Friday, June 17, 2011

Small man syndrome

The Vancouver riots were very disappointing. Small losers empowered by the mob thirsting for their five minutes of fame. Yet times are changing and mob rule just isn't cool any more. People are ratting out their friends and making fun of them for being jerks which is a good sign.

Take Stephane Gillet. From the outside he looks like a really nice guy. You'd never know that by looking at his criminal history. He has this huge chip on his shoulder. He wants people to think he's deranged so he commits deranged acts of drug related violence. Even against women and children. Oh his fan denies that but even the French version of the article admitted he kidnapped a woman and children at gun point. The English paper just got that event mixed up with one of the many other violent acts in his criminal history.

Ya see he doesn't want you to think he's a nice guy so he overcompensates by doing bizarre acts of violence and the new leadership of the Rock Machine is goating him on. What a shame. There's nothing noble in a drug war. No one wants to bring that back. No one in Quebec or Vancouver. The public won't stand for it any more.

Even the Australian Waffler from the Rock Machine down under can't change the fact that the Rock Machine in Australia can't get along with anyone. They can't even get along with the Rebels. They can't get along with the Hells Angels. They broke off from the Bandidios after the Bandidio massacre in Ontario. They even kicked out their new National President and totally trash him who has since joined Vagos so they've burned that bridge too. So who can they get along with? Only the trained monkeys who kiss their ass and groom their frail ego. That is sad, very sad.

Drug wars are not noble. They are just about money and greed not honour or brotherhood. They betray their own for the almighty dollar. The good news is that people can see through them and don't think that kind of off the hook violence is cool so they are using social media to report them to the police. Welcome to the new world.

Making money from misery in Surrey

The Surrey Now ran a bizarre full page article about rogue recovery houses that prey on the addicted in Surrey. I know the Front Room is basically a drug house but that's a shelter not a recovery house. It is unwise to put a homeless shelter beside a needle exchange then give them in and out privileges all night. They don't even get in and out privileges at the Dell. As a result the Front Room is just a Provincially funded drug house where the staff are regularily abused. The Front room shelter and the needle exchange share the same civic address: 10667 135A Street, Surrey.

The recovery house scams are shocking. "There's good money in recovery houses; 10 clients will gross the operator nearly $6,000 a month and those who exploit their clients by providing substandard accommodation and meals can realize a tidy profit."

Corey is a 22-year-old recovering crack addict who lives in one of Robinson's recovery houses. He's been wrestling with substance abuse of one kind or another since he was seven. He spent four weeks in a recovery house run by an organization that has at least five houses in Surrey.

"They got $560 a month from me and it was pretty much just a meal a day and a bed to sleep in. I wasn't put on any restrictions and I was allowed to keep my phone," Corey said. He said within the first week of his residence there, he and the house monitor - the person in charge of the place - were on their way to a recovery meeting.

"While we were out, the monitor bought some crack. Both of us were using crack. After a while, I figured there wasn't much point being there."

Steve Burke and Charlie Morton both live in Whalley and both have bad recovery houses in their area. They claim the majority of recovery houses have more residents than the rules allow, are poorly managed, and are nothing more than money-making enterprises that take advantage of people who have fallen on bad times.

"We have more compassion for a dying seal on a beach than we have for human beings in our city. It's not right. I think the province is misappropriating our tax money, supposedly to help these people, and they're not doing anything."

Burke agreed. He said profit is the prime motive for most recovery house operators. "You can't make a profit with just six people in that house. You've got to have more people there - a lot more."

City hall can only regulate zoning and land use; it has no direct control over the recovery process itself. Nobody knows for sure just how many drug and alcohol recovery houses are operating in Surrey. Some estimates run as high as 200, but Surrey's mayor thinks the actual number is smaller.

"From what I understand, there are about 130 here in our city," Mayor Dianne Watts told the Now. However many there are, the vast majority of the recovery houses in Surrey - about 90 per cent of them - are not subject to provincial regulation and inspection and that's a problem. It's a problem for the city, for police, but most of all, it's a problem for their residents, addicts trying to get clean and sober.

The situation dates from December 2001 when the government of former premier Gordon Campbell changed the rules governing recovery houses. The Liberals amended the Community Care Facility Act to create a new class of facility called supportive recovery residences that are not required to have a provincial licence to operate.

In order to qualify as a supportive recovery residence, operators are required to provide "a safe and drug-free environment" for recovering addicts, but cannot "provide most or all of the services" required of licenced houses. The changes essentially created a class of boarding house for those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

In many cases, what it created was a network of flophouses where people trying to overcome addiction are exploited by unscrupulous operators who take clients' welfare cheques, but deliver little in the way of support or supervision.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Morning After

"When evil men and women burn and bomb, good men and women must build and bind." Martin Luther King. Turns out the morning after the riot the volunteers are coming out to help clean up the mess and board up the broken windows. Three cheers. All the volunteers at the Olympics made that event a huge success.

Vancouver riot clean up brings locals and non-locals together. Facebook group aims to id rioters. "Prosecute the thugs." Vancouver Police Want Your Riot Video and Photos. Report them.

Anarchists on Crack

Handing out free crack pipes in east van isn't good enough for them. Now these fruit loop anarchists have to go and destroy a hockey game for a good city. Smash the Anarchists who steal from us. Report them and incarcerate them.

In Belfast the black flag didn't represent anarchy. It represented an objection to a social injustice. They would line the streets with black flags during an IRA funeral. They would wave a black flag when the Orange men would hold their parades of intolerance through Catholic areas of Belfast. Now the Anarchists want to crush social peace. These anarchists are the social injustice. Crush them.

The Stanley Cup Loss

Yes losing the Stanley cup in game seven was a disappointment. Even though that loss was completely overshadowed by the shameful after game riots, something should be said about the game.

Hat's off to Tim Thomas. He was a consistent champion. After getting our asses kicked so badly in Boston we hardly deserved to win the cup. Even though it was a long time waiting.

Historically, Vancouver has never really had a great hockey team. That's what made this year so special. Dealing with loss respectfully is an attribute of a die hard Canuck fan. It's irritating to see band waggon jumpers, jump onto the band waggon at the last minute when things are going well, then be the first to jump off the band waggon as soon as things go wrong.

Being a true Canuck fan means supporting your team in victory and in defeat. The Grizzles rarely won a game but we loved having them because we all wanted to see the big names from the NBA visit. Let's face it, we suck at basketball. In fact we suck at baseball and soccer too but who cares about baseball. That ranks right up there with curling and golf. OK Tiger Woods made golf interesting but without Tiger golf is pretty boring. Soccer is interesting so we still support the Whitecaps even though we never make the World Cup.

Hockey is the only thing Canada is good at. Well certainly not the only thing but the only professional sport. Yet the violence on and off the ice needs to stop. It is just a game. The on the ice violence in hockey is becoming like the WWF. Wrestlers have to keep outdoing themselves with more and more dangerous stunts until someone really gets hurt. That's not what it all about. Defending yourself is one thing but being a bully is another.

So I'm not going to burn my Canucks jersey. I'm going to still wear it with pride even though a whole bunch of lawless losers have stained it. My response it to find pictures of people committing unlawful acts of violence that night and identify and report them to the police. After all, this is our city and no huckleberry hillbilly is going to destroy it. Not if we have anything to say about it.

Lawless Losers

Well something needs to be said. The vast majority of Vancovuerites were outraged and ashamed of the childish idiots who seized the opportunity of the mob and rioted in Vancouver last night. That's the good news. Although it was more than a few troublemakers, the vast majority of the people from here were outraged.

As a result we saw a change in the response by the public. The public were not cheering on the idiots who turned over cars, set them on fire and vandalized stores. The vast majority were taking their pictures and reporting them to the police. This is a good trend.

One person on facebook bragged about all the things they did that night on their facebook status. One of that person's disgusted friends took a screen clip of that childish boast and posted it on a wall for the police to see. This is the social change we need to embrace to prevent being held hostage by a mob of lawless losers. Report them to the police.

When they burn a car or vandalize a store they are stealing from us. They're not just stealing from the owner of the car they set on fire. That hillbilly act raises insurance rates for all of us so in so doing they are stealing from all of us and as a result we as a people need to report that crime not hide it.

When these hillbillies break into a store or a bank and vandalize and loot it, they are stealing from all of us because the price of goods is raised to offset that loss. When they riot and vandalize things the increase policing costs us tax dollars so all that huckleberry hillbilly conduct costs us money. Do you think we are going to protect you now? Not likely. If you have pictures of people committing unlawful acts that night, submit them to the police. If you can identify anyone who was seen committing unlawful acts after the game last night, report them. That is your duty. The rats are the ones who were running around stealing from us. Only rats steal.

I will add that the vast majority of the idiots we saw causing problems last night were white trash. That is nothing to brag about. There were similar problems during the G-8 insanity in Toronto. A lot of people had a legitimate right to voice their concern and object to the extravagant waste of money on Harper's fake lake and fake promise of fiscal responsibility.

Yet the first day of the G-8 in Toronto saw many hillbillies from out of town come in and start rioting and looting. Like kids in a candy store they get all excited about the power trip from a mob and revel in their five minutes of fame compensating for their small man syndrome. We saw one real man on youtube do the right thing.

Yet the next day the police overcompensated and started beating random people who had signs instead of targeting the people they saw committing acts of vandalism. It's really not brain surgery. If you see someone throwing a rock in a store window or setting a car on fire, then you can give that person the boots and arrest him. You don't kick the cat and rob our precious civil liberties by giving random people the boots for exercising their democratic right to free speech.

In London England, they use to have a problem with football hooligans. Thugs who would exploit the mob and cause trouble. In response the police would stand shoulder to shoulder and confine the trouble makers to an area. Then they would send in the Calvary. Police on horseback that would charge in and beat the shit out of the violent thugs with truncheons. That's what I'm talking about. If you see them committing violent unlawful acts, deal with it.

There's nothing worse then seeing a line of riot police getting taunted by a handful of idiots embowered by the mob who throw things at them. When the police see a handful of idiots step away from the crowd to assault the police, that is when the line of riot police pick up their shield and baton and charge forward, past the handful of violent stragglers then reform a new line holding off the mob with the violent stragglers caught behind their line. That's when the police on their side beat the living shit out of the violent stragglers now caught behind their new line. That is Sparta.

When the police are caught on video beating an innocent person like Rodney King, the public are outraged. Yet people are equally outraged when idiots loot, vandalize and set cars on fire. If the public sees a violent idiot commit unlawful acts during the riot, then they see the police attack him with a truncheon, then the public cheer. It really is that simple. If you see him committing a violent crime, take him down. If he is standing there with a sign claiming his charter right, leave him alone.

Several months ago I spoke with someone visiting here from Chicago. He talked about the Chicago riots. He said he lived in the suburbs at the time and they were worried the riots would come out to the suburbs and damage their homes and property. He said they all had guns and took to the street and said if you bring that violence here, we will shoot you dead. We can argue about gun control until the cows come home. Those neighbours bringing out their long guns and standing shoulder to shoulder against the mob during the Chicago riots contained them and prevented the riots from spreading like a wild fire into the suburbs. All I know is if that kind of violence comes into my neighbourhood, my neighbours and I are not going to stand by and watch.

Monday, June 13, 2011

RCMP and Sheriff Cut Backs

Sheriff cut backs have resulted in trial delays and adjournments. "Just days after Attorney General Barry Penner claimed there was no money to pay for more sheriffs for B.C. courts, several cases were adjourned in both Surrey and Vancouver Provincial Courts Monday because of staff shortages."

As one poster pointed out, this is the same time the RCMP are spending more money on advertising to promote their "brand." That sounds so corporate. Cut down on services and spend more money on advertising. Sounds familiar.

The California prisons are in complete turmoil. As a result of the three to a bunk over crowding the courts there ordered them to release one quarter of their prisoners. Only they can't remember who's in for what and aren't releasing the nonviolent offenders first they're accidental releasing violent offenders into the public.

So if our prisons are over crowded and if we are cutting down the services provided by the RCMP, how can we afford to send more people to jail for nonviolent crimes like possession of pot without raising taxes? If we spend that money on sending nonviolent criminals to jail, how can we possibly afford to imprison violent offenders and people who traffic hard drugs like crack or meth?

It really looks like the Harper government has it's priorities somewhat confused. Since the Harper government got elected on a tough on crime promise and since they bungled the anti crime bills and instead introduce an unpatriotic act that removes civil liberties while they cut funding for the RCMP, the Sheriffs and the Gang Task Forces, does that mean we can sue them for breach of contract? Didn't Jack Layton say he'd spend more money on more police? Isn't that ironic.

Hookers and Blow

One of the young kids at work said his father told him when he was young that if he ever wanted a stripper to have sex with him, offer her blow. He was like gee thanks for that tip Dad. I can't remember how old he was at the time but he said he was under 16 when his father shared that with him.

He didn't tell me out of pride bragging about how cool his father was. He told me out of shame out of how embarrassed he was of his father. So what does that mean, his father is going to cheat on his mother with hookers and blow? All of a sudden that changes the perspective. Kinda like when your daughter comes of age. It changes how you see girls your daughters age. At least it should.

One of the common elements I see with these OMGs as they try to recruit on the Internet is how they love to post pictures of themselves with strippers. You're cool alright. About as cool as a pedophile. When are these old farts ever going to grow up? Who can afford cocaine now a days anyways? If you're not a doctor, lawyer or Corporate lobbyist the only way you can afford cocaine is if you sell drugs and if you're selling drugs just so you can use drugs, what's the point? The rest of us are struggling with paying for braces and college.

Somebody said Stocky from the Haney chapter had a stroke and died. I have no idea if that's true but if it is, my condolences. Initially I thought Stocky was one of the few that didn't have to use the date rape drug his chapter associates sold because he was well built. Although he did have a reputation for liking to party and for being a fan of hookers and blow. Perhaps that's what caused the stroke.

Yet I did find one of the details about one of his arrestes somewhat disturbing. I mean his assault charge not when he was arrested with a kilo of cocaine, 30 pounds of marijuana and a gun. He was charged with assaulting a police officer. It was the events that led up to the assault that were disturbing.

Vincenzo Brienza was charged after his Jeep was stopped by police responding to a 911 call reporting that three men and a sex trade worker were in a Jeep-like vehicle and the vehicle was rocking on April 14, 2005.

When officers tried to search the vehicle, Brienza and another passenger struggled with them. Brienza, who was sprayed with pepper spray and struck several times with a baton, was convicted of punching a sergeant in the face.

My question is, what was Stocky doing rocking a jeep with a hooker and three other guys in the car? Three other guys? Now that is weird. Rape is heinous but gang rape is deranged. So is sharing a hooker with three other guys.

Haney chapter were the ones that attended parties at Piggy's palace. Stocky's brother Romano Brienza was the former president of the Regulators. That was Juel Stanton's crew. Are we beginning to see the connection?

Stocky's brother Romano passed away on May 1, 2005 at the age of 38 years. He was acquitted of cocaine charges from a 2001 arrest.

Bandidos in the drug war

The Bandidios was founded in 1966 by Don Chambers in Texas. In 1972 Don Chambers, Jesse "Deal" Fain and Ray Vincente abducted two drug dealers in El Paso, Texas. The dealers, Marley Leon and Preston LeRay Tarver, had sold baking soda to the Bandidos, claiming it was methamphetamine.

The Bandidos drove the two dealers into the desert north of the city. There, the dealers, were forced to dig their own graves, after which the bikers shot them with shotguns and set fire to their bodies. Chambers, Deal and Vincente were all convicted of these murders; with testimony given by an eyewitness to the event. They all received life sentences.

They didn't murder the drug dealers for selling drugs. They murdered them for selling them fake drugs. The historic origin of the Motorcycle Club involved drug trafficking. Don Chambers, having served in Vietnam as a Marine, modeled the club's colors after the scarlet and gold motif of the United States Marine Corps. After Chambers' presidency ended due to his conviction for murder in El Paso, Texas, Ronnie Hodge was elevated to president.

Kind of a strange logo. A fat Mexican was slang for a big fattie or a large joint. It didn't really represent a fat Mexican. Their logo does look like it could use some time on the stair master. Yet the original connection to the US Marines in Vietnam and drug trafficking is interesting.

Bandido is Spanish for bandit as in thief. The motto I'm going to rob you is somewhat less than noble. Yet the betrayal involved with the Bandidio massacre in Ontario rivals the Hells Angels Lennoxville massacre and the Death Riders take over.

Selling crack has nothing to do with the real MC movement.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wrong MC OMG

The Fugees sang a song that said Too many MC's not enough Mic's. Indeed there is. MC also refers to Motorcycle club as opposed to OMG which means Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. Unless your a teenager on the Internet where OMG would mean oh my god as in wtf.

I have no problem with MCs as in Motorcycle clubs. I have a problem with the Hells Angels claiming ownership of the term and claiming no one else is *allowed* to use the term MC without their permission. That is absolute bullsh*t.

I have a problem with people using the term MC or OMG to sell drugs. That was not the intent of the MC movement. Now we have all these groups fighting each other for the right to sell drugs. It's all about greed and nothing to do with riding motorcycles.

I admire the Rock Machine for standing up to the Hells Angels but I don't support selling hard drugs. The Hells Angels taking over all the grow ops and saying that no one is allowed to sell pot but them is bizarre. Yet so is fighting the Hells Angels just for the right to sell crack. If everyone stopped selling crack and everyone just minded their own business and sold pot to whoever would buy from them, there would be no need for all the drug related violence. The violence is from greed. Yet your still unhappy with your riches because you're piss poor morally. Just ask TI.

I have a problem with people like the Hells Angels or the Bandidos from Texas who use the term brotherhood when they have no idea what that term means. Murdering a brother is being a rat. I have a problem with them using the term L&R when they have no idea what that means. There is no respect in torturing crack addicts and there is no love when you mutilate and murder a brother for $400.00. There's no love when his grow op gets busted and you charge him double and threaten to kill him if he doesn't pay up right away. There's no love when you murder his girlfriends mother and burn down her house. That is f*cked up and so is anyone who does that kind of sh*t.

Everybody wants to be a freakin cowboy when all they are is just another bitch. Tupac talked about the Ghetto gospel. Have you ever had rice and peas? Black eyed peas cooked in the rice with some curry mutton and a pint of Guinness. Now that's what I'm talking about. Diversity. All this white supremacy Nazi bullsh*t is totally f*cked up. That is what we fought in the trenches on foreign soil to oppose. We're certainly not going to embrace it here.

This isn't the ghetto. This is the toilet but it doesn't have to be. Eventually we will take out the trash. We have to get out of the fish bowl and realize other places are not like here. Why do we catch onto fads 20 years after they're out of style? We gotta start making changes. We need to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. We need to get up and stand up. Until then I'll C U When U Get There. I'll see you on the other side.