Monday, June 27, 2011

Kelowna Murder

A brawl between two Kelowna families ended up in a murder. 51 year old husband and father Dain Phillips died after being beaten with a baseball bat on June 11 2011.

Police believe Phillips was caught in the crossfire. Evidence in this incident indicates that the 51-year-old victim did not provoke the attack nor engage in an altercation. Two men in one group are related as are three men in the other group.

It is absolutely triadic that adults can act like children. Look at the cost. A husband and father has been murdered and another father has senselessly thrown his life away as a result. This is not a noble legacy. It's very sad. There are no winners in this conflict. Only sorrow.

HST Ballots

Make sure you get your HST ballot. Canada Post resumes services Tuesday June 28 2011. If you don't receive a ballot in the mail you must call Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 (toll-free) to request a voting package.

No doubt Harper and the BC Liberals are hoping for public apathy to slip this one past us. Let's just have a quick peek at some of the bold faced lies about the HST campaign.

The HST is not a reduction in tax. They would not be spending millions in advertising to convince us to lower taxes. It is NOT 10%. The Liberals have promised to drop it to 10% in 2014 after the next election. It will not be possible for us to repeal it if they don't.

PST did not apply to any services or to environmental consumer goods. Adding HST even at a reduced rate of 10% is still a tax increase because 10% on services or products that were not previously taxed is clearly a tax increase. It really is that simple.

The HST supports big corporations not small business. The HST crushes small business and unload corporate tax unto the consumers. The HST is bad for business.

Dustin Paxton and Crystal Meth

Monday Dustin Paxton faced the beginning of three trials on 11 charges against 4 people. Paxton is accused of the aggravated assault and forcible confinement of his former girlfriend, who was 17-years-old at the time and cannot be identified.

News reports claim he met her at the Mustard Seed in Calgary when she was homeless and addicted to crystal meth. She claims their relationship became increasingly violent but did not report it to the police. Officers learned of the assaults while investigating the beating of Paxton’s former roommate.

The incidents involving his roommate, who also cannot be named, allegedly took place over a 14-month period. In April 2010, the victim was dropped off at a Saskatchewan hospital severely malnourished. The room mate cannot be named but we all know who he is and we all wish him well.

What I still find inconceivable is the motive. Not the motive of the twisted offender but the motive of the viciously abused room mate. Why on earth did he stay in such a horrifically abusive relationship when he had opportunities to leave?

The case involving Paxton's girlfriend introduces crystal meth into the equation. Some claimed Paxton sold drugs. Others claimed Carl Nyberg, an employee of the same small moving company, had ripped off the Hells Angels and had disappeared. It was that missing room mate's car they drove from Calgary to Regina.

This new artcile claims the woman who Paxton assaulted was a self-admitted drug addict at the time and she said she started frequently staying at Paxton's home where she would spend her days smoking marijuana and using crystal meth with Paxton and his roommate.

If Paxton sold drugs, who did he sell them for? I know there is a great deal of effort to portray Paxton as a wacko who is a repeat offender of violence and is solely responsible for the injuries his former room mate incurred. I know the family admittedly denies that the Hells Angels were involved in any way, shape or form.

They claim the fact that the former room mate who was tortured at one time testified in a murder trial where someone he and his brother knew, murdered a beloved Hells Angels associate had absolutely nothing to do with the motive behind the torture and injuries Paxton inflicted upon him.

Perhaps not. Yet Dale Donovan, Sean Wolf and Corey MacInnis were all friends and associates. Corey, known as Tiny Mac, was a founding member of the Winnipeg Hells Angels and was friends with Sean Wolfe who became if not a Sargent in arms for the chapter at least an enforcer. Corey and Sean were accused of threatening a young drug dealer with a gun and beating him with a hammer. Those charges were dropped when the victim refused to testify.

Dale Donovan was the chapter president. Dale and Sean were eventually convicted of cocaine trafficking. The Zig Zag crew paid the Winnipeg Hells Angels protection money so the Zig Zag crew could sell crack for the Hells angels. Famous Amos from the Zig Zag crew was caught on video cutting crack cocaine for the Hells angels while the bobsy twins were reported to tell the Zig Zag crew members if they were having trouble paying their protection money, they should get a real job as well as selling drugs.

The point is, Dale and Sean really liked Trevor Savoie. Trever was a small kid who sold drugs for the Hells angels through the Zig Zag crew. The police claim that Dale was so upset about his murder that he got a tattoo of the young kid as a memorial. This photo is of Sean Wolfe comforting a friend at Trevor's funeral.

Corey MacInnis escaped conviction in the Zig Zag crew round up because he had moved to Calgary after he was stabbed and had his deadheads covered up with a pair of ugly fish. Yet he still continued to be an associate. He later advertised for a Calgary tattoo parlor that sold bongs and drug related paraphernalia.

The Paxton torture case drew a lot of attention on the Internet. Everyone and their dog were discussing every conspiracy theory possible to try and figure out why the room mate stayed to endure that kind of horrific abuse. Some thought he was addicted to crystal meth and stayed for the drug. Others thought the threat of being hunted down by the Hells angels caused him to stay. Others thought he was in a gay relationship and stayed for the same reason a battered wife would.

No one knows the real reason he stayed and I highly doubt the real reason will ever come out in court. Someone contacted me and claimed Tiny Mac was involved. Others claimed he was abducted by aliens. Personally, I think if drugs were involved in any way, so were the Hells Angels. I would think that argument would have more merit then the claim it was aliens.

Yet the fact remains. Dale Donovan, Sean Wolf and Corey MacInnis were friends and associates. Dale and Sean were in prison but Corey was living in Calgary at the time. If Paxton was selling drugs it is highly unlikely he was a free agent.

The fact remains that Dale and Sean were very upset about the murder of Trevor Savoie. The room mate's mother lied and said the only reason her son testified in that trial was because he lived in the same neighbourhood as gang members. In reality, the son who was tortured and his brother both knew the shooter. The shooter stayed in their home briefly after committing the murder.

Point granted, the room mate who was tortured's testimony in that Hells angels murder trial was insignificant. He simply said yes the shooter stayed in his home with his brother for a few days after the shooting and was acting very erratic. Yet we all know that when the Hells angels retaliate, they retaliate against someone's friends and family as well.

Like I said, I highly doubt we will ever know who else was involved in that torture case. We do know Paxton was because the room mate said so and he will go on trial for it. The fact remains the Hells Angels were deeply involved in the drug trade in Winnipeg and used violence and extortion to control it.

The RCMP Pension Scandal

I'm trying to understand the nature of the RCMP Pension scandal. A lot of political posturing and accusations have been thrown back and forth but it's important to get to the root of the problem in order to fix it. It is essential to do so if we are to restore and preserve the integrity of the RCMP.

CBC reports that several years ago the RCMP tried to privatize or outsource the administration of it's pension and insurance fund to "save money." OK that's a big red flag right there. A reoccurring problem of fraud is revealed whenever government uses the word privatization to circumvent public accountability. Enron is the prime example. Likewise, the privatization of the RCMP Pension was met with similar misappropriated corruption. Every big corporation wants to get it's greedy little mitts on it's employees pension.

CTV claims the RCMP's human resources branch may have improperly diverted some of the money from the members' insurance fund to shore up other budgets. One blogger claims the RCMP has never been accountable to the public.

If we are going to restore and protect the integrity of the RCMP we need to do so by making it publicly accountable. That doesn't mean make a verbally abusive civilian the RCMP Commissioner. Civilian agencies created to investigate police complaints are essential. Yet a civilian commissioner is like having a civilian general. It doesn't make sense. Elliot is stepping down this summer. John McKay would make a good replacement as would Jim Chu.

To restore and protect the RCMP's integrity we need to:

1) Fix the pension. If money was wasted or borrowed to cover other budgets, replace those funds and report budgets to the public so that kind of misappropriation of funds doesn't happen again.

2) Fix the abusive nature of the administration. The obsession for cover up and the firing of whistle blowers needs to stop. Four officers charged with perjury in the Taser incident is not acceptable. Four officers facing criminal charges relating to one officer's inappropriate relationship with a witness is not acceptable.

3) Implement a civilian agency to monitor police complaints so the few bad apples that are consistently giving civilians the boots get replaced with officers who understand the motto to serve and protect.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Preserving the Integrity of the RCMP

The charges against some of the officers investigating the Surrey Six murder trial are making big news. As a result some are questioning whether or not we should renew our contract with the RCMP. I believe there is no question we should.

Without question the RCMP have taken public hits to their credibility. The Taser death at the airport and the subsequent perjury charges are one. The Kelowna officer kicking a suspect in the face while he was kneeling on the ground is another. That is the same officer who assaulted a driver who he thought was stealing a boat when in reality he was employed to repossessed it. He was driving the company truck but the officer took no time to hear him out.

Although there is a huge problem with a lack of accountability the police have to the public, that problem is by no means limited to the RCMP. The VPD gave the wrong guy the boots. Why the VPD let the Hells Angels sell drugs in East Van is also suspect. The New Westminster use of force trainer was caught abusing his authority while he was drunk off duty and assisting other officers from the Delta and West Van PD beat and rob an innocent victim.

Giving someone like Gordon Campbell his own private army is as frightening as giving someone like Stephen Harper his own private army. It is demonic. Before we make any drastic changes to the status quo we need one conclusive change. We need to implement the civilian agency.

We need a civilian agency that oversees police complaints that is accountable to the public. Smaller agencies have a tendency of forming exclusive old boys clubs. That's not to say the old boys club can't exist federally either. Large cities can and do have their own police force. I personally don't think a Regional Police force is the answer to the accountability problem.

Don't get me wrong, something does need to change. Public accountability needs to be introduced. Before we change from a federal police force to a regional police force we need to establish a civilian agency that overseas all policing in the province. That is conclusive.

I despise the fact that Harper the Liar is cutting funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task force while spending millions on advertising promoting the RCMP brand. It is hollow and hypocritical. Yet I do believe the RCMP have a noble history worth restoring and protecting. We do that through a civilian agency not through a Regional Police force with no public accountability.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who killed Dru Cilliers?

I can't seem to get Dru out of my mind. I'm trying to figure out who killed him and it just doesn't make sense to me. He was a Hells angels affiliate. Bob Green's cousin Len Pelletier co signed the loan for Dru's Harley. I think Len's wife was genuinely saddened by the news of Dru's death.

Dru looked like a nice guy. Yes Dru sold drugs. He had a prior conviction from 2002. Yet in 2004 he was commended for bravery for dragging a man to safety from a burning car. The thing I don't understand is who killed him? The main beef we had in Surrey was between the UN and the Bacon brothers.

The Bacon brothers were taking over the leadership of the UN affiliated Red Scorpions and turned them into Hells Angel associates. So it really doesn't make sense to think the Bacons were responsible for Dru's murder. They met with the Independent Soldiers at Castle fun park who are Hells Angel puppets.

It doesn't make sense to think the UN were either because the UN weren't waring with the Hells Angels they were waring with the Bacons. The UN was caught doing business with the Hells Angels. So really, who other than the Hells Angels are going to kill an Hells Angels associate if there is no direct Hells Angels rival? Let me know what you think.

The New Bulldog Cafe

Someone claims there's a new Bulldog cafe in Vancouver run by the Hells Angels. Get this, it's across the street from the BC Marijuana Party office and is right beside the Black Door. The BCMP is of course right beside the Amsterdam cafe. Where they're too scared to sell you pot and just refer you to the Black Door across the street run by the Hells Angels.

We know that the original Bulldog Cafe started in Amsterdam in 1976. It's considered to be the first cannabis coffee shop in Amsterdam. I'm not sure if that one is run by the Hells angels but this one sure is. It has the blessing of the VPD of course. Not only are the VPD letting the Black door do business freely, they are letting them expand and sell out of their own cafe next door.

I have no problem with them selling weed or baked goods out of there but what's with all the arguing? "Tell buddy it's my block." I have a problem with the Hells angels saying no one is allowed to sell weed but them. That is so Nazi. It's shamefully suspicious that they get the green light from the VPD but no one else does. Maybe Stephen Harper will be performing there next with his pot smoking supporter Rob Ford, the new mayor of Toronto.

Gordon Campbell's Private Personal Assistant

Speaking of Gordon Campbell's drunk driving charges in Hawaii, who was with him in the car anyways? There has been a lot of whispering going on about it. The first media report came out that there was a passenger in the car with him when he was pulled over for DUI yet that information was erased from subsequent reports.

One source claims that it was his Private Personal Assistant yet other reports claim it was someone else. One source claims his Personal Private Assistant had a child a year later yet other sources claim that is simply untrue. There has been a lot of speculation about the nature of his relationship with his long time advisor Lara Dauphinee.

Let's look at what we do know. We know Gordo's blood alcohol level was 0.161‏, which is more than twice the legal limit. The old legal limit not the new legal limit. Which means he had more than 8 drinks not just two.

Not only that he was speeding and nearly crossing into a lane toward another vehicle. Campbell was fined $500 for the petty misdemeanor of driving under the influence of alcohol. He also was ordered to pay $50 for failure to drive on the right side of the road, $50 for disregarding lane markings and $125 for speeding, going 70 mph in a 45-mph zone.

What I don't get is the oily skin mentioned in the police report. What on earth would cause that? Toronto mayor Rob Ford is another one of Stephen Harper's supporters.

The question I have is, why are Harper's associates such drunken pigs? OK Bruce Carson wasn't a drunk. He was just a pig and a crook.

So here we have a drunk like Gordon Campbell getting promoted to represent Canada at the 2012 Summer Olympics who changed the drinking driving laws from .08 to seize your car after two drinks.

Here we have a mayor who had a dui charge in Florida and was caught with marijuana support Harper's plan to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of marijuana.

Here we have an old pervert with a criminal record of fraud hooking up with young escorts and not only bringing them to Sussex Drive but get caught channeling money from conflicted government contracts into her account to pay for her services.

All this while Harper pimps the church and family values. It all looks so hypocritical. Sure people change but Rob Ford's assault charge against his wife wasn't that long ago. He admitted to lying about yelling and swearing at a couple while he was drunk at a hockey game in 2006. What can ya do with a drunken sailor? Give him a chauffeur in London. Now that is a travesty of justice.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Kamloops home invasion

Another case of mistaken identity saw a young family targeted by home invaders early Tuesday morning, an attempt that ended in multiple gunshots being fired at their North Kamloops house.

The people who are living there now are not the people who were there two months ago. Police are now interviewing the former residents prior to the family moving in about a month ago and why four men would disguise themselves in hoodies and bandannas and pay them a visit.

Stephen Harper rewards Gordon Campbell

Gag me with a spoon. Stephen Harper nominated his partner in crime Gordon Campbell to be Canada's next High Commmissioner to the United Kingdom. In exchange for selling BC out to the HST lie. I guess Harper had to renege on the promise of giving Campbell a senate seat. The term Harper's Promise is going to become as famous as the term Lyin Brian. Looks like Harper's Taser lobbyist has them tasering deer in Toronto. What will they think of next?