In what is being called one of the biggest drug busts in Grande Prairie history, four members of the 'Baseball Team' organization are facing drug and weapon charges after two kilograms of cocaine was seized from a vehicle on Saturday, Nov. 19.
Clayton Kelly Buhler, 44, of LaGlace, is facing seven charges, including possession of cocaine for the purposes of trafficking as well as possession of an unregistered restricted firearm. A third suspect from Grande Prairie, is facing three charges including possession of a prohibited weapon. Bradley Joseph Demont, 25, of Grande Prairie, is facing three charges as well.
Police say that these arrests are related to the arrest of Ralph McGuigan last month. McGuigan, who is a known member of the Demon Soldiers motorcycle gang, was arrested while in gang colours in possession of half a kilogram of cocaine. In total, on Nov. 19, police seized two kilograms of cocaine, a handgun, a loaded rifle, a taser and half a pound of marijuana.
So guess who the Baseball team and the Demon Soldiers work for? The Hells Angels. Surprise surprise. In the north, CISA says Hells Angels from B.C. "subsidize" a criminal group in Grande Prairie, while their Alberta counterparts back drug traffickers in Fort McMurray.
That the Hell's Angel's are behind cocaine sales in Ft. McMurray is news? Tens years ago maybe. Nice that they finally figured this out. Better late than never I guess.
ReplyDeleteThe Drug trade is Fort Mac is less and less the Hells Angels. The Somalians have pretty much taken it over. Well when it comes to the cocaine and crack anyways. Having watched the the town go from blooming to people smoking crack on the steps to the Roman Catholic church I can honestly say that the HA presence there is much smaller and less active. These Somalians are the ones who need to be on the radar for now. Not saying that the HA isn't going to crawl back out from under their rocks at some point... But I haven't seen them attacking, beating and/or stabbing people walking down the street for wearing the "wrong" color bandana or shirt.
ReplyDeleteWe hear the same BS all the time. The Hells angels keep denying their involvement when they are the driving force behind the drug trade. Take Surrey for example. You certainly won’t see Hells angels flying colors in support of the crack dealers there but you will see associates in support shirts and a sea of Hells Angel associates enforcing for the crack dealers there. One person said the Hells angels are barely involved there now. They just have one guy from Vancouver in charge. Exactly.
ReplyDeleteThey distance themselves from it but they are still the ones supplying and profiting from it. Sure they won’t beat someone up for wearing the wrong color bandana but they will sure shoot you dead for selling drugs in their area. In Montreal they befriended Greg Wooley. They made him a member of a puppet club called the Rockers and got him to set up his own finger puppet club called the Syndicate. That way the Hells angels were able to supply all the Crips in Montreal with cocaine.
I'm not saying that the HA aren't I'm just saying that it's not like it was even six
ReplyDeleteMonths ago. I live here, just like you live in Surrey. You know what's going on when it comes to your streets, as do I here. The Somalians are proud to say that they are trying to push out the HA. There was a bar here owned by an HA that was recently sold because of the Somalians going after his wife. In the past year there have been 4 reported incidents (nevermind the near death or severe beatings) where people wearing support clothes were beat to death. This town has cameras everywhere and these men are so proud that each beating was caught on tape. I know HA isnt great in a way you could never understand. I would NEVER stick up for them, but our problem in Fort Mac has gone HA bad to Somalian worse.
Somalians in Ft MacMurray?? Wow.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't think that problem would be too hard to solve... ;)
Milano? Unless your kid's are from Italy (Milan?) I think you mean "mulatto"? Just sayin'....IIRC correctly though the term is specific to 1st generation from black&white parents, these days PC'd as 'bi-racial'. Doesn't apply to mixed race white/something else.
ReplyDeleteThe Somali's may be mule'ing it up from Edmonton or Calgary, but I have $20 says they're buying it from Red&White. Obviously they are not observant muslims, drugs being haram in islam, unless of course you are selling to infidels. Then it is OK. "narcotics jihad" and all that.
There once was a time… I’m not saying you are racist I’m saying there’s a lot of racism in those small towns. Take the other Hells angel puppet club out there the White Boy Posse out of Edmonton. They’re all over Northern Alberta including Grand Prairie. Those guys aren’t just racists, they are freaking neo Nazi’s. That is a shameful embarrassment to our nation and the noble sacrifices that were made in WW I and II. Like I said, the Baseball Team were not Somalians they were affiliated with the Hells angels. That’s what this latest drug bust is about. First the White Boy Posse get busted selling crack for the Hells angels in GP now the Baseball Team. All I see is denial and finger pointing when it is very clear who the real problem is. And I don’t understand what being Italian has to do with anything.
ReplyDeleteAh, he was saying that his children are "Milano" when if he was indicating mixed race the closest thing I could think of was "Mulatto". Milan being a city in Italy...it was a small joke, where I threw the Italian thing in there. I found it a bit amusing that he would mess that up, IF in fact his kids were that. Especially seeing that no one uses that term any more, the preference being for the term bi-racial or something else.
ReplyDeleteI like how this guy is wearing a "Sons of Anarchy/Redwood Original" hoodie, SOA being a TV show about a fictional 1%'er club that is an obvious stand in for HA. (They have a former SF bay area HA member on set as an adviser and Sonny Barger appeared in an episode of the third season.) Real wanna-be's wearing clothing advertising a fake MC. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteI Googled Milano and it said some place in Italy. Yeah all these idiots have the Sons of Anarchy listed as their favorite TV Show. It’s like kids who never grew up going through a mid life crisis. I guess the point is, these are white guys connected to the Hells Angels selling drugs in small towns. We can’t blame the minorities for that.
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ReplyDeleteI will be watching to see if you approve my blog. If not, I will start my own blog.
ReplyDeleteHoly crack pipes lady feel free to start your own blog. Please do. The Baseball Team you refer to are enforcers for the Hells Angels drug trade. I said one source claims Brian MacFarlane was an enforcer for the Baseball Team and that is true. I have a source that claims he was. Please have your lawyer contact me at the e-mail provided on my profile. You claim you know that the night Brian died, I refused to let anyone in the hospital room to say goodbye. Wrong again lady. I live in Surrey, no where near the Baseball Teams drug deals. You think I am the RCMP? Open your eyes lady and take a look at what I've been writing about the RCMP lately.
ReplyDeleteIt most certainly doesn't make me happy Shaun Thexton is in the same prison as the people that killed Brian. I said it was problematic. His girlfriend has a really cute daughter. He shouldn't be affiliated with drug dealers and glorify the Hells Angels drug trade by wearing a stupid Sons of Anarchy hoody trying to impress people in his mid life crisis. Everyone has good and bad in them. The point of my blog is to point out that selling crack is bad as is enforcing for people who do.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHoly crack pipes is a sarcastic term I use when someone says something bizarre. Those pictures on Shaun's facebook were set to public. I don't have him on my friend's list. He was posting pictures of the Baseball Team logo to brag about his affiliation with a criminal organization and he posted pictures of his girlfriend's daughter to use a little girl as a front to hide his criminal activity. He was arrested for trafficking cocaine. That is not a charge I fabricated.
ReplyDeleteYes the Sons of Anarchy t-shirt is just a t-shirt. A Hells Angels support shirt is also just a t-shirt that carries meaning with it. Delusional old men wear Sons of Anarchy t-shirts because they know Sonny Barger works on the set and had a part in the series. It glorifies the drug trafficking and violent bullying the Hells Angels profit from.
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ReplyDeleteThat is a lie. I saw his picture and the picture of the little girl as well as the baseball team logo because it was set to public. I logged into facebook and looked at his profile that someone sent me a link to. If his setting were private I would not have been able to see them. Accessing his facebook through his phone is delusional. Look lady, if you're his girlfriend then do your daughter a favour and teach her not to get involved with drug dealers. If you are his girlfriend and if he was trafficking cocaine, then you have benefitted from the proceeds of crime. The picture I saw said this is my girl. It did not say wife. Nowadays people say partner because living common law is the same as being married. I am 50 to 60 years old and 40 is too old to be running around in teenybopper idol worship gear.
ReplyDeleteAgent K crushes the idiot hanger-ons to the hanger-ons to drug gangs.
ReplyDeleteFirst "whore17" is like "That picture of the non-gangster doesn't matter" then "It's a fake picture."
People like this don't realize how easy it is spot a truly pathological liar. They are simply not used to the idea of truthfulness.
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ReplyDeleteNo I just like to screen out the trailer trash. You make an anonymous threat mocking me for my anonymity. Isn't that ironic. Threatening to rape someone's daughter is deranged. That is why I am partially unanimous. They shoot people in the back and go after their family. Yet many already know who I am so I suppose my time is indeed limited.
ReplyDeleteProbly a good reason to fold up shop and head for the hills...
DeleteIt appears your lack of education, assumptions and accusations are pissing a lot of people off. I don't agree with the loss of innocent lives including that of my cousin (Ed Schellenberg). But your site is just adding fuel to the fire.
The first post I saw was your attack on Madchild of the Swollen Members (BC's most prominent Hip Hop group). You're telling me an artist with a drug addiction (that he overcame 17 months ago) and some shady friends deserves that kind of onslaught? Who are you to publicly defame someone because of their addictions, size and network? Madchild isn't a gangster!
I guess that makes me and everyone else who has grown up in this generation a bunch of scum too... Your site is a joke, your content is lacking some serious truth and credibility. Now you're pissing off the families of the people you're supposedly 'avenging'. Congratulations?
Yes my blog is a joke. So don't wait your time reading it. Shane Bunting is a punk. After admitting to blowing millions in an oxycontin and viagra addiction he wrote songs bragging about it and brags about his Hells Angels affiliations. You are not Ed Schellenberg's cousin.
DeleteThis blog isn't a joke.
DeleteIt's either a very sincere effort to counter crime written by a guy who has been personally affected by bikers, or it's an RCMP sponsored psy-op designed to utilise the perception of online anonymity in order to get folks to talk.
I just checked out one of your blogs, Eric. The one with the salvia links and no original content. You must be up to your eyes with traffic. I couldn't be bothered to check the other blog, since it's well known that online dollar chasing is the sole domain of douche bags, and I didn't want to get any of your yuck on me.
You criticise K for making assumptions, and then end your missive with the following: "I guess that makes me and everyone else who has grown up in this generation a bunch of scum too...".
Pot. Kettle. Black.
For someone whose own content falls short of even being described as shitty, I'd think you'd be a little more lenient with the criticism.
Madchild has chosen to have a career which puts him at risk of public criticism, and it's certainly fair enough that someone who holds sway over youngsters in the way he does should undergo scrutiny for acting like a raw douche. Being a member of BC's most prominent hip hop group is like being the mayor of a very small town. Everyone in a five block radius might know who you are, but on a larger scale, you're really nobody.
Now, go back to youtube to scalp someone else's content for your shitty blog, throw some Swollen Members on your ipod to travel back to 2001 when people actually listened to them, and leave the adults alone.
Wow. Just for the record I'm not a cop and I haven't been burned by bikers. Just lied to. That was all it took. I don't like what crack or crystal meth does to a community. Selling date rape drug is messed up as is the whole involvement with the Pickton farm and the violent take over of the prostitution industry.
DeleteHey, I gotta speculate about what might motivate a person to dawn the acne scarred mask of Tommy Lee Jones to fight crime online. Plus your stuff sort of skews toward other company line efforts I've seen RCMP use here in cyberspace. Call me jaded, but I just don't buy the altruistic reason, unless it's the warped altruism which is often used by military and police organisations to justify ugly policy.
DeleteDrugs are bad, and Pickton was monstrous, but as far as I'm concerned, the VPD and RCMP were easily as complicit, if not more, in the crimes against the women of Vancouver's East End by their inaction. The police know the players and could make a clean sweep of the streets until prisoners awaiting trial were stacked like cord wood. What's the real motivation behind their inaction? All one can do is speculate.
As for the date rape drug, it's a lot harder to come by than the media would have you believe, and it's more often than not used for recreational purposes than actually committing rapes. Running that flag up the pole creates a visceral response in readers, so let that sucker wave if it hooks you some new subscribers. We all need our own fan club these days, and as usual, catering to the lowest common denominator quickly pads the numbers. Especially amongst the "sprinkle thirty bucks worth of crack on a twenty bag of weed to get you hooked because weed on its own isn't pleasurable enough" crowd.
If you're not a cop, you've sure drank enough of their kool-aid.
Yeah, I'm Ed's 2nd cousin. But I wouldn't expect you to be right about that either. Bottom line 'K'... Your site is supposed to be doing something positive. It's not.
DeleteYour inaccuracy and negative stabs at celebs are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent gangs from growing throughout the country. You're just pissing people off and gaining the occasional brainwashed dick rider like Shaun here. (I'm sorry you didn't like my little school project blogs, Shaun. I'll try harder next time...).
As I said before, I'm not calling you out for your efforts with this blog or to end gang violence. That takes courage and perseverance. I just don't understand the need to make stuff up and take shots at people who aren't involved.
By the way @Shaun: That was a pretty full blown attack for an 'adult'. I'm actually proud of you for stringing that many words together with such cutting edge punctuation. Somehow, in all that text, you failed to add anything to the conversation. Your opinions are lame, closed minded and unimportant. If I wanted your angle, I'd ask any balding, 45-year-old, Rock 101 fan...
Brewbs: If you are related to Ed then you dishonour his memory. Ed was a good man. What you are promoting is not. I don't care if you don't like my web site. That is totally your right. I don't care if you don't like my abrasiveness, many don't. But to say that Shane Bunting is anything but a bitch is bizarre. Shaun is right about the being a mayor of a small town analogy. Yet Shane isn't a Canadian rapper. Drake is. Shane is just a very small guy who blew a lot of money of Oxy and Viagra then brags about it in his stupid songs wearing that ridiculous halloween mask. What about all those underage girls that show up at his venues in Kelowna? I will point out that you made this post in a thread about an individual who was caught in the largest cocaine bust in Grande Prairie's history which was obviously tied to the Hells Angels just as the Surrey Six murder was.
DeleteShaun: No worries. Those are the first two conclusions people generally come to. They either think I'm a cop or I was burnet by bikers. Pickton was a monster but I do not believe he acted alone. My concern isn't that the police just dragged their heels in the case. My concern is that off duty police officers attended parties at Piggy's Palace along with members of the Hells Angels. As for date rape drug, the Hells Angels were caught in the largest date rape drug seizure in Canada. 300 litres were found with a Hells Angel in Haney and a Hells Angels associate in Toronto. That in my opinion is serious. The latest news is that a 7 year old girl in Langley just OD'd on some.
DeleteEric, I'm not really shocked that the best you could come up with for an insult was to describe my punctuation as 'cutting edge'. There's nothing really innovative about the way I lay out my sentences, but good for you! You know how to spell punctuation, which is more than I'd expect from someone who's spent two years getting a business diploma but claims to have a BBA. Now you just have to work on your vocabulary a little more, and you'll be slinging shit with the best of us in no time.
DeleteMaybe next time I have a massive blood stain in my basement that needs cleaned, I'll call the place you work at and request that you come out to give me a quote. It'd be nice to have an open exchange of ideas face to face. I might be able to help you look a little more like your avatar photo, since you seem to like the look.
Maybe you've just listened to (or eaten) too much Swollen Members. That's the problem with the tough guy rap: it inspires little shits to think they're something hard when they're not. It didn't take too long for your boy Madchild to fold behind his fifteen minutes of fame, and my guess is you'd crumble a lot faster in the face of lesser demons. After all, you changed your entire profile after being called a few names on the internet.
When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?
K: I'm promoting the fact that you should focus your energy on things that will actually stop gang violence. Take it or leave it. On the subject of Ed, if you knew him - or anything about him for that matter - you would agree that he would be supportive of the fact that I'm calling you out on these points. I'll promise you that I'm done with you and your blog now, I won't be checking for a reply.
DeleteShaun: Your responses make me laugh dude.. That's the problem with the INTERNET! Everyone's 10 feet tall and bulletproof behind their computer screen nowadays aren't they? Allow me to outline how stupid you look:
1) For someone on the GANGSTERS OUT blog... you're trying to act pretty gangster by uttering threats, talking about bloodstained basements and trying to intimidate me.
Grow up, I can see right through that shit. Considering you just said "it inspires little shits to think they're something hard when they're not"... slow clap.
2) You've obviously spent a lot of time researching my outdated profiles online (probably have my address too).
Need a life? In regards to the (face to face) comment: You can request your quote DIRECTLY to the email in my PROFILE!
3) You write consistently long and angry replies to multiple users on this site. Perhaps another sign you need a life? The only reason I've come back is to see what kind of halfwit replies you and 'K' thought up.
4) You're talking shit about me changing an outdated profile, but wait... YOU'RE TALKING SHIT FROM BEHIND A BLOCKED PROFILE!
Yeah... You're really making an ass of me Shaun.
As I said to 'K', I won't be visiting this waste of internet real estate again. You know what to do if you'd like to carry this on...
Brewhaha: You do have a valid point about focussing on doing things to stop gang violence. You have every right to disagree with my MO. You will carry on in your world and I will in mine. My point was, you post a comment on a blog post about an individual who was charged in the largest cocaine bust in Grande Prairie's history. He was tied to a puppet group that worked for the Hells Angels. Making that kind of information public is in my opinion the only way we can work towards stopping gang violence which is a war over drug turf just as the Surrey Six murder was which resulted in Ed's tragic murder. Could I drop the sarcasm? Sure but my point is that we shouldn't be hiding or covering up the crimes of these people any more. Shane Bunting is not a talented musician and he is clearly still part of the problem because of what he endorses. Good luck on your journey.
DeleteThere was another comment by a third party calling me out for the sake of Ed Schellenberg. For the life of me I can't find the comment. I'm sure I pressed publish not delete. Regardless, I will say this: I never met Ed Schellenberg. All I know is that he, along with Chris Mohan, was an innocent victim of gang violence connected to you know who. Anyone who rationalizes drug or gang violence dishonours his memory regardless of whether or not Ed would approve of my MO.
DeleteI have heard Steve Brown publically criticize our court judges. Would Ed have disapproved of that? I don't know. I would hope not. All I know is that Chris Mohan's mother made a public appeal for a website identifying known gang members. She said they didn't know they were living next to gang members. Had they known, her son might not have been murdered. When I heard her plea I thought to myself I could do that. Obviously, Eileen Mohan is a nicer person than I am. No doubt she doesn't condone my sarcasm. Likely, she doesn't agree with my politics. Yet in a democratic society it is our duty to speak up.
"Grow a sack and make yourself public." Spoken by someone using an anonymous username. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteJason Watson.Burnaby BC <thats how you show your balls
ReplyDeleteAgent K grow a sack and make yourself public !
you sit on here and lie your face off and post peoples names and say shit thats not true daily.lets see you grow some and be a man.you have accused a close friend of being something he is not and smeared a dead mans name.you sit on here and talk shit nonstop about things you have no idea about playing guessing games.its a joke.man up
Jason, yeah right. I have not lied. Cite the quote. I have not said anything that is untrue. Shaun Thexton brags about being a member of the GP Baseball team. My sources claim that is a Hells Angels puppet club. They were implicated in the largest cocaine bust in Grand Prairie's history. Those are facts. I most certainly didn't make any of that up. My sources tell me that Brian MacFarlane was an enforcer for the Baseball team. I did not make that up. His association with Shaun Thexton would support that claim.
ReplyDeleteThat is a bold faced lie. The Baseball Team worked for the Hells Angels just like the Demon Soldiers did. This was an old post that I missed. I have now deleted his name. However, as you have found out, there is no code. They worship the almighty dollar and have no loyalty to each other whatsoever.
Deleteinformant . With that being said there was no victims i that situation , all parties knew what they were dealing with and the consequences that could arise being so stupid when you're a criminal like they were . Chris Brisson is a piece of shit , rat , goof , skinner who deserved to get a bullet in his head that night . This Chris is the kind of guy who would drug young women and do what he likes or use drugs to get chicks . He's a piece of shit and lower than any HA member I've ever met . I'm not a fan of the HA and will never speak to them cause of certain things so it's not like I'm a fanboy or wannabee . There was a time when I was in the scene and knew some of the guys but those days are long gone cause I don't like the limelight . I don't mind your website , I just like accurate info and once again there was no kid involve that night , Curtis Benoit the other "victim" that night is the size of a kid weighing about 120 pounds if that and is maybe 5"2 . No1 was hit with a hammer and no1 was shot at cause Chris got his cousin Cara(RIP) to tell him that they were on their way down . Before he got out of there he called Curtis(his cousin) to come get him and Chris took off and ran too a payphone and called the cops as usual to some save his ass . So Curtis pulled up shortly after Chris ran off , leaving Curtis to deal with the 2 who came down to fuck Chris up(real nice guy), once the guys got there they seen Curtis and thought Chris was in there and whent hey realized he wasn't they started to smash the windows out on Curtis's car with a hammer . No1 was even hit and how do I know ??? Curtis called me and told me everything right after it happened !!!!!! We used to be good friends but I warned him not to deal with Chris cause Chris is NG where we are from . He ratted out his best friend and multiple other friends , he was a paid informant for years and a major crackhead who went arund rippin off whoever he could in Winnipeg and when he got in trouble he would make deals with cops to get off .He went into the witness protection program named Xavier but got kicked out cause he;s a fucking crakhead . He's now serving 10 years 4 home invasion where a 13 year old and her dad was there and they couldnt find what they were looking for and started to threaten the dad with raping his teenage girl in front of him. He got caught redhanded on that 1 with Rick Petrofski . He tried to work a deal with the crown in order to testify against Shawn and Tiny in the hammer case but the crown finally stopped allowing or making deals with a piece of shit like this . He was demanding time off for his testimony and when the crown said no he refused to testify , he thinks he's still solid for this and still ahs street cred when in reality theres a bullet with his name on it . He's washed up and will never be trusted or liked in the criminal underworld . So much for your kid and victims from the hammer attack , I'll tell you one more time this guy Chris is much worse than most bikers I've met and I'm not sugarcoating anything , atleast with the bikers I know what to expect , with a snake you never know their next move . The funny thing is Chris wanted to be a HA as a teenager and in the early 20's he had books about them and was rolling with the 1st group that tried to establish HA charter being the Redliners , not the now Redlined but Redliners , Scotty "Taz" Robertson actually was one of the leaders of that group then and he also turned out to be a big rat cause he didn't have what it took to become a member and was butthurt so he got paid and dropped dimes on some serious people , it's one thing to drop dimes on Winnipeg bikers but he took down some BC guys and that won't go without consequences , if they can find him !!!
ReplyDeleteI do agree some of your info is totally off and makes me think you have personal grudges instead of just bringing this shit out for the public . Your comments on guys eyebrows and hair and body types are a little strange . I've told you 100% accurate info on a situation that occurred in Winnipeg with Tiny and Shawn Wolfe and you still talk about that situation with no accuracy whatsoever !!! I knew the "victims" involved and they weren't innocent people in any way . The man who they were after wasn't a kid , he was a grown man who robbed and jacked people in the drug trade and was also a
ReplyDeleteI'm just sceptical because I'm hearing conflicting reports. "They" always say they killed someone because he ripped them off even when he didn't. I.E. Geoff Meisner.
Deletehttp://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/girls-ordeal-terrifying-judge-96034599.html here's a link to the home invasion .
ReplyDelete"Mistakenly targeted her West Kildonan residence because they thought it was a crack den." Tragic.
DeletePlease remove his picture from this page. He is gone and had lived a legitimate life since released from Peace River. It is time for you to let him go. He suffered enough, so I would appreciate him being removed.
ReplyDeleteDone. I've fallen behind over christmas. What I said was true, but everything has it's time and place. I'm sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I really do appreciate it,