OK one more before I explode. This is the problem. After enacting over reaching criminal legislation that will prevent us for being able to afford to implement mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime, Stephen Harper says it's the provinces responsibility to fund his crime bill. Deja Vue. Didn't Jack Layton say that's all Harper did was to pass on expenses to the provinces and the municipalities? He claimed he saw it when he was in Toronto and that he did. We're certainly seeing it again now.
Looks like Stephen Harper is pissing off Ontario now as well as Quebec. Perhaps BC will be next. Prime Minister Stephen Harper says his anti-crime measures aren't "terribly expensive" and provinces such as Ontario and Quebec that complain about having to foot the bill for the added costs to their prison systems should accept their "constitutional responsibilities" to help keep streets safe.
Last I heard the Constitution was federal not provincial. If his bill isn't terribly expensive then he should pay for it. "There's constitutional responsibilities of all governments to enforce laws and protect people," said Harper. Yeah all government and his stupid bill is preventing us from doing it.
Last month, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said the Harper government should pay for costs to build provincial prisons and hire staff because of the omnibus crime bill.
"It's easy for the federal government to pass new laws dealing with crime," said the premier. "But if there are new costs associated with those laws that have to be borne by the taxpayers of Ontario, I expect the feds will pick up that tab."
Quebec Justice Minister Jean-Marc Fournier flatly said his province "will not pay" for the extra prison costs, and he was sharply critical of the proposed legislation for using a flawed solution - increased incarceration - to a societal problem.
"The crime measures we're proposing are overwhelmingly supported by Canadians," said Harper. Bullsh*t it is. We asked for mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and hard drugs not for growing pot. We currently have a sheriff shortage in BC that is already delaying important cases. The Donnie McWhirter case is a prime example of what's wrong with our current system. Here's a guy who is charged with sexual assault out on bail and he doesn't go to trial for a year. What's his victim supposed to do for a year in the same small town?
Our prisons are currently over crowed and under funded. If we are going to implement mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and hard drugs like selling crack or crystal meth, then yes that will cost more money. Throwing everyone in jail for growing pot will prevent us from being able to afford to incarcerate violent crime.
Take a look at the pattern people. Harper spends millions of dollars on not a few jets but a whole fleet of jets for a company one of his candidates lobbied for then cuts half a billion dollars from Veteran affairs. That is treason. Harper promises to get tough on crime then cuts funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task force. That is breach of contract. Now, after refusing to take the amendment the other parties were asking for, he comes up with a bullsh*t bill and demands the provinces pay for it. That's like Christy Clark creating a new public holiday she doesn't have to pay for. The cancer that is eating away our political system is epidemic.
Once again you've got it wrong. Where do you think money for te federal government is generated, bubble gum machines. There is no need to draw a line in the sand ad declared grow ops ok but crack house is not. It's all fucking wrong it's all equally illegal period. An just to clarify the province of BC is soft jn crime and the chaos speaks for its self. So you put any thought into your blogs.
ReplyDeleteActually I don’t have it wrong. Harper came up with this stupid over reaching crime bill that will present us from implementing mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and both Ontario and Quebec are upset about it. There is a huge difference between smoking pot and smoking crack. Smoking pot calms you down and gives you an appetite. Smoking crack makes you a mal nourished crazed lunatic that will do a home invasion and attack a senior citizen for five dollars to buy more crack. Pot doesn’t do that to you. Many people have prescriptions for medicinal marijuana. I’m not condoning the use of pot, I’m saying there is a huge difference between the two and the one is so seriously affecting our community we really need to do something about it.
ReplyDeleteProblem is the lower main land is too easy on these shit heads. Remember coke isn't processed in Vancouver pot is and more times than not pot is what gives these knobs a trade benefit. They profit from both. Provincial government and the folks of all provinces will need to foot the bill! And you can thank the Liberals for that cause they allowed it get to this point. You can also thank te NDP for their retarded soft spot for these low lives. Harper is a least trying to mandate change. Look at the shit in the lower mainland its a breeding ground for people like this. The Harper government has only
ReplyDeleteActually had power for about 6 months. Those policies have barely come to the surface.
Harper is making it impossible for us to deal with the real issue by spending all our money on nonviolent crime. Harper just cut half a billion dollars from Veteran affairs. Another six months and we’ll be ready to hang him from a tree.
ReplyDeleteI not sure what party you back. And I really don't care. However I can tell you that the PC government can not be blamed for the situation in the lower mainland. How ever I can say with great confidence that the do nothing but lie liberals and the pot party we call the NDP had no plans to find a resolve for that situation. Now like any other part of media you want to use Remeberance day as leverage in yet trying to bash the current government. Well that isn't even what we were talking about, your grasping at straws. But since we are there now. Cuts are needed and not one area of society is exempt. With organized crime on the rise we as a whole need to fund prevention as well as jailing these dick hammers
ReplyDelete226 million is not half a billion. And federally it's a small cut.
ReplyDeleteI think that blind obedience to a dishonest politician who not only has a history of firing and slandering whistleblowers, also has a history of saying one thing and doing another is a dangerous road to travel on. Rationalizing that with dishonest stereotypes is misleading. I really don’t think Jack Layton from the NDP would have cut half a billion dollars from Veteran affairs to spend on a huge fleet of jets from a company one of his candidates lobbied for. I don’t support the legalization of pot but the Liberals and the NDP were both willing to support Harper’s crime bill before the last election if he took the amendment and removed the part about mandatory minimum sentences for growing pot. That section made the implementation of mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime financially impossible. BTW Abusive Harper supporter Rob Ford, the mayor of Toronto, was caught with pot when he was pulled over in Florida for a DUI.
ReplyDelete226 million is not half a billion but if you read the article that was after a previous cut he made to Veteran affairs which the news article claimed came to half a billion dollars in total.
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing, Jack Layton is dead and miss lead voters that he was fine and he wasn't. Also note he said he would do all but never ever explained where the funds would come from. Tax payers would foot the bill. Jack Layton was a very nice man! That said he was also a fraud who was caught in a rub and tug. And note Rob Ford is not making people happy but he's Doing what he said he would. You can not discredit a guy who has a record of being a hot head but is going ahead with his promises. That's what we call following through. ALSO JUST BECAUSE HE SUPPORTS THE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT DOESNT MEAN HE'S AFFILIATED WITH IT.
ReplyDeleteOMG Mislead voters? He had a relapse of cancer. When he came to Surrey he looked strong. After he had his relapse, in a short time he looked like a ghost. Chuck Cadman had a relapse in office. Terry Fox had a relapse during his run. That doesn’t mean they weren’t supposed to run the race to the end.
ReplyDeleteAll the dishonest lies about the NDP Stenotypes are offensive. Harper taxes and spends like Brian Mulroney and George Bush. They are not Conservatives they are Neo Cons. Rob Ford is an abusive liar.
Problem is you go on hear say and have no physical proof that any of these things have happened expecially when it comes to Rob Ford. You speculate rumours and are a media leach. Which means none of your sources have any merit. If any truth at all, your probably a gangster wannabe whom got cast away.
ReplyDeleteNo, the problem is you are making rationalizations for an abusive liar. He got drunk at a hockey game and was swearing at a couple. He made such a scene he had to be taken out by security. He denied it was him and denied he was even there. Later he finally admitted that he was there and it was him. He admitted it.
ReplyDeleteWe know he was pulled over in Florida for DUI and we know he refused to blow and what he said to the officer at the time. We also know he was caught with pot at the time. That is on the police record. He admitted the DUI then when asked why he didn’t mention anything about the pot he said he forgot about that part. That is what he said and what he admitted to.
We know he was caught talking on his cell phone in Toronto by a mother and daughter who told him to get off his cell phone while driving. We know there was an incident. She claimed he fingered her, he claimed her version of the events wasn’t accurate.
We know he did dial 911 for a nonemergency call when a satirical tv show showed up at his house for an interview. He apologized for using the f word on the 911 call but denied calling the operator bitches. When someone admits to something, that is not rumor. When a transcript is part of a police file, that has merit. There are YouTube videos of him being abusive to reporters and on City council. He was charged with beating his wife. The police came to the home and noticed the wife had injuries. The case was dropped and he jumped for joy claiming he was innocent. Rob Ford is a pig.
Actually, the transcript proved he used the f word, that said it was later real ears that he never did call her a bitch. Rumours, clearly you get your Toronto news from a bias source. Oh wait I live here. And corus radio is not creditable source that about covers all major radio across Canada. Nobody cares what he did prior to becoming mayor, actually that's why he's mayor cause he's a hot head and doesn't let stuff slide. I don't care about his personal life that's his personal life. He gets as much media as Harper and that's just awesome to me. If you spent half as much time thinking about the shit that matters, the business side of things you would see how effective he has been. How about the mayors of the lower mainland whom hide from their failure. Gang wars they have no way of stopping cause of their lax enforcement
ReplyDeleteBeing charged and being convicted oh wait just cause your charged your guilty? No actually conviction is everything, any useless officer can lay a charge. That said there is personal bias almost all the time. As for police transcripts, tou don't have access to. Oh wait but the chief of police does, and he himself reported to the media that half of what the media reported was false. See the media took a
ReplyDeleteCouple facts and blew it up to create a story. Much the same as you do. See I could probably go through most all of your stories and find that you take tit pics of info and add info as if it's factual and really it's your own personal bias.
Oh you had to go and used the b word. Rob Ford does not represent business. Promoting small business is good for business. Free enterprise and what not. Promoting corporate greed is not. Taxing small business and rewarding large companies for sending jobs overseas is not good for business. The HST is not good for business. Investment fraud is not good for business. Insider trading on jets is not good for business. Cutting pensions while raising public debt and taxes to pay for bank and stock bailouts based on fraud is not good for business. That lie is what they used to rationalize lying for and covering up for an abusive jack ass who beats his wife. Rob Ford is bad business.
ReplyDeleteActually, there was never a charge laid for him beating his wife, it was a rumour. But hey theres you misinforming people again. When your source is shit you lose credibility. Your like the guy who wants to know so bad that you make up shit just to make it seem like you do know. Or you listen to half a story and come up with your own conclusion. Like your blog on the bacons parents. Yes they knew and yes they profitted from it. We're thy directly involved who knows oh wait you do right?
ReplyDeleteYo man I’m not going to argue with you. There was a domestic dispute at Rob Ford’s home and the police were called. He admitted they were having problems. His wife had injuries and he was charged with assault. Pick another candidate!
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with the Right. I have no problem with business. I have a problem with neo con bullshit. Find someone who is an old school traditional conservative. Someone who doesn’t smoke pot, beat his wife, or drives under the influence. Someone who walks the walk. Someone who really does balance a budget and doesn’t engage in pork barrel politics. Someone who really does promote small business and lower taxes.
As for the Bacon brother’s parents did you read what was said in the court wiretaps? They knew what was going on and profited from it. Just like Rob Shannon’s father knew what was going on riding around in that stupid boat and that insanely expensive custom truck he used to pull it.
Fact is, I'd you really want to exploit a politician, you can exploit all of them. Even Jack Layton. What kills me is the amount of police officers you can exploit. At the end of the day very few people have a squeaky clean past. Ron Ford respectively won his place in Toronto. The rest figured they could do it and not include the surrounding areas. He snubs the media and I dont blame him. They stir the rumour mill constantly. As for the domestic it was a rumour and if you look further into it you'll see just that, the source is wrong. As for Harper I can't say it has effected me. My taxes are lower and I would treat pot dealers no different than those dealing in meth. They are very much linked period you can't deny that. Bottom line is change needed to happen. What bothered me most is your assumption that Rob Ford has anything to do with the PC party which he doesnt. He shares the values but does not represent it. I'm not arguing as much as I'm challenging your statement. Perhaps you should include your source when you illustrate a story. Cause these are not stories where you retreave your own material.