Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Three men charged in sexual assault at Renegades clubhouse

Three men have been charged after a woman reported she had been sexually assaulted at a Fir Street address in Prince George.

RCMP in Prince George started their investigation into the alleged sexual assault on March 24th. Police responded to a residence in the 1500 block of Fir Street believed to be the club house for the Renegades motorcycle gang.

Prince George RCMP attended the residence to secure the scene while waiting for a search warrant. At that time, two suspects were arrested, 21 year old Pion Associate #1 of Kamloops, BC and 19 year old Pion Associate #2.

The following morning, Prince George RCMP located and arrested a third suspect, 31 year old Pion Associate #3 of Prince George. Pion #3 is alleged to be an associate of the Game Tight Soldiers in Prince George.

All three men are facing charges of Charges of Sexual Assault with a Weapon, Sexual Assault, Assault, Forcible Confinement and Administering Noxious Thing.

What the hell is Administering Noxious Thing? Is that date rape drug? Three men charged with sexual assault? WTF was that a gang rape at the Renegades clubhouse? In the tradition of Mom Boucher I suppose. He served 40 months for armed sexual assault. Boyd is "linked via police files to Hells Angels members in the Lower Mainland." And then there was Dave Pickton...

Francois Meerholz, tied to the Game Tight Soldiers and the Renegades in Prince George and facing deportation to South Africa has been arrested again by RCMP.

Redd Alert in Kamloops

Well this is interesting. There has been a murder in Kamploops some claim is tied to the Redd alert gang which some claim started in Regina and has expanded to Edmonton. The local paper confirms that the Redd Alert is the only real gang presence in the town.

Archie LePretre, 23, was killed Tuesday afternoon while playing basketball with his cousin outside Stuart Wood elementary school. LePretre, who is from Vancouver, and his cousin, a 23-year-old from Kamloops, were confronted by three men wearing gloves and bandannas and carrying knives and a baseball bat. Both LePretre and his cousin suffered blunt-force trauma. LePretre died after emergency crews spent about 30 minutes working on him in a corner of the court.

If the suspects were also all First Nations men in their early ‘‘20s wearing bandannas, it's pretty clear which gang they are with. Our source claims both parties were members of the Redd Alert gang just different levels. It certainly wouldn't be the first internal conflict within the gang.

Another source claims that Dennis Sinclair AKA Crewboss was a former President of RA in Edmonton. Sinclair was savagely beaten in May of 2006 inside Edmonton Remand Centre, by fellow Redd Alert members Louis Paquette, Craig Drynan and Ronald Crane, who each pleaded guilty in October to aggravated assault.

Douglas Jensen who prosecution say claimed to be a member of the Red Alert Street gang in Kamloops, was denied bail when he was charged with breaching a restraining order prohibiting him from contact with his sister and threatening her daughter. The Tk’Emlups Indian Band has banished Jensen and one of his friends from band lands.

Jensen has 58 convictions, including eight convictions for violence. He’s been convicted 50 times while he was under sentence for other crimes, and has several breaches of bail and other court orders. Defence lawyer Don Campbell told the court there is clearly conflict in the Jensen family, but his client denies the allegations made by his sister and adamantly denies he is a gang member.

Redd Alert is an aboriginal Alberta-based street gang wear red bandanas and have a presence in prisons throughout the Prairies. The gang is also an acknowledged part of the drug world in Alberta. The gang surfaced in Kamloops in 2006. During a press conference late that year, RCMP showed off assault rifles, swords and gang patches seized in a drug raid. Redd Alert is present throughout the province, including Williams Lake and Prince George.

Let's see, if they wear a red bandanna and are in PG, I wonder who they are affiliated with? Since they are responsible for First Nations violence on First Nations, I wonder if they know anything about who burned down Joey Arrance's tattoo shop and who killed his girlfriend's mother? Joey is First Nations and has been targeted by someone.

If the Redd Alert are connected to the Independent Soldiers in Kamloops, how can they not be connected to the Hells Angels?

So who is festering violence between First Nation brother and First Nations brother? Or in once case First Nations sister. If drugs are involved, how can the Hells Angels not be involved? Kamloops is a pretty small town and this Douglas Jensen appears to be a prolific offender. No doubt he could have some knowledge about who killed Archie LePretre. Since he has been banned from the reservation for his crimes and even has a restraining order preventing him from harassing his own sister which he broke, perhaps the Tribal Elders could conduct an investigation into this brutal murder.

A week earlier there was a stabbing in Kamloops but the victim isn't talking because he believes it might have something to do with the fact that he owes someone money and doesn't want to upset them. Money from drugs perhaps?


The courts determined that Redd Alert associate Travis Bobroske "probably" attacked another man Feb. 1 and stabbed him seven times. The victim was associated with the UN. So tell me again how the Hells Angels are connected to the Bacon Brothers? I'm getting confused. Oh right, Larry Amero's friends are friends with friends of the Bacon brothers. Just how deep does the rabbit hole really go?

David Giles DUI

Well, well, well. I hear David Giles was in court yesterday facing a DUI charge. I wonder if he'll blame this one on Revel or Remple. It wasn't him driving the car. Yeah, yeah that's the ticket.

Accused: GILES, DAVID Francis Mckinley Kelowna, BC, CAN

74302-1 Count 1 08-Aug-2010 CCC - 253(1)(b) care or control vehicle/vessel with over .08

74302-1 Count 2 08-Aug-2010 CCC - 253(1)(a) care or control vehicle or vessel while impaired

Gilles Duceppe exposes another Harper fraud

Three cheers for Gilles Duceppe - Harper's new truth cop. He pointed out that Harper's hell fire babbling about an evil coalition, aside from not making sense, is very hypocritical since Duceppe produced a letter signed by Harper, Stephane Dion and himself forming a coalition back in 2004.

Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with coalitions. In fact in a minority government there has to be some kind of coalition or the party with the most seats can't form the government. The funny thing is Harper's complete double standard with his absurd ramblings about an evil coalition against him.

The Harper starts to waffle and says he didn't remember calling it a coalition and he think sit was more of a co opposition. Duceppe remembers Harper using the word coalition. Whatever they called it, Harper is full of sh*t.

Clearly Harper should be doing more listening and less talking because the more talking he does, the less credibility he has. Hey Ronnie, is this letter enough supporting evidence for you? The Metro Vancouver ran a fitting Editorial Cartoon about it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kingpin Crew still Creeping

Meanwhile back on the ranch, the Kingpin Crew are still desperately trying to make a name for themselves. Mind you that's a daunting task with that full face helmet and those dumb ass sneakers. Or are they bowling shoes? It's hard to tell. He does kinda look like a bowling pin. Is that the head pin? Is he the one with the dirty knees? I guess Dick Goldammer would know about that.

Speaking of tricky Dicky, his name came up in the Punko and Potsie criminal org trial. Punko and Potsie were in some guy's grill about a missing $30k shipment of pot that was seized by the police. The guy got a friend to give the lawyer's letter to Richard Goldammer, an East End Hells Angels member living in Kelowna to prove his innocence. They thought he ripped them off and were making death threats. So here we have Dick Goldammer tied to Punko and Postsie's criminal org trial. Does Dick still oversea the KPC in Kelowna? Please advise.

HST Mail in Referendum

In response to the anti HST petition, the provincial government has decided to hold a mail in referendum in June. Make sure you're on the list. This is one way to prevent the marginalized from voting.

To be fair they said they are going to spend money on both sides of the debate. That isn't fair, that's just stupid. Why would they spend any tax dollars trying to tell us how to vote? That is wasting more tax dollars from the same top down government. The people tell the government what to do, the government doesn't tell the people what to do. Not in a real democracy at least.

BC Provincial voter list

Federal voter list

Fight the HST

The New Democracy

The New Democracy is the same as the old democracy only in the US they are trying to come up with new names for it. Some refer to it as Libertarian others refer to it as constitutionalists. Those who really do support the US constitution not just play lip service to it.

Back in the day, the founding fathers of the US constitution made reference to the establishment of a republican government. Obviously they were not talking about George Bush or the modern republican political party. They were talking about the establishment of a free republic governed by the people much like Maximus and Marcus Aurelius wanted to establish in the movie Gladiator.

With all the bizarre drama we are seeing from the neo con movement I just wanted to be clear about what democracy really is and Stephen Harper is not it. My democracy includes social justice. I support public health care. That doesn't make me a Communist. Although Libertarians want less government, I personally think some programs should be publicly owned so they are publicly accountable. Privatizing everything only circumvents public accountability with disastrous results like with Enron.

Someone recently asked me what happened to the gangsters out blog saying it's turned into politicians out. Yeah I just wanted to vent about the gangsters in Ottawa for a bit since they are screwing us royally.

The New Christy Crunch

As much as I like Christy Clark, I have to admit this new add from the provincial NDP is rather funny. Christy Clark's biggest opposition is from within her own party. The MLAs don't support her the public does. That is problematic when she tries to actually accomplish something her party doesn't support when the election is over.

Right now she's handing out free candy before the election. Finally raising minimum wage when it was Gordon Campbell's liberals that froze the minimum wage for so long. Finally breaking ground on the expansion at the Surrey Memorial hospital when Gordon Campbell's liberals have slashed health care funding in BC turning hall ways into hospital rooms.

Even Gordon Campbell handed out free BC Hydro rebate cheques before one election only to drastically slash services while giving himself two huge pay raises and a gold plated pension.

I must admit the free train give away in the add was rather funny although what they did to BC Rail was no laughing matter.

Jack Layton visits Surrey

Jack Layton visited Surrey this morning and I had to check it out. The media has been playing up on his health but he looked pretty strong and vibrant to me. He walked with a cane and did the scouting tradition of shaking with his left hand because his right hand was supporting himself with his cane. When he shook my hand he looked into my eyes and all I could say was thank you. Thank you for coming to Surrey and thank you for standing up for what we believe in.

I found some of the things he said and some of the things in local candidates literature shocking. The first platform of Surrey North Candidate Jasbir Sandhu's pamphlet was Make our streets safe and Strengthen our public health care system.

Jack Layton spoke about how the hall way hospitals had degenerated into Tim Horton's hospitals in British Columbia citing a recent incident where they had to temporarily shut down a Tim Horton's kiosk and use it as an emergency ward overflow. Health care funding is a concern in British Columbia.

I was surprised to hear Jack Layton promote small business. Jack Layton truthfully pointed out that New Democrats opposed the HST federally. That was not lip service. He pointed out that the federal conservatives in BC still supported the HST when they knew how deathly opposed to the HST the residents of BC really were. He said, if the people of British Columbia can't trust their conservative MP's to represent their will on an issue like the HST, how can the people of British Columbia trust the federal conservative to represent their will on any other matter? So true.

Fleetwood Port Kells candidate Nao Fernando introduced the speakers and spoke well. He cited a list of things he believed in and said New Democrats know what they believe in, they believe in families.

Jack Layton also spoke about not rewarding big corporations for shipping jobs overseas like raw logs. Why would we export raw logs only to buy them back after they have been processed by other countries? That doesn't make sense. Neither does rewarding companies for off shore call centres. Even the mighty Obama agreed with that.

Strong families, better health care, better education, small business, no HST. All of his current positions used to be traditional conservative values which have been sold out for the neo con.

Jack Layton pointed out that in most ridings where conservatives were elected in BC it was the NDP who came in second and that it's the NDP who are capable of defeating Harper in BC which is very true.

Chuck Cadman was a legend in Surrey North. After his death his wife Donna later endorsed Penny Priddy who won that seat for the NDP. After Penny's term was up she ran for Surrey city counsel while Dona Cadman ran for Surrey North under the Conservative banner. Chuck Cadman was reelected as an independent. It was very surprising to see Donna Cadman run for the same party that tried to bribe her husband.

As much as I respect Donna Cadman and her husband Chuck, I am going to have to support Jasbir Sandhu and the NDP for that seat because Stephen Harper's cons didn't end with the attempted bribe of Chuck Cadman. Stephen Harper's cons are long and profound and it's time to stop them. Starting with the HST.

BTW the NDP are advocates for protecting pensions which is something the neo cons have sold out and are recklessly destroying. Jack Layton's motto is families first and no one gets left behind. Remember the Rambo movies? No one gets left behind? The neo con have abandoned that pledge a long time ago. It's time we demonstrate a little self respect and stop exploiting the elderly and physically challenged.

Closing Riverview and putting all the mentally ill on the street diminished all of us. You can't support a strong economy while you build reckless debt and ship jobs overseas. Coming home from the rally I saw someone put up some signs that said No surprise Bill. Turns out it was a cell phone company advertising unlimited text promising no surprise bills compared to other cell phone companies where hidden costs produce a rather surprising bill indeed.

At first I thought it was an election sign referring to Stephen Harper. Harper submitted a budget to the House of Commons without submitting the budget. He hid the costs and asked the house to vote on his budget without knowing the costs saying he'll surprise us with the costs later. He'll surprise us all right. By railroading the HST through in a Senate he just stacked after he promised an elected senate.

Recently someone on the blog asked me who I thought would best lead Canada and I said I didn't trust any of them with a majority government and since I didn't trust Harper or Iggy I was stuck with Jack Layton. I take that back. I know what I believe politically, socially and economically. I am not a neo con. I am a new democrat. I believe in real democracy and in social justice. I believe as Jack Layton pledges in Families First and No One gets left behind. Just like Carol James' motto of how everyone matters. That is the dream. That is what I support.

I'm in the process of uploading the video clips I took of Jack Layton's speech today in Surrey. No doubt it will be highly edited by the media.

The bottom line is trust. The shaking with the left hand tradition in scouting came from Lord Baden Powell. He was the founder of the scouting movement and some of the main hiking trails in Vancouver are named after him. The Lord Baden Powell trail stretches from Deep Cove, through Mount Seymour, Grouse Mountain, Cypress and on to Horseshoe bay.

Anyways, the shaking with the left hand tradition in scouting comes from Baden Powell's experiences with the Zulus in Africa. The Zulus held their spear in their right hand and their shield in their left. Shaking hands with the left was a sign of trust because it meant you had to put down your shield to do it. Likewise, I trust Jack Layton.

What would I do if Jack Layton actually became Prime Minister? Well, I think he would put an end to the HST and I don't think he would take money from schools and hospitals and spend it on the neo con Oil Wars. I think he really would promote small business, free enterprise and by not rewarding large corporations for sending Canadian jobs overseas I think that really would help the economy.

As for the neo con name calling all I have to say is that the neo cons don't know Jack about our traditional values. Word.

Here is the test of Jack Layton's speech

Libyan rebels recapture oil town

A convoy of rebel vehicles could be seen Sunday moving westward toward the oil town of Ras Lanouf, the latest town to be recaptured from forces loyal to Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi.

Ras Lanouf and Brega were responsible for a large chunk of Libya's 1.5 million barrels of daily exports, which have all but stopped since the uprising that began in mid-February and was inspired by the toppling of governments in Tunisia and Egypt.

Rebels had appeared on the verge of defeat, but have claimed victories in recent days following coalition air strikes, carried out to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone. Their ultimate goal is to reach Gaddafi's stronghold of Tripoli.

Obviously our bombing of Libya has absolutely nothing to do with establishing a no fly zone or a cease fire and has everything to do with taking over Gaddafi's oil. Canada joins the neo Con Oil Wars.


And of course as soon as the armed Rebels took the oil town the Allies let them start shipping oil to fund their rebellion. This invasion is about oil and nothing else.