Thursday, May 26, 2011

California Courts order release of 46,000 inmates

This case is another example of bizarre. It resembles something out of the Twilight zone. It is a clear example of a prison system that is not working and a judicial system that completely oversteps it's jurisdiction.

We know the prisons in California are seriously over crowded. Three to a bunk is bizarre. We know that privatizing the prisons, which was a huge conflict of interest has miserably failed. Yet when the courts order the government to release over one quarter of the prison population in two years, that sweeps the pendulum of absurdity in the opposite direction.

Justice Antonin Scalia, called the decision "staggering" and "absurd." It "takes the federal courts wildly beyond their institutional capacity," he wrote. I completely agree. Yet there is a problem and doing nothing about it is negligent. The court said the state's prisons had "short of minimum constitutional requirements" and "needless suffering and death" have resulted.

A privatized prison is mandated to make a profit. Private corporations have no moral conscience. Prisoners dying or not able to get adequate medical attention do not concern them. In fact, despite the over crowding, we see the rise of salaries. Lifeguards get 200,000 a year. The lowest paid is 100,000. A deputy sheriff can retire at 55 with 100,000 a year for life.

The problem is a person who is in on child support, DUI or some other non violent offense like smoking or selling pot, gets lumped in with everyone else. So how are we going to execute the release of one quarter of the prison population? Jesus Barabbas or Jesus of Nazareth? Someone who has committed a nonviolent crime or a convicted murder? You tell me.

Is the judicial system going to become like a trip to Vegas? Right after the trial is over and the judge has made his decision, let's roll the dice to see if the criminal actually goes to jail or walks away free. Absurd as that may seem, that is where we could be heading.

The logical response would be to set the nonviolent criminals free first. Everyone hates deadbeat Dads but bloody hell, garnish their wages don't send them to jail. Sending them to jail makes the innocent children suffer. How are they going to pay child support in prison?

There is a huge difference between selling pot and selling crack. The judicial consequences need to reflect that. Decriminalizing pot not legalizing it would be a logical medium which would let us fiscally address violent crime without raising taxes and bankrupting the system. Statutory release should be done away with. Inmates should be given the option of working to qualify for early release.

And this just in: California Accidentally Released Violent Inmates To Reduce Prison Crowding. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that nonviolent offenders should be the ones released first. Yet somehow the privatized prisons have a hard time understanding that.

Canada drops 240 bombs in Libya

Bullshit. 240 X $100,000 = $24 million. $24 million to bomb a guy after murdering his son because protesters took up arms against him. If I took an angry mob to Ottawa and started shooting at Harper I guarantee you the police would shoot back. The bombing of Libya is for their oil just like the Invasion of Iraq was.

Oh and dropping the HST temporarily for the referendum is bullshit too. Once the HST is in, no referendum will be able to stop them from raising it to whatever they want. The HST taxes things that are normally GST except. If it wasn't a tax grab the government wouldn't be spending so much money trying to convince us it's good for us. Democracy is good for us. Bullshit is not.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another Hells Angels Drug Bust

Well roll out the red carpet for Russel Peter's pal Randy Jones. The U.S. has just busted a multimillion-dollar drug ring in Seattle involving Jacob Stuart who headed the American side of a drug distribution network that moved 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of marijuana and 100 to 200 kilograms of cocaine each month. According to charging documents, the primary source of marijuana was a Surrey, B.C., strip club owner linked to a British Columbia chapter of the Hells Angels.

Gee how many strip clubs in Surrey that we know of are linked to the Hells Angels? Let's see... there's T-barz. Russel Peters claims his pal Randy Jones owns that club although Randy has it registered in his mother's name. We know Randy is a member of the Hells Angels. It's hard to tell if the Dell and the Byrd are still open. Surely they're not referring to the wanna be G-Spot. That bouncer has been begging me to put him back on the gang member registry for years now.

So if Randy was the source of the pot in the pot for cocaine drug ring, is he being charged or just named in the U.S. indictment? Please advise. Hey if that strip club was the origin of the pot in a major cross border drug ring does that mean they can seize the bar under criminal org legislation? Looks like the heat is on.

"One of the most disturbing charges is that Stuart, along with Wolverton and others, were caught on wire-tapped cell phones planning the kidnapping of a female friend of an associate that had gone missing with a substantial amount of money."

Cobalt Mortgage sure set up Robert Wolverton's web site to be redirected to another web site in a hurry. Wolverton is Stuart's co accused. It's really sad. Robert and Jacob look like really nice guys who are going to take the fall just like Robert Shannon did and no Hells Angel will see a day in jail over it.

Here's a copy of the indictment. Seemingly they used planes to smuggle the weed into the States but sometimes smuggled it under loads of manure coming in from Canada.

"A total of 136 kilograms of cocaine was seized during the investigation. All of that cocaine was destined to be transported to Canada via this district. On April 28th, approximately 1,000 kilograms of cocaine was seized from various locations across the country pursuant to search warrants obtained as part of the investigation. Approximately 1,500 pounds of the cocaine was located in this district." (Page 4)

In one intercepted call, Stuart explained to an associate they could make $500 per kilogram flying cocaine from Southern California to Bellingham, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Jeff Vanderzalm Kreater Custom Motorcycles

So Bill Vander Valm's son owns a motorcycle shop in Kelowna and witnesses claim they saw him hanging around the clubhouse. Isn't that interesting. "Come in and introduce yourself. It's all good. Even if you're bad."

Jeff claims he's never been to a clubhouse even though a witness claims they saw him there. Yet Jeff is hosting a Rock and Ride party this weekend in Kelowna. I guess we'll just wait and see if any Hells Angels show up.

Having a motorcycle shop in the Hells Angels retirement village with the invitation to come on in, it's all good even if you're bad. One would think if he was trying to stay away from the drugs and crime that he wouldn't make that kind of a blanket invitation.

White Boy Posse and the Hells Angels in Edmonton

The White boy Posse is a white supremest gang in Edmonton tied to the Hells Angels that sell drugs. Isn't it about time we stop blaming all our drug and gang problems on the minorities? The Hells Angels are the root of it all. In Edmonton they have a white supremest puppet club. Not surprising since Mom Boucher started his own white supremest club before he joined the Hells Angels.

Yet these racist drug dealers will sell drugs to people of different racial back grounds as long as they can make money off them. White supremacists using the Red Alert gang as puppets to make them money. What a scam. The Red Alert are slaves to white supremacists.

Mom Boucher befriended Gregory Wooley who formed the Syndicate which let the Hells angels profit from selling crack to all the crips in Montreal. White Supremacists exploiting a brother to make money. Imagine that.

This white boy Posse in Edmonton is pretty sickening. They use swastikas. Don't tell me the Hells angels have anything to do with honourable military service. We fought the Nazi's in the war. Promoting that cause here is a shameful disgrace.

The Hells Angels are the drug trade in Edmonton just like they are in Vancouver. They sure used Joey Verma and tossed him aside.

Big News: White Boy Posse members charged with murder and decapitation.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Joey Verma and Donnie McWhirter

Joey Verma is the guy that was charged with the murder of Britney Irving. Even before he was arrested the media claimed he had associations with the Independent Soldiers who as we all know are not independent. They are a Hells Angels puppet club.

Here are a few pictures of Joey and Donnie McWhirter AKA Blaze. We refer to him as Napoleon Dynamite for posing with an Independent Soldiers t-shirt and a 50 Pound barbell on his bench. They look kind of cozy. No I'm not implying they had any kind of homosexual relationship. I'm just saying that they look like friends not enemies. I'm not sure where this one is taken but the palm trees would imply it was a vacation.

In fact Joey had many friends in town. He was a Hells Angels associate. Witnesses claim they would see him with Hells Angels in public. April 6 2010 Joey was charged with robbery and murder of Britney Irving. Murder maybe but robbery, that doesn't make sense. The trial is scheduled to go on until January 2012.

The media claims Britney Irving sold pot to support her Oxycontin habit. The media reported that before Britney was murdered the grow op she lived on (which witnesses claim was run by the Hells Agnels) was busted.

Some claim that Joey ripped her off and killed her. Nope. Doesn't make sense. If he ripped her off, he would have ripped the Hells Agnels off which wouldn't be very bright. If he had done that he would have left town but he didn't. He was walking around town doing business as usual when he was finally arrested.

Someone claimed they thought Britney was the rat that got her grow op busted. Nope. Why would she do that. Not only was she not the type, they had nothing on her which would have put pressure on her to cut a deal.

Another person claimed she owed money so they did her in. Now that makes sense. Michael Plante worked the door and the Orange number five in East Van and sold pot for the Hells Angels. When his grow was robbed they charged him double and threatened his life. When he finally paid up it was back to business as usual. It was all about the money.

Some people would say, why would they kill someone who owed them money? They wouldn't get their money back. The answer is simple. To send a message to everyone else. The same reason they have been pushing Native women out of windows in East Van for drug debts. It sends a very clear message to everyone else and lets them rule with fear.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Dark side of the Black Door

In court, witnesses give testimony which becomes evidence. I posted a bizarre story how one person claimed people claiming to represent the Hells Angels barged into the American Backpackers Hostel in Vancouver with guns drawn looking for a kid who was selling pot there. The witness claims they said they know the kid lives there and is selling pot in their area. They said the kid has to leave town and everyone there has to buy pot from them at the Black Door which is right across the street from the Amsterdam Cafe.

Then a blog reader admitted you can indeed buy pot from the black door across from the Amsterdam cafe which is run by biker types and that the police are well aware of it and let it continue. They only asked them to shut down during the Olympics so it wouldn't be so publicly visible but let them start up again right after the Olympics was over.

Now we have another tale from another tourist staying at the Cambie who claims he witnessed a couple guys who he was told were from the Hells Angels beat the tar out of a guy for selling pot in their neighbourhood which was in the exact same area. Here is the other witness' account:

"It was a few years back, in 2007. I was staying at the Cambie, very close to the Amsterdam Cafe. It was my first day in town, and after a few beers in the hostel bar with some fellow backpackers, I went outside with a couple of Aussies to smoke a joint. We were minding our business when a couple black guys who looked like crack heads came up to us and sold me some pot. It was the same quality and amount, but half the price as the "dealer" who was selling to the backpackers around the hostel."

2 seconds after the deal was done, the black guys started walking away and out of nowhere a door opens across the street and 4 large bad ass biker looking dudes come storming out asking me what they had just sold me. The black guys took off running and 2 bikers chased them as the other 2 stayed with me. They asked me how much I paid, have i ever seen them before, was I not happy with the prices or quality from their dealers, etc etc. They honestly seemed very interested in why I was not buying from their guy inside, more than they were mad at me for buying from the crack heads. After a few minutes of simple conversations, the other 2 guys returned and asked me to come around the corner with them. The 2 black crackheads were sitting on the curb almost in tears, begging me not to say anything. One of the bikers asked me to point out the one who actually sold the weed. I am not stupid, I immediately pointed him out, and he screamed "no no!! It wasn't me!!" He was terrified, and I soon learned why. One guy pulled out a small metal pole, and another a chain. They beat this poor guy almost to death. I felt really bad for him, and a couple times I even said "Ok ok that's enough".

After the beating they told me that in this city, things had to be done like this. They told me that this was their block and they protected all the backpackers and tourist from being able to come into this area. They said if it wasn't for them "this area would be controlled by niggers and crackheads". They told me that if I had any problems while I was in Vancouver they could come straight to me. They also gave me a handful of dime bags for free, but warned me to not by anything from any "nigger" again on their block.

The next day I told the Aussies, who had all been there for a while what happened and they told me that they guys were Hells Angels (which is why they took off on me). For Americans (I'm from the South) Hells Angels only exist in movies. I didn't even know they were real.The next few days I just studied everybody and everything. I spent all day everyday on East Hastings. I dressed in my oldest clothes and just tried to blend in. I have never been so curious in my life. I couldn't believe how drugs were just sold in the open like that. 15year old kids shooting heroin on the side walk became normal. I watched gangsters just go from a building into an alley way with a large backpack and then come out of that same alley with no back pack and all of the sudden seeing a line of addicts form in front of some 16 year old Indian kid...who had the back pack.

Two points. First, they beat the tar out of the two black guys for selling pot in their area. They weren't selling crack they were selling pot. Only they weren't working for the Hells Angels so they beat the life out of them.

If we buy pot from the Hells angels we are supporting that kind of violence. Normally pot smokers are pretty nonviolent and mellow. In fact they often care about the environment and have a social conscience. Supporting that kind of violence would then be problematic.

I'm not saying don't let anyone sell pot I'm saying don't let the Hells Angels use violence to control the drug trade. Which I realize is somewhat problematic. They could bust the black door which they likely should, yet if pot no longer becomes available, then everyone is gonna be upset and is likely why nobody says anything.

The Hells Angels aren't protecting anyone from crack heads. The Hells Angels are the biggest suppliers of cocaine in the country. The Zig Zag crew paid money to the Hells Angels for protection so they could sell crack. The Hells Angels promoted and profited from that drug trade.

The only difference is in East Van they help the police contain the crack dealers to a certain area which makes the police's job easier. If the Hells angels will beat the tar out of a crack head for selling crack in Gastown then that makes it much easier for the police. Yet the hells angels are the ones profiting from the sale of crack at Oppenheimer park. Sure it looks cleaner now because it's done more discreetly but look at the violence the Hells Angels use on rival drug dealers and the violence they use on addicts who have debts. That kind of violence forces addicts to commit crime to pay their debts. That kind of violence is wrong and is exactly what we support when we buy pot from the Hells Angels.

BTW the reason this doesn't happen in the States is because they simply wouldn't put up with it. They would get a 12 year old kid to shoot the big bad biker dead. The kid would be a young offender and the problem would be solved.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Graham Maryancik

Back in 2002, a meth lab was busted in Kelowna on Postill Drive. Five locals were charged: Chet V. Keller, Wesley V. Crandall, Russell J. Penner, David Tarasenko and (Graham) John Maryancik.

Turns out that meth lab was a "major production" point for the Valley and all of the accused had connections to the Hells Angels. Yet the prosecution of the trial went amiss and the first two charged got off completely. Turns out one of the key witnesses was shot and killed by the police.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Dark Side of Insite

There has been a lot of press about the joys of insite as we approach the supreme court's decision about the government's appeal to close it down. I will admit that saving lives is a good thing. Yet in all fairness we need to discuss the dark side of insite if we are going to fairly address the issue.

My personal problem with insite and needle exchanges isn't the fact that they exist. It's the social problems they create. Selling crack is against the law. Yet when we open up a needle exchange or safe injection site we then allow drug dealers to sell crack and everything under the sun openly and publicly. In fact the amount of drug trafficking goes up not down.

We want to help the addicts by reducing the risk of overdose yet in doing so we create more addicts. Sure a handful will enter a detox program but look at the huge number of more addicts we create by making the drug so accessible. Not to mention how hard we make it for addicts to quit when the drug is so accessible and everywhere they go dealers are pushing it in their face.

I will admit, cleaning the allies and having a nice clean place to inject heroin or inject cocaine looks nice. It almost looks compassionate. As long as you don't look at the dark side and deny it exists.

Anyone with a brain will agree that the huge exposure insite is getting, there is a huge amount of money to be made from the illegal drug trade it promotes. Extremists would then claim the next step is to legalize all drugs. Yet that would be irresponsible as would promoting an illegal drug trade.

So here we have a safe injection site in East Vancouver that has greatly increased not decreased the amount of drug trafficking in the area. Let's pause for a minute and ask ourselves who is profiting from all this misery? Who are the ones making the big bucks from supplying the drugs to be injected there? It is the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels control the drug trade in East Vancouver. They are so ruthlessly violent the people in East Van are too afraid to mention their name. The name Hells Angels is then replaced with the acronym the boys, the big boys or not even repeated out of fear.

Kind of like the fear Tony Terezakis instilled on behalf of the Hells Angels in the American hotel and the Cobalt. Kinda like the fear that Juel Stanton instilled for the Hells Angels in the Ivanhoe. Which was reinstilled when they even killed Juel Stanton which made the fear and uncertainly of their brutal ruthlessness skyrocket.

Kinda like the fear that would generate enough public outrage to hold demonstrations for Ashley Machiskinic's murder when the police tried to claim it was a suicide.

Kind of like the fear generated by the Surrey House of Horrors or the Prince George torture chambers. That is the dark side of Insite. If that kind of drug related torture exists in Surrey and Prince George, we know it exists in East Vancouver. The Pickton farm was just one example.

So there are clearly pros and cons of keeping Insite open. Preventing over doses is a good thing but increasing the number of addicts is not and supporting the kind of torture and abuse addicts are experiencing is socially irresponsible. The methadone program has good intentions. Yet when we refuse to reduce the dosage for people on the program those good intentions fail.


On the subject of Insite John Ferry from the Vancouver Province wrote a good editorial called: Addicts need more than a clean needle. "On the other hand, former longtime heroin addict Barry Joneson wants Insite shut down. He's saddened people don't seem to understand you have to confront addiction, not coddle it."

Which kinda brings me to my statement doctors don't prescribe alcohol to alcoholics. James Coulter said Clay had a very big heart. I will never forget how he helped me get out of addiction.

We don't want a safe injection site in Surrey.

Prince George Torture Chambers

Speaking of the Surrey House of Horrors, let's not forget the Prince George Torture Chambers the police found. Through the media the police have told us A) that the Hells Angels run the drug trade in Prince George and B) that they found crack houses with addicts chained in the basement who were tortured for drug debts.

Now the Hells Angels will cry like babies and claim the police are liars but we can confirm the allegations with other sources. We know that the Renegades are a Hells Angels puppet club that sold pot and oversaw the Crew that sold crack for the Hells Angels in Prince George. After getting bad press for cutting off fingers for drug debts the Crew faded away and they became the Independent Soldiers who run crack shacks for the Hells Angels in Prince George.

Then came the GTS. Kim Bolan discovered a GTS leader striking for the Renegades in their company wearing their rocker. That would pretty much document the Hells Angels connection to the GTS as well. Ricky fat ass liar can cry all he wants but the subsequent gang rape by GTS members in the Renegades clubhouse would reconfirm that association as well. No publication ban on naming the charge bitch.

Now the police claim they did find crack houses in Prince George where addicts were imprisoned and tortured for drug debts. Let's compare that with the reality tv series produced by the deranged Tony Terezakis.

Tony was a Hells angels associate who sold drugs for the Hells Angels in the American Hotel and the Cobalt. He admitted to that and plead guilty after he was caught. Yet he also had a huge amount of videos he made of him beating crack addicts for debts. Tony claimed he was just making a reality tv show.

The scenes in his movie were all staged, he claims. The alleged assault and confinement victims, including Tommy, consented to play hapless punching bags. Terezakis described them in court this week as actors peforming "stunts." They are beaten, spat upon, smeared with feces.

Terezakis insisted they were all compensated, usually with drugs. Tommy was paid in heroin. In fact, Tommy earned a little extra, Terezakis recalled, because his scene involved violence. The pay scale moved up or down, depending on the beatings the men took.

While there's nothing amusing about the abuse he dishes out on video, he laughed when describing certain scenes in court. It's hard to decide what's more sickening: his cruel depictions of violence and degradation, or the sight of him watching, a smile on his face.

That's kind of a good point. Here's a deranged subhuman who enjoys seeing addicts beaten to a pulp. Kinda like they were doing in the Surrey House of Horrors and in the Prince George torture chambers.

One of Tony's co accused, Andrew Goosen, was sentenced to drug trafficking and assault. The judge concluded "There is little, if any, evidence that Mr. Goosen took any steps in the drug trafficking without Mr. Terezakis' specific direction,"

There are two points in the Goosen case. One is that he sold drugs under the direction of Hells Angels associate Tony Terezakis. The other is that he plead guilty to an assault he was filmed performing in the "Reality TV Show."

Terezakis also described a rehab "program" he ran for Vancouver prostitutes, to whom he cloyingly referred as "the most vulnerable in our society." He supplied them with daily doses heroin, his way of "weaning them" off the drug.

Now we have another direct connection between the Hells Angels selling heroin to prostitutes in East Vancouver and the violence associated with maintaining that business. Tony Terezakis was convicted of selling heroin as well as cocaine for the Hells Angels. That kind of puts a dark twist on what our tax dollars are really supporting at insite.

Nevertheless, looking at the insane and deranged case of Tony Terezakis in East Vancouver, I'm more likely to believe the police when they describe the torture chambers they found in Prince George than the Hells Angels who deny they exist.