Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Western Wind Skipper gets caught with another 400 kilograms of cocaine

Well, speak of the devil. We all remember the Hells Angels 2 1/2 tonnes of cocaine on the Western Wind that was seized and the senior RCMP official who prevented charges from being laid. Well this time that same skipper has been caught with 400 kilograms of cocaine off the coast of Florida. Wow, Gyrator lost 400 keys this time. Somebody's gonna pay.

Latest news from Kim Bolan is:

“The plaintiff Marlene Stirling also told the defendants that two Hells Angels members sat at her kitchen table and had coffee on multiple different times,” the documents said. “The defendants have videotape evidence of the plaintiff John Stirling threatening to kill more than one person at gunpoint,” the documents said. “On Sept. 10, 2011, the defendants were informed that the plaintiff John Stirling has been seeking to hire people to burn down the defendants’ house and cause physical harm to them.”

Martin and Beckman said “a man calling himself Ryan showed up at the defendants’ residence wearing a black leather jacket with a Hells Angel patch and was looking for the plaintiff John Stirling because John apparently owed this guy Ryan money.” Martin said in the court statement that he called Stirlings’ house and warned Marlene that someone was looking for John “and that he sounded really p---ed off.”

More RCMP Sexual Harassment Allegations

I don't know what to say. I find these new RCMP allegations from a former senior member astounding. Cpl. Catherine Galliford was the face of the B.C. RCMP for years. During her tenure as the RCMP's spokesperson, Galliford announced the arrest of Robert William Pickton and revealed charges had been laid in the Air India bombing.

But in an internal RCMP complaint, Galliford makes serious allegations about misconduct inside the RCMP. Galliford says she faced constant sexual advances from several senior officers from the moment she graduated from the RCMP Academy in 1991.

She outlines years of harassment in a 115-page internal complaint that the RCMP has yet to respond to, including allegations a supervisor on the Missing Women's Task Force lied to colleagues when he said they were intimate and that he even exposed himself to her.

Here's what I'm having trouble processing: She claims she endured years of sexual harassment in the RCMP during the time of the Pickton murder announcement and for years prior to it. We have sex trade workers testify at the Pickton Inquiry that police would blackmail them into having sex with them. We even hear claims that off duty police frequented Piggy's Palace. I don't know what to say. I can see a pattern.

The sexual assault allegations during the Olympics and the claim they tried to smuggle a prostitute on board a police cruse ship in a hockey bag. It's had to process. Galliford says the command and control structure at the RCMP means Mounties are instructed to do as they're told, or risk getting reprimanded. This needs to change.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Two more Vancouver gang shootings

Gang shootings, right, my bad. It's really hard to keep up with the play by play on all the gang shootings. We know Mehrdad Saki was shot in the face in New West last Monday and Axel Curtis was shot dead walking his dog in Vancouver Sunday morning. He was shot six times in the chest. at 8:10 into this Youtube video you can see a clip of Axel.

The Vancouver Province claims "Latest gang killing highlights growing Metro Vancouver drug war." OK let's do the math. Axel was a member of the UN. So the UN didn't kill him neither did the Dak Pack. The Red Scorpions work for the Hells angels now so if the Red Scorpions shot him who do you think is ultimately responsible?

The Hells Angels killed three guys connected to the Surrey drug trade in five weeks not long ago. It was all about doing what Eric Sandburg told Agent 22 they were going to do - eliminate all the competition in Surrey. Let's not forget the recent Hells Angels shooting in an Ottawa shopping mall.

Here you thought I forgot about the Hells Angels just because I was writing about cocaine dealers in Victoria. Who do you think they work for? One of the suspects is friends with the son of the owner of the Western Wind. Go figure.

Provinces have to pay Harper's Bill

OK one more before I explode. This is the problem. After enacting over reaching criminal legislation that will prevent us for being able to afford to implement mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime, Stephen Harper says it's the provinces responsibility to fund his crime bill. Deja Vue. Didn't Jack Layton say that's all Harper did was to pass on expenses to the provinces and the municipalities? He claimed he saw it when he was in Toronto and that he did. We're certainly seeing it again now.

Looks like Stephen Harper is pissing off Ontario now as well as Quebec. Perhaps BC will be next. Prime Minister Stephen Harper says his anti-crime measures aren't "terribly expensive" and provinces such as Ontario and Quebec that complain about having to foot the bill for the added costs to their prison systems should accept their "constitutional responsibilities" to help keep streets safe.

Last I heard the Constitution was federal not provincial. If his bill isn't terribly expensive then he should pay for it. "There's constitutional responsibilities of all governments to enforce laws and protect people," said Harper. Yeah all government and his stupid bill is preventing us from doing it.

Last month, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said the Harper government should pay for costs to build provincial prisons and hire staff because of the omnibus crime bill.

"It's easy for the federal government to pass new laws dealing with crime," said the premier. "But if there are new costs associated with those laws that have to be borne by the taxpayers of Ontario, I expect the feds will pick up that tab."

Quebec Justice Minister Jean-Marc Fournier flatly said his province "will not pay" for the extra prison costs, and he was sharply critical of the proposed legislation for using a flawed solution - increased incarceration - to a societal problem.

"The crime measures we're proposing are overwhelmingly supported by Canadians," said Harper. Bullsh*t it is. We asked for mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and hard drugs not for growing pot. We currently have a sheriff shortage in BC that is already delaying important cases. The Donnie McWhirter‏ case is a prime example of what's wrong with our current system. Here's a guy who is charged with sexual assault out on bail and he doesn't go to trial for a year. What's his victim supposed to do for a year in the same small town?

Our prisons are currently over crowed and under funded. If we are going to implement mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and hard drugs like selling crack or crystal meth, then yes that will cost more money. Throwing everyone in jail for growing pot will prevent us from being able to afford to incarcerate violent crime.

Take a look at the pattern people. Harper spends millions of dollars on not a few jets but a whole fleet of jets for a company one of his candidates lobbied for then cuts half a billion dollars from Veteran affairs. That is treason. Harper promises to get tough on crime then cuts funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task force. That is breach of contract. Now, after refusing to take the amendment the other parties were asking for, he comes up with a bullsh*t bill and demands the provinces pay for it. That's like Christy Clark creating a new public holiday she doesn't have to pay for. The cancer that is eating away our political system is epidemic.

Self-indulgent Occupy protest

OK this guy has got to get off the crack. Everyday the same editorial only it keeps getting worse. Sounds more like an HST or a Smart Meter commercial.

Self-indulgent Occupy protest is the problem. That is so absurd it's offensive. I don't think anyone camped out at the Art Centre had anything to do with the real estate fraud or the hedge fund fraud or any of the other stock market frauds that caused the collapse that necessitated the obscene expenditure of tax dollars to bail them out.

The crisis was created by self indulgent white collar criminals. The bail out was given to self indulgent CEOs who kept their lavish bonuses at taxpayers expense. That is self indulgent. Some guy living in a tent protesting is not. The bizarre accusation is dishonest. "They're" the problem? I don't think any of those guys stole our pensions.

Then Jon Ferry embarks from absurdity to revel in nonsense. He claims their naivety is truly shocking. "Friends, it's not news that a minority have most of the money and power in the world," he blogged. "That's been true since, um, ever."

OMG Tyranny has always existed and the people have always resisted it. That's what happened when the Nobles said enough is enough and demanded equal rights in the Magna carta. That wasn't about the poor being jealous of the rich. It was about a group of people who stood up and asserted their unalienable rights.

That's what the American revolution was about. Equality, taxation without representation, democracy, self determination. We're getting taxation without representation now. They spend our tax dollars on things we don't want them to spend it on and raise our taxes to keep funding it. David Cameron's latest u turn is a prime example of the cancer that is eating away politics. Someone campaigns on a promise then breaks that promise when they get elected. That's breach of contract. Let us not forget the promise inscribed on the Statue of Liberty in New York:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Heaven forbid Jon Ferry would cast the founding fathers aside as Communists. Claiming the Occupy Protesters are the problem is absurd. That's just like a rich British king who over taxes the people claiming the peasants are the problem. Well my friend the pheasants pay the taxes so the greedy can be self indulgent.

Donald Trump bragged about paying no income tax two years in a row. That is treason. I work. I have a job. I pay taxes. In fact I pay more taxes than Donald Trump. That is the problem. The rich should not be over taxed but they should pay some tax. Corporations shouldn't be over taxed but they should pay some tax. You can't get away with over taxing the pheasants forever. That system will eventually break.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blaze charged with Sexual Assault

Someone just pointed out that Donnie McWhirter‏ of Kelowna aka Blaze was in court recently. His case has been set over to January 20th 2012. Turns out he's facing two counts of assault and one count of sexual assault. Another Hells angel associate charged with sexual assault. I find that rather disturbing. The offense was from December 14, 2010. He's out on bail for sexual assault for over a year before the case goes to trial? That is rather absurd. I bet his case would be heard a lot sooner if he had been growing pot.

Donnie is the one we referred to as Napoleon Dynamite for posing with an IS shirt on and a 50 pound barbell on the bench. He is an associate of Joey Verma who has been charged with the murder of Britney Irving.

Tragic death rocks Occupy Vancouver site

This is a heart wrenching tragedy and it behooves us to look in the mirror and assume some social responsibility. A young woman died Saturday afternoon at the Occupy Vancouver site from what appears to be a drug over dose. Tragic indeed. I can tell you she didn't over dose on pot.

Thursday there was a heroin overdose and if there wasn't medical aid on site, that too could have needed in a fatality. These two tragedies illuminate the real problem in East Vancouver. Gangs get rich off of hard drugs and society enables addiction instead of helping to curb it. Vancouver Coastal Health has been handing out free needles on site part of their “harm-reduction” service. Once again they ignore the other three pillars and assume legal liability for handing out free needles without enforcing the law.

In case they didn't notice, it is a public protest not a safe injection site. The police have every right to arrest people for using hard drugs on that public protest. Tolerating it and handing out free needles is socially irresponsible. Then again it's likely part of the NPA's plan to shut the site down. Create a problem so you can rationalize shutting it down without examining the public urgency of the protest.

Eddy Murphy's new comedy Tower Heist is very timely. It's about a Madoff inspired stock swindler who rips off everyone's pension and gets away with it. A group of people he ripped off plan a robbery to recoup their losses. The fraud on Wall Street is serious. Stephen Harper lied about us not bailing out our Banks. That was a colossal waste of tax dollars. The people have every right to be upset.

It's not about the rich versus the poor. It's about white collar crime stealing tax dollars for bailouts from investment fraud. We need only look to Greece to see how urgent these concerns really are. Don't tell me this protest has no purpose. Don't tell me handing out free needles and free crack pipes is the answer. I disagree.

Veterans protest $226M in proposed cuts

So a Harper government spends millions of dollars on more jets than we need to their own conflicted company while they freeze military spending and cut back millions targeting Veterans. That's above and beyond the Strategic Review which would total half a billion in cuts to Veteran Affairs. Why is that not surprising?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

UK Robbed of EU Referendum

BRITONS have been robbed of the chance to vote on a power grab by Brussels despite promises of a referendum. In the wake of the Lisbon Treaty fiasco, David Cameron vowed Britain would never again give away powers to Brussels without first holding a referendum. In a spectacular U-turn, however, Mr Cameron has now backed plans to sneak changes into the Lisbon Treaty without triggering referendums across Europe.

David Cameron faced a furious backlash from his own MPs yesterday as he shamelessly broke his pledge to hold a referendum on Europe. The Tory leader gave his guarantee in 2007 saying: "If I become PM a Conservative government will hold a referendum on an EU treaty." He claimed failure of politicians to keep promises was the "cancer eating away at trust in politics". But yesterday he tried to squirm out of his pledge by arguing once Lisbon became law it was no longer a treaty - then sent William Hague out to face the cameras.

Farewell British Sovereignty. Maggie what have we done?

Hells Angels' lawyer beaten in Montreal

Montreal criminal lawyer Gilles Doré - who has represented alleged Hells Angels - is in hospital with serious injuries after being assaulted outside his home. According to Radio-Canada, the 58-year-old lawyer was violently beaten outside his house in Montreal's tony Outremont neighbourhood Friday evening.