shifted its interests to Panama, Zelaya negotiated with Germany and Japan in an unsuccessful effort to have a canal constructed in his state. Fearful that president Zelaya might generate an alternative foreign alignment in the region, the U.S. labeled him a tyrant in opposition to U.S. planned hegemony.

In 1909, the United States provided political support to conservative-led forces rebelling against President Zelaya. Aside from wanting to build a canal, Zelaya attempted to regulate foreign access to Nicaraguan natural resources. How dare he? That's worse then dumping British tea into the Boston Harbour.

The French government had inquired to the U.S. whether a loan to Nicaragua would be deemed unfriendly, the U.S. secretary of state required the loan to be conditional on U.S. relations.

U.S. Marines occupied Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933. When the Americans left in 1933, they set up the Guardia Nacional (National Guard), a combined military and police force trained and equipped by the Americans and designed to be loyal to U.S. interests.

To me there are definite similarities between the US control of a canal in Panama with England's control of the Suez canal in Egypt. It was about money not democracy.

The Somoza family came to power as part of a US-engineered pact in 1927 that stipulated the formation of the Guardia Nacional, or the National Guard, to replace the U.S. marines that had long reigned in the country. That dynasty lasted from 1936 - 1979.

In 1961 Carlos Fonseca, turned back to the historical figure of Sandino, and along with 2 others founded the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). Fonseca turned to the KGB and Cuba's DGI for arms and assistance.

Upon assuming office in 1981, U.S. President Ronald Reagan condemned the FSLN for joining with Cuba in supporting Marxist revolutionary movements in other Latin American countries such as El Salvador. Reagan was also concerned about the growing Soviet and Cuban presence in Nicaragua, and the Soviet hope to turn Nicaragua into a "second Cuba."

Under the Reagan Doctrine, his administration authorized the CIA to have their paramilitary officers from their elite Special Activities Division begin financing, arming and training rebels, some of whom were the remnants of Somoza's National Guard, as anti-Sandinista guerrillas that were branded "counter-revolutionary" by leftists (contrarrevolucionarios in Spanish). This was shortened to Contras, a label the anti-socialist forces chose to embrace.

Nicaragua No Pasaran documentary.

This is the problematic nature of sticking your nose into other's people's business all the time. The end does not justify the means. If you support a dictator the people will rebel. Some will swing left some will swing right for support. Clearly, it's not about protecting democracy and human rights, it's about protecting American interests and that is sad. There is no reason Nicaragua can't still build a canal if they so choose.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New trial in Hells Angels Criminal Org case

B.C.'s top court has overturned a lower court ruling and ordered a new trial for two men acquitted on charges of belonging to a criminal organization.

The B.C. Appeal Court ruling involves John Punko and Randy Potts, who were accused of belonging to the East End Charter of Hells Angels in Vancouver.

They were acquitted of the charges in 2009, but the Crown challenged the decision.

Wow, is this why John Punko is slated for termination? Because he might lose his case? That would be really dirty. Betray a brother because he might lose his case? What are they gonna do next - kill one of their own because Giles was hiding things from Bryce?

Dziekanski Report

The RCMP's watchdog says the national police force is addressing all 16 recommendations on Taser use that flowed from the Robert Dziekanski case.

The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP also said Thursday the force has accepted almost all of its 23 findings in an investigation of the tragic incident.

Wait a minute, what Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP? It already exists? I thought we were trying to create one?

Harper's Judges

Speaking of hypocrisy, Stephen Harper is fast tracking another Tory appointment to the bench. Brian Abrams was among a raft of judicial appointments announced last Friday by Harper's government.

Liberals rewarded their own partisans with judicial appointments when they were in power - a practice Harper used to rail against. So Harper is doing the exact same thing he used to rail against his opponents for doing. Is this surprising? Not really.

Remember how Harper talked about electing Senators. Well since he's been in power he has stacked the senate with Tory supporters as much as physically possible. The promise of electing Senators has fallen by the way side. You'd think he's getting ready to stack the senate like Brian Mulroney did for something controversial that the public doesn't want like then HST. That would certainly be deja vu.

In fact, since so many supreme court judges are due to retire, Harper could have a significant influence on the direct the courts take in the near future.

Let's see, Paul Martin appointed Peter Leask as his last dying act in power. We are still paying very dearly for that horrible appointment in BC.

Yet Stephen Harper appointed a Hells Angels patent lawyer to the bench. He was also a long time Tory supporter. Go figure. Alfonso Galiano was tied to the mob and Stephen Harper apoints a lawyer for the Hells Angels to become a judge. What'll it be - Coke or Pepsi? Same stuff different pile. The Reform Party's dream has returned to Mulroneyism. What a sham(e).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hypocrisy is Human

Before I proceed, I need to state the obvious. Hypocrisy is a human flaw that effects all of us and every organization be they religious or political to some extent. The wolves in sheep's clothing principle. It does not mean the original ideal is not worthy of aspiring to.

When Christ was on the earth, he criticized the religious leaders at the time calling them liars, hypocrites and extortionists. Clearly the Jews did not have a monopoly on hypocrisy. Muslim extremists killing innocent civilians is hypocrisy. TV Evangelists like Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart have likewise been paid well to say one thing and do another. In fact it has been said that if Christ had come in our day, it would have been the Christian Church that crucified him.

I find Sarah Palin's declaration of war against Islam disturbing. Let's take a look at the parable of the Good Samaritan and put it in modern context by calling it the Parable of the good Muslim. Back in the day, Jews didn't like Samaritans. That's why Christ chose to make his parable about a good Samaritan. No doubt if he was here today he would tell Christians the parable of the good Muslin reinforcing the fact that God is not a respecter of persons and how we live our life is more important that what we say we do.

My point is, just because George Bush and Bill Clinton may have known about the CIA's drug running operations in Mena Arkansas, that does not mean we should give up on our political system and abandon the Constitution which many have misquoted for their personal gain.

Ron Paul spoke out against George Bush's involvement with the CIA drug running. His response was to abandon the war on drugs and legalize all drugs. I'm like what the hell? Where on earth did that come from. Decriminalizing pot is one thing but legalizing all hard drugs is socially irresponsible.

Nevertheless, Jesse Ventura was asked about the two party system in the United States. He said he thought it was great. It was like asking someone what do you want to drink then telling them all they can have is Coke or Pepsi. They're both soft drinks. They're a little bit different but basically they're the same so the people really don't have much of a selection.

Clearly, the problem is the fact that the CIA has far too much power and has absolutely no public accountability whatsoever. Personally I find it amusing to discover that as recent as 2004 the official emblem for the Canadian Secret Service was a cartoon beaver - wearing trench coat, dark glasses and fedora.

It's kind of hard to take that organization seriously. Yet if it shares any intel with the CIA we all now know where the security leak is. How about that Promise software the CIA stole and sold to it's allies. It was just a Trojan horse that let the CIA spy on it's allies. With friends like that...