Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pension Theft

Front page of the Globe and Mail today had the headline Pensions. The article quotes some numbers and then comes up with a very disturbing conclusion. They say that more than half of the country’s pensioned workers are in jobs in the civil service or at government-funded institutions such as universities and hospitals.

They then proceed to claim "While job losses in hard-hit sectors have helped to drive down the number of employees with pension plans, many companies have also looked to cut costs by eliminating so-called defined benefit plans – which pay the worker a guaranteed income upon retirement – for new employees at least."

They are claiming that since the number of Canadian workers with pensions have decreased in the private sector compared to the public sector companies are trying to eliminate pensions to cut costs and imply that public sector employees should consider also taking the roll back to their pensions.

That's like saying there's a bank robber loose and since he has robbed half the banks, everyone else should give up their savings too. Pensions are sacred. The Corporate trend of eliminating pensions to cuts costs is a clear example of how fucked up our society has become.

Aside from the fact that they fudged their numbers. “It comes back to an employment story more than a pension story,” said Paul Forestell, senior partner at pension consulting firm Mercer. “Jobs disappeared, so there are fewer people working in manufacturing in the private sector. It’s not necessarily that [pension] plans disappeared, there’s just less people employed there.”

Yet in October of 2009 the Globe and Mail ran another article entitled Bankrupt companies, pension promises destroyed. That article states that there are 17.6 million people in the Canadian work force and that 11 million Canadian workers are without pension plans. That is not a good thing. We should be encouraging pensions not discouraging them.

Yet the Globe and Mail have just run another article about pensions entitled: Messing with politicians’ pensions can have unintended consequences.

They claim that messing with a politician's pension is taboo. Then why is it fair game to steal everyone else's pension? Answer: It's not. Canada’s aging work force hasn’t saved enough to retire. Pension benefits are being slashed, employees are working longer, the elderly are selling their homes and going back to work. This is not a good thing. Trying to encourage companies to steal pensions to cut costs is just plain wrong.

Huntsville and the Vortex of Corruption

Huntsville, Alabama and beside it Redstone Arsenal is a large hub where military weapons are manufactured. Al Martin calls it Corruption City, USA. (page 362) Martin describes how an investigation team was sent in to Redstone with some accountants and found there was a great deal of missing material and no record of any payments to account for the losses. Martin claims the "discrepancy" at the Huntsville military complex was $16 billion.

Shocking as this allegation is, it clearly falls within the realm of believability when we hear the warnings from Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11. On that day he said the Pentagon was missing $2.3 trillion dollars. Trillion. That is a huge amount of money and as we all know where ever there is that kind of money to be made, criminals will kill for it.

Martin claims the heart of the scheme was to sell military weapons to embargoed countries through a variety of artifices and cut-out nations. We've already talked about Trans World Armaments of Montreal tied to Brian Mulroney which was used in Iran Contra to ship arms to Nicaragua.

Ya see there's two things on the table. One is selling military weapons to both sides of a conflict to simply make a profit for the military or for the Corporations that manufacture the weapons. The other is stealing from the military to simply make a profit for oneself. The latter would explain why so much money has gone missing. People in positions of trust are stealing from the military to line their own pockets.

It's kind of hard to rationalize how stealing from the military is somehow done for God and Country. One could, in a very twisted way, rationalize selling cocaine out of Mena Arkansas to help supply the Contras in Nicaragua with weapons with an end justifies the means argument. They could claim they are doing that bad thing to fight a greater evil, which is the threat of Godless Communism.

Yes it is very twisted and insane, yet there is a fragment of a rationalization one could theoretically cling to. Yet there is no fragment of rationalization to cling to when you are stealing arms from the military and selling it to embargoed countries to make a profit for yourself and line your own pocket with stolen cash. Stolen tax dollars. That act isn't even conflicted. It is outright theft.

Of course the criminals in charge say the answer is to privatize the military and remove all public accountability whatsoever so the public never again hears a number of how much money is missing from military spending. Thus Blackwater and the private Corporate Mercenary Army was created and the Clone Wars have begun.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bin Laden's death fuels conspiracy theories

The Vancouver Province recently ran an article by Les MacPherson about how Bin Laden's death has fueled conspiracy theories. The first conspiracy theory he addresses is the thought that Osama is still alive. To that charge I'd have to agree with his claim that it would be highly unlikely for President Obama to risk the embarrassment of announcing Osama's death if he was still alive only to find a new video from a living Osama. I just don't think Osama had anything to do with 9/11.

The article states that posting pictures of a dead Osama wouldn't matter because Conspiracy theorists would only claim the photos are faked. The shadows aren't right, they would say, just like they say about the thousands of photos and miles of video footage of astronauts on the moon.

Yes photos can be easily faked and yes they can make pretty realistic masks of anyone. However, comparing that to claims of the moonwalk being faked is quite a stretch. After all the original bin Laden "confession" video didn't look anything like bin Laden. It wasn't a matter of the shadows not being right. It was simply a matter of being an entirely different person in the video.

"Conspiracy theorists, however, by definition, can never be convinced. They'll say bin Laden won't be appearing in any more videos because he's in on the conspiracy." Well that's a possibility. Everyone else in bin Laden's family were extremely cosy with the Bush family and donated millions to their political campaigns and oil fraud company. Osama was at one point a CIA asset.

Nevertheless, MacPherson goes on to state: "It is the malignant nature of a conspiracy theory that all evidence confirms the theory. If there is no evidence whatsoever, the theory concludes it is too perfect. That's why people still insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that Oswald didn't shoot JFK, that an alien UFO crashed near Roswell, N.M. No amount of evidence can ever put to rest these enduring myths."

This is where I start to gag. MacPherson uttered the forbidden thesis, that some think that 9/11 was an inside job and that no amount of evidence can ever put to rest these enduring myths. The video of the assassination of Kennedy clearly shows he was shot from the front not the rear as claimed in the Warren Commission report. UFO's don't concern me but 9/11 does.

The most outrageous conspiracy theory I have ever heard is the claim that the third tower in New York fell due to heat and fire. That is not scientific. It defies reason. No planes hit the third tower. Other buildings closer to the twin towers withstood the impact of falling debris. The third tower collapsed into it's own blueprint at free fall speed just like a controlled demolition. They knew it was going to collapse before it fell. Larry Silverstein said they pulled the building.

To claim that the third tower fell in New York due to heat and fire is absolute nonsense. To claim that all the scientific evidence proves the third tower fell due to heat and fire is simply a false statement.

I could go into details about the numerous scientific flaws with the official story behind 9/11 and likely will. Yet the simple irony I find is why would Larry Silverstein buy the Twin Towers right after the Port Authority lost the court case to have the insurance companies pay for the asbestos removal they had been required to perform. Why would a businessman buy the twin towers knowing he had to pay for the removal of asbestos in the towers? That defies reason.

He sure profited from the disaster though. He sued the insurance company and claimed that since two planes hit the towers that constituted two terrorists attacks not one and demanded to be paid twice the maximum value of the insurance policy. He paid his mortgage and doubled the value of his investment as a result of the attack based on an insurance fraud.

Let's say I had a car worth $20,000 and I insured it for it's full value. Then let's say I get in a three car collision. Two cars run a red light and hit me from both sides. The fact that two cars hit me is not relevant. I had one car and I insured that car for it's full value. ICBC would not pay me twice the value of my car. Yet that is exactly what Larry Silverstien did. He insured the Twin Towers against a terrorist attack for the full value of the towers and was then paid out twice the value of the towers. That in my opinion is another example of insurance fraud. That's a fact, not a conspiracy theory.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Double Scam and the Texas Bank Robbery

We've heard of double dipping but a double scam is something rather new. I'm not talking about a card trick. I'm talking about a stock swindle. We've talked about the Bush family's involvement with oil fraud.

Donors would invest in the fake oil field. They would be paid half their investment in the limited partnerships before they became insolvent. They got to write off the other half of their investment on a 2:1 leverage basis, which was perfectly legal under the lax laws at the time. The net effect was that they came out whole on an after tax basis.

That scam defrauded the American people out of tax revenue because the investors wrote off the loss in their fake company which meant a reduction in tax revenue to the government which had to be recovered from the average citizen.

The double scam is the same thing twice over. Al Martin used the following example: "I will use MCorp as an example, wherein a corporate artifice could be formed by Jeb Bush, let's say. Money could be borrowed from MCorp. The money would then be used to short (sell short, in other words) MCorp's stock. When the stock plummeted, the shares would be bought back at a large profit, and the original load itself would be defaulted on through the marginal, corporate entity that originally borrowed it, which most likely existed nowhere except in an attorney's file cabinet." (The Conspirators page 100)

I'm not sure I understand the selling short thing but I do understand defaulting on a bank loan through a fake corporation. BTW "In March 1989, when MCorp failed, is was the 36th largest banking entity in the United States. As the second largest banking entity in Texas, MCorp consisted of 25 banks, 86 banking offices, and 1 trust company, all located in Texas. The company had assets of $18 billion, and it's common stock was listed on the New York Stock Exchange M. MCorp had a reputation as one of the most progressive banking entities, in terms of both technology and personnel."

"MCorp suffered two straight years of quarterly operating losses beginning with the fourth quarter of 1986. The losses stemmed primarily from an increasing amount of nonperforming assets and loan charge-offs. The oil industry in Texas and the Southwest had collapsed."

They lost their money due to scams. It wasn't that the oil market dried up, It was the oil fraud that milked them dry. The test run for the big one was in 1989 when the government dished out $2 billion for MCorp alone.

Al Martin claims that there were three major Texas lending institutions which were very prominent in the Iran-Contra fraud and were, in fact, taken down by the fraud.These were Texas American Bancshares, then chaired by Bobby Corson, Allied Bancshares of Texas, then chaired by the infamous Walter Mischer, and thirdly, MCorp. (page 99)

These were the three largest savings and loans and/or chimerical banks in Texas in the mid-1980's. The combined losses in these institutions totaled some $5 billion. By 1988-8, these banks were, in fact, insolvent.

Mischer and Corson were later investigated by various Congressional committees as to the nature of unrepaid Iran-Contra loans. In some cases, these were some of the few groups of institutions where the CIA was directly involved.

In fact, by 1989, it was determined that the CIA had borrowed for illegal, covert operations some $350 million from these three intuitions. It also failed to repay that amount. These banks were involved principally in fraudulent Iran-Contra related profiteering - realm estate loans, oil and gas ventures, illegal securities transactions, ect.

Al Martin gives another specific example of the double fraud. One that he claims he himself did under the direction of Jeb Bush.

"What I did (as a matter of fact, Jeb Bush introduced me to the loan with certain provisios about where parts of the proceeds were to go later on ) is that I formed a separate shell known as Mar-Tech Industries. I borrowed $85,000 from MCorp through Dean Witter. Through the account that Mar-Tech controlled at Dean Witter, I was able to short 10,000 shares of MCorp preferred at varying prices between $8 and $8.50."

"Within three or four months, M-Corp preferred shares had fallen in value to $3. I then covered my 10,000m shares between $3 and $3.50 a share making approximately $50,000 profit. I then proceeded to dissolve Mar-Tech and defaulted on the original $85,000 loan, after having made two interest payments."

"I now has $135,000 in total profits, as you loosely describe $85,000 illicitly obtained from a fraudulent bank loan, or a bank loan that I obtained under fraudulent circumstances, plus $50,000 garnered through the short sale of said stock, essentially using the bank's own money to short the stock and then defaulting on the loan. Others did this in much larger quantity than I ever did." (page 101)

I'm not reposting this information to teach people how to scam the banks. I'm reposting it so the banks will see how they were scammed and that the Bush family were directly involved in all this which makes George Bush's visit to Surrey very problematic indeed. We do not want him to defraud our banks like he did in Texas.

Not that stock scams are anything new to Vancouver. In fact that is the reason we don't have a stock market any more. 60 Minutes did a special on the numerous fake companies that would rise on hype then crash when the directors took off to Florida for the summer only to come back in 6 months to do it all over again. This kind of investment fraud destabilizes the market, our economy and destroys hard earned pensions which is absolutely not acceptable.

Bailing out the banks after they have been defrauded is another example of the double scam. First they steal from the bank, then they steal from the tax payers. These are the real criminals. They are the real enemies of the state.

It appears they did the same thing in Denver. Neil Bush was on the Board of Directors for Silvderado Savings and Loan. That collapse cost tax payers $1 billion. Another report claims it was more like $1.4 trillion. Federal regulators accused Bush of conflict of interest. He was never charged criminally but he was sued. They settled out of court for $26.5 million and had a republican fundraiser to help Neil cover his portion of the costs.

Get this, the S&L crash was a result of puring money into Neil oil fraud called JNB Exploration. Over a period of five years JNB drilled over 25 wells in four States and didn't find a drop of oil. Neil started the company with two former coworkers who made Neil president. That's when Neil became a director of Silverado Savings and Loan and approved loans over a million dollars for his two partners. Somewhat conflicted indeed. Neil Bush helped cause Silverado to crash and get a huge bail out while he kept getting huge salary increases along the way.

Don't forger George Bush's oil fraud culminated in Harkern Energy. In 1990 George Bush sold of a large block of shares in that company right before the company reported a larger than expected loss for the previous quarter which trigger a substantial drop in the value of the stock. Bush was accused of insider trading.

Before Harken Energy the company was called Arbusto Energy and defrauded the bin Laden Family just like Sarkozy defrauded Gaddafi. It was revealed that Jim Bath made a $50,000 investment in Arbusto on behalf of Salem bin Ladden, Osama's brother who later died in an ultralight accident in Texas. However, Bill White claims the court documents revealed that the $25,000 dollar investment in 1979 and the $25,000 investment in 1980 was just Bath's commission and that the Saudis had actually invested over a million dollars.

Bush later got $25 million from Osama's brother in law for another oil company. White claims the Saudis would give brief cases of cash to the lawyers who would in turn put the money in Bush Sr.'s campaign fund. They got around the law banning foreign political contributions by giving the money to lawyers which was then protected by lawyer client privilege. Well kinda.

Don't forget that all these banking scams were made possiible because the banks were deregulated. The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) had phased out a number of restrictions on banks' financial practices, broadened their lending powers, and raised the deposit insurance limit from $40,000 to $100,000 (raising the problem of moral hazard). Banks rushed into real estate lending, speculative lending, and other ventures.

In July 1982, Congress enacted the Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (Garn–St. Germain), which further deregulated banks as well as deregulating savings and loans. First they deregulated the banks, then they defrauded the banks and bailed them out with tax dollars. That is a double scam alright.

Yet the banks benefitted too. Removing restrictions on interest charges Canadian mortgage interest rates increased from a low of 10.31% in August of 1978 to a high of 21.46% in September of 1981 which doubled a family’s monthly mortgage payments and caused many foreclosures. Mortgage rates have since subsided but credit card rates haven’t despite such a drastic drop in the prime lending rate.

Investment Fraud

Before I return to my primary focus which is the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade in East Van, Prince George and in Surrey, I'm going to expand slightly on the matters of investment fraud and illegal arms deals just because I can.

I think investment fraud is significant because it affects so many people. People lose their life savings. Destabilizing the market destroys pensions which are sacred. When people work hard all their life and save money for their pension only to find that money worthless and stolen when they retire then that is a heinous crime.

Not only that but the fraudulent bail outs with tax dollars these scams feed off of destabilize entire countries and prevent a country's ability to provide social programs like medical coverage for all. Good intentions are robbed by bad people who claim to be good with money while they scam you out of your retirement savings. This needs to be addressed.

Two preventions I would cite off the top of my head are beware of the get rich quick scheme. Sound financial management involves regular savings over and extended period of time. The other obvious fact is diversification. Don't put all your money especially your entire retirement savings all in one high risk investment. It's just not worth it. The first rule of sound investment strategy is diversification. You don't invest all your money in one area in case that area drops. Often large drops in the market are temporary and recover. Diversification helps people overcome being trapped by market fluctuations.

Bad Vancouver Heroin Batch Kills 20 in 2011

B.C. Coroners Service has warned that a bad batch of heroin on the streets of Vancouver is twice as potent as normal and has resulted in more than 20 heroin overdoses in the first four months of 2011, double that of a year earlier.

The question I have is where is this heroin coming from? If most of the world's heroin comes from Afghanistan, does that mean this extra potent heroin is coming from the opium fields the US soldiers are helping to cultivate and harvest? I think that is a very relevant question.

We are told that Afghanistan regains its Title as World's biggest Heroin Dealer. Afghanistan is still the source of almost all of the heroin sold in London. Well isn't that ironic?

After the war, Britain assumed responsibility for coordinating the international effort to crush Afghanistan's opium trade. lol isn't that a joke. The US soldiers are openly cultivating and harvesting opium and England has assumed responsibility for crushing the opium trade in Afghanistan.

The BBC reports that Afghanistan retook its place as the world's leading producer of heroin in 2002, after US-led forces overthrew the Taliban which had banned cultivation of opium poppies. The Americans tell us they have to cultivate the opium or the Taliban will, yet the Taliban banned opium when they were in power.

The head of Russia's Federal Service for Narcotics Control claims Heroin production in Afghanistan has grown by 40 times. Russia is asking NATO to stop cultivating opium in Afghanistan. Can you believe that?

Meanwhile back on the ranch, the conservatives are going to the Supreme Court to try and get Insite shut down. So which is it? Get paid to have the military profit from the production of opium in Afghanistan or get heroin off the streets? It's all so conflicted.

I have mixed feelings about Insite. Cleaning up the allies is a good thing. Preventing death is a good thing too. Yet giving alcoholics alcohol is not in their best interest.

The problem with needle exchanges and with insite is that as soon as you hand out free needles or have a safe injection site, drug dealers sell drugs outside. The police can't really arrest them for selling drugs when we are handing out free needles or providing safe injection sites. This is how a social program changes the democratic laws in society.

I still say we should target the drug dealers not the drug addicts. If a prolific offender repeatedly commits crime to pay for their addiction then lock them up for three months. If a drug dealer is selling crack on the street, look him up for a year. It's that simple. Enforcement is one of the Four Pillars. Harm reduction without prevention, treatment and enforcement is simply a one legged horse that goes nowhere.

Even if Insite continues, the police can still arrest drug dealers for selling drugs. Enforcement is one of the Four Pillars.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Office of Naval Intelligence

The documented connection of the CIA and drug trafficking is well entrenched. Gary Webb talked about it, the Kerry Committee talked about it, even Judge Bonner talked about it on 60 Minutes. Yet the documented use of Mena Arkansas for CIA drug trafficking is indisputable.

The point I would like to make at this time is that the CIA is not the only quasi government organization accused of being directly involved in drug trafficking. Al Martin claims the Office Of Naval Intelligence also runs it's own programs separate from the CIA. He claims they are much more ruthless in covering up liability so to speak.

Martin claims the ONI controls the West and that their operations ran through their cut out Evergreen Airlines which they took over from the CIA. (page 334) He claims Gary R. Eitel filed an affidavit claiming planes from this company were used to haul illegal weapon shipments to private companies. More drugs for arms.

Obviously when confronting the problem of drugs in our cities, addressing the supplier is more effective then just the low level dealer. Finding out that some of the biggest suppliers are government organizations becomes somewhat problematic in dealing with the problem in our own communities. The point I'd like to make is that it's not just drug trafficking and money laundering. There is an extensive amount of fraud as well.

National Heritage Life Insurance

When we hear the name George Bush we pull out the shoe cannon and shout war criminal. Since he vetoed the bill to stop torture at Guantanamo bay he is even more of a war criminal than the Serb who just had his Canadian citizenship revoked for allegations of torture.

Yet everyone knows Bush is a war criminal. Not everyone knows about his extensive involvement with investment fraud. We talked about his involvement with Bre X and his family's involvement with Oil fraud. National Heritage Life Insurance is yet another.

National Heritage Life Insurance was featured on the TV series American Greed. They claimed "The owners of the Orlando, Fl based company are funneling company money into their own pockets. But they need help and Sholam Weiss is just the man to provide assistance. Together they find new ways to bilk the company. When all is said and done, they take $450 million from National Heritage."

"Federal authorities said the fraud began in the early 1990s, when a group of businessmen began looting the company. Weiss took control in 1993, and with several confederates bought up worthless stocks and mortgages. The money vanished or ended up in accounts controlled by Weiss." (and a "group of businessmen" who were not convicted)

According to former Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin, "National Heritage Life Insurance Company was part and parcel of Heritage Financial Group, Heritage Credit Group, Heritage Securities Group, Heritage Banking Group. It was more than just an insurance company. Heritage was a consolidated financial group involving securities, banking and insurance." (page 345 The Conspirators)

Al Martina claims that "One of the principals of the company was John Gotti. Among the directors was George Sr., George Jr.,Jeb, Neil ect. These were the directors of the holding company called Heritage Group International."

George Bush in business with John Gotti. Imagine that. Al Martin claims their purchase of the company began with fraud. He claims they wrote a cheque for $4 million from an empty account. As soon as Heritage transferred all it's files and assets, the new partnership then transfers $4 million from Heritage Life's reserve capital into their account to cover the $ 4 million cheque they had already written. (page 344)

He then claims they turned Heritage into a fraud centre where they would buy busted out HUD properties for $500,000, then list their value on Heritage books as $5 million. Martin claims they did this repeatedly. (page 344)

Martin claims "Andrew Cuomo, through his father Mario's influence, was hired on as a consultant to the corporation. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of Heritage Life at $50,000 per year. When Andrew became Director of HUD, Andrew helped cover up Heritage's scams vis-a-vis HUD. Heritage in turn not only buys up HUD property, but it also becomes its own insurer of HUD property. For example, it would claim that the insurance premium on XYZ property was $1 million a year, when in fact the insurance was only $100,000 a year."

Martin thought they'd pick Andrew Cuomo to be the scam's scapegoat. Not so. Instead, they chose Sholam Weiss to be the scapegoat and made Andrew Cuomo governor of New York. After he was AG and investigate Life Insurance fraud of course. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Catherine Austin Fitts claimed that under Andrew Cuomo's leadership "HUD was Being Run as a Criminal Enterprise." (reposted thanks to Mike Rupert)

In fact, the Coumotarp blog refers to Andrew Cuomo's Predatory Heart Of Darkness and claims: "As Secretary of HUD, Andrew Cuomo reversed the policy of selling defaulted mortgages so that families could keep their homes. Instead, he chose to foreclose on mortgages, which meant that families lost their homes and insiders cleaned up on fire-sale priced properties. The US Treasury also lost billions." This is one of the guys that caused the bank crisis in the US and robbed the taxpayers out of that insane bailout.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

George Bush coming to Surrey???

George Bush is coming to Surrey? You have got to be kidding. George Bush vetoed the bill to stop torture at Guantanamo Bay. That does make him a war criminal. Having George Bush speak on the economy is insane. He added trillions to the debt.

He kept going back and asking congress for more and more money for the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie. A large portion of the tax dollars went to Dick Cheney who was involved with Haliburton that directly profited from the invasion of Iraq.

Former Navy intelligence officer Al Martin talked about the Bush family's extensive involvement with investment fraud in his book The Conspirators. George Bush was tied to Bre X the largest investment fraud in Canadian History. Keep Surrey Safe. Keep George Bush out!


Looks like it's on despite local concerns. The Surrey Regional Economic Summit will host Bill Clinton and George Bush.

7:30am – 2:00pm, Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel
15269 104th Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada

Maybe Mr. Bill can tell us how he covered up for his pal George W in Mena Arkansas when he was governor of Arkansas by protecting the crooked corner Fahmy Malak who tampered with evidence and ruled murders suicides.

Maybe George W. Fraud can tell us all about how he scammed so many people with oil fraud and bank fraud. Maybe he'd even be kind enough to tell us how much money he made off Bre-X in Calgary.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gadhafi's son and grandchildren laid to rest

The funeral for Gadhafi's son and two grandchildren killed by a NATO missile strike was held Monday. Rebels said the claim that family members were killed was a publicity stunt by the flamboyant strongman. I guess not. A Yemeni official condemned the attack.

Despite denials from Western leaders that the air raid on the Gadhafi compound was an assassination attempt, it has provoked renewed debate on whether the British and French-led strikes are exceeding the United Nations' mandate to protect civilians. No kidding. Bombing one side is not enforcing a ceasefire. Neither is murdering children.

Rebel fighter Abdel-Aziz Bilhaj, 22, welcomed the attack, saying it would make Gadhafi think twice about how he dealt with his people. Rebels cheered and set off fireworks with the news. Can we not see how twisted this is? We have become animals thirsting for blood and hungering for war. They said it would one day come to this but it is very sad nevertheless.

The Libyan leader also had an adopted daughter who was killed in a 1986 U.S. airstrike on his Bab al-Aziziya residential compound, which was separate from the area struck on Saturday.